阿里云上的Salesforce CRM功能差异列表 - Summer'24夏季版

更新时间:2025-01-10 10:41:50

本文是阿里云上的Salesforce Summer'24夏季版的已知产品与功能差异说明。


我们的产品目标,是在合规性允许的情况下让阿里云上的 Salesforce 与全球其他地方的 Salesforce 尽可能保持一致。但是,由于技术或监管原因,存在少量的功能差异。


阿里云上的 Salesforce 提供三个版本:CN Unlimited Edition(CN无限版,简称为CN UE)、CN Enterprise Edition(CN企业版,简称为CN EE) 和 CN Developer Edition(CN研发版,简称CN DE)。其中,CN无限版广泛应用于各行业客户的业务与生产,涵盖销售、服务及其结合的三大核心云模块,为企业提供全面的客户关系管理工具;CN企业版专为中国市场量身定制,以更具竞争力的价格和功能,满足复杂业务的需求,CN研发版则为阿里云上的 Salesforce ISV 合作伙伴提供研发测试租户环境。这三个版本与 Salesforce 全球版共享相同的限额(如存储和 API等),但一些限制传输或需要跨境连接的功能默认关闭。此外,部分功能取决于产品路线图,可能会在未来版本中推出。与全球其他地区的 Salesforce CRM 一样,阿里云上的 Salesforce CRM 也遵循每年三次的主要发布时间表。

本次夏季版还新增推出了Salesforce Health Cloud。这是阿里云和Salesforce在中国第一次联合发布行业云产品,更多详细信息请查阅:阿里云上的Salesforce CRM - Health Cloud






Adoption Assistance



Optimizer app

Access to the Transition Assistant

Lightning Experience Welcome Mat

Auth Providers


不支持预定义的社交网络身份验证提供商(Apple、Facebook、Janrain 等)。

支持Salesforce,OpenID Connect 和自定义身份验证提供商(Custom Authentication Providers)。

Backup and Restore



B2B Commerce deployed with Lightning Experience


不支持使用 Lightning Experience 的 B2B Commerce 。

Big objects



Client-side tools


使用 Data Loader、Salesforce DX 等客户端工具之前,需要您的管理员在组织中创建连接应用程序(Connected App),并将登录端点 endpoint 指向 login.sfcrmproducts.cn。

Commerce Cloud


不提供 Salesforce Commerce Cloud,也没有 Salesforce Checkout 和自助服务订单中心等功能。

Salesforce 和阿里云已发布了 Salesforce 社交电商(Salesforce Social Commerce),这是一款专为中国市场打造的Headless电商中台产品,能够管理和统一企业在Web网站、移动App及小程序等多种渠道的电商应用,以获得客户的360度视图,从而提高客户体验和促进业务增长。



暂不提供 CPQ。

CRM Analytics


不提供 CRM Analytics。

Data Cloud


不提供 Data Cloud、Data.com Clean 和 Data.com Prospector。

Data Assessment


不提供公司推荐(Company Recommendation)。

不提供数据评估选项卡(Data assessment tab)。

不提供数据旅程公司匹配功能(Data journey company match)。

已禁用 Data.com Discovery。

Data Mask


Data Mask 在阿里云上的Salesforce Summer'24夏季版发布后可用。

Data.com (including "Jigsaw")


Data.com 不可用。Data.com 字段,例如 DunsNumber、Jigsaw、NaicsCode、NaicsDesc、Tradestyle 等均不存在。

Document Generation


不提供Omnistudio的文档生成功能(Document Generation)。

Duplicate Management


不提供重复规则(Duplicate rules)和匹配规则(Match rules)功能。




基于 Cloud to Cloud 的 Einstein.ai Data Access 已禁用。

Einstein Activity Capture


不提供与 Outlook 和 Gmail 的集成。

Einstein Bots


不提供 Einstein Bots。

Einstein Case Classification



Einstein EP API


Einstein 元数据模型已禁用。

Einstein 元数据访问已禁用。

Einstein Prediction Builder


不提供 Prediction Builder 和相关功能。

Einstein Search



Einstein SmartAgent Suggested Article





Einstein SmartAgent Suggested Response





不提供电子邮件中继(Email Relay)、Gmail 集成和同步、Outlook 集成和同步、通过外部电子邮件服务发送、电子邮件日志、高级电子邮件安全性和测试送达功能。

