



HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述操作
400ResourceConfiguringThe specified resource is being configured. Try again later.资源有配置正在下发,请配置完成后再试。诊断
400ResourceInOperatingThe specified resource is being used. Please try later.当前资源正在操作中,请求稍后重试。诊断
400ConfigSynchronizingThe network configuration is being synchronized. Try again later.配置正在同步中,请稍后再试。诊断
400ConfigUnsynchronizedThe network configuration is not synchronized.网络配置未同步。诊断
400SAG.InstanceNoFoundThe specified SAG instance does not exist.智能接入网关实例不存在。诊断
400SAG.SoftwareNotSupportThe specified SAG software edition instance does not support ACL.智能接入网关软件版实例不支持ACL。诊断
400Sag.DeviceNotExistThe specified device does not exist.当前设备不存在。诊断
403SmartAccessGatewayNotOnlineThe specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。诊断
403FeatureNotSupportThe current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this feature.智能接入网关当前版本不支持该功能特性。诊断
403FeatureNotSupportForActiveSmartAGThe current edition of the active smart access gateway does not support this feature.主智能接入网关的当前版本不支持该功能特性。诊断
403FeatureNotSupportForStandBySmartAGThe current edition of the standby smart access gateway does not support this feature.备智能接入网关的当前版本不支持该功能特性。诊断
403InternalErrorAn internal server error occurred.内部服务错误。诊断
403ForbiddenUser not authorized to operate on the specified resource.用户没有操作此资源的权限。诊断
400SmartAccessGatewayInArrearsThe specified Smart Access Gateway has expired.该智能接入网关已经到期停服,请续费。诊断
400SmartAccessGatewayUpgradingThe specified smart access gateway instance is being upgraded. Please try again later.指定的智能接入网关实例正在升级中,请稍后操作。诊断
400SmartAccessGatewayNotActivatedThe specified Smart Access Gateway has not been activated.该智能接入网关尚未激活,请先激活该实例。诊断
400SystemBusyThe system is busy. Please try again later.系统繁忙,请稍后重试。诊断
400UnsupportedRegionThe feature of %s is not supported in the region of %s.%s特性在%s地域不支持诊断
400UnsupportedZoneThe feature of %s is not supported in the zone of %s.%s特性在%s可用区不支持诊断
403UnauthorizedRegionYou are not authorized in the specified region of %s.在%s地域无授权诊断
403UnauthorizedZoneYou are not authorized in the specified zone of %s.在%s可用区无授权诊断
400DryRunOperationRequest validation has been passed with DryRun flag set.开启了DryRun参数,请求校验通过诊断
400IdempotenceSignatureMismatchThere is an idempotence signature mismatch between this and the previous request.当前请求跟上次请求的幂等签名不匹配诊断
400IdempotenceProcessingThe previous request is being processed.前一个请求正在处理中诊断
429ThrottlingThe request was denied due to API flow control.由于流控策略,请求被拒绝诊断
403FORBIDDEN.ACTIONYou are not authorized to access the current API operation.您没被授权访问当前API。诊断
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