
语法 geomgrid[]ST_As3DGrid(geometry geom3d,integer precision,bool degenerated default false);geomgrid[]ST_As3DGrid(meshgeom geom3d,integer precision,bool degenerated default false);geomgrid[]ST_As3DGrid(sfmesh geom3d,...


语法 geomgrid[]ST_As3DGrid(geometry geom3d,integer precision,bool degenerated default false);geomgrid[]ST_As3DGrid(meshgeom geom3d,integer precision,bool degenerated default false);geomgrid[]ST_As3DGrid(sfmesh geom3d,...


语法 geomgrid[]ST_As3DGrid(geometry geom3d,integer precision,bool degenerated default false);geomgrid[]ST_As3DGrid(meshgeom geom3d,integer precision,bool degenerated default false);geomgrid[]ST_As3DGrid(sfmesh geom3d,...


语法 boolean ST_As3dTiles(sfmesh sfmesh_object,cstring table_name,cstring options default '{}');返回值 返回值 描述 true 导出成功。false 导出失败。参数 参数名称 描述 sfmesh_object 需要处理的sfmesh对象。table_name 业务表名称...


语法 boolean ST_As3dTiles(sfmesh sfmesh_object,cstring table_name,cstring options default '{}');返回值 返回值 描述 true 导出成功。false 导出失败。参数 参数名称 描述 sfmesh_object 需要处理的sfmesh对象。table_name 业务表名称...


unnest-GZ00262064446046072072-采用拆分编码 SELECT unnest(ST_AsText(ST_As3DGrid('srid=4490;POINT(116.31522216796875 39.910277777777778 1001.8)':geometry,20),-1,true));unnest-G00131032223023031031,+10010-H3编码 SELECT ST_...


unnest-GZ00262064446046072072-采用拆分编码 SELECT unnest(ST_AsText(ST_As3DGrid('srid=4490;POINT(116.31522216796875 39.910277777777778 1001.8)':geometry,20),-1,true));unnest-G00131032223023031031,+10010-H3编码 SELECT ST_...


unnest-GZ00262064446046072072-采用拆分编码 SELECT unnest(ST_AsText(ST_As3DGrid('srid=4490;POINT(116.31522216796875 39.910277777777778 1001.8)':geometry,20),-1,true));unnest-G00131032223023031031,+10010-H3编码 SELECT ST_...


st_asbinary-\x0102000f74271236 select st_asbinary(unnest(st_as3dgrid('srid=4490;POINT(116.31522216796875 39.910277777777778 1001.8)':geometry,20)));st_asbinary-\x0102401474271236362412000000-H3Grid select st_asbinary(st_h3...


st_asbinary-\x0102000f74271236 select st_asbinary(unnest(st_as3dgrid('srid=4490;POINT(116.31522216796875 39.910277777777778 1001.8)':geometry,20)));st_asbinary-\x0102401474271236362412000000-H3Grid select st_asbinary(st_h3...


st_asbinary-\x0102000f74271236 select st_asbinary(unnest(st_as3dgrid('srid=4490;POINT(116.31522216796875 39.910277777777778 1001.8)':geometry,20)));st_asbinary-\x0102401474271236362412000000-H3Grid select st_asbinary(st_h3...


0.9 as f4,-1.04 as f5,1 as label union all select 1.02 as f0,-0.88 as f1,0.82 as f2,1.82 as f3,1.55 as f4,0.53 as f5,0 as label union all select 1.19 as f0,-1.18 as f1,-1.1 as f2,2.26 as f3,1.22 as f4,0.92 as f5,0 as label...


create table pai_knn_test_input as select*from(select 1 as f0,2 as f1,'good' as class from dual union all select 1 as f0,3 as f1,'good' as class from dual union all select 1 as f0,4 as f1,'bad' as class from dual union all...