Email Limits



其中,外发邮件是从Salesforce Org内部发起、投递到Org外部邮箱的邮件。



不提供 Unlimited Edition 无限版、Enterprise Edition 企业版、Professional Edition 专业版的全球版本,但为本地市场专属提供 CN Unlimited Edition 无限版和 CN Enterprise Edition 企业版。

Event Monitoring


事件监控(Event Monitoring)在阿里云上的Salesforce中可用。

Experience Cloud


体验云(Experience Cloud)必须在客户自定义域名下运行。

不提供外出消息(Out-of-office messages)。

Trailhead 徽章卡已禁用。

不支持 CMS。




默认的社区云体验云 CDN 已禁用;客户可使用自己的 CDN 服务,比如阿里云 CDN 服务

Field Service


暂不提供现场服务功能(Field service)。

Flow Builder


暂不提供 Cloud Flow Designer。

Flow orchestration







Google Apps



不提供Gmail 连接器。

Help Links


产品内置的帮助文档链接至全球 Salesforce 帮助和培训,但未针对阿里云上的Salesforce 进行修订。

In-App Guidance


Lightning 中的用户反馈不可用。

Intelligent Swarming


不提供 Slack、智能集群或服务集群。

Lightning Bridge


在 Canvas App Previewer 中,不提供 Heroku 快速启动按钮。

Lightning Console



Lightning Object Creator


不提供Lightning 对象创建器。

Lightning Platform Partnerships


不提供 Google Sheets、Skype for Salesforce 和 Cisco Spark。

Lightning Sync


不提供 Lightning Sync。

Maps and Location Services



Marketing Cloud Account Engagement


不提供账号参与功能(Account Engagement)。

Microsoft Teams Integration


不提供与Microsoft Teams 的集成。

Salesforce Mobile App


阿里云上的Salesforce Mobile App iOS应用将在近期推出。


Mobile Push








OmniStudio 在阿里以上的Salesforce中不可用。

Platform Encryption & Keys



Platform Functions



Private Connect



Pub/sub API


不提供发布/订阅 API 。

Public link





不提供 Files Connect(包括 Quip)。

不提供Isotope (Engage)。

Sales Cloud Einstein


不提供 Sales Cloud Einstein。

Sales Cloud Leads



Sales Dialer


不提供 Sales Dialer。

Salesforce Authenticator


不提供Salesforce Authenticator 应用。

支持 TOTP 多因子认证,但不支持推送通知消息。

Salesforce Classic


不支持Salesforce Classic。

Salesforce Connect



Salesforce Inbox


不提供Salesforce Inbox。

Scratch Orgs


开通启用 Scratch Org 需要提交工单。

且使用 Trialforce 模板创建 Scratch Org。

Self Service Discovery


不提供富链接预览渲染(Rich link preview rendering)。

Service Cloud Messaging



Service Cloud - Social Customer Service


不提供Social Publisher 和 Social Objects。

Service Cloud - SOS


不提供Service Cloud - SOS。

Service Cloud - Web2Case, Web2Lead


不提供 Recaptcha 验证方式。



事件监控(Event Monitoring)在阿里云上的Salesforce已可用。

Shield 提供了平台加密(Platform Encryption)、字段审计追踪(Field Audit Trail)和事件监控,但Data Detect 托管包目前在阿里云上的 Salesforce 不可用。

Social Accounts, Contacts, and Leads



Topic Influence Work for Knowledge


不提供主题事件跟踪(Topics event tracking)功能。



Trailhead 的授权和连接在阿里云上的 Salesforce Org 中不可用。基于中国的Org不能作为 Trailhead 的试验场,Trailhead 模块中的包通常不能部署到阿里云上的 Salesforce orgs中。

Background information

Our product goal is to align Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud with Salesforce elsewhere in the world, as compliance allows. However, a small number of feature differences exist because of technical or regulatory reasons.

Technical, regulatory, and other factors change over time. Therefore, this topic describes the product and feature differences at the current point in time and will be iteratively updated.

Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud offers three editions: CN Unlimited Edition (CN UE), CN Enterprise Edition (CN EE), and CN Developer Edition (CN DE). CN Unlimited Edition is widely used across various industries for business and production, covering the three core cloud modules of sales and service, along with their integration, thus providing enterprises with comprehensive customer relationship management tools. CN Enterprise Edition is tailored specifically for the Chinese market, offering more competitive pricing and features to meet the needs of complex businesses. CN Developer Edition provides a development and testing environment for ISV partners of Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud. These three editions share the same limits as Salesforce global versions (such as storage and API etc), some features that are restricted from transfer, or require cross-border connections are turned off by default. Some features are subject to our product roadmap and will be made available in future releases. Like Salesforce CRM in other global regions, Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud follows same 3 times per year major release schedule.

Salesforce Health Cloud is added in this Summer Release. This is the first time that Alibaba Cloud and Salesforce have jointly launched an industry cloud product in China. For more information, see Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud - Health Cloud.

Product and feature differences

Product or feature

Available but with differences

Unavailable now


Adoption Assistance


The following features are unavailable because they rely on external third-party services:

Optimizer app

Access to the Transition Assistant

Lightning Experience Welcome Mat

Auth Providers


Predefined social network authentication providers, such as Apple, Facebook, and Janrain, are not supported.

Salesforce, OpenID Connect, and custom authentication providers are supported.

Backup and Restore


Backup and restoration are not supported.

B2B Commerce deployed with Lightning Experience


B2B Commerce deployed with Lightning Experience is not supported.

Big objects


It is available in Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud, but only for testing.

Client-side tools


Before you use client tools such as Data Loader and Salesforce DX, your administrator needs to create a connected app in your organization and point the logon endpoint to login.sfcrmproducts.cn.

Commerce Cloud


Salesforce Commerce Cloud is unavailable. Features such as Salesforce Checkout and self-service order center are also unavailable.

Salesforce Social Commercereleased by Salesforce and Alibaba Cloud is a headless e-commerce mid-end product specifically designed for the Chinese market. It helps enterprises manage and unify e-commerce channels including websites, mobile apps, and mini programs. It brings to brands 360º customer view to improve customer experience and drive brands' business growth.



Configure, price, and quote (CPQ) is unavailable.

CRM Analytics


CRM Analytics is unavailable.

Data Cloud


Data Cloud, Data.com Clean, and Data.com Prospector are unavailable.

Data Assessment


Company Recommendation is unavailable.

No data assessment tab is available.

Data journey company match is unavailable.

Data.com Discovery is disabled.

Data Mask


Data Mask is available after the release of Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud Summer '24.

Data.com (including "Jigsaw")


Data.com is unavailable. Data.com fields, such as DunsNumber, Jigsaw, NaicsCode, NaiscDesc, and Tradestyle, do not exist.

Document Generation


OmniStudio document generation is unavailable.

Duplicate Blocking


Duplicate blocking is unavailable.

ISV products and applications are available for selection.



Cloud-to-cloud-based Einstein.ai Data Access is disabled.

Einstein Activity Capture


Integration with Outlook and Gmail is unavailable.

Einstein Bots


Einstein bots are unavailable.

Einstein Case Classification


Case classification is unavailable.

Einstein EP API


The Einstein metadata model is disabled.

Einstein metadata access is disabled.

Einstein Prediction Builder


Prediction Builder and related features are unavailable.

Einstein Search


AI search is unavailable.

Einstein SmartAgent Suggested Article


Einstein Article Recommendations is unavailable.

Einstein Search Answers is disabled.

Einstein answer clips are unavailable.

Einstein SmartAgent Suggested Response


Einstein Reply Recommendations is unavailable.



Email relay, Gmail integration and synchronization, Outlook integration and synchronization, sending through external email services, email logs, advanced email security, and test delivery are unavailable.

Email Limits


Each organization can send a maximum of 15,000 emails per day. Emails such as account activation and password reset emails do not count toward this limit. You can submit a ticket to apply for a quota increase.

Outbound emails are emails that are initiated from within a Salesforce organization and delivered to mailboxes outside the organization.



