409 | AccountTypeOrStatusMismatch | You cannot perform the action on the member account. | 成员类型或状态不匹配。 | 诊断 |
409 | DeleteConflict.Folder.Account | This folder has accounts. | 资源夹下存在成员,请先移除成员。 | 诊断 |
409 | DeleteConflict.Folder.SubFolder | This folder has sub folders. | 资源夹下存在子资源夹,请先删除子资源夹。 | 诊断 |
409 | DeleteConflict.Policy.Group | The policy cannot be attached to any group when you delete it. | 删除权限策略前,此权限策略不能被授予任何组。 | 诊断 |
409 | DeleteConflict.Policy.Role | The policy cannot be attached to any role when you delete it. | 删除权限策略前,此权限策略不能被授予任何角色。 | 诊断 |
409 | DeleteConflict.Policy.User | Before deleting the policy, it may not be attached to any user. | 删除权限策略前,此权限策略不能被授予任何用户。 | 诊断 |
409 | DeleteConflict.Policy.Version | You must delete all non-default versions before you delete the policy. | 删除权限策略前,必须删除此权限策略上的所有非默认版本。 | 诊断 |
409 | DeleteConflict.Policy.Version.Default | You cannot delete the default policy version. | 无法删除正在使用的权限策略版本。 | 诊断 |
409 | DeleteConflict.ResourceDirectory.Account | Failed to delete the resource directory because one or more member accounts exist. We recommend that you first remove these member accounts. | 资源目录内存在成员,请先移除成员。 | 诊断 |
409 | DeleteConflict.ResourceGroup.Resource | Failed to delete the resource group because one or more cloud resources exist in the resource group. Try again later after you release the cloud resources. | 资源组下存在云资源,请先释放资源。 | 诊断 |
409 | DeleteConflict.ResourceGroup.Status | You cannot perform an operation on a resource group that is being created or deleted. | 资源组正在创建或正在删除时不允许操作。 | 诊断 |
409 | DeleteConflict.Role.Policy | The role cannot have any attached policies when you delete it. | 删除角色前,角色不能有任何权限策略。 | 诊断 |
409 | EnterpriseInvoiceTitleError | The invoice title of the specified account is invalid. You must specify a valid invoice title. | 账号无企业发票抬头,请完善企业发票抬头信息。 | 诊断 |
409 | EnterpriseNameMismatch | Your account does not have the same enterpriseName as the master account. | 当前账号的企业名称与主账号的企业名称不一致。 | 诊断 |
409 | EnterpriseRealNameVerificationError | The specified account does not pass enterprise real-name verification. We recommend you first complete enterprise real-name verification for the account. | 当前账号未经过企业实名认证。请您先完成企业实名认证。 | 诊断 |
409 | EntityAlreadyExists.Handshake | Handshakes with the same target entity already exist. | 被邀请方已存在邀请记录,请先处理邀请。 | 诊断 |
409 | EntityAlreadyExists.Policy | The policy already exists. | 权限策略已存在。 | 诊断 |
409 | EntityAlreadyExists.ResourceDirectory | The resource directory for the account is already enabled. We recommend that you do not enable the resource directory again. | 账号已开通资源目录,请勿重复开通。 | 诊断 |
409 | EntityAlreadyExists.ResourceDirectory.Account | The email address that the system generates when you create a member account already exists. Try again later. | 创建成员时系统生成的邮箱已被占用,请重试。 | 诊断 |
409 | EntityAlreadyExists.ResourceGroup | The specified name of the resource group already exists. You must specify a valid name. | 资源组标识已被占用,请更换其他标识。 | 诊断 |
409 | EntityAlreadyExists.Role | The role already exists. | 角色已存在。 | 诊断 |
409 | EntityAlreadyExists.Role.Policy | This policy is already attached to the role. | 指定角色已被授予此权限策略。 | 诊断 |
409 | EntityAlreadyExists.User.Policy | This policy is already attached to the user. | 指定用户已被授予此权限策略。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExist.Group.Policy | This policy is not attached to the group. | 组未被授予此权限策略。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExist.Policy | The policy does not exist. | 权限策略不存在。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExist.Policy.Version | The policy version does not exist. | 权限策略版本不存在。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExist.Role | The role does not exist. | 角色不存在。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExist.Role.Policy | This policy is not attached to the role. | 角色未被授予此权限策略。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExist.User.Policy | This policy is not attached to the user. | 用户未被授予此权限策略。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExists.Account | This resource directory account does not exist. | 成员不存在,请先创建成员。