col0|+-+|9|MOD 命令说明:求余 示例:SELECT mod(cast(4.5 as tinyint),3);col0|+-+|2|SELECT mod(cast(4.5 as smallint),3);col0|+-+|2|SELECT mod(cast(4.5 as int),3);col0|+-+|2|SELECT mod(cast(4.5 as bigint),3);col0|+-+|2|SELECT...


create table test as select*from(select 0 as rowid,1 as col0,1.1 as col1,2 as col2 from dual union all select 1 as rowid,0 as col0,1.2 as col1,3 as col2 from dual union all select 2 as rowid,1 as col0,2.3 as col1,4 as col2...


create table pai_rf_test_input as select*from(select 1 as f0,2 as f1,"good"as class from dual union all select 1 as f0,3 as f1,"good"as class from dual union all select 1 as f0,4 as f1,"bad"as class from dual union all ...


0 as x2,'0:3.89' as sparsecol1 from dual union all select 40 as y,4.19 as x1,0 as x2,'0:4.19' as sparsecol1 from dual union all select 50 as y,5.76 as x1,0 as x2,'0:5.76' as sparsecol1 from dual union all select 60 as y,6....

GISV On-cloud Migration Service Content

information,data,charts,as well as necessary system permissions and remote access channels to enable the service to be provided by Party B.All such materials will be subject to the confidentiality terms under this ...


s3"as id_s,"0:2.1,3:2.2"as kvs0,"6:2.3,7:2.4"as kvs1 from dual union all select 4 as id,"s4"as id_s,"0:3.1,4:3.2"as kvs0,"8:3.3,9:3.4"as kvs1 from dual union all select 5 as id,"s5"as id_s,"0:5.1,5:5.2"as kvs0,"10:5.3,6:5...


col0|+-+|1|ROUND round(x)round(x,d)命令说明:返回x四舍五入后的最近的整数值,或者返回x四舍五入到d位小数位的值 返回值类型:BIGINT或DOUBLE 示例:SELECT round(cast(4.5 as tinyint),3);col0|+-+|5|SELECT round(cast(4.5 as ...


memSizePerCore=max(1024,int(kOneCoreDataSize*2))return coreNum,memSizePerCore 使用示例 测试数据 create table pai_test_input as select*from(select 1 as f0,2 as f1 from dual union all select 1 as f0,3 as f1 from dual union ...


asset.level2 as level_2-可自定义别名,空间资产模型第三层级,asset.level3 as level_3-可自定义别名,空间资产模型第四层级,asset.level4 as level_4,metric.ts_second as"统计日期(ymdhms)",metric.ts_minute as"统计日期(minute)",metric...


datetime from dual union all select '04' as col_string,13 as col_bigint,10.4 as col_double,cast(null as boolean)as col_boolean,cast('2016-07-05 10:00:00' as datetime)as col_datetime from dual union all select '05' as col_...


datetime from dual union all select '04' as col_string,13 as col_bigint,10.4 as col_double,cast(null as boolean)as col_boolean,cast('2016-07-05 10:00:00' as datetime)as col_datetime from dual union all select '05' as col_...


返回结果如下:NULL 示例3 将DOUBLE的数据类型 4.3 转换为BOOLEAN类型,语句如下:SELECT CAST(4.3 AS BOOLEAN);返回结果如下:+-+|CAST(4.3 AS BOOLEAN)|+-+|1|+-+示例4 将INT的数据类型 5 转换为BOOLEAN类型,语句如下:SELECT CAST(5 AS...


create table pai_rf_test_input as select*from(select 1 as f0,2 as f1,"good"as class from dual union all select 1 as f0,3 as f1,"good"as class from dual union all select 1 as f0,4 as f1,"bad"as class from dual union all ...


Use the FOREACH-GENERATE command to assign names to the fields.uniq_frequency3=FOREACH uniq_frequency2 GENERATE$1 as hour,$0 as ngram,$2 as score,$3 as count,$4 as mean;Use the FILTER command to move all records with a ...


