Provides a OOS State Configuration resource.
For information about OOS State Configuration and how to use it, see What is State Configuration.
-> NOTE: Available in v1.147.0+.
Example Usage
Basic Usage
data "alicloud_resource_manager_resource_groups" "default" {}
resource "alicloud_oos_state_configuration" "default" {
template_name = "ACS-ECS-InventoryDataCollection"
configure_mode = "ApplyOnly"
description = "terraform-example"
schedule_type = "rate"
schedule_expression = "1 hour"
resource_group_id = data.alicloud_resource_manager_resource_groups.default.ids.0
targets = "{\"Filters\": [{\"Type\": \"All\", \"Parameters\": {\"InstanceChargeType\": \"PrePaid\"}}], \"ResourceType\": \"ALIYUN::ECS::Instance\"}"
parameters = "{\"policy\": {\"ACS:Application\": {\"Collection\": \"Enabled\"}}}"
tags = {
Created = "TF"
For = "example"
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Optional, Computed) Configuration mode. Valid values:ApplyAndAutoCorrect
- (Optional) The description of the resource.parameters
- (Optional) The parameter of the Template. This field is in the format of JSON strings. For detailed definition instructions, please refer to Metadata types that are supported by a configuration list.resource_group_id
- (Optional, Computed) The ID of the resource group.schedule_expression
- (Required) Timing expression.schedule_type
- (Required) Timing type. Valid values:rate
- (Optional) The tag of the resource.targets
- (Required) The Target resources. This field is in the format of JSON strings. For detailed definition instructions, please refer to Parameter.template_name
- (Required, ForceNew) The name of the template.template_version
- (Optional, Computed, ForceNew) The version number. If you do not specify this parameter, the system uses the latest version.
Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The resource ID in terraform of State Configuration. The value is formate as <state_configuration_id>.
OOS State Configuration can be imported using the id, e.g.
$ terraform import alicloud_oos_state_configuration.example <id>