
更新时间:2024-07-30 08:28:58



syntax = "proto2";

package com.alicloud.openservices.tablestore.core.protocol;

message Error {
    required string code = 1;
    optional string message = 2;

enum PrimaryKeyType {
    INTEGER = 1;
    STRING = 2;
    BINARY = 3;

enum DefinedColumnType {
    DCT_INTEGER = 1;
    DCT_DOUBLE = 2;
    DCT_BOOLEAN = 3;
    DCT_STRING = 4;
    DCT_BLOB = 7;

enum PrimaryKeyOption {

message PrimaryKeySchema {
    required string name = 1;
    required PrimaryKeyType type = 2;
    optional PrimaryKeyOption option = 3;

message PartitionRange {
    required bytes begin = 1; // encoded as SQLVariant
    required bytes end = 2; // encoded as SQLVariant

message DefinedColumnSchema {
    required string name = 1;
    required DefinedColumnType type = 2;

message TableOptions {
    optional int32 time_to_live = 1;
    optional int32 max_versions = 2;
    optional int64 deviation_cell_version_in_sec = 5;
    optional bool allow_update = 6;

enum IndexUpdateMode {

enum IndexType {

enum IndexSyncPhase {
    ISP_INVALID = 0;
    ISP_FULL = 1;
    ISP_INCR = 2;

message IndexMeta {
    required string name = 1;
    repeated string primary_key = 2;
    repeated string defined_column = 3;
    required IndexUpdateMode index_update_mode = 4;
    required IndexType index_type = 5;
    optional IndexSyncPhase index_sync_phase = 6;

message TableMeta {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated PrimaryKeySchema primary_key = 2;
    repeated DefinedColumnSchema defined_column = 3;

enum RowExistenceExpectation {
    IGNORE = 0;

message Condition {
    required RowExistenceExpectation row_existence = 1;
    optional bytes column_condition      = 2;

message CapacityUnit {
    optional int32 read = 1;
    optional int32 write = 2;

message CapacityDataSize {
    optional int64 read_size = 1;
    optional int64 write_size = 2;

message ReservedThroughputDetails {
    required CapacityUnit capacity_unit = 1;
    required int64 last_increase_time = 2;
    optional int64 last_decrease_time = 3;

message ReservedThroughput {
    required CapacityUnit capacity_unit = 1;

message ConsumedCapacity {
    required CapacityUnit capacity_unit = 1;
    optional CapacityDataSize capacity_data_size = 2;

message StreamSpecification {
    required bool enable_stream = 1;
    optional int32 expiration_time = 2;
    repeated string columns_to_get = 3;

message StreamDetails {
    required bool enable_stream = 1;
    optional string stream_id = 2;
    optional int32 expiration_time = 3;
    optional int64 last_enable_time = 4;
    repeated string column_to_get = 5;

enum SSEKeyType {
    SSE_BYOK = 2;

message SSESpecification {
    required bool enable = 1;
    optional SSEKeyType key_type = 2;
    optional bytes key_id = 3; // only useful when key_type is SSE_BYOK
    optional bytes role_arn = 4; // only useful when key_type is SSE_BYOK

message SSEDetails {
    required bool enable = 1;
    optional SSEKeyType key_type = 2;
    optional bytes key_id = 3;
    optional bytes role_arn = 4; // only useful when key_type is SSE_BYOK

message CreateTableRequest {
    required TableMeta table_meta = 1;
    required ReservedThroughput reserved_throughput = 2;
    optional TableOptions table_options = 3;
    repeated PartitionRange partitions = 4;
    optional StreamSpecification stream_spec = 5;
    optional SSESpecification sse_spec = 6;
    repeated IndexMeta index_metas = 7;
    optional bool enable_local_txn = 8;

message CreateTableResponse {

message CreateIndexRequest {
    required string main_table_name = 1;
    required IndexMeta index_meta = 2;
    optional bool include_base_data = 3;

message CreateIndexResponse {

message DropIndexRequest {
    required string main_table_name = 1;
    required string index_name = 2;

message DropIndexResponse {

message AddDefinedColumnRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated DefinedColumnSchema columns = 2;

message AddDefinedColumnResponse {

message DeleteDefinedColumnRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated string columns = 2;

message DeleteDefinedColumnResponse {

message UpdateTableRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    optional ReservedThroughput reserved_throughput = 2;
    optional TableOptions table_options = 3;
    optional StreamSpecification stream_spec = 4;

message UpdateTableResponse {
    required ReservedThroughputDetails reserved_throughput_details = 1;
    required TableOptions table_options = 2;
    optional StreamDetails stream_details = 3;
message DescribeTableRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;

message DescribeTableResponse {
    required TableMeta table_meta = 1;
    required ReservedThroughputDetails reserved_throughput_details = 2;
    required TableOptions table_options = 3;
    optional StreamDetails stream_details = 5;
    repeated bytes shard_splits = 6;
    optional SSEDetails sse_details = 7;
    repeated IndexMeta index_metas = 8;
    optional int64 creation_time = 9;
message ListTableRequest {

message ListTableResponse {
    repeated string table_names = 1;
message DeleteTableRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;

