
t_overlap as(select r.*from t_wait w join t_run r on(r.locktype is not distinct from w.locktype and r.database is not distinct from w.database and r.relation is not distinct from w.relation and r.page is not distinct from ...


400 InvalidPageNumbers.Malformed Specified page number is not valid.页码数不存在。400 ParameterLeastAssociate Must input at least one optional parameter 必须输入至少一个可选参数。400 InvalidParameterCombination The end ...


400 InvalidPageNumbers.Malformed Specified page number is not valid.页码数不存在。400 ParameterLeastAssociate Must input at least one optional parameter 必须输入至少一个可选参数。400 InvalidParameterCombination The end ...


InvalidMixSetting 400 The mix setting is invalid 无效的混排配置 DiversifyNumberExceeded 400 The number of asset categories has exceeded the system limit 打散配置个数超过系统限制 DiversifyDependencyViolation....


DBS.ParamInvalid The specified parameter SandboxSpecification is invalid 输入的SandboxSpecification参数(沙箱实例规格)无效。DBS.ParamInvalid The specified parameter SandboxPassword is invalid 输入了SandboxUser参数,但是...


400 BadPageNumber The specified page number is invalid.The page number must be greater than 0.无效的页码,不能小于0。400 GatewayNotExist The specified gateway does not exist.You must specify a valid parameter.网关不存在,...


调用DescribeTasks接口查询指定任务对应的信息。包括任务的进度和任务名称等。...400 BadPageNumber The specified page number is invalid.The page number must be greater than 0.无效的页码,不能小于0。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。


InstanceStatusError 409 Your instance is unavailable.实例状态不可用,例如欠费。DeniedRequest 403 Your request was denied due to instance flow control.请求被限流。QPS限制请参见 访问频次(QPS)。InvalidInstance 400 The ...


您提交的结束时间无效,请重新提交正确信息 400 InvalidTime.Format Specified time is not valid.操作失败,时间格式有误。400 Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperate A package instance is not allowed to operate independently.套餐实例...


您提交的结束时间无效,请重新提交正确信息 400 InvalidTime.Format Specified time is not valid.操作失败,时间格式有误。400 Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperate A package instance is not allowed to operate independently.套餐实例...


您提交的结束时间无效,请重新提交正确信息 400 InvalidTime.Format Specified time is not valid.操作失败,时间格式有误。400 Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperate A package instance is not allowed to operate independently.套餐实例...


您提交的结束时间无效,请重新提交正确信息 400 InvalidTime.Format Specified time is not valid.操作失败,时间格式有误。400 Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperate A package instance is not allowed to operate independently.套餐实例...


400 InvalidPageNumbers.Malformed Specified page number is not valid.页码数不存在。400 InvalidStartTime.Format Specified start time is not valid.指定的起始时间无效。400 InvalidEndTime.Format Specified end time is not valid....


400 InvalidPageNumbers.Malformed Specified page number is not valid.页码数不存在。400 InvalidStartTime.Format Specified start time is not valid.指定的起始时间无效。400 InvalidEndTime.Format Specified end time is not valid....


400 InvalidPageNumbers.Malformed Specified page number is not valid.页码数不存在。400 InvalidStartTime.Format Specified start time is not valid.指定的起始时间无效。400 InvalidEndTime.Format Specified end time is not valid....


400 InvalidPageNumbers.Malformed Specified page number is not valid.页码数不存在。400 InvalidStartTime.Format Specified start time is not valid.指定的起始时间无效。400 InvalidEndTime.Format Specified end time is not valid....


400 InvalidPageNumbers.Malformed Specified page number is not valid.页码数不存在。400 InvalidStartTime.Format Specified start time is not valid.指定的起始时间无效。400 InvalidEndTime.Format Specified end time is not valid....


404 SecurityGroupNotSupported The security group is not supported.不支持的安全组 404 InvalidSecurityGroup The security group ID is invalid.无效的安全组 406 EcsError ECS api request error ECS接口失败 406 DbError A database ...


无效的参数 400 MissingParameter The input parameter%s that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.缺少必要的参数 400 SignatureDoesNotMatch The specified signature is invalid.签名认证错误 403 InvalidUser....


无效的安全组 400 InvalidParams The specified parameter%s is invalid.无效的参数:%s 404 SecurityGroupNotSupported The security group is not supported.不支持的安全组 404 SecurityGroupAlreadyExists The security group already ...


无效的pageSize或者pageNo 400 ErrorParameterIpVersion The IP version is invalid.IP版本参数错误 400 ErrorParametersDirection The direction is invalid.无效的方向 400 ErrorDBSelect An error occurred while querying database....


无效的newOrder 400 ErrorParametersOldOrder The oldOrder is invalid.无效的oldOrder 400 ErrorDBDelete An error occurred while deleting the database.内部错误:数据库删除错误 400 ErrorDBInsert An error occurred while ...


400 User.RoleType.Valid The role ID is invalid.无效的角色ID。400 Workspace.Not.Exist The group workspace does not exist.群空间不存在。400 Workspace.Type.Error The type of group workspace is invalid.无效的群空间类型。400 ...


调试 您可以在OpenAPI ...错误码 HttpCode Error Code 错误信息 说明 400 invalid_token Access token is not valid token 无效 400 invalid_request Access token application id not match 请求无效,token 信息与参数应用 ID 不一致 400 ...


400 InvalidPageIndex The page index is invalid-400 InvalidRestoreTime.Format Specified restore time is not valid.操作失败,当前指定的恢复时间无效,请重新设置恢复时间。400 Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperate A package ...


400 InvalidPageIndex The page index is invalid-400 InvalidRestoreTime.Format Specified restore time is not valid.操作失败,当前指定的恢复时间无效,请重新设置恢复时间。400 Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperate A package ...


400 InvalidPageIndex The page index is invalid-400 InvalidRestoreTime.Format Specified restore time is not valid.操作失败,当前指定的恢复时间无效,请重新设置恢复时间。400 Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperate A package ...


400 InvalidPageIndex The page index is invalid-400 InvalidRestoreTime.Format Specified restore time is not valid.操作失败,当前指定的恢复时间无效,请重新设置恢复时间。400 Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperate A package ...


400 InvalidPageIndex The page index is invalid-400 InvalidRestoreTime.Format Specified restore time is not valid.操作失败,当前指定的恢复时间无效,请重新设置恢复时间。400 Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperate A package ...


400 InvalidPageIndex The page index is invalid-400 InvalidRestoreTime.Format Specified restore time is not valid.操作失败,当前指定的恢复时间无效,请重新设置恢复时间。400 Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperate A package ...


400 Workspace.Type.Error The type of group workspace is invalid.无效的群空间类型。400 User.Not.WorkspaceAdmin Only administrators of the group workspace can perform this operation.没有权限,您不是该群空间的管理员。400 User...


400 Access.Forbidden Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.-400 Invalid.Organization The specified organizational unit does not exist.该组织不存在。400 User.Not.In....


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


400 InvalidGatewayLocation The specified location of the gateway is invalid.无效的网关位置。400 InvalidGatewayClass The specified specification of the gateway is invalid.无效的网关规格。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


400 InvalidUserDefineRuleProcPath User define rule process path is invalid.无效的自定义规则进程路径。400 UserDefineRuleProcPathMustContainsLetter User define rule process path must contain letter.自定义规则进程路径必须包含...
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