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExists.AccountRecord | This resource directory account recordId does not exist. | 记录ID不存在或已被删除。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExists.Folder | The resource directory folder does not exist. | 资源夹不存在,请先创建资源夹。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExists.Handshake | The specified handshake does not exist. | 邀请不存在,请指定正确的邀请。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExists.Quota | The quota does not exist. | Quota记录不存在 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExists.ResourceDirectory | The resource directory for the account is not enabled. We recommend that you first enable the resource directory for the account. | 当前账号未启用资源目录,请先启用资源目录。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExists.ResourceGroup | The specified resource group does not exist. You must first create a resource group. | 资源组不存在,请先创建资源组。 | 诊断 |
409 | HandshakeStatusMismatch | The invitation is invalid. | 握手状态不匹配或邀请已失效。 | 诊断 |
404 | Inactive | Resource Management or Resource Access Management is not activated under the account. We recommend that you first activate the two services. | 账号未开通资源组或访问控制服务,请先开通这两个服务。 | 诊断 |
409 | Invalid.AccountType | The specified profile type of account is invalid. | 账号类型无效,请您使用企业类型账号。 | 诊断 |
409 | Invalid.EnterpriseName | The specified enterprise name of account is empty. | - | 诊断 |
409 | Invalid.PayRelation | Failed to create a member. The specified billing account is unavailable. Please change to another billing account and try again. | 成员创建失败。您选择的结算账号不可用,请更换后重新尝试。 | 诊断 |
409 | Invalid.ResourceGroup.Status | You cannot perform an operation on a resource group that is being created or deleted. | 资源组正在创建或正在删除时不允许操作。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified parameter is invalid. | 参数无效 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Account.DisplayName | The DisplayName of account is invalid. | 显示名无效,请输入字符或汉字,可包含汉字、英文字母、数字、下划线(_)、半角句号(.)和短划线(-)。 | 诊断 |
409 | InvalidParameter.Account.DisplayName.AlreadyUsed | The displayname of account has been used. | 显示名已被占用,请更换其他名称。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Account.DisplayName.Length | The DisplayName of the account exceeds the length limit. | 显示名长度超出限制,长度为2~50个字符或汉字。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.AccountId | The AccountId is invalid. | 成员ID无效,请输入16位账号ID。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.AssumeRolePolicyDocument.Length | The maximum length of the trust policy document of the role is exceeded. | 角色信任策略长度超出限制。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.ChildId | The ChildId is invalid. | 子资源夹ID无效,资源夹ID应以“r-”开头+6位数字或英文字母或以“fd-”开头+10位数字或英文字母。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Comments.Length | The maximum length of Note is exceeded. | 备注长度超出限制。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Description.Length | The maximum length of the description is exceeded. It must not exceed 1024 characters. | 描述长度超限。最大不得超过1024个字符。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.DestinationFolderId | The DestinationFolderId is invalid. | 目标资源夹ID无效,资源夹ID应以“r-”开头+6位数字或英文字母或以“fd-”开头+10位数字或英文字母。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.DisplayName.Length | The maximum length of DisplayName is exceeded. | 参数DisplayName长度超出范围。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Email | The Email is invalid. | 邮箱格式错误。 | 诊断 |
409 | InvalidParameter.Email.AlreadyUsed | The email has been used. | 邮箱已被占用,请更换其他邮箱。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Folder.Name | The Name of folder is invalid. | 资源夹名称无效。请输入汉字、英文字母、数字、下划线(_)、点号(.)和短划线(-)。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Folder.Name.AlreadyUsed | The folder name has been used. | - | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Folder.Name.Length | The Name of folder exceeds the length limit. | 资源夹名称长度超出限制,长度为1~24个字符或汉字。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.FolderId | The FolderId is invalid. | 资源夹ID无效,资源夹ID应以“r-”开头+6位数字或英文字母或以“fd-”开头+10位数字或英文字母。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.HandshakeId | The HandshakeId is invalid. | 邀请ID无效,邀请ID应以“h-”开头+16位数字或英文字母。