阿里云上的Salesforce CRM功能差异列表 - Winter'25冬季版
本文是阿里云上的Salesforce CRM Winter'25冬季版的功能差异说明。
我们的产品目标,是在合规性允许的情况下让阿里云上的 Salesforce 与全球其他地方的 Salesforce 尽可能保持一致。但是,由于技术或监管原因,存在少量的功能差异。因技术和监管等因素会随着时间的推移而发生变化,因此本文档是对当前时间点产品差异化的描述,并将不断迭代更新。
阿里云上的 Salesforce 提供三个版本:CN Unlimited Edition(CN无限版,简称为CN UE)、CN Enterprise Edition(CN企业版,简称为CN EE) 和 CN Developer Edition(CN研发版,简称CN DE)。其中,CN无限版广泛应用于各行业客户的业务与生产,涵盖销售、服务及其结合的三大核心云模块,为企业提供全面的客户关系管理工具;CN企业版专为中国市场量身定制,以更具竞争力的价格和功能,满足复杂业务的需求,CN研发版则为阿里云上的 Salesforce ISV 合作伙伴提供研发测试租户环境。这三个版本与 Salesforce 全球版共享相同的限额(如存储和 API等),但一些限制传输或需要跨境连接的功能默认关闭。此外,部分功能取决于产品路线图,可能会在未来版本中推出。与全球其他地区的 Salesforce CRM 一样,阿里云上的 Salesforce CRM 也遵循每年三次的主要发布时间表。
Event Monitoring 已在 Summer'24夏季版发布。
产品或功能 | 可用(但有差异) | (暂)不提供 | 备注 |
Adoption Assistance | ✔️ | 因依赖于外部第三方服务,暂不提供如下功能: Optimizer app Access to the Transition Assistant Lightning Experience Welcome Mat | |
Auth Providers | ✔️ | 支持Salesforce、OpenID Connect 和自定义身份验证提供商(Custom Authentication Providers)。 不支持预设的社交网络身份验证提供商(Apple、Facebook、Janrain 等)。 | |
Backup and Restore | ✔️ | 不支持备份和恢复。 | |
B2B Commerce deployed with Lightning Experience | ✔️ | 不支持基于 Lightning Experience 构建的 B2B Commerce 。 | |
Big objects | ✔️ | Winter'25 冬季版提供 Big Objects,在冬季版发布后可用。 | |
Client-side tools | ✔️ | 使用 Data Loader、Salesforce DX 等客户端工具之前,需要您的管理员在组织中创建连接应用程序(Connected App),并将登录端点 endpoint 指向 login.sfcrmproducts.cn。 | |
Commerce Cloud | ✔️ | 不提供 Salesforce Commerce Cloud。也无法访问 Salesforce Checkout 和自助服务订单中心等功能。 | |
CPQ | ✔️ | 不提供 Salesforce CPQ。 | |
CRM Analytics | ✔️ | 不提供 CRM Analytics。 | |
Data Cloud | ✔️ | 不提供 Data Cloud、Data.com Clean 和 Prospector。 | |
Data Assessment | ✔️ | 不提供公司推荐(Company Recommendation)。 不提供数据评估选项卡(Data assessment tab)。 不提供数据旅程公司匹配功能(Data journey company match)。 已禁用 Data.com Discovery。 | |
Data.com (including "Jigsaw") | ✔️ | Data.com 不可用。Data.com 字段,例如 DunsNumber、Jigsaw、NaicsCode、NaicsDesc、Tradestyle 等均不存在。 | |
Document Generation | ✔️ | 不提供Omnistudio的文档生成功能(Document Generation)。 | |
Duplicate Management | ✔️ | 不提供重复规则(Duplicate rules)和匹配规则(Match rules)功能。 可选用由ISV产商提供的相关产品和方案。 | |
Einstein.ai | ✔️ | 不提供基于 Cloud to Cloud 的 Einstein.ai Data Access。 | |
Einstein Activity Capture | ✔️ | 不提供与 Outlook 和 Gmail 的集成。 | |
Einstein Bots | ✔️ | 不提供 Einstein Bots。 | |
Einstein Case Classification | ✔️ | 不提供案例分类(Case classification)功能。 | |
Einstein EP API | ✔️ | 不提供 Einstein 元数据模型。 不提供 Einstein 元数据访问。 | |
Einstein Prediction Builder | ✔️ | 不提供 Prediction Builder 和相关功能。 | |
Einstein Search | ✔️ | 不提供AI搜索功能。 | |
Einstein SmartAgent Suggested Article | ✔️ | 不提供 Einstein 文章推荐。 不提供 Einstein 答案。 不提供 Einstein 答案片段。 | |
