Provides a SLS Scheduled SQL resource. Scheduled SQL task.
For information about SLS Scheduled SQL and how to use it, see What is Scheduled SQL.
-> NOTE: Available since v1.224.0.
Example Usage
Basic Usage
variable "name" {
default = "terraform-example"
provider "alicloud" {
region = "cn-hangzhou"
resource "random_integer" "default" {
min = 10000
max = 99999
resource "alicloud_log_project" "defaultKIe4KV" {
description = "${}-${random_integer.default.result}"
project_name = "${}-${random_integer.default.result}"
resource "alicloud_log_store" "default1LI9we" {
hot_ttl = "8"
retention_period = "30"
shard_count = "2"
project_name = alicloud_log_project.defaultKIe4KV.project_name
logstore_name = "${}-${random_integer.default.result}"
resource "alicloud_sls_scheduled_sql" "default" {
description = "example-tf-scheduled-sql-0006"
schedule {
type = "Cron"
time_zone = "+0700"
delay = "20"
cron_expression = "0 0/1 * * *"
display_name = "example-tf-scheduled-sql-0006"
scheduled_sql_configuration {
script = "* | select * from log"
sql_type = "searchQuery"
dest_endpoint = ""
dest_project = "job-e2e-project-jj78kur-ap-southeast-1"
source_logstore = alicloud_log_store.default1LI9we.logstore_name
dest_logstore = "example-open-api02"
role_arn = "acs:ram::1395894005868720:role/aliyunlogetlrole"
dest_role_arn = "acs:ram::1395894005868720:role/aliyunlogetlrole"
from_time_expr = "@m-1m"
to_time_expr = "@m"
max_run_time_in_seconds = "1800"
resource_pool = "enhanced"
max_retries = "5"
from_time = "1713196800"
to_time = "0"
data_format = "log2log"
scheduled_sql_name =
project = alicloud_log_project.defaultKIe4KV.project_name
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Optional) Task Description.display_name
- (Required) Task Display Name.project
- (Required, ForceNew) Log project.schedule
- (Required, ForceNew) The scheduling type is generally not required by default. If there is a strong timing requirement, if it must be imported every Monday at 8 o'clock, cron can be used. Seeschedule
- (Required, ForceNew) Task Configuration. Seescheduled_sql_configuration
- (Required, ForceNew) Timed SQL name.
The schedule supports the following:
- (Optional) Cron expression, minimum precision is minutes, 24-hour clock. For example, 0 0/1 **indicates that the check is performed every one hour from 00:00. When type is set to Cron, cronExpression must be set.delay
- (Optional) Delay time.interval
- (Optional) Time interval, such as 5m, 1H.run_immediately
- (Optional) Whether to execute the OSS import task immediately after it is created.time_zone
- (Optional) Time Zone.type
- (Optional) Check the frequency type. Log Service checks the query and analysis results based on the frequency you configured. The value is as follows: FixedRate: checks the query and analysis results at fixed intervals. Cron: specifies a time interval through a Cron expression, and checks the query and analysis results at the specified time interval. Weekly: Check the query and analysis results at a fixed point in time on the day of the week. Daily: checks the query and analysis results at a fixed time point every day. Hourly: Check query and analysis results every hour.
The scheduled_sql_configuration supports the following:
- (Optional, ForceNew) Write Mode.dest_endpoint
- (Optional) Target Endpoint.dest_logstore
- (Optional) Target Logstore.dest_project
- (Optional) Target Project.dest_role_arn
- (Optional) Write target role ARN.from_time
- (Optional, ForceNew) Schedule Start Time.from_time_expr
- (Optional) SQL time window-start.max_retries
- (Optional) Maximum retries.max_run_time_in_seconds
- (Optional) SQL timeout.parameters
- (Optional, Map) Parameter configuration.resource_pool
- (Optional) Resource Pool.role_arn
- (Optional) Read role ARN.script
- (Optional) SQL statement.source_logstore
- (Optional, ForceNew) Source Logstore.sql_type
- (Optional) SQL type.to_time
- (Optional, ForceNew) Time at end of schedule.to_time_expr
- (Optional) SQL time window-end.
Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The ID of the resource supplied above.The value is formulated as<project>:<scheduled_sql_name>
The timeouts
block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:
- (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when create the Scheduled SQL.delete
- (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when delete the Scheduled SQL.update
- (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when update the Scheduled SQL.
SLS Scheduled SQL can be imported using the id, e.g.
$ terraform import alicloud_sls_scheduled_sql.example <project>:<scheduled_sql_name>