Global editions such as EE, UE, and PE are unavailable, and only a local version is available.

Event Monitoring


Event monitoring is available in Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud.

Experience Cloud


Experience Cloud must run within a customer-defined domain name.

Out-of-office messages are unavailable.

Trailhead badge cards are disabled.

CMS is not supported.

Posts cannot be categorized by sentiment.

Videos are not supported in the rich text editor on the content details page.

Sitemap generation is disabled.

The default Community Cloud or Experience Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) is disabled. Customers can use their own CDN services, such as Alibaba Cloud CDN.

Field Service


The field service is unavailable.

Flow Builder


Cloud Flow Designer is unavailable.

Flow orchestration


Flow orchestration is available in Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud.

However, orchestration and flow templates from AppExchange cannot be used in the designer.



Geocoding is unavailable.

Google Apps


No Google app is available.

No Gmail connector is available.

Help Links


The product's built-in help documentation links to global Salesforce help and training, but is not revised for the CN edition.

In-App Guidance


User feedback in Lightning is unavailable.

Intelligent Swarming


Slack and intelligent clusters or service clusters are unavailable.

Lightning Bridge


In Canvas App Previewer, the Heroku quick startup button is unavailable.

Lightning Console


The debug view is unavailable in the console.

Lightning Object Creator


Lightning Object Creator is unavailable.

Lightning Platform Partnerships


Google Sheets, Skype for Salesforce, and Cisco Spark are unavailable.

Lightning Sync


Lightning Sync is unavailable.

Maps and Location Services


Maps and location services are unavailable.

Marketing Cloud Account Engagement


Account engagement is unavailable.

Microsoft Teams Integration


Integration with Microsoft Teams is unavailable.

Salesforce Mobile App


Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud mobile app for iOS will be launched in the near future.

At that time, features such as AI, notification push, offline features, brand customization, mobile enhancement, and mobile publishing will not be supported.

Mobile Push


Mobile Push is unavailable.



Omnichannel routing and governance are unavailable.



OmniStudio is unavailable in Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud.

Platform Encryption & Keys


No cache-only key is available.

Platform Functions


Platform features are unavailable.

Private Connect


Private Connect is unavailable.

Pub/sub API


The Pub/Sub API is unavailable.

Public link


Sharing content and files by using public links is not supported.



Files Connect (including Quip) is unavailable.

Isotope (Engage) is unavailable.

Sales Cloud Einstein


Sales Cloud Einstein is unavailable.

Sales Cloud Leads


Lead generation and integration are restricted. No public lead source is available.

Sales Dialer


Sales Dialer is unavailable.

Salesforce Authenticator


Salesforce Authenticator is unavailable.

Time-based one-time password (TOTP) multi-factor authentication is supported, but notification push is not supported.

Salesforce Classic


Salesforce Classic is not supported.

Salesforce Connect


It is available in Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud.

Salesforce Inbox


Salesforce Inbox is unavailable.

Scratch Orgs


To enable Scratch Org, you need to submit a ticket.

You need to use the Trialforce template for Scratch Org creation.

Self Service Discovery


Rich link preview rendering is unavailable.

Service Cloud Messaging


Real-time messaging is unavailable.

Service Cloud - Social Customer Service


Social Publisher and Social Objects are unavailable.

Service Cloud - SOS


Service Cloud - SOS is unavailable.

Service Cloud - Web2Case, Web2Lead


The reCAPTCHA verification method is unavailable.



Event monitoring is available in Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud.

Shield provides Platform Encryption, Field Audit Trail, and event monitoring. However, the managed Data Detect package is unavailable in Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud.

Social Accounts, Contacts, and Leads


Social profiles are unavailable.

Topic Influence Work for Knowledge


Topic event tracking is unavailable.



The authorization and connection of Trailhead are unavailable in the Salesforce organization on Alibaba Cloud. A China-based organization cannot be used as a testing ground for Trailhead. Generally, packages in the Trailhead module cannot be deployed to Salesforce organizations on Alibaba Cloud.

  • 本页导读 (0)
  • 简介
  • 产品与功能差异
  • Background information
  • Product and feature differences