Einstein SmartAgent Suggested Response | ✔️ | 不提供 Einstein 回复建议。 | |
✔️ | 不提供电子邮件中继(Email Relay)、Gmail 集成和同步、Outlook 集成和同步、通过外部电子邮件服务发送、电子邮件日志、高级电子邮件安全性和测试送达功能。 | ||
Email Limits | ✔️ | 每个组织每天最多可外发15000封邮件。账户激活和密码重置等邮件不计入该限额。您可以提交工单申请提高限额。 其中,外发邮件是从Salesforce Org内部发起、投递到Org外部邮箱的邮件。 | |
Editions | ✔️ | 目前阿里云上的Salesforce提供的版本包括:CN Unlimited Edition 无限版、CN Enterprise Edition 企业版和 CN Developer Edition 研发版。 | |
Event Monitoring | ✔️ | 因目前阿里云上的Salesforce不提供 CRM Analytics,因此 Event Monitoring Analytics App 和预置的 Dashboards 不可用。 | |
Experience Cloud | ✔️ | 体验云(Experience Cloud)和必须在客户自定义域名下运行。 Experience Cloud 和 Community Cloud 必须在客户所拥有的域名下运行。 不提供外出消息(Out-of-office messages)。 Trailhead 徽章卡不可用。 不支持 CMS。 帖子不能按情绪分类。 不支持在内容详细信息页面上的富文本编辑器中使用视频。 站点地图生成不可用。 默认的社区云体验云 CDN 不可用;客户可使用自己的 CDN 服务,比如阿里云 CDN 服务。 | |
Field Service | ✔️ | 暂不提供现场服务功能(Field service)。 | |
Flow Builder | ✔️ | 暂不提供 Cloud Flow Designer。 | |
Flow orchestration | ✔️ | 流程编排在阿里云上的Salesforce中可用。 但设计器中无法使用来自AppExchange的编排和流程模板。 | |
Geocodes | ✔️ | 暂不提供地理编码。 | |
Google Apps | ✔️ | 不提供谷歌应用程序。 不提供Gmail 连接器。 | |
Help Links | ✔️ | 产品内置的帮助文档链接至全球 Salesforce 帮助和培训,但未针对阿里云上的Salesforce 进行修订。 | |
In-App Guidance | ✔️ | Lightning 中的用户反馈不可用。 | |
Intelligent Swarming | ✔️ | 不提供 Slack、智能集群或服务集群。 | |
ISV Services | ✔️ | 环境中心、合作伙伴开发版和许可证管理应用程序不可用。 | |
Lightning Bridge | ✔️ | 在 Canvas App Previewer 中,不提供 Heroku 快速启动按钮。 | |
Lightning Console | ✔️ | 不提供控制台中的调试视图。 | |
Lightning Object Creator | ✔️ | 不提供Lightning 对象创建器。 | |
Lightning Platform Partnerships | ✔️ | 不提供 Google Sheets、Skype for Salesforce 和 Cisco Spark。 | |
Lightning Sync | ✔️ | 不提供 Lightning Sync。 | |
Maps and Location Services | ✔️ | 暂不提供地图和定位服务。 | |
Marketing Cloud Account Engagement | ✔️ | 不提供账号参与功能(Account Engagement)。 | |
Microsoft Teams Integration | ✔️ | 不提供与Microsoft Teams 的集成。 | |
Salesforce Mobile App | ✔️ | 阿里云上的Salesforce iOS移动应用程序现已推出。 AI、推送通知、离线功能、自定义品牌、移动增强、移动发布等功能将不支持。 不支持其他操作系统,如iPad,Android。 | |
Mobile Push | ✔️ | 暂不提供移动推送。 | |
Omnichannel | ✔️ | 暂不提供全渠道路由和监管。 | |
Omnistudio | ✔️ | 新的OmniStudio Designer 可在阿里云上的 Salesforce Health Cloud 中使用。 OmniStudio 运行时可在core上使用。 不支持以前的OmniStudio托管包版本。 | |
Platform Encryption & Keys | ✔️ | 不提供仅缓存键(Cache-only keys)。 搜索索引未加密。 | |
Platform Functions | ✔️ | 不提供平台功能(Platform Functions)。 | |
Private Connect | ✔️ | 不提供私有连接(Private Connect)。 | |
Pub/sub API | ✔️ | 不提供发布/订阅 API 。 | |
Public link | ✔️ | 不支持通过公共链接共享内容和文件。 | |
Quip | ✔️ | 不提供 Files Connect(包括 Quip)。 不提供Isotope (Engage)。 | |
Sales Cloud Einstein | ✔️ | 不提供 Sales Cloud Einstein。 | |
Sales Cloud Leads | ✔️ | 潜在客户开发集成受到限制(没有可用的公共潜在客户来源)。 | |