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.MaxResults | The MaxResults is invalid. | MaxResults参数错误 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Name.InvalidChars | The specified resource group name is invalid. The name must be 1 to 30 characters in length and can contain letters and digits. | - | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Name.Length | The maximum length of Name is exceeded. | 参数Name长度超出范围。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.NewAssumeRolePolicyDocument.Length | The maximum length of the new trust policy document of the role is exceeded. | 新角色信任策略长度超出限制。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.NewComments.Length | The maximum length of Note is exceeded. | 备注长度超出限制。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.NewDisplayName.Length | The maximum length of NewDisplayName is exceeded. | 参数NewDisplayName长度超出范围。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.NextToken | The NextToken is invalid. | NextToken参数错误 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.NextToken.Length | The maximum length of NextToken (256 characters) is exceeded. | NextToken长度超限(最大256个字符) | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Note | The Note is invalid. | Note无效。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Note.Length | The maximum length of Note (256 characters) is exceeded. | Note超长(最大256个字符) | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.ParentFolderId | The ParentFolderId is invalid. | 父资源夹ID无效,资源夹ID应以“r-”开头+6位数字或英文字母或以“fd-”开头+10位数字或英文字母。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Payer | The specified Payer is invalid. | 结算账号无效,请更换结算账号。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.PolicyDocument.Length | The maximum length of the policy document is exceeded. It must not exceed 2048 characters. | - | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.PolicyName.InvalidChars | The policy name contains invalid characters. It must only contain upper or lower case letters, numbers, and dash (-). | 策略名称包含非法字符。策略名称仅可包含大小写字母、数字以及中划线(-)。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.PolicyName.Length | The length of the policy name is invalid. It must be 1 to 64 characters in length. | - | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.PolicyType | The specified policy type is invalid. | 无效的权限策略类型。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.PrincipalName.Empty | You must specify PrincipalName. | 参数PrincipalName不能为空。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.QuotaName | The QuotaName is invalid. | QuotaName无效 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.QuotaValue | The QuotaValue is invalid. | QuotaValue无效 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.ResourceId | The ResourceId is invalid. | ResourceId参数错误 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.RoleName.InvalidChars | The specified role name contains invalid characters. | 角色名称包含无效字符。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.RoleName.Length | The maximum length of the role name is exceeded. | 角色名称长度超出限制。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.RoleName.Prefix | Role name prefix AliyunServiceRoleFor can only be used for Service Linked Roles. | AliyunServiceRoleFor角色名前缀只能用于服务关联角色。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Status | The specified Status is invalid. | 参数Status无效。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Target | The Target is invalid. | 共享目标传参错误 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.TargetEntity | The TargetEntity is invalid. | 目标实体无效,请指定账号UID/账号登录邮箱。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Targets | The Targets is invalid. | 共享目标的参数不符合规则 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Targets.Duplicate | The Targets contains duplicate values. | 共享目标有重复项 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Targets.Length | The maximum number of Targets (5) is exceeded. | 共享目标数量超限(最大5个) | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.TargetType | The TargetType is invalid. | 邀请类型无效,请指定账号UID/账号登录邮箱。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.VersionId.Format | The specified version ID is invalid. | 权限策略版本ID格式错误。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidTarget | The target you are sharing does not exist in your resource directory. | 共享目标不在共享者的资源目录内 | 诊断 |