message DeleteTableResponse {
message LoadTableRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;

message LoadTableResponse {
message UnloadTableRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;

message UnloadTableResponse {

message TimeRange {
    optional int64 start_time = 1;
    optional int64 end_time = 2;
    optional int64 specific_time = 3;

enum ReturnType {
    RT_NONE = 0;
    RT_PK = 1;

message ReturnContent {
    optional ReturnType return_type = 1;
    repeated string return_column_names = 2;

message GetRowRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required bytes primary_key = 2;
    repeated string columns_to_get = 3;
    optional TimeRange time_range = 4;
    optional int32 max_versions = 5;
    optional bytes filter = 7;
    optional string start_column = 8;
    optional string end_column = 9;
    optional bytes token = 10;
    optional string transaction_id = 11;

message GetRowResponse {
    required ConsumedCapacity consumed = 1;
    required bytes row = 2;
    optional bytes next_token = 3;
message UpdateRowRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required bytes row_change = 2;
    required Condition condition = 3;
    optional ReturnContent return_content = 4;
    optional string transaction_id = 5;

message UpdateRowResponse {
    required ConsumedCapacity consumed = 1;
    optional bytes row = 2;
message PutRowRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required bytes row = 2;
    required Condition condition = 3;
    optional ReturnContent return_content = 4;
    optional string transaction_id = 5;

message PutRowResponse {
    required ConsumedCapacity consumed = 1;
    optional bytes row = 2;
message DeleteRowRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required bytes primary_key = 2;
    required Condition condition = 3;
    optional ReturnContent return_content = 4;
    optional string transaction_id = 5;

message DeleteRowResponse {
    required ConsumedCapacity consumed = 1;
    optional bytes row = 2;
message TableInBatchGetRowRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated bytes primary_key = 2;
    repeated bytes token = 3;
    repeated string columns_to_get = 4;
    optional TimeRange time_range = 5;
    optional int32 max_versions = 6;
    optional bytes filter = 8;
    optional string start_column = 9;
    optional string end_column = 10;

message BatchGetRowRequest {
    repeated TableInBatchGetRowRequest tables = 1;

message RowInBatchGetRowResponse {
    required bool is_ok = 1;
    optional Error error = 2;
    optional ConsumedCapacity consumed = 3;
    optional bytes row = 4;
    optional bytes next_token = 5;

message TableInBatchGetRowResponse {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated RowInBatchGetRowResponse rows = 2;

message BatchGetRowResponse {
    repeated TableInBatchGetRowResponse tables = 1;

enum OperationType {
    PUT = 1;
    UPDATE = 2;
    DELETE = 3;

message RowInBatchWriteRowRequest {
    required OperationType type = 1;
    required bytes row_change = 2;
    required Condition condition = 3;
    optional ReturnContent return_content = 4;

message TableInBatchWriteRowRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated RowInBatchWriteRowRequest rows = 2;

message BatchWriteRowRequest {
    repeated TableInBatchWriteRowRequest tables = 1;
    optional string transaction_id = 2;
    optional bool is_atomic = 3;

message RowInBatchWriteRowResponse {
    required bool is_ok = 1;
    optional Error error = 2;
    optional ConsumedCapacity consumed = 3;
    optional bytes row = 4;

message TableInBatchWriteRowResponse {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated RowInBatchWriteRowResponse rows = 2;

message BatchWriteRowResponse {
    repeated TableInBatchWriteRowResponse tables = 1;
enum Direction {
    FORWARD = 0;
    BACKWARD = 1;

message GetRangeRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required Direction direction = 2;
    repeated string columns_to_get = 3;
    optional TimeRange time_range = 4;
    optional int32 max_versions = 5;
    optional int32 limit = 6;
    required bytes inclusive_start_primary_key = 7;
    required bytes exclusive_end_primary_key = 8;
    optional bytes filter = 10;
    optional string start_column = 11;
    optional string end_column = 12;
    optional bytes token = 13;
    optional string transaction_id = 14;

message GetRangeResponse {
    required ConsumedCapacity consumed = 1;
    required bytes rows = 2;
    optional bytes next_start_primary_key = 3;
    optional bytes next_token = 4;

message StartLocalTransactionRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required bytes key = 2;

message StartLocalTransactionResponse {
    required string transaction_id = 1;

message CommitTransactionRequest {
    required string transaction_id = 1;

message CommitTransactionResponse {

message AbortTransactionRequest {
    required string transaction_id = 1;

message AbortTransactionResponse {

message ListStreamRequest {
    optional string table_name = 1;

message Stream {
    required string stream_id = 1;
    required string table_name = 2;
    required int64 creation_time = 3;

message ListStreamResponse {
    repeated Stream streams = 1;

message StreamShard {
    required string shard_id = 1;
    optional string parent_id = 2;
    optional string parent_sibling_id = 3;

enum StreamStatus {

message DescribeStreamRequest {
    required string stream_id = 1;
    optional string inclusive_start_shard_id = 2;
    optional int32 shard_limit = 3;
    optional bool support_timeseries_data_table = 4;