Sales Dialer | ✔️ | 不提供 Sales Dialer。 | |
Salesforce Authenticator | ✔️ | 不提供Salesforce Authenticator 应用。 支持 TOTP 多因子认证,但不支持推送通知消息。 | |
Salesforce Classic | ✔️ | 不支持Salesforce Classic。 | |
Salesforce Connect | ✔️ | 仅支持在阿里云上的Salesforce启用开箱即用连接。 | |
Salesforce Inbox | ✔️ | 不提供Salesforce Inbox。 | |
Scratch Orgs | ✔️ | 开通启用 Scratch Org 需要提交工单。 且使用 Trialforce 模板创建 Scratch Org。 | |
Self Service Discovery | ✔️ | 不提供富链接预览渲染(Rich link preview rendering)。 | |
Service Cloud Messaging | ✔️ | 不提供实时消息传送。 | |
Service Cloud - Social Customer Service | ✔️ | 不提供Social Publisher 和 Social Objects。 | |
Service Cloud - SOS | ✔️ | 不提供Service Cloud - SOS。 | |
Service Cloud - Web2Case, Web2Lead | ✔️ | 不提供 Recaptcha 验证方式。 | |
Shield | ✔️ | 事件监控(Event Monitoring)在阿里云上的Salesforce已可用。 Shield 提供了平台加密(Platform Encryption)、字段审计追踪(Field Audit Trail)和事件监控,但Data Detect 托管包目前在阿里云上的 Salesforce 不可用。 | |
Social Accounts, Contacts, and Leads | ✔️ | 社交资料(如 Twitter 和 YouTube)不可用 | |
Topic Influence Work for Knowledge | ✔️ | 不提供主题事件跟踪(Topics event tracking)功能。 | |
Trailhead | ✔️ | Trailhead 的授权和连接在阿里云上的 Salesforce Org 中不可用。基于中国的Org不能作为 Trailhead 的试验场,Trailhead 模块中的包通常不能部署到阿里云上的 Salesforce orgs中。 |
Health Cloud 正在从托管包过渡到 Salesforce 原生包含的功能。从 Summer'24夏季版本开始,新的 Health Cloud 客户不再需要安装托管包。同时,阿里云上的Salesforce 不支持全球版本的 Health Cloud 托管包。
Patient Card LWC
Clinical Data Model - replaced by clinical data model in Core CRM
Care Coordination - replaced by Integrated Care Management in Core CRM
Custom entities
当前版本不支持依赖于外部集成的功能(如Google Map、AWS服务):
Provider Search
Salesforce Scheduler
Data Integration Rule
Intelligent Appointment Management
Video Conference
Intelligent Doc Automation
Benefit Verification
Medication Management
Integrated Care Management
Referral Management
Insurance Group Benefit
另外,OmniStudio Designer 及其相关功能(patient card, utilization, survey & assessment, integrated care management, insurance group benefit)目前不可用。OmniScript 和 OmniStudio Runtime 在阿里云上的Salesforce中已可用,并可使用Salesforce开发工具进行部署。
AI、数据云、数据处理引擎和 CRM分析在阿里云上不可用。
在由 Salesforce.com 管理的实例中,某些域名应被列入白名单,以便让应用程序正常运行。有关详细信息,请参阅help.salesforce.com 上的帮助和培训文章。在由阿里云上 Salesforce 管理的实例中,也需要进行类似操作。
下表中,左侧列展示了在全球版租户 Org 中使用的设置,而中间列展示了在阿里云上的 Salesforce 租户 Org 中使用的设置。
截至 Winter'25 版本,阿里云上的 Salesforce 不提供 Salesforce Customer 360 Data Manager 和 OmniChannel;但是本文档中提供了相关域名,以供将来使用。
Setup Domain("my-domain".setup.sfcrmproducts.cn)将在 Winter'25版本中启用,这样可以解决某些浏览器中第三方 Cookie 被阻止的问题。
Salesforce.com(全球版)使用的域名 | 阿里云上的Salesforce 使用的等效域名 | 用法解读 |
app.salesforceiq.com | 不适用 | 用于提供欧洲联盟外客户的收件箱服务。 |
app.salesforceiq.com | 不适用 | 用于提供欧洲联盟内客户的收件箱服务。 |
*.bluetail.salesforce.com | 不适用 | 用于新闻、账户logo和自动化账户字段。 |