409 | LatestActionNotFinished | The request is being processed. | 请求正在执行中… | 诊断 |
409 | LegalEntityMismatch | Your account does not have the same legal entity as the master account. | - | 诊断 |
409 | LimitExceeded.Account | The maximum number of member accounts in a resource directory exceeds the limit. | 资源目录中的成员数量超出限制。 | 诊断 |
409 | LimitExceeded.Folder.Depth | The folder depth exceeds the limit of 5. | 资源夹层级超出限制,除了根资源夹最多只能创建5个层级。 | 诊断 |
409 | LimitExceeded.Frequency | The frequency of request exceeds limit. | 请求频率过高,请稍后重试。 | 诊断 |
409 | LimitExceeded.Group.Policy | The maximum number of policies attached to this group is exceeded. | 用户组授予的权限策略数超出限制。 | 诊断 |
409 | LimitExceeded.InvitationRate | The number of invitations sent exceeds the limit. | 发送邀请数量超出限制,每日最多只能发送20条邀请。 | 诊断 |
409 | LimitExceeded.PageSize | The pagesize exceeds limit of 10. | 分页大小超出限制,最多只能为10页。 | 诊断 |
409 | LimitExceeded.Policy | The maximum number of policies is exceeded. | 权限策略数超出限制。 | 诊断 |
409 | LimitExceeded.Policy.Version | The maximum number of policy versions is exceeded. | 权限策略版本数超出限制。 | 诊断 |
409 | LimitExceeded.ResourceGroup | Failed to create the resource group because the maximum number of resource groups is exceeded. You can create a maximum of 30 resource groups. | - | 诊断 |
409 | LimitExceeded.Role | The maximum number of roles is exceeded. | 角色数量超出限制。 | 诊断 |
409 | LimitExceeded.Role.Policy | The maximum number of policies attached to this role is exceeded. | 角色授予的权限策略数超出限制。 | 诊断 |
409 | LimitExceeded.User.Policy | The maximum number of policies attached to this user is exceeded. | 用户授予的权限策略数超出限制。 | 诊断 |
409 | MalformedPolicyDocument | The policy format is invalid. | 策略格式错误。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.Account.DisplayName | You must specify DisplayName. | 显示名缺失,请指定显示名。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.AccountId | You must specify AccountId. | AccountID不能为空 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.ChildId | You must specify ChildId. | 子资源夹ID缺失,请指定目标ID。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.DestinationFolderId | You must specify DestinationFolderId. | 目标资源夹ID缺失,请指定目标ID。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.Email | You must specify Email. | 邮箱缺失,请指定邮箱。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.Folder.Name | You must specify the resource folder name. | 资源夹名称缺失,请指定资源夹名称。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.FolderId | You must specify FolderId. | 资源夹ID缺失,请指定目标ID。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.HandshakeId | You must specify HandshakeId. | 邀请ID缺失,请指定目标ID。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.Id | You must specify Id. | ID不能为空 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.Name | You must specify Name. | 参数Name为必填参数。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.Note | You must specify Note. | Note不能为空 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.QuotaName | You must specify QuotaName. | QuotaName不能为空 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.QuotaValue | You must specify QuotaValue. | QuotaValue不能为空 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.RecordId | You must specify RecordId. | 记录ID缺失,请指定目标ID。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.ResourceGroupId | Failed to create the resource group because the specified resource group ID is invalid. You must specify a valid resource group ID. | 资源组标识缺失,请输入资源组标识。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.ResourceOwner | You must specify ResourceOwner. | ResourceOwner参数缺失 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.TargetEntity | You must specify TargetEntity. | 邀请方信息缺失,请指定目标实体。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.TargetType | You must specify TargetType. | 邀请类型缺失,请指定目标类型。 | 诊断 |
403 | NoPermission | You are not authorized to perform the operation. | 没有权限进行这个操作。 | 诊断 |