message DescribeStreamResponse {
    required string stream_id = 1;
    required int32 expiration_time = 2;
    required string table_name = 3;
    required int64 creation_time = 4;
    required StreamStatus stream_status = 5;
    repeated StreamShard shards = 6;
    optional string next_shard_id = 7;
    optional bool is_timeseries_data_table = 8;

message GetShardIteratorRequest {
    required string stream_id = 1;
    required string shard_id = 2;
    optional int64 timestamp = 3;
    optional string token = 4;

message GetShardIteratorResponse {
    required string shard_iterator = 1;
    optional string next_token = 2;

message GetStreamRecordRequest {
    required string shard_iterator = 1;
    optional int32 limit = 2;
    optional string table_name = 3;

enum ActionType {
    PUT_ROW = 1;
    UPDATE_ROW = 2;
    DELETE_ROW = 3;

message GetStreamRecordResponse {
    message StreamRecord {
        required ActionType action_type = 1;
        required bytes record = 2;
        optional bytes origin_record = 3;
    repeated StreamRecord stream_records = 1;
    optional string next_shard_iterator = 2;
    optional ConsumedCapacity consumed = 3;
    optional bool may_more_record = 4;

message ComputeSplitPointsBySizeRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required int64 split_size = 2; // in 100MB
    optional int64 split_size_unit_in_byte = 3;
    optional int32 split_point_limit = 4;

message ComputeSplitPointsBySizeResponse {
    required ConsumedCapacity consumed = 1;
    repeated PrimaryKeySchema schema = 2;

     * Split points between splits, in the increasing order
     * A split is a consecutive range of primary keys,
     * whose data size is about split_size specified in the request.
     * The size could be hard to be precise.
     * A split point is an array of primary-key column w.r.t. table schema,
     * which is never longer than that of table schema.
     * Tailing -inf will be omitted to reduce transmission payloads.
    repeated bytes split_points = 3;

     * Locations where splits lies in.
     * By the managed nature of TableStore, these locations are no more than hints.
     * If a location is not suitable to be seen, an empty string will be placed.
     message SplitLocation {
         required string location = 1;
         required sint64 repeat = 2;
     repeated SplitLocation locations = 4;

enum DataBlockType {

message BulkExportRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated string columns_to_get = 2;
    required bytes inclusive_start_primary_key = 3;
    required bytes exclusive_end_primary_key = 4;
    optional bytes filter = 5;
    optional DataBlockType data_block_type_hint = 6 [default = DBT_SIMPLE_ROW_MATRIX];

message BulkExportResponse {
     required ConsumedCapacity consumed = 1;
     required bytes rows = 2;
     optional bytes next_start_primary_key = 3;
     optional DataBlockType data_block_type = 4;

message BulkImportRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated RowInBulkImportRequest rows = 2;

message RowInBulkImportRequest {
    required OperationType type = 1;
    required bytes row_change = 2;

message BulkImportResponse {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated RowInBulkImportResponse rows = 2;

message RowInBulkImportResponse {
    required bool is_ok = 1;
    optional Error error = 2;
    optional ConsumedCapacity consumed = 3;

/* computeSplits */
message ComputeSplitsRequest {
    optional string table_name = 1;
    optional SearchIndexSplitsOptions search_index_splits_options = 2;

message SearchIndexSplitsOptions{
    optional string index_name = 1;

message ComputeSplitsResponse {
    optional bytes session_id = 1;
    optional int32 splits_size = 2;

/* SQLQuery */
enum SQLPayloadVersion {

enum SQLStatementType {
    SQL_SELECT = 1;

message SQLQueryRequest {
    required string query = 1;
    optional SQLPayloadVersion version = 2;
    optional int64 sql_version = 3;
    optional string search_token = 5;

message TableConsumedCapacity {
    optional string table_name = 1;
    optional ConsumedCapacity consumed = 2;
    optional ReservedThroughput reserved_throughput = 3;

message SQLQueryResponse {
    repeated TableConsumedCapacity consumes = 1;
    optional bytes rows = 2;
    optional SQLPayloadVersion version = 3;
    optional SQLStatementType type = 4;
    optional string next_search_token = 8;


syntax = "proto2";

package com.alicloud.openservices.tablestore.core.protocol;

enum VariantType {
    VT_INTEGER = 0;
    VT_DOUBLE = 1;
    //VT_BOOLEAN = 2;
    VT_STRING = 3;
    VT_NULL = 6;
    VT_BLOB = 7;

message ValueTransferRule {
    required string regex = 1;
    optional VariantType cast_type = 2;

enum FilterType {

enum ComparatorType {
    CT_EQUAL = 1;
    CT_NOT_EQUAL = 2;
    CT_LESS_THAN = 5;
    CT_LESS_EQUAL = 6;
    CT_EXIST = 7;
    CT_NOT_EXIST = 8;

message SingleColumnValueFilter {
    required ComparatorType comparator = 1;
    required string column_name = 2;
    required bytes column_value = 3;
    required bool filter_if_missing = 4;
    required bool latest_version_only = 5; 
    optional ValueTransferRule value_trans_rule = 6;

enum LogicalOperator {
    LO_NOT = 1;
    LO_AND = 2;
    LO_OR = 3;

