本文介绍SASE App网络诊断错误码的原因、类型以及解决方案,帮助您快速排查和解决问题。
SASE App网络诊断错误码说明
错误码 | 错误原因 | 错误类型 | 解决方案(中文) | 解决方案(英文) |
-1 | 未知错误 | 未知错误 | 请检查SASE App是否正确安装或联系管理员。 | An unknown error occurred. Check whether the SASE client is properly installed or contact the administrator. |
20000 | 获取认证服务URL失败 | 内部错误 | 请重新安装SASE App。 | Reinstall the SASE client. |
20001 | 获取登录URL失败 | |||
20002 | 获取更新程序URL失败 | |||
20003 | 认证服务连接失败 | 网络或DNS异常 | 请检查或尝试切换网络。若仍未恢复,请检查设备的DNS配置。
| Check your network connection or switch to a different network. If the issue persists, check the DNS configurations of your device.
20004 | 登录服务连接失败 | |||
20005 | 升级服务连接失败 | |||
20006 | 升级配置文件不存在 | |||
20007 | 时间服务器连接失败 | |||
20008 | 服务接入点连接超时 | |||
20009 | 服务接入点未建立连接 | 请登录到SASE控制台并开启内网访问。 | Log on to the SASE console and enable internal network access. | |
20010 | 客户端服务启动项异常 | 客户端异常 | 请重新安装SASE App,或检查本地其他安全软件的优化加速功能,取消对SASE相关服务的开机优化勾选项。 | Reinstall the SASE client. Alternatively, check the optimization and network acceleration features of other security software that is installed on your device and clear the startup optimization option for the SASE client. |
20011 | SASE服务未运行 | |||
20012 | macOS系统扩展未安装 | 请重新授权并安装macOS系统扩展。 | Grant permissions again and install the SASE system extension for macOS. | |
20013 | 代理软件冲突 | 软件冲突 | 运行的软件可能与SASE App冲突,请关闭代理软件后再启动SASE App。 | The proxy software that you installed may conflict with the SASE client. Stop the proxy software and restart the SASE client. |
20014 | 操作系统代理冲突 | 操作系统默认的代理功能可能与SASE App冲突,请关闭操作系统的代理功能开关(一般可以通过浏览器或系统设置找到代理开关)后再启动SASE App。 | The default system proxy may conflict with the SASE client. Disable the system proxy and start the SASE client again. To disable the system proxy, you can configure your browser settings or system settings. | |
20015 | 系统时间异常 | 系统异常 | 请开启自动设置日期和时间,通过NTP服务自动校对时间。 | Turn on Set the time automatically in Windows. This way, the system uses NTP for time calibration. |
20016 | 登录页面不存在 | 服务端异常 | 请联系管理员检查SASE控制台身份源配置状态是否开启。 | Contact the administrator to check whether the identity source is enabled in the SASE console. |
20017 | 互联网访问证书未安装 | 证书异常 | 请重新登录SASE App,SASE服务端会再次下发自动安装证书。 | Log on to the SASE client again. Then, the SASE service automatically issues and installs the certificate again. |
20018 | 802.1x根证书未安装 | |||
20019 | 802.1x用户证书未安装 | |||
20020 | 802.1x根证书即将过期或已过期 | |||
20021 | 802.1x用户证书即将过期或已过期 | |||
20022 | 802.1x根证书未信任 | 请开启macOS内的钥匙串访问,并信任证书。 | Enable Keychain Access in macOS and select Always Trust for the certificate. | |
20023 | 802.1x用户证书未信任 | |||
20024 | 引流驱动未运行 | 客户端异常 | 请重新安装SASE App,或检查本地其他安全软件的优化加速功能,取消对SASE相关服务的开机优化勾选项。 | Reinstall the SASE client. Alternatively, check the optimization and network acceleration features of other security software that is installed on your device and clear the startup optimization option for the SASEclient. |
20025 | BFE服务未运行 | 请检查BFE服务是否正常运行。 如果未正常运行,您可以通过以下两种方式解决:
| Check whether the Base Filtering Engine service is running as normal. If the service is not running as normal, troubleshoot the issue by using the following methods:
| |
20026 | SASE服务未启动 | 请重新启动SASE App并登录。 | Restart the SASE client and log on to the client. | |
20027 | 内网访问未开启 | 请联系管理员在SASE控制台并开启内网访问。 | Contact the administrator enable internal network access. | |
20028 | 应用诊断stunnel client服务连接失败 | 客户端异常或者网络异常 | 网络错误,请检查网络和DNS设置。 | A network error occurred. Check your network conditions and DNS settings. |
20029 | 监听端口相同导致软件冲突 | 软件冲突 | 运行的软件可能与SASE App冲突,请关闭该软件后再启动SASE App。 | The software that you installed may conflict with the SASE client. Stop the software and restart the SASE client. |
20030 | 进程或dll导致软件冲突 | |||
20031 | 驱动导致软件冲突 | 运行的驱动可能与SASE App冲突,请卸载该驱动后再启动SASE App。 | The drive that is running may conflict with the SASE client. Uninstall the drive and restart the SASE client. | |
20032 | 缺少SHA256补丁 | 请您下载并安装补丁后重试。 安装前请您先开启Windows Update服务,具体步骤如下:
| Download and install the patch and try again. Before you install the patch, start Windows Update. Perform the following operations to start Windows Update:
SASE App还集成了飞书、微信、钉钉数据源的错误码,你可以参考如下文档查看错误码的具体原因。