409 | NotSupport.Account | You can only perform this operation for a sub-user. | 只支持子用户访问。 | 诊断 |
409 | NotSupport.Account.Site | The caller is not a China site account, which is not supported. | 当前账号所属站点错误,请更换为中国站账号。 | 诊断 |
409 | NotSupport.AccountInAnotherResourceDirectory | The specified account is an Alibaba Cloud account or already exists in another resource directory. | - | 诊断 |
409 | NotSupport.Bid | End users from the International site cannot visit the BID. | Bid不支持国际站用户访问。 | 诊断 |
409 | NotSupport.CallerType | Your account type doe not support the operation. | - | 诊断 |
409 | NotSupport.PayerAccountInAnotherResourceDirectory | The specified settlement account does not exist in the resource directory. You must specify a valid settlement account. | - | 诊断 |
409 | NotSupport.ServiceLinkedRole | Cannot perform the operation on this service linked role. | 无法操作该服务关联角色 | 诊断 |
409 | OperationUnsupported.AccountTypeOrStatusMismatch.ResendPromoteResourceAccountEmail | The account type or status does not match when resending resource account promotion email. | 成员类型或状态不匹配。 | 诊断 |
409 | QuotaExceeded.Account.Count | The number of resource directory accounts exceeds the quota. | 资源目录中的成员数量超出限制,最多只能创建20个成员。 | 诊断 |
404 | QuotaExceeded.CreateAccount.Count | The number of accounts that a master account can create exceeds the quota. | 主账号创建的成员数量超出限制,最多只能创建20个成员。 | 诊断 |
409 | QuotaExceeded.Folder.Count | The number of folders exceeds the quota. | 资源夹数量超出限制。 | 诊断 |
404 | ResourceDirectoryNotInUse | The specified account is not an Alibaba Cloud account or a member account of the resource directory. | 当前账号不是主账号或不是资源目录的成员。 | 诊断 |
404 | SpecifiedResourceDirectoryNotExists | The specified resource directory does not exist. You must specify a valid resource directory. | 资源目录不存在,请指定正确的资源目录。 | 诊断 |
409 | UnsupportedOperation.UpdateDefaultResourceGroup | You cannot change the name of the default resource group. | 默认资源组的名称不允许修改。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExist.ServiceLinkedRole.DeletionTask | The deletion task for the given ID does not exist. | 该服务相关角色的删除任务不存在。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.DeletionTaskId.Length | The length of DeletionTaskId must be between 26 and 255 characters. | 参数DeletionTaskId长度超限。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExist.ServiceLinkedRoleTemplate | The Service Linked Role template does not exist. | 该服务相关角色模板不存在。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExist.Service | The service does not exist. | 该服务不存在。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.DeletionTaskId | The DeletionTaskId is invalid. | 参数DeletionTaskId无效。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.CustomSuffix.InvalidChars | The parameter CustomSuffix contains invalid characters. | 参数CustomSuffix包含无效字符。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Description.NotAllowed | Custom description is not allowed for default service linked role. | - | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.NewMaxSessionDuration | The NewMaxSessionDuration is invalid. | 参数NewMaxSessionDuration无效。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.MaxSessionDuration | The parameter MaxSessionDuration is invalid. | 参数MaxSessionDuration无效。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExist.ServiceLinkedRole | This role exists but is not a Service Linked Role. | 该角色存在,但不是服务关联角色。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Language | The parameter Language is invalid. | 参数Language不合法。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.CustomSuffix.Length | The maximum length of the parameter CustomSuffix is exceeded. | 参数CustomSuffix长度超限。 | 诊断 |
400 | NotSupport.Policy | The policy can only be attached to a Service Linked Role. | 该授权策略只能授给服务关联角色。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.CustomSuffix.NotAllowed | Custom suffix is not allowed for this Service Linked Role. | 该服务关联角色不支持自定义后缀。 | 诊断 |
409 | NoRealNameAuthentication | The account invited has not passed real-name authentication. | 被邀请账号无实名认证。 | 诊断 |
409 | MissingAccountRealName | The name of the invited account is not specified. | 该邀请账号没有名称信息。 | 诊断 |