message CompositeColumnValueFilter {
    required LogicalOperator combinator = 1;
    repeated Filter sub_filters = 2;

message ColumnPaginationFilter {
    required int32 offset = 1;
    required int32 limit = 2;

message Filter {
    required FilterType type = 1;
    required bytes filter = 2;  // Serialized string of filter of the type


syntax = "proto2";

package com.alicloud.openservices.tablestore.core.protocol;

import "ots_internal_api.proto";

enum AggregationType {
    AGG_AVG = 1;
    AGG_MAX = 2;
    AGG_MIN = 3;
    AGG_SUM = 4;
    AGG_COUNT = 5;
    AGG_TOP_ROWS = 7;

enum GroupByType {

// agg & group by
message Aggregation {
    optional string name = 1;
    optional AggregationType type = 2;
    optional bytes body = 3;
message Aggregations {
    repeated Aggregation aggs = 1;

message GroupBy {
    optional string name = 1;
    optional GroupByType type = 2;
    optional bytes body = 3;
message GroupBys {
    repeated GroupBy group_bys = 1;

// single agg
message AvgAggregation {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional bytes missing = 2; //encoded as SQLVariant, check in SearchProxy

message MaxAggregation {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional bytes missing = 2;

message MinAggregation {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional bytes missing = 2;

message SumAggregation {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional bytes missing = 2;

message CountAggregation {
    optional string field_name = 1;

message DistinctCountAggregation {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional bytes missing = 2;

message TopRowsAggregation {
    optional int32 limit = 1;
    optional Sort sort = 2;

message PercentilesAggregation {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    repeated double percentiles = 2;
    optional bytes missing = 3;

// group agg
message FieldRange {
    optional bytes min = 1;
    optional bytes max = 2;

message GroupByDateHistogram {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional DateTimeValue interval = 2;
    optional FieldRange field_range = 3;
    optional bytes missing = 4;
    optional int64  min_doc_count = 5;
    optional string time_zone = 6;
    optional GroupBySort sort = 7;
    optional Aggregations sub_aggs = 8;
    optional GroupBys sub_group_bys = 9;
    optional DateTimeValue offset = 10;

message GroupByHistogram {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional bytes interval = 2;
    optional bytes missing = 3;
    optional int64  min_doc_count = 4;
    optional GroupBySort sort = 5;
    optional FieldRange field_range = 6;
    optional Aggregations sub_aggs = 7;
    optional GroupBys sub_group_bys = 8;
    optional bytes offset = 9;

message GroupKeySort {
    optional SortOrder order = 1;

message RowCountSort {
    optional SortOrder order = 1;

message SubAggSort {
    optional string sub_agg_name = 1;
    optional SortOrder order = 2;

message GroupBySorter {
    optional GroupKeySort group_key_sort = 1;
    optional RowCountSort row_count_sort = 2;
    optional SubAggSort sub_agg_sort = 3;

message GroupBySort {
    repeated GroupBySorter sorters = 1;

message GroupByComposite {
    optional GroupBys sources = 1;
    optional int32 size = 2;
    optional Aggregations sub_aggs = 4;
    optional GroupBys sub_group_bys = 5;
    optional string next_token = 6;
    optional int32 suggested_size = 7;

message GroupByCompositeResultItem {
    repeated string keys = 1;
    repeated bool is_null_keys = 5;
    optional int64 row_count = 2;
    optional AggregationsResult sub_aggs_result = 3;
    optional GroupBysResult sub_group_bys_result = 4;

message GroupByCompositeResult {
    repeated GroupByCompositeResultItem group_by_composite_result_items = 1;
    repeated string source_group_by_names = 2;
    optional string next_token = 3;

message GroupByField {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional int32 size = 2;
    optional GroupBySort sort = 3;
    optional Aggregations sub_aggs = 4;
    optional GroupBys sub_group_bys = 5;
    optional int64  min_doc_count = 6;

message Range {
    optional double from = 1;
    optional double to = 2;

message GroupByRange {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    repeated Range ranges = 2;
    optional Aggregations sub_aggs = 3;
    optional GroupBys sub_group_bys = 4;

message GroupByFilter {
    repeated Query filters = 1;
    optional Aggregations sub_aggs = 2;
    optional GroupBys sub_group_bys = 3;

message GroupByGeoDistance {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional GeoPoint origin = 2;
    repeated Range ranges = 3;
    optional Aggregations sub_aggs = 4;
    optional GroupBys sub_group_bys = 5;

message GroupByGeoGrid {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional GeoHashPrecision precision = 2;//meter
    optional int32 size = 3;
    optional Aggregations sub_aggs = 4;
    optional GroupBys sub_group_bys = 5;

enum GeoHashPrecision {
    GHP_5009KM_4992KM_1 = 1;
    GHP_1252KM_624KM_2 = 2;
    GHP_156KM_156KM_3 = 3;
    GHP_39KM_19KM_4 = 4;
    GHP_4900M_4900M_5 = 5;
    GHP_1200M_609M_6 = 6;
    GHP_152M_152M_7 = 7;
    GHP_38M_19M_8 = 8;
    GHP_480CM_480CM_9 = 9;
    GHP_120CM_595MM_10 = 10;
    GHP_149MM_149MM_11 = 11;
    GHP_37MM_19MM_12 = 12;

