
本文介绍了K均值聚类算法(K-Means Clustering Algorithm,以下简称K-Means)相关内容。简介 K-Means算法是一种迭代求解的聚类分析算法。该算法原理为:先将数据分为K组,随机选取K个对象作为初始的聚类中心,然后计算每个对象与各个种子聚...


是 自动 自动 K-Means算法 elkan K-Means算法 其他参数 参数名 参数描述 模型结果 模型结果展示模型聚类效果以及聚类结果,其中“CH分数(即Calinski-Harabasz指标)”和“轮廓系数”反应聚类效果,值越大,说明聚类效果越好。







Spark MLlib

场景 本示例将在DLA Serverless Spark中通过K-Means聚类算法,将以下数据分成两个族类,然后判断测试数据是否在族类中。0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.2 9.2 9.2 前提条件 在DLA Serverless Spark中运行...


质心初始化方法 支持 Random、First K、Uniform、K-Means+及 使用初始质心表 方法。最大迭代次数 取值范围为1~1000。收敛标准 迭代终止条件。初始随机种子 默认值为当前时间。如果 seed 为固定值,则聚类结果稳定。执行调优 核心数 默认为...


Override public boolean terminate(WorkerContext context,KmeansAggrValue value)throws IOException {/Calculate the new means to be the centroids(original sums)DenseMatrix newCentriods=calculateNewCentroids(value.sums,value....


0 means not subscribed.id-The ID of the Subscription.item_id-The ID of the Subscription.item_name-The name of the Subscription.pmsg_status-The status of pmsg subscription.Valid values:-1,-2,0,1.-1 means required,-2 means ...


0 means not subscribed.item_name-(Required,ForceNew)The name of the Subscription.NOTE:You should use the alicloud_msc_sub_subscriptions to query the available subscription item name.pmsg_status-(Optional)The status of pmsg...


The setting value is 0 means no definition,1 means success,2 means failure,3 means success and failure ParamDefaultValue string 规则参数默认值。5 ParamType integer 规则参数类型。取值:1:输入 2:选择 1 MinValue integer ...


The setting value is 0 means no definition,1 means success,2 means failure,3 means success and failure MinValue integer 基线子类型的检测项的规则的参数最小值。1 EnumValue string paramType 取值为 1 时,此值为空。paramType ...


The setting value is 0 means no definition,1 means success,2 means failure,3 means success and failure MinValue integer 规则参数最小值。1 EnumValue string 规则参数为选择类型时,规则参数的选项。0,1,2,3 SupportedOs string ...


MEAN()值并在这些值上加上条件"class="reference-link">计算多个 MEAN()值并在这些值上加上条件>SELECT"all_the_means"FROM(SELECT MEAN("water_level")AS"all_the_means"FROM"h2o_feet"WHERE time>='2015-08-18T00:00:00Z' AND time...


the next backup task will not be triggered.startTime Backup start time,UNIX time seconds.interval ISO8601 time interval.E.g:PT1H means one hour apart.P1D means one day apart.vault_id-(Required)The ID of backup vault....


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


Otherwise,it means to scan all resources in the specified resource group.NOTE:A maximum of 20 resource type filter can be configured.Block source_tag The source_tag supports the following:resource_tags-(Required)Source ...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


8K/16K/24K 否 否 标准版 思婧 sijing 严厉女声 客服场景 纯中文场景 8K/16K/24K 是 否 标准版 思彤 sitong 儿童音 童声场景 纯中文场景 8K/16K/24K 否 否 标准版 小北 xiaobei 萝莉女声 童声场景 纯中文场景 8K/16K/24K 是 否 标准版 艾彤...


8K/16K/24K/48K 否 否 精品版 知佳 zhijia 标准女声 超高清场景 支持中文及中英文混合场景 8K/16K/24K/48K 否 否 精品版 知楠 zhinan 广告男声 超高清场景 支持中文及中英文混合场景 8K/16K/24K/48K 否 否 精品版 知倩 zhiqian 资讯女声 超...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


支持中文及中英文混合场景 8K/16K/24K/48K 是 否 精品版 知茹 zhiru 新闻女声 超高清场景 支持中文及中英文混合场景 8K/16K/24K/48K 是 否 精品版 知德 zhide 新闻男声 超高清场景 支持中文及中英文混合场景 8K/16K/24K/48K 是 否 精品版 ...


支持中文及中英文混合场景 8K/16K/24K/48K 否 否 精品版 知茹 zhiru 新闻女声 超高清场景 支持中文及中英文混合场景 8K/16K/24K/48K 否 否 精品版 知德 zhide 新闻男声 超高清场景 支持中文及中英文混合场景 8K/16K/24K/48K 否 否 精品版 ...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


the next backup task will not be triggered.startTime Backup start time,UNIX time seconds.interval ISO8601 time interval.E.g:PT1H means one hour apart.P1D means one day apart.backup_type-(Optional,Computed,ForceNew)Backup ...


对话数字人 支持中文及中英文混合场景 8K/16K/24K/48K 否 是 标准版 知小夏 zhixiaoxia 普通话女声 对话数字人 支持中文及中英文混合场景 8K/16K/24K/48K 否 是 标准版 知小妹 zhixiaomei 普通话女声 直播数字人 支持中文及中英文混合场景 ...

MaxCompute K均值聚类最佳实践

本文为您介绍如何通过提交一个使用MaxCompute计算资源的超参数调优实验,来运行K均值聚类和聚类模型评估组件,以获取K均值聚类组件算法的较优超参数组合。步骤一:准备数据 您可以参考 聚类模型评估 中的示例来准备测试数据和评估数据。本...


the next backup task will not be triggered.startTime Backup start time,UNIX time seconds.interval ISO8601 time interval.E.g:PT1H means one hour apart.P1D means one day apart.updated_time-The update time of the backup plan....


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


k1 k2 k1:v1 k2:v2 NULL:k1 k2 k1 v1;k2 v2;NULL k1 k2 测试语句 SELECT c1,c2 FROM T1,lateral table(MULTI_KEYVALUE(str,split1,split2,key1,key2))as T(c1,c2);测试结果 c1(VARCHAR)c2(VARCHAR)v1 v2 NULL NULL v1 NULL NULL NULL NULL ...


the next backup task will not be triggered.startTime Backup start time,UNIX time seconds.interval ISO8601 time interval.E.g:PT1H means one hour apart.P1D means one day apart.file_system_id-The File System ID of Nas.create_...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...

Bucket Policy

} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


原始日志 data:{"k1":"v1","k2":{"k3":"v3","k4":"v4"}} 加工规则 e_json("data",depth=1)加工结果 data:{"k1":"v1","k2":{"k3":"v3","k4":"v4"}} k1:v1 k2:{"k3":"v3","k4":"v4"} 示例2:完全展开JSON对象 例如,完全展开 data 字段值中的...
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