409 | LimitExceeded.SameTargetInvitationRate | The number of invitations sent to the same account exceeds the limit. | 针对同一账号的邀请次数超出限制。 | 诊断 |
409 | InvalidControlPolicyEnablementStatus | The control policy enablement status is not valid to perform this operation. | 在当前的管控策略启用状态下,无法进行此操作。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.PolicyId | You must specify PolicyId. | 参数PolicyId缺失。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.PolicyId | The parameter PolicyId is invalid. | 参数PolicyId不合法。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExists.ControlPolicy | The specified control policy does not exist. | 管控策略不存在。 | 诊断 |
409 | LimitExceeded.ControlPolicy | The maximum number of policies is exceeded. | 管控策略数量超出限制。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.PolicyName | You must specify PolicyName. | 参数PolicyName缺失。 | 诊断 |
409 | EntityAlreadyExists.ControlPolicy | The control policy already exists. | 管控策略已存在。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.EffectScope | You must specify EffectScope. | 参数EffectScope缺失。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.EffectScope | The parameter EffectScope is invalid. | 参数EffectScope不合法。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.PolicyDocument | You must specify PolicyDocument. | 参数PolicyDocument缺失。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.NewPolicyName.Length | The maximum length of the parameter NewPolicyName is exceeded. | 参数NewPolicyName超出限定长度。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.NewPolicyName.InvalidChars | The parameter NewPolicyName contains invalid characters. | 参数NewPolicyName包含不合法字符。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.NewDescription.Length | The maximum length of the parameter NewDescription is exceeded. | 参数NewDescription超出限定长度。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.NewPolicyDocument.Length | The maximum length of the parameter NewPolicyDocument is exceeded. | - | 诊断 |
409 | ControlPolicyNotEnabled | The control policy has not been enabled. | 管控策略未处于Enabled状态下。 | 诊断 |
409 | EntityAlreadyExists.ControlPolicyAttachment | The specified control policy has already been attached to the specified target. | 指定目标已关联该管控策略。 | 诊断 |
409 | LimitExceeded.ControlPolicyAttachment | The maximum number of control policies on the specified target is exceeded. | 管控策略绑定数量超出限制。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingParameter.TargetId | You must specify TargetId. | 参数TargetId缺失。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.TargetId | The parameter TargetId is invalid. | 参数TargetId不合法。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExists.Target | The specified target does not exist in the resource directory. | 关联目标在资源目录中不存在。 | 诊断 |
409 | DeleteConflict.AttachedPolicy | The control policy has been attached and cannot be deleted. | 无法删除已被关联的管控策略。 | 诊断 |
409 | DeleteConflict.SystemControlPolicy | The control policy is a system policy and cannot be deleted. | 系统管控策略无法删除。 | 诊断 |
409 | LastControlPolicyOnTarget | The last control policy on a target cannot be detached. | 目标的最后一个管控策略不能被解除关联。 | 诊断 |
409 | CanNotBeDetached.FullAliyunAccess | The system policy FullAliyunAccess cannot be detached. | 系统策略FullAliyunAccess不允许被解除关联。 | 诊断 |
404 | EntityNotExists.ControlPolicyAttachment | The specified control policy on the specified target does not exist. | 指定目标上的指定管控策略不存在。 | 诊断 |
409 | Throttling.EnableControlPolicy | The operation is too frequent. Please try again later. | 启用管控策略操作过于频繁,请稍后再试。 | 诊断 |
429 | ConcurrentCallNotSupported | The operation conflicts with other operations. Please try again later. | 当前操作与其他操作冲突,请稍后再试。 | 诊断 |
400 | NotSupport.PolicyDocument.NotAction | The specified NotAction is not supported. | 不支持NotAction参数。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.PolicyDocument.Effect | The specified Effect is invalid. | Effect参数无效。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.PolicyDocument.Action | The specified Action is invalid. | Action参数无效。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidParameter.PolicyDocument.PrincipalARNValue | The condition value of PrincipalARN is invalid. | PrincipalARNValue参数无效。 | 诊断 |