

This data source provides availability instance_types for HBase that can be accessed by an Alibaba Cloud account within the region configured in the provider.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.106.0.

Example Usage

data "alicloud_hbase_instance_types" "default" {
  charge_type   = "Postpaid"
  region_id     = "cn-shanghai"
  zone_id       = "cn-shanghai-g"
  engine        = "hbaseue"
  version       = "2.0"
  instance_type = "hbase.sn2.large"
  disk_type     = "cloud_ssd"

resource "alicloud_hbase_instance" "hbase" {
  core_instance_type = data.alicloud_hbase_instance_types.default.types[0].id

  # Other properties...

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • instance_type - (Optional) The hbase instance type of create hbase cluster instance.
  • charge_type - (Optional, Available in 1.115.0+) The charge type of create hbase cluster instance, PrePaid or PostPaid.
  • region_id - (Optional, Available in 1.115.0+) The dest region id, default client region.
  • zone_id - (Optional, Available in 1.115.0+) The zone id, belong to regionId.
  • engine - (Optional, Available in 1.115.0+) The engine name, singlehbase, hbase, hbaseue, bds.
  • version - (Optional, Available in 1.115.0+) The engine version, singlehbase/hbase=1.1/2.0, bds=1.0.
  • disk_type - (Optional, Available in 1.115.0+) The disk type, cloud_ssd, cloud_essd_pl1, cloud_efficiency, local_hdd_pro, local_ssd_pro.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • ids - A list of instance types type IDs.
  • types - (Deprecated) A list of instance types. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • value - Name of the instance type.
    • cpu_size - Cpu size of the instance type.
    • mem_size - Mem size of the instance type.
  • master_instance_types - (Available in 1.115.0+) A list of master instance types. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • instance_type - Name of the instance type.
    • cpu_size - Cpu size of the instance type.
    • mem_size - Mem size of the instance type.
  • core_instance_types - (Available in 1.115.0+) A list of core instance types. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • zone - Name of zone id.
    • engine - Name of the engine.
    • version - The version of the engine.
    • category - Name of the category, single or cluster.
    • storage_type - Name of the storage type.
    • instance_type - Name of the instance type.
    • cpu_size - Cpu size of the instance type.
    • mem_size - Mem size of the instance type.
    • max_core_count - Max count of the core instance nodes.