Use the FOREACH-GENERATE command to assign names to the fields.uniq_frequency3=FOREACH uniq_frequency2 GENERATE$1 as hour,$0 as ngram,$2 as score,$3 as count,$4 as mean;Use the FILTER command to move all records with a ...


Hologres从V1.3.21版本开始,支持使用CREATE TABLE AS语句创建表,复制表结构的同时也可以选择复制数据。本文为您介绍在Hologres中CREATE TABLE AS的用法。背景信息 CREATE TABLE AS的功能为:创建一个与源表结构或者查询Query结果相同的新...


create table zb2 as select*from(select/*+mapjoin(t2,t3)*/1000000+row_number()over(partition by 1)-1 as c0,1617120000 as c1,cast(round(rand()*999,0)as bigint)+1 as c2 from za1 t1 join za1 t2 join(select c0 from za1 limit 10...


CREATE FUNCTION ST_Aggr_Intersection AS 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_Aggr_Intersection' USING 'spatial-sdk-hive.jar,esri-geometry-api.jar';CREATE FUNCTION ST_Aggr_Union AS '...


datetime from dual union all select '04' as col_string,13 as col_bigint,10.4 as col_double,cast(null as boolean)as col_boolean,cast('2016-07-05 10:00:00' as datetime)as col_datetime from dual union all select '05' as col_...

Quick BI中如何计算某个度量值不同范围的记录总数

select city,county,total,分组汇总,count('分组汇总')as '计算总数' from(select distinct col_1 as 'city',col_2 as 'county',col_3 as 'total',CASE WHEN col_3>=0 and col_3度量值100以下' WHEN col_3>100 and col_3度量值100到500' ...


create table normality_test_input as select*from(select 1 as x from dual union all select 2 as x from dual union all select 3 as x from dual union all select 4 as x from dual union all select 5 as x from dual union all ...


create table smart_multiclass_input lifecycle 3 as select*from(select '2' as label,'1:0.55 2:0.15 3:0.82 4:0.99 5:0.17' as features union all select '1' as label,'1:1.26 2:1.36 3:0.13 4:2.82 5:0.41' as features union all ...

使用Python SDK的SelectObject查询CSV和JSON文件

2 as double)),MAX(cast(_2 as double)),MIN(cast(_2 as double))from ossobject 返回第1列和第3列连接的字符串中以'Tom'为开头以’Anderson‘结尾的所有记录 select*from ossobject where(_1|_3)like 'Tom%Anderson' 返回第1列能被3整除的...


创建视图 v3 时,不设置 SQL SECURITY(即系统默认使用 INVOKER),语句如下:CREATE VIEW v3 AS SELECT id_province,user_info FROM t1 WHERE id_province=1;权限对比 仅通过高权限账号授予 user1 查询3个视图的权限,语句如下:GRANT ...


查询和分析语句*|SELECT department,staff_name,salary,round(salary*1.0/sum(salary)over(partition by department),3)AS salary_percentage 查询和分析结果 cume_dist函数 cume_dist函数用于统计窗口分区内各个值的累计分布。即计算窗口...


SPLIT(col,'#')[2]AS time,SPLIT(col,'#')[3]AS request,SPLIT(col,'#')[4]AS status,SPLIT(col,'#')[5]AS bytes,SPLIT(col,'#')[6]AS referer,SPLIT(col,'#')[7]AS agent FROM ods_raw_log_d WHERE dt='${bizdate}')a;2.配置调度属性 通过...


SPLIT(col,'#')[2]AS time,SPLIT(col,'#')[3]AS request,SPLIT(col,'#')[4]AS status,SPLIT(col,'#')[5]AS bytes,SPLIT(col,'#')[6]AS referer,SPLIT(col,'#')[7]AS agent FROM ods_raw_log_d WHERE dt='${bizdate}')a;2.配置调度属性 通过...
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