message GeoGrid {
    optional GeoPoint top_left = 1;
    optional GeoPoint bottom_right = 2;
//single agg result
message AvgAggregationResult {
    optional double value = 1;

message TopRowsAggregationResult {
    repeated bytes rows = 1;

message PercentilesAggregationItem {
    optional double key = 1;
    optional bytes value = 2;

message PercentilesAggregationResult {
    repeated PercentilesAggregationItem percentiles_aggregation_items = 1;

message DistinctCountAggregationResult {
    optional int64 value = 1;

message MaxAggregationResult {
    optional double value = 1;

message MinAggregationResult {
    optional double value = 1;

message SumAggregationResult {
    optional double value = 1;

message CountAggregationResult {
    optional int64 value = 1;

message AggregationResult {
    optional string name = 1;
    optional AggregationType type = 2;
    optional bytes agg_result = 3; // encoded by XxxAggregationResult

message AggregationsResult {
    repeated AggregationResult agg_results = 1;

//group by result
message GroupByFieldResultItem {
    optional string key = 1;
    optional int64 row_count = 2;
    optional AggregationsResult sub_aggs_result = 3;
    optional GroupBysResult sub_group_bys_result = 4;
message GroupByFieldResult {
    repeated GroupByFieldResultItem group_by_field_result_items = 1;

message GroupByRangeResultItem {
    optional double from = 1;
    optional double to = 2;
    optional int64 row_count = 3;
    optional AggregationsResult sub_aggs_result = 4;
    optional GroupBysResult sub_group_bys_result = 5;
message GroupByRangeResult {
    repeated GroupByRangeResultItem group_by_range_result_items = 1;

message GroupByGeoDistanceResultItem {
    optional double from = 1;
    optional double to = 2;
    optional int64 row_count = 3;
    optional AggregationsResult sub_aggs_result = 4;
    optional GroupBysResult sub_group_bys_result = 5;
message GroupByGeoDistanceResult {
    repeated GroupByGeoDistanceResultItem group_by_geo_distance_result_items = 1;

message GroupByFilterResultItem {
    optional int64 row_count = 1;
    optional AggregationsResult sub_aggs_result = 2;
    optional GroupBysResult sub_group_bys_result = 3;
message GroupByFilterResult {
    repeated GroupByFilterResultItem group_by_filter_result_items = 1;

message GroupByResult {
    optional string name = 1;
    optional GroupByType type = 2;
    optional bytes group_by_result = 3; //encoded by XxxGroupByResult

message GroupBysResult {
    repeated GroupByResult group_by_results = 1; //sibling pipeline / parallel group bys

message GroupByHistogramItem {
    optional bytes key = 1;
    optional int64 value = 2;
    optional AggregationsResult sub_aggs_result = 3;
    optional GroupBysResult sub_group_bys_result = 4;

message GroupByHistogramResult {
    repeated GroupByHistogramItem group_by_histogra_items = 1;

message GroupByDateHistogramItem {
    optional int64 timestamp = 1;
    optional int64 row_count = 2;
    optional AggregationsResult sub_aggs_result = 3;
    optional GroupBysResult sub_group_bys_result = 4;

message GroupByDateHistogramResult {
    repeated GroupByDateHistogramItem group_by_date_histogram_items = 1;

message GroupByGeoGridResultItem {
    optional string key = 1;
    optional GeoGrid geo_grid = 2;
    optional int64 row_count = 3;
    optional AggregationsResult sub_aggs_result = 4;
    optional GroupBysResult sub_group_bys_result = 5;

message GroupByGeoGridResult {
    repeated GroupByGeoGridResultItem group_by_geo_grid_result_items = 1;
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// end off new agg

enum QueryType {
    MATCH_QUERY = 1;
    TERM_QUERY = 3;
    RANGE_QUERY = 4;
    BOOL_QUERY = 6;
    TERMS_QUERY = 15;
    EXISTS_QUERY = 16;
    SUFFIX_QUERY = 19;

enum QueryOperator {
    OR = 1;
    AND = 2;

message MatchQuery {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional string text = 2;
    optional int32 minimum_should_match = 3;
    optional QueryOperator operator = 4;
    optional float weight = 5;

message MatchPhraseQuery {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional string text = 2;
    optional float weight = 3;

message MatchAllQuery {

message TermQuery {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional bytes term = 2;
    optional float weight = 3;

message TermsQuery {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    repeated bytes terms = 2;
    optional float weight = 3;

message RangeQuery {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional bytes range_from = 2; // variant value
    optional bytes range_to = 3; // variant value
    optional bool include_lower = 4;
    optional bool include_upper = 5;

message PrefixQuery {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional string prefix = 2;
    optional float weight = 3;

message WildcardQuery {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional string value = 2;
    optional float weight = 3;

message BoolQuery {
    repeated Query must_queries = 1;
    repeated Query must_not_queries = 2;
    repeated Query filter_queries = 3;
    repeated Query should_queries = 4;
    optional int32 minimum_should_match = 5;

message ConstScoreQuery {
    optional Query filter = 1;

