


本文介绍如何使用Terraform为RDS PostgreSQL实例绑定标签以及解绑标签。


  • 已创建RDS PostgreSQL实例,详情请参见创建RDS PostgreSQL实例

  • 实例状态为运行中,您可以通过如下两种方式查看:

    • 参见查询实例详情查看参数status,如果取值为Runing则表示实例状态为运行中。

    • 前往RDS管理控制台,切换到目标地域,找到指定实例后,查看实例状态。


以绑定标签testTarraform: PG12为例。

  1. 在terraform.tf文件的resource "alicloud_db_instance" "instance" {}中增加tags配置项,具体配置如下:

    resource "alicloud_db_instance" "instance" {
      tags = {
        testTarraform = "PG12"
  2. 运行terraform apply


    alicloud_db_instance.instance: Refreshing state... [id=pgm-****]
    alicloud_db_backup_policy.instance: Refreshing state... [id=pgm-****]
    Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
      ~ update in-place
    Terraform will perform the following actions:
      # alicloud_db_instance.instance will be updated in-place
      ~ resource "alicloud_db_instance" "instance" {
            id                         = "pgm-****"
          + tags                       = {
              + "testTarraform" = "PG12"
            # (43 unchanged attributes hidden)
            # (2 unchanged blocks hidden)
    Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
    Do you want to perform these actions?
      Terraform will perform the actions described above.
      Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
      Enter a value:


    alicloud_db_instance.instance: Modifying... [id=pgm-****]
    alicloud_db_instance.instance: Modifications complete after 4s [id=pgm-****]
    Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 1 changed, 0 destroyed.
  3. 查看结果。

    • 运行terraform show查看实例标签。

      # alicloud_db_instance.instance:
      resource "alicloud_db_instance" "instance" {
          acl                        = "prefer"
          ca_type                    = "aliyun"
          client_ca_enabled          = 0
          client_crl_enabled         = 0
          connection_string          = "pgm-****.pg.rds.aliyuncs.com"
          connection_string_prefix   = "pgm-****"
          db_instance_storage_type   = "cloud_essd"
          db_time_zone               = "Asia/Shanghai"
          deletion_protection        = false
          engine                     = "PostgreSQL"
          engine_version             = "13.0"
          force_restart              = false
          ha_config                  = "Manual"
          id                         = "pgm-****"
          instance_charge_type       = "Postpaid"
          instance_name              = "terraformtest"
          instance_storage           = 50
          instance_type              = "pg.n2.2c.2m"
          maintain_time              = "05:00Z-06:00Z"
          manual_ha_time             = "2022-09-30T09:00:00Z"
          monitoring_period          = 300
          period                     = 0
          port                       = "5432"
          private_ip_address         = "192.168.XX.XX"
          replication_acl            = "prefer"
          resource_group_id          = "rg-****"
          security_group_id          = "sg-****"
          security_group_ids         = [
          security_ip_mode           = "normal"
          security_ips               = [
          server_cert                = <<-EOT
              -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
              -----END CERTIFICATE-----
          server_key                 = <<-EOT
              -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
              -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
          sql_collector_config_value = 30
          sql_collector_status       = "Disabled"
          ssl_action                 = "Open"
          ssl_status                 = "0"
          storage_auto_scale         = "Enable"
          storage_threshold          = 30
          storage_upper_bound        = 100
          tags                       = {
              "testTarraform" = "PG12"
          target_minor_version       = "rds_postgres_1300_20220830"
          tcp_connection_type        = "SHORT"
          vpc_id                     = "vpc-****"
          vswitch_id                 = "vsw-****"
          zone_id                    = "cn-hangzhou-h"
          parameters {
              name  = "authentication_timeout"
              value = "120"
          pg_hba_conf {
              address     = ""
              database    = "all"
              method      = "md5"
              priority_id = 1
              type        = "host"
              user        = "all"
    • 登录RDS控制台查看实例标签。绑定标签


以解绑标签testTarraform: PG12为例。

  1. terraform.tf配置文件中,删除tags配置项的内容。例如,删除如下信息:

    resource "alicloud_db_instance" "instance" {
      tags = {
        testTarraform = "PG12"
  2. 运行terraform apply


    alicloud_db_instance.instance: Refreshing state... [id=pgm-****]
    alicloud_db_backup_policy.instance: Refreshing state... [id=pgm-****]
    Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
      ~ update in-place
    Terraform will perform the following actions:
      # alicloud_db_instance.instance will be updated in-place
      ~ resource "alicloud_db_instance" "instance" {
            id                         = "pgm-****"
          ~ tags                       = {
              - "testTarraform" = "PG12" -> null
            # (43 unchanged attributes hidden)
            # (2 unchanged blocks hidden)
    Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
    Do you want to perform these actions?
      Terraform will perform the actions described above.
      Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
      Enter a value:


    alicloud_db_instance.instance: Modifying... [id=pgm-****]
    alicloud_db_instance.instance: Modifications complete after 3s [id=pgm-****]
    Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 1 changed, 0 destroyed.
  3. 查看结果。

    • 运行terraform show查看实例标签。

      # alicloud_db_instance.instance:
      resource "alicloud_db_instance" "instance" {
          acl                        = "prefer"
          ca_type                    = "aliyun"
          client_ca_enabled          = 0
          client_crl_enabled         = 0
          connection_string          = "pgm-****.pg.rds.aliyuncs.com"
          connection_string_prefix   = "pgm-****"
          db_instance_storage_type   = "cloud_essd"
          db_time_zone               = "Asia/Shanghai"
          deletion_protection        = false
          engine                     = "PostgreSQL"
          engine_version             = "13.0"
          force_restart              = false
          ha_config                  = "Manual"
          id                         = "pgm-****"
          instance_charge_type       = "Postpaid"
          instance_name              = "terraformtest"
          instance_storage           = 50
          instance_type              = "pg.n2.2c.2m"
          maintain_time              = "05:00Z-06:00Z"
          manual_ha_time             = "2022-09-30T09:00:00Z"
          monitoring_period          = 300
          period                     = 0
          port                       = "5432"
          private_ip_address         = "192.168.XX.XX"
          replication_acl            = "prefer"
          resource_group_id          = "rg-****"
          security_group_id          = "sg-****"
          security_group_ids         = [
          security_ip_mode           = "normal"
          security_ips               = [
          server_cert                = <<-EOT
              -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
              -----END CERTIFICATE-----
          server_key                 = <<-EOT
              -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
              -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
          sql_collector_config_value = 30
          sql_collector_status       = "Disabled"
          ssl_action                 = "Open"
          ssl_status                 = "0"
          storage_auto_scale         = "Enable"
          storage_threshold          = 30
          storage_upper_bound        = 100
          target_minor_version       = "rds_postgres_1300_20220830"
          tcp_connection_type        = "SHORT"
          vpc_id                     = "vpc-****"
          vswitch_id                 = "vsw-****"
          zone_id                    = "cn-hangzhou-h"
          parameters {
              name  = "authentication_timeout"
              value = "120"
          pg_hba_conf {
              address     = ""
              database    = "all"
              method      = "md5"
              priority_id = 1
              type        = "host"
              user        = "all"
    • 登录RDS控制台查看实例标签已删除。删除标签