Provides a VPC router interface connection resource to connect two router interfaces which are in two different VPCs. After that, all of the two router interfaces will be active.
-> DEPRECATED: This resource has been deprecated from version 1.199.0
. Please use new resource alicloud_express_connect_router_interface.
-> NOTE: At present, Router interface does not support changing opposite router interface, the connection delete action is only deactivating it to inactive, not modifying the connection to empty.
-> NOTE: If you want to changing opposite router interface, you can delete router interface and re-build them.
-> NOTE: A integrated router interface connection tunnel requires both InitiatingSide and AcceptingSide configuring opposite router interface.
-> NOTE: Please remember to add a depends_on
clause in the router interface connection from the InitiatingSide to the AcceptingSide, because the connection from the AcceptingSide to the InitiatingSide must be done first.
Example Usage
provider "alicloud" {
region = var.region
variable "region" {
default = "cn-hangzhou"
variable "name" {
default = "alicloudRouterInterfaceConnectionBasic"
resource "alicloud_vpc" "foo" {
vpc_name =
cidr_block = ""
resource "alicloud_vpc" "bar" {
provider = alicloud
vpc_name =
cidr_block = ""
resource "alicloud_router_interface" "initiate" {
opposite_region = var.region
router_type = "VRouter"
router_id =
role = "InitiatingSide"
specification = "Large.2"
name =
description =
instance_charge_type = "PostPaid"
resource "alicloud_router_interface" "opposite" {
provider = alicloud
opposite_region = var.region
router_type = "VRouter"
router_id =
role = "AcceptingSide"
specification = "Large.1"
name = "${}-opposite"
description = "${}-opposite"
// A integrated router interface connection tunnel requires both InitiatingSide and AcceptingSide configuring opposite router interface.
resource "alicloud_router_interface_connection" "foo" {
interface_id =
opposite_interface_id =
depends_on = [] // The connection must start from the accepting side.
resource "alicloud_router_interface_connection" "bar" {
provider = alicloud
interface_id =
opposite_interface_id =
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required, ForceNew) One side router interface ID.opposite_interface_id
- (Required, ForceNew) Another side router interface ID. It must belong the specified "opposite_interface_owner_id" account.opposite_interface_owner_id
- (Optional, ForceNew) Another side router interface account ID. Log on to the Alibaba Cloud console, select User Info > Account Management to check the account ID. Default to Provider account_id.opposite_router_id
- (Optional, ForceNew) Another side router ID. It must belong the specified "opposite_interface_owner_id" account. It is valid when field "opposite_interface_owner_id" is specified.opposite_router_type
- (Optional, ForceNew) Another side router Type. Optional value: VRouter, VBR. It is valid when field "opposite_interface_owner_id" is specified.
-> NOTE: The value of "opposite_interface_owner_id" or "account_id" must be main account and not be sub account.
Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- Router interface ID. The value is equal to "interface_id".
The router interface connection can be imported using the id, e.g.
$ terraform import ri-abc123456