*.sfcrmapps.cn | 用于存储在 Salesforce 中的 Visualforce页面、Lightning页面和内容(文件)。 | |
*.user-content.sfcrmapps.cn | 用于存储在Salesforce中的用户内容。 | |
sfcrmproducts.cn | 用于Salesforce登录认证以及多个Salesforce内容网站,包括Salesforce帮助、Salesforce开发者、Salesforce管理员等等。 | |
不适用 | 用于聊天、全渠道和SOS。 | |
*.experience-builder.sfcrmapps.cn *.experience-preview.sfcrmapps.cn *.experience-live-preview.sfcrmapps.cn | 用于 Experience Cloud 网站的 Experience Builder。 请注意:Experience Cloud 和 Community Cloud 必须在客户所拥有的域名下运行。 | |
*.hub.sfcrmproducts.cn *.admin.hub.sfcrmproducts.cn | 用于 Customer 360 Data Manager。 | |
*.scrt.sfcrmproducts.cn | 用于下一代全渠道互动(例如:语音和消息)。 | |
*.setup.sfcrmproducts.cn | 用于Salesforce中的设置页面。 | |
*.sites.sfcrmapps.cn | 用于Salesforce 网站。 | |
*.sfdcopens.sfcrmproducts.cn | 用于电子邮件跟踪(保留以供将来使用)。 | |
*.site.com | *.experience.sfcrmapps.cn | 用于Experience Cloud 网站。 |
.trailblazer.me | 不适用 | 用于与多个与Salesforce相关的网站(包括AppExchange、IdeaExchange、Salesforce帮助、Trailhead和Trailblazer社区)进行注册、登录以及个人资料和设置管理。 |
不适用 | 用于启用站点(myTrailhead)。 |
Although product goal is to keep Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud be identical to rest of the world when compliance permits, there are feature differences due to technical or regulatory reasons. Since technical and regulatory considerations change over time, this document is a description of the current point in time and will evolve in the future.
Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud offers three editions: CN Unlimited Edition (CN UE), CN Enterprise Edition (CN EE), and CN Developer Edition (CN DE). CN Unlimited Edition is widely used across various industries for business and production, covering the three core cloud modules of sales and service, along with their integration, thus providing enterprises with comprehensive customer relationship management tools. CN Enterprise Edition is tailored specifically for the Chinese market, offering more competitive pricing and features to meet the needs of complex businesses. CN Developer Edition provides a development and testing environment for ISV partners of Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud. These three editions share the same limits as Salesforce global versions (such as storage and API etc), some features that are restricted from transfer, or require cross-border connections are turned off by default. Some features are subject to our product roadmap and will be made available in future releases. Like Salesforce CRM in other global regions, Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud follows same 3 times per year major release schedule.
