HTTP 状态码 | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 | 操作 |
403 | AbnormalService.Ceased | Service abnormal. The instance %s is stopped. | 服务异常,实例已停止。 | |
403 | AbnormalService.Creating | Service abnormal. The instance %s is being created. | 服务异常,正在创建实例。 | |
403 | AbnormalService.Disabled | Service abnormal. Call center service of %s is not enabled. | 服务异常,呼叫中心服务未启用。 | |
409 | AlreadyExists.CustomNumber | Custom number already exists. | 呼入号码标记已存在。 | |
409 | AlreadyExists.DomainName | Instance %s already exists. | 呼叫中心实例已存在。 | |
409 | AlreadyExists.InstanceId | The instance %s already exists. | 呼叫中心实例已存在。 | |
409 | AlreadyExists.PhoneNumber | The specified number %s already exists in the instance. | 呼叫中心实例中已经存在指定的号码。 | |
409 | AlreadyExists.RamUser | RAM user %s already exists. | Ram用户已存在。 | |
409 | AlreadyExists.SkillGroupId | Skill group %s already exists in instance %s. | 呼叫中心实例中已经存在指定的技能组。 | |
409 | AlreadyExists.User | User %s already exists in instance %s. | 呼叫中心实例下已存在指定的用户。 | |
409 | AlreadyExists.UserName | User name %s already exists。 | 用户名%s已存在。 | |
500 | Authentication.Signature | Failed to generate signature for SIP authentication. | 无法为SIP身份验证生成签名。 | |
500 | InternalService.AC | An internal AC service error occurred. %s | 内部AC服务错误。 | |
500 | InternalService.Account | An internal Account service error occurred. %s | 内部Account服务错误。 | |
500 | InternalService.Common | An internal service error occurred. %s | 内部服务错误。 | |
500 | InternalService.CTI | An internal CTI service error occurred. %s | 内部CTI服务错误。 | |
500 | InternalService.DB | An internal DB service error occurred. %s | 内部数据服务错误。 | |
500 | InternalService.IVR | An internal IVR service error occurred. %s | 内部IVR服务错误。 | |
500 | InternalService.OSS | An internal OSS service error occurred. %s | 内部OSS服务错误。 | |
500 | InternalService.RAM | An internal RAM service error occurred. %s | 内部RAM服务错误。 | |
500 | InternalService.Redis | An internal Redis service error occurred. %s | 内部Redis服务错误。 | |
500 | InternalService.ResourcePlatform | An internal ResourcePlatform service error occurred. %s | 内部ResourcePlatform服务错误。 | |
500 | InternalService.STS | An internal STS service error occurred. %s | 内部STS服务错误。 | |
500 | InternalService.WorkFlow | An internal WorkFlow service error occurred. %s | 内部WorkFlow服务错误。 | |
400 | InUse.Instance | Instance %s is in use now. | 指定的呼叫中心实例正在使用中。 | |
400 | InUse.SkillGroup | Skill group %s is in use now. | 技能组正在被使用,该状态表明技能组可能关联着号码或坐席。 | |
400 | InvalidOperation.ChannelState | The operation is not allowed. Channel state (%s) does not meet expectations (%s). | 非法操作,channel状态不符合预期。 | |
400 | InvalidOperation.ContactFlow | The operation is not allowed. Contact flow %s is edited by someone else. | 不允许该操作。 该联系流正在由其他人编辑。 | |
400 | InvalidOperation.DeviceState | The operation is not allowed. Device state (%s) does not meet expectations (%s). | 非法操作。 设备状态不符合预期。 | |
400 | InvalidOperation.DraftContactFlow | Draft %s of ContactFlow %s is edited by someone else. | 该联系流草稿正在由其他人编辑。 | |
400 | InvalidOperation.DuplicatedCallee | The operation is not allowed. The called number %s already exists in call %s. | 非法操作,新加入的一方已在通道中。 | |
400 | InvalidOperation.SignedSkillGroup | The operation is not allowed. User have not yet signed in any skill group. | 非法操作,用户尚未迁入任何技能组。 | |
400 | InvalidOperation.UserState | The operation is not allowed. User state (%s) does not meet expectations (%s). | 非法操作,用户状态不符合预期。 | |
400 | LimitExceed.CallTagsPerInstance | The total number of call tag of the instance exceeds the limit %s. | 号码标签数量超出单个实例的上限阈值。 | |
400 | LimitExceed.CallTagsPerNumber | The total number of call tag of numbers exceeds the limit %s. | 号码标签数量超出单个呼入号码标记的上线阈值。 | |
400 | LimitExceeded.File | The size of the file exceeds the limit of %s MB. | 文件大小超过上限。无法继续添加,如有特殊需要,请您通过工单进行问题反馈。 | |
400 | LimitExceeded.SkillGroup | The total count of skill group exceeds the limit %s. | 技能组数量超过上限。 | |
400 | LimitExceeded.SkillGroupsPerUser | The total count of skill group of a user exceeds the limit %s. | 单用户关联的技能组数量超过上限。 | |
400 | LimitExceeded.User | The total count of user exceeds the limit %s. | 用户数量超过上限。无法继续添加用户,如有特殊需要,请您通过工单进行问题反馈。 | |
403 | NoPermission.User | User %s has no permission to %s. | 用户%s没有%s的权限。 | |
404 | NotExist.Instance | Call center instance %s does not exist. | 云呼叫中心实例%s不存在。 | |