message FieldValueFactor {
    optional string field_name = 1;

message FunctionScoreQuery {
    optional Query query = 1;
    optional FieldValueFactor field_value_factor = 2;

message FunctionsScoreQuery {
    optional Query query = 1;
    repeated Function functions = 2;
    optional FunctionScoreMode score_mode = 3;
    optional FunctionCombineMode combine_mode = 4;
    optional float min_score = 5;
    optional float max_score = 6;

message SuffixQuery {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional string suffix = 2;
    optional float weight = 3;

message Function {
    optional FieldValueFactorFunction field_value_factor = 1;
    optional RandomScoreFunction random = 2;
    optional DecayFunction decay = 3;
    optional float weight = 4;
    optional Query filter = 5;

message FieldValueFactorFunction {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional float factor = 2;
    optional FunctionModifier modifier = 3;
    optional double missing = 4;

enum FunctionModifier {
    FM_NONE = 1;
    FM_LOG = 2;
    FM_LOG1P = 3;
    FM_LOG2P = 4;
    FM_LN = 5;
    FM_LN1P = 6;
    FM_LN2P = 7;
    FM_SQUARE = 8;
    FM_SQRT = 9;

message DecayFunction {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional DecayMathFunction math_function = 2;
    optional DecayFuncParamType param_type = 3;
    optional bytes param = 4;
    optional double decay = 5;
    optional MultiValueMode multi_value_mode = 6;

enum DecayFuncParamType {
    DF_DATE_PARAM = 1;
    DF_GEO_PARAM = 3;

message DecayFuncDateParam{
    optional int64 origin_long = 1;
    optional string origin_string = 2;
    optional DateTimeValue scale = 3;
    optional DateTimeValue offset = 4;

message  DecayFuncNumericParam{
    optional double origin = 1;
    optional double scale = 2;
    optional double offset = 3;

message DecayFuncGeoParam{
    optional string origin = 1;
    optional double scale = 2;
    optional double offset = 3;

enum DecayMathFunction {
    GAUSS = 1;
    EXP = 2;
    LINEAR = 3;

enum MultiValueMode {
    MVM_MAX = 1;
    MVM_MIN = 2;
    MVM_SUM = 3;
    MVM_AVG = 4;

message RandomScoreFunction {

enum FunctionScoreMode {
    FSM_AVG = 1;
    FSM_MAX = 2;
    FSM_SUM = 3;
    FSM_MIN = 4;
    FSM_FIRST = 6;

enum FunctionCombineMode {
    FCM_AVG = 2;
    FCM_MAX = 3;
    FCM_SUM = 4;
    FCM_MIN = 5;
    FCM_REPLACE = 6;

enum ScoreMode {

message NestedQuery {
    optional string path = 1;
    optional Query query = 2;
    optional ScoreMode score_mode = 3;
    optional float weight = 4;
    optional InnerHits inner_hits = 5;

message InnerHits {
    optional Sort sort = 1;
    optional int32 offset = 2;
    optional int32 limit = 3;
    optional Highlight highlight = 4;

message GeoBoundingBoxQuery {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional string top_left = 2;
    optional string bottom_right = 3;

message GeoDistanceQuery {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional string center_point = 2;
    optional double distance = 3;

message GeoPolygonQuery {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    repeated string points = 2;

message ExistsQuery {
    optional string field_name = 1;

message KnnVectorQuery {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional int32 top_k = 2;
    repeated float float32_query_vector = 4;
    optional Query filter = 5;
    optional float weight = 6;

message Query {
    optional QueryType type = 1;
    optional bytes query = 2;

message Collapse {
    optional string field_name = 1;

message NestedFilter {
    optional string path = 1;
    optional Query filter = 2;

enum SortOrder {

enum SortMode {
    SORT_MODE_MIN = 0;
    SORT_MODE_MAX = 1;
    SORT_MODE_AVG = 2;

message ScoreSort {
    optional SortOrder order = 1;

message PrimaryKeySort {
    optional SortOrder order = 1;

message FieldSort {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional SortOrder order = 2;
    optional SortMode mode = 3;
    optional NestedFilter nested_filter = 4;
    optional bytes missing_value = 5; //encoded as SQLVariant
    optional string missing_field = 6;

message DocSort {
    optional SortOrder order = 1;

enum GeoDistanceType {

message GeoDistanceSort {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    repeated string points = 2;
    optional SortOrder order = 3;
    optional SortMode mode = 4;
    optional GeoDistanceType distance_type = 5;
    optional NestedFilter nested_filter = 6;

message Sorter {
    optional FieldSort field_sort = 1;
    optional GeoDistanceSort geo_distance_sort = 2;
    optional ScoreSort score_sort = 3;
    optional PrimaryKeySort pk_sort = 4;
    optional DocSort doc_sort = 5;

message Sort {
    repeated Sorter sorter = 1;
    optional bool disable_default_pk_sorter = 2;

message SearchQuery {
    optional int32 offset = 1;
    optional int32 limit = 2;
    optional Query query = 4;
    optional Collapse collapse = 5;
    optional Sort sort = 6;
    optional bool getTotalCount = 8;
    optional bytes token = 9;
    optional Aggregations aggs = 10;
    optional GroupBys group_bys = 11;
    optional Highlight highlight = 12;