Event Monitoring was added in the Summer release.
Product and Feature Differences
Adoption Assistance | ✔️ | These features aren't available because they rely on external resources: Optimizer app Access to the Transition Assistant Lightning Experience Welcome Mat | |
Auth Providers | ✔️ | Predefined social network authentication providers (Apple, Facebook, Janrain, etc.) are not supported. Salesforce, OpenID Connect, and Custom Authentication Providers are supported. | |
Backup and Restore | ✔️ | Backup and restore is unavailable. | |
B2B Commerce deployed with Lightning Experience | ✔️ | B2B Commerce deployed with Lightning Experience is unavailable. | |
Big objects | ✔️ | Big Objects are included in the Winter 25 release, and are now available. | |
Client-side tools | ✔️ | Client-side tools such as Data Loader, Salesforce DX, require admin to create a connected-app in the org, and point the login endpoint to login.sfcrmproducts.cn. | |
Commerce Cloud | ✔️ | Commerce Cloud is unavailable. No access to Salesforce Checkout and Self Service order center. | |
CPQ | ✔️ | Salesforce CPQ is unavailable. | |
CRM Analytics | ✔️ | CRM analytics is unavailable. | |
Data Cloud | ✔️ | Data Cloud, Data.com Clean and Prospector are unavailable. | |
Data Assessment | ✔️ | Company Recommendation is unavailable. Data assessment tab is unavailable. Data journey company match feature is unavailable. Data.com Discovery is disabled. | |
Data.com (including "Jigsaw") | ✔️ | Data.com is not available. Data.com fields, such as DunsNumber, Jigsaw, NaicsCode, NaiscDesc, Tradestyle are not present | |
Document Generation | ✔️ | Document Generation features as part of Omnistudio are unavailable. | |
Duplicate Management | ✔️ | Duplicate rules and match rules are unavailable. ISV options are available for consideration. | |
Einstein.ai | ✔️ | Einstein.ai Data Access via Cloud to Cloud is disabled. | |
Einstein Activity Capture | ✔️ | Integration with Outlook and Gmail is unavailable. | |
Einstein Bots | ✔️ | Einstein Bots are not available | |
Einstein Case Classification | ✔️ | Case classification features are unavailable. | |
Einstein EP API | ✔️ | Einstein Metadata models and are disabled. Einstein Metadata access is disabled. | |
Einstein Prediction Builder | ✔️ | Prediction Builder and related features are unavailable. | |
Einstein Search | ✔️ | AI search features are unavailable. | |
Einstein SmartAgent Suggested Article | ✔️ | Einstein Article Recommends is unavailable. Einstein Answers is disabled. Einstein Answer Snippets is disabled. | |
Einstein SmartAgent Suggested Response | ✔️ | Einstein Reply Recommendations is unavailable. | |
✔️ | Email Relay, Gmail Integration and Sync, Outlook Integration and Sync, Send through External Email Services, Email Logs, Advance Email security, and Test Deliverability are un-available. | ||
Email Limits | ✔️ | There is a per-org limit of 15K outbound messages per day. Account activations and password resets are not included in this limit. Limit increase is expected for future release. Before then, customer can request this limit increase through a support case. Outbound: messages originating inside the Salesforce org to mailboxes external to the org. | |
Editions | ✔️ | The current editions available for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud are: CN Unlimited Edition, CN Enterprise Edition, and CN Developer Edition. | |
Event Monitoring | ✔️ | Since CRM Analytics is not available for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud, the event monitoring analytics app and pre-built dashboards are not available. | |
Experience Cloud | ✔️ | Experience cloud site must be run under a custom domain. Experience Cloud (Community Cloud) site must be run under a custom owned domain. Out-of-office messages are unavailable. Trailhead badge cards are disabled. CMS isn’t supported. Posts can’t be categorized by sentiment. Video isn’t allowed in the rich text editor on content detail pages. Sitemap Generation is disabled. The default Experience Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) is disabled. Customers may bring their own CDN, such as Alibaba Cloud CDN. | |
Field Service | ✔️ | Field service is not available. | |
Flow Builder | ✔️ | Cloud Flow Designer is unavailable. | |
Flow orchestration | ✔️ | Flow orchestration is now available. Orchestration and Flow Templates from the AppExchange are not available in the designer, as AppExchange connectivity is not available in China. | |