404 | NotExist.SkillGroup | Skill group %s does not exist. | 技能组%s不存在。 | |
404 | NotExist.User | User %s of instance %s does not exist. | 用户%s在实例%s中不存在。 | |
404 | NotExists.AudioResourceFileKey | Audio resource file key %s does not exist. | 指定的音频资源文件密钥不存在。 | |
404 | NotExists.AudioResourceId | Audio resource %s does not exists. | 指定的音频资源不存在。 | |
404 | NotExists.ChannelId | The specified channel %s does not exist in call %s. | 通话中不存在指定的Channel信息。 | |
404 | NotExists.ContactFlowDraftId | Draft %s of contact flow %s does not exist in instance %s. | 呼叫中心实例的联系流中不存在指定的草稿。 | |
404 | NotExists.ContactFlowId | Contact flow %s does not exist in instance %s. | 呼叫中心实例中不存在指定的联系流。 | |
404 | NotExists.ContactFlowSnapshotId | Snapshot %s of contact flow %s does not exist in instance %s. | 呼叫中心实例的联系流中不存在指定的快照。 | |
404 | NotExists.CustomCallTagging | Custom call tagging %s does not exist in instance %s. | 呼入号码标记不存在。 | |
404 | NotExists.Extension | No available extension number exists. | 没有可分配的分机号。 | |
404 | NotExists.FunctionMetaId | Function meta %s does not exist in instance %s. | 呼叫中心实例中不存在指定的Function Meta。 | |
404 | NotExists.InstanceId | The specified instance %s does not exist. | 指定的呼叫中心实例不存在。 | |
404 | NotExists.JobId | The call %s does not exist. | 指定的通话信息不存在。 | |
404 | NotExists.Number | The specified number %s does not exist in instance %s. | 呼叫中心实例中不存在指定的号码。 | |
404 | NotExists.OutboundNumber | A valid number for outbound call is not found. | 找不到呼出电话的有效号码。 | |
404 | NotExists.RamId | RAM user %s does not exist. | 指定的RAM用户不存在。 | |
404 | NotExists.RoleId | Role %s does not exist. | 指定的角色不存在。 | |
404 | NotExists.SkillGroupId | The skill group ID %s does not exist in instance %s. | 呼叫中心实例中不存在指定的技能组ID。 | |
404 | NotExists.SkillGroupName | The skill group name %s does not exist in instance %s. | 呼叫中心实例中不存在指定的技能组名称。 | |
404 | NotExists.Switch | The switch %s does not exist. | Switch不存在 | |
404 | NotExists.UserId | The user %s does not exist in instance %s. | 呼叫中心实例中不存在指定的用户。 | |
404 | NotExists.UserResourceFileKey | User resource file key %s does not exist. | OSS用户资源文件的Key不存在。 | |
404 | NotFound.CallingNumber | No available calling number found in the group %s. | 在组 %s 中找不到可用的主叫号码。 | |
400 | Parameter.Blank | The parameter %s may not be null or blank. | 该参数不能为null或含有空白符的字符串。 | |
400 | Parameter.Blank | The parameter %s must not be null or empty. | 该参数不能为null值。 | |
400 | Parameter.CallerType | Invalid caller type. Caller type (%s) does not meet expectations (%s). | 非法的调用类型,调用类型不符合预期。 | |
400 | Parameter.Empty | The parameter %s may not be null or empty. | 该参数不能为null值或为空字符串。 | |
400 | Parameter.Enumeration | The parameter %s must be one of the value of enumeration %s. | 该参数必须为系统限定的枚举值之一。 | |
400 | Parameter.Format | The format of parameter %s is invalid. %s | 该参数的格式不合法。 | |
400 | Parameter.Invalid | The parameter %s is invalid. %s. | 该参数无效。 | |
400 | Parameter.InvalidFileContent | The content or format of the file (%s) is invalid. | 参数错误,传入的文件内容无效。 | |
400 | Parameter.Maximum | The parameter %s must be less than or equal to %s. | 参数必须小于或等于系统规定的最大值。 | |
400 | Parameter.Minimum | The parameter %s must be greater than or equal to %s. | 参数必须大于或等于系统规定的最小值。 | |
400 | Parameter.Null | The parameter %s may not be null. | 该参数不能为null值. | |
400 | Parameter.UnknownCaller | Invalid caller. Caller UID is null. | 无效的调用者,Caller Uid 为null。 | |
403 | Permission.Common | You have no permission to access. %s | 您无权进行访问。 | |
403 | Permission.Instance | You have no permission to access instance %s. | 您无权访问指定的实例。 | |
403 | Permission.PhoneNumber | You have no permission to access number(s) %s. | 您无权使用该号码。 | |
403 | Permission.RAM | You are not authorized to perform this action. RAM authorization is required. | 您无权执行此操作。 需要RAM授权。 | |
403 | Permission.Role | You have no permission to access role %s. | 您无权访问指定角色。 | |
403 | Permission.SkillGroup | You have no permission to access skill group(s) %s. | 您无权访问这些技能组。 | |
403 | Permission.StsToken | You have no permission to access sts token %s. | 您无权访问STS Token。 | |
403 | Permission.Unauthorized | You are not authorized to perform this action. %s privileges are required. | 您无权执行此操作。 必须具有指定权限。 | |
403 | Permission.User | You have no permission to access user(s) %s. | 您无权访问这些用户。 | |
400 | UserBusy | The user %s you called was busy. Please try again later. | 您呼叫的用户正忙,请稍后再试。 |