

HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述操作
400NotApplicableYou are not authorized to call the API operation. Please check whether the caller site matches the API domain regionId.用户不可调用该API。请检查调用用户站点和API域名的地域信息是否匹配。诊断
400NotAuthorizedYou are not authorized to call the API operation. Please check whether RAM user has the permission or check whether ownerId and callerId have been given the appropriate permission.用户没有调用该API的权限。如果是RAM调用,请检查是否授予相应权限。否则请检查ownerIdcallerId的权限归属是否正确。诊断
400IncompleteAccountInfoYour information is incomplete. Complete your information before the operation.-诊断
400IncompleteTaxInfoYour tax information is incomplete. Complete your information before the operation.-诊断
400InvalidPaymentMethod.IncompleteNo payment method is specified for your account. We recommend that you add a payment method.-诊断
400InvalidPaymentMethod.MissingYour payment method is incomplete. We recommend that you add a payment method.-诊断
400InsuffcientBalanceOrBankAccountAdd a payment method or add funds to the prepayment balance. Get started by creating an instance.-诊断
400InvalidPaymentMethod.NoAccessNo payment method is specified for your account. Please contact your Customer Manager or open a ticket.-诊断
400InvalidPaymentMethod.MissingNo payment method is specified for your account. We recommend that you add a payment method.-诊断
400InvalidPaymentMethod.InsufficientBalanceNo payment method is specified for your account. We recommend that you add a payment method or add funds to the prepayment balance.-诊断
400ORDER.ACCOUNT_INFORMATION_INCOMPLETEYour information is incomplete. Complete your information before ordering.-诊断