Geocodes | ✔️ | Geocodes are unavailable. | |
Google Apps | ✔️ | Google apps are unavailable. Gmail connector is unavailable. | |
Help Links | ✔️ | Help links go to global Salesforce Help and Training, but are not customized for CN Editions. | |
In-App Guidance | ✔️ | User feedback in Lightning is unavailable. | |
Intelligent Swarming | ✔️ | Intelligent swarming, or service swarming, using Slack is unavailable. | |
ISV Services | ✔️ | Environment Hub, Partner Developer Edition, and the License Management App are unavailable. | |
Lightning Bridge | ✔️ | In Canvas App Previewer, the Heroku Quick Start button is unavailable. | |
Lightning Console | ✔️ | Debug view in Console is unavailable. | |
Lightning Object Creator | ✔️ | Lightning Object Creator is unavailable. | |
Lightning Platform Partnerships | ✔️ | Google Sheets, Skype for Salesforce, and Cisco Spark are unavailable. | |
Lightning Sync | ✔️ | Lightning Sync is unavailable. | |
Maps and Location Services | ✔️ | Maps and location services are unavailable. | |
Marketing Cloud Account Engagement | ✔️ | Account Engagement is unavailable. | |
Microsoft Teams Integration | ✔️ | Microsoft Teams integration is unavailable. | |
Salesforce Mobile App | ✔️ | Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud iOS Mobile app is now available. AI, push notification, offline, custom branding, mobile plus, mobile publisher, are not currently supported. Other OS such as Ipad, Android are not supported. | |
Mobile Push | ✔️ | Mobile push is unavailable. | |
Omnichannel | ✔️ | Omnichannel routing and supervisor are unavailable. | |
Omnistudio | ✔️ | The new OmniStudio Designer is available on core for Health Cloud. OmniStudio Runtime is available on core. Previous managed packages versions of OmniStudio are not supported. | |
Platform Encryption & Keys | ✔️ | Cache-only keys are unavailable. Search indexes are not encrypted. | |
Platform Functions | ✔️ | Platform Functions is unavailable. | |
Private Connect | ✔️ | Private Connect is unavailable. | |
Pub/sub API | ✔️ | Pub/sub API is unavailable. | |
Public link | ✔️ | Content and file shared via public link are unsupported. | |
Quip | ✔️ | Files Connect (includes Quip) is unavailable. Isotope (Engage) is unavailable. | |
Sales Cloud Einstein | ✔️ | Sales Cloud Einstein is unavailable | |
Sales Cloud Leads | ✔️ | Lead generation integration is restricted (no public lead sources are available). | |
Sales Dialer | ✔️ | Sales Dialer is unavailable. | |
Salesforce Authenticator | ✔️ | Salesforce Authenticator is unavailable. TOTP Multi-Factor Authentication is supported, but push notification MFA is not supported. | |
Salesforce Classic | ✔️ | Salesforce Classic is unavailable. | |
Salesforce Connect | ✔️ | Salesforce Connect enables out-of-box connectivity to Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud orgs only. | |
Salesforce Inbox | ✔️ | Salesforce Inbox is unavailable. | |
Scratch Orgs | ✔️ | Scratch orgs require a support case to enable. Scratch orgs use Trialforce templates for org creation. | |
Self Service Discovery | ✔️ | Rich link preview rendering is unavailable. | |
Service Cloud Messaging | ✔️ | Live Messaging is unavailable. | |
Service Cloud - Social Customer Service | ✔️ | Social Publisher and Social Objects are unavailable. | |
Service Cloud - SOS | ✔️ | Service Cloud - SOS is unavailable. | |
Service Cloud - Web2Case, Web2Lead | ✔️ | Recaptcha is unavailable. | |
Shield | ✔️ | Event Monitoring is now available in China. Shield provides Platform Encryption, Field Audit Trail, and Event Monitoring. The Data Detect managed package is not currently available for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud | |
Social Accounts, Contacts, and Leads | ✔️ | Social profiles (such as Twitter and YouTube) are unavailable. | |
Topic Influence Work for Knowledge | ✔️ | Topics event tracking is unavailable. | |
Trailhead | ✔️ | Trailhead authorization and connectivity does not work with Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud orgs. China-based orgs cannot be used as Trailhead playgrounds, and packages in Trailhead modules generally cannot be deployed to Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud orgs. |
Health Cloud
Health Cloud is transitioning from managed package into using features natively included in Salesforce. Starting from Summer 24 release, new Health Cloud customers no longer need to install the managed package. Additionally, the global version of Health Cloud managed package is not supported on Alibaba Cloud.