message Highlight {
    repeated HighlightParameter highlight_parameters = 1;
    optional HighlightEncoder highlight_encoder = 2 [default=PLAIN_MODE];

message HighlightParameter {
    optional string  field_name = 1;
    optional int32   number_of_fragments = 2;
    optional int32   fragment_size = 3;
    optional string  pre_tag = 4;
    optional string  post_tag = 5;
    optional HighlightFragmentOrder fragments_order = 6 [default=TEXT_SEQUENCE];

enum HighlightFragmentOrder {
    SCORE = 2;

enum HighlightEncoder {
    PLAIN_MODE = 1;
    HTML_MODE = 2;

enum ColumnReturnType {
    RETURN_ALL = 1;
    RETURN_NONE = 3;

message ColumnsToGet {
    optional ColumnReturnType return_type = 1;
    repeated string column_names = 2;

message SearchRequest {
    optional string table_name = 1;
    optional string index_name = 2;
    optional ColumnsToGet columns_to_get = 3;
    optional bytes search_query = 4;
    repeated bytes routing_values = 5;
    optional int32 timeout_ms = 6;

message SearchResponse {
    optional int64 total_hits = 1;
    repeated bytes rows = 2;
    optional bool is_all_succeeded = 3;
    repeated SearchHit search_hits = 5;
    optional bytes next_token = 6;
    optional bytes aggs = 7;
    optional bytes group_bys = 8;
    optional ConsumedCapacity consumed = 9;
    optional ConsumedCapacity reserved_consumed = 10;

message SearchHit {
    optional double score = 3;
    optional HighlightResult highlight_result = 4;
    repeated SearchInnerHit search_inner_hits = 5;
    optional int32 nested_doc_offset = 6;

message SearchInnerHit {
    optional string path = 1;
    repeated SearchHit search_hits = 2;

message HighlightResult {
    repeated HighlightField highlight_fields = 1;

message HighlightField {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    repeated string field_fragments = 2;

/* Create Search Index */

enum IndexOptions {
    DOCS = 1;
    FREQS = 2;
    POSITIONS = 3;
    OFFSETS = 4;

enum FieldType {
    LONG = 1;
    DOUBLE = 2;
    BOOLEAN = 3;
    KEYWORD = 4;
    TEXT = 5;
    NESTED = 6;
    GEO_POINT = 7;
    DATE = 8;
    VECTOR = 9;

enum DateTimeUnit {
    YEAR = 1;
    QUARTER_YEAR = 2; // 一个季度
    MONTH = 3;
    WEEK = 4;
    DAY = 5;
    HOUR = 6;
    MINUTE = 7;
    SECOND = 8;

message DateTimeValue {
    optional int32 value = 1;
    optional DateTimeUnit unit = 2;

message SingleWordAnalyzerParameter {
    optional bool case_sensitive = 1;
    optional bool delimit_word = 2;

message SplitAnalyzerParameter {
    optional string delimiter = 1;
    optional bool case_sensitive = 2;

message FuzzyAnalyzerParameter {
    optional int32 min_chars = 1;
    optional int32 max_chars = 2;
    optional bool case_sensitive = 3;

message FieldSchema {
    optional string field_name = 1;
    optional FieldType field_type = 2;
    optional IndexOptions index_options = 3;
    optional string analyzer = 4;
    optional bool index = 5;
    optional bool sort_and_agg = 6;
    optional bool store = 7;
    repeated FieldSchema field_schemas = 8; // only for nested type
    optional bool is_array = 9;
    optional bytes analyzer_parameter = 10;
    optional bool is_virtual_field = 11;
    repeated string source_field_names = 12;
    repeated string date_formats = 13;
    optional bool enable_highlighting = 14;
    optional VectorOptions vector_options = 15;

enum VectorDataType {
    VD_FLOAT_32 = 2;

message VectorOptions {
    optional VectorDataType data_type = 1;
    optional int32 dimension = 2;
    optional VectorMetricType metric_type = 3;

enum VectorMetricType {
    VM_COSINE = 1;

message IndexSchema {
    repeated FieldSchema field_schemas = 1;
    optional IndexSetting index_setting = 2;
    optional Sort index_sort = 3;

message IndexSetting {
    optional int32 number_of_shards = 1;
    repeated string routing_fields = 2;
    optional int32 routing_partition_size = 3;

message CreateSearchIndexRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required string index_name = 2;
    optional IndexSchema schema = 3;
    optional string source_index_name = 4;
    optional int32 time_to_live = 5; // unit is seconds

message CreateSearchIndexResponse {

/* Update Search Index */
message QueryFlowWeight {
    optional string index_name = 1;
    optional int32 weight = 2;

message UpdateSearchIndexRequest {
    optional string table_name = 1;
    optional string index_name = 2;
    optional string switch_index_name = 3;
    repeated QueryFlowWeight query_flow_weight = 4;
    optional int32 time_to_live = 5;  // unit is seconds

message UpdateSearchIndexResponse {

/* List Search Index */

message IndexInfo {
    optional string table_name = 1;
    optional string index_name = 2;

message ListSearchIndexRequest {
    optional string table_name = 1;

message ListSearchIndexResponse {
    repeated IndexInfo indices = 1;