The following features only available in managed package will not be available:
Patient Card LWC
Clinical Data Model - replaced by clinical data model in Core CRM
Care Coordination - replaced by Integrated Care Management in Core CRM
Custom entities
Features dependent on external integrations, such as Google Map, AWS services are not supported in the current release.
Provider Search
Salesforce Scheduler
Data Integration Rule
Intelligent Appointment Management
Video Conference
Intelligent Doc Automation
Benefit Verification
Medication Management
Integrated Care Management
Referral Management
Insurance Group Benefit
Separately, OmniStudio Designer and its dependent features( patient card, utilization, survey & assessment, integrated care management, insurance group benefit) are not currently available. OmniScript and the OmniStudio runtime are supported, and can be deployed using Salesforce developer tools.
AI, Data Cloud, Data processing engine, and CRM Analytics are not available on Alibaba Cloud.
Domains for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud
In instances managed by Salesforce.com, some domains should be allow-listed in order for the app function fully. This is described in the following help and training article at help.salesforce.com. Similar operations are also required in instances managed by Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud.
The left-hand column shows the settings used in global tenant orgs, while the middle column displays the values used in tenant orgs on Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud.
As of Winter'25, Customer 360 Data Manager and OmniChannel are not available on Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud; however, the domains are provided in this doc for future use.
Setup Domain ("my-domain".setup.sfcrmproducts.cn) is being enabled in the Winter 25 release. This should overcome issues with third-party cookies being blocked in some browsers.
Domains used by Salesforce.com | Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud Equivalent Domain | Usage |
app.salesforceiq.com | Not Applicable | Provides Inbox services for customers outside of the European Union (EU). |
app.salesforceiq.com | Not Applicable | Provides Inbox services for customers within the EU. |
*.bluetail.salesforce.com | Not Applicable | News, account logos, and automated account fields. |
*.sfcrmapps.cn | Visualforce pages, Lightning pages, and content (files) stored in Salesforce. | |
*.user-content.sfcrmapps.cn | User content stored in Salesforce. | |
sfcrmproducts.cn | Salesforce login authentication and multiple Salesforce content sites, including Salesforce Help, Salesforce Developers, Salesforce Admins, and more. | |
Not Applicable | Chat, Omni-Channel, and SOS. | |
*.experience-builder.sfcrmapps.cn *.experience-preview.sfcrmapps.cn *.experience-live-preview.sfcrmapps.cn | Experience Builder for Experience Cloud sites. Notice:Experience Cloud (Community Cloud) site must be run under a custom owned domain. | |
*.hub.sfcrmproducts.cn *.admin.hub.sfcrmproducts.cn | Customer 360 Data Manager. | |
*.scrt.sfcrmproducts.cn | Next generation Omni-Channel engagement. (Examples: Voice and messaging.) | |
*.setup.sfcrmproducts.cn | Setup pages in Salesforce. | |
*.sites.sfcrmapps.cn | Salesforce Sites. | |
*.sfdcopens.sfcrmproducts.cn | Email tracking. (Reserved for future use.) | |
*.site.com | *.experience.sfcrmapps.cn | Experience Cloud sites. |
.trailblazer.me | Not Applicable | Sign-up, login, and profile and settings management with multiple Salesforce-related sites, including AppExchange, IdeaExchange, Salesforce Help, Trailhead, and Trailblazer Communities. |
Not Applicable | Enablement Sites (myTrailhead). |