/* Delete Search Index */

message DeleteSearchIndexRequest {
    optional string table_name = 1;
    optional string index_name = 2;

message DeleteSearchIndexResponse {

/* Describe Search Index */

enum SyncPhase {
    FULL = 1;
    INCR = 2;

message SyncStat {
    optional SyncPhase sync_phase = 1;
    optional int64 current_sync_timestamp = 2;

message MeteringInfo {
    optional int64 storage_size = 1;
    optional int64 row_count = 2;
    optional int64 reserved_read_cu = 3;
    optional int64 timestamp = 4;

message DescribeSearchIndexRequest {
    optional string table_name = 1;
    optional string index_name = 2;

message DescribeSearchIndexResponse {
    optional IndexSchema schema = 1;
    optional SyncStat sync_stat = 2;
    optional MeteringInfo metering_info = 3;

    optional string brother_index_name = 4;
    repeated QueryFlowWeight query_flow_weight = 5;
    optional int64 create_time = 6;
    optional int32 time_to_live = 7;  // unit is seconds
    optional IndexStatus index_status = 8;

message IndexStatus {
    optional IndexStatusEnum status = 1;
    optional string status_description = 2;

enum IndexStatusEnum {
    PENDING = 1;
    FAILED = 2;
    RUNNING = 3;

/* ParallelScan API, same to Search API */
message ScanQuery {
    optional Query query = 1;
    optional int32 limit = 2;
    optional int32 alive_time = 3;  //unit is second
    optional bytes token = 4;
    optional int32 current_parallel_id = 5;
    optional int32 max_parallel = 6;

message ParallelScanRequest {
    optional string table_name = 1;
    optional string index_name = 2;
    optional ColumnsToGet columns_to_get = 3;
    optional bytes session_id = 4;
    optional ScanQuery scan_query = 5;
    optional int32 timeout_ms = 6;

message ParallelScanResponse {
    repeated bytes rows = 1;
    optional bytes next_token = 2;


syntax = "proto2";

package com.alicloud.openservices.tablestore.core.protocol;

enum TunnelType {
    BaseData = 1;
    Stream = 2;
    BaseAndStream = 3;

message Error {
    required string code = 1;
    optional string message = 2;
    optional string tunnel_id = 3;

message Tunnel {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required string tunnel_name = 3;
    required TunnelType tunnel_type = 4;
    optional StreamTunnelConfig StreamTunnelConfig = 5;

message CreateTunnelRequest {
    required Tunnel tunnel = 1;

message CreateTunnelResponse {
    required string tunnel_id = 1;

message DeleteTunnelRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required string tunnel_name = 2;
    optional string tunnel_id = 3;

message DeleteTunnelResponse {

message ListTunnelRequest {
    optional string table_name = 1;

message TunnelInfo {
    required string tunnel_id = 1;
    required string tunnel_type = 2;
    required string table_name = 3;
    required string instance_name = 4;
    required string stream_id = 5;
    required string stage = 6;
    optional bool expired = 7;
    optional string tunnel_name = 8;
    optional bool   public = 9;
    optional StreamTunnelConfig stream_tunnel_config = 10;
    optional int64  create_time = 11;

message ListTunnelResponse {
    repeated TunnelInfo tunnels = 1;

message DescribeTunnelRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required string tunnel_name = 2;
    optional string tunnel_id = 3;

message ChannelInfo {
    required string channel_id = 1;
    optional string channel_type = 2;
    optional string channel_status = 3;
    optional string client_id = 4;
    optional int64 channel_rpo = 5;
    optional int64 channel_count = 6;

message DescribeTunnelResponse {
    required TunnelInfo tunnel = 1;
    repeated ChannelInfo channels = 2;
    optional int64 tunnel_rpo = 3;

message GetRpoRequest {
    optional string tunnel_id = 1;

message GetRpoResponse {
    optional bytes rpo_infos = 1;
    optional bytes tunnel_rpo_infos = 2;

message ClientConfig {
    optional int64 timeout = 1; // seconds
    optional string client_tag = 2;

message ConnectRequest {
    required string tunnel_id = 1;
    optional ClientConfig client_config = 2;

message ConnectResponse {
    required string client_id = 1;

enum ChannelStatus {
    OPEN = 1;
    CLOSING = 2;
    CLOSE = 3;

message Channel {
    required string channel_id = 1;
    required int64 version = 2;
    required ChannelStatus status = 3;
    optional bytes detail = 4; // range等信息,或者是client向master汇报的一些信息,比如处理速度等。

message HeartbeatRequest {
    required string tunnel_id = 1;
    required string client_id = 2;
    repeated Channel channels = 3;

message HeartbeatResponse {
    repeated Channel channels = 1;

message ShutdownRequest {
    required string tunnel_id = 1;
    required string client_id = 2;

message ShutdownResponse {

message GetCheckpointRequest {
    required string tunnel_id = 1;
    required string client_id = 2;
    required string channel_id = 3;

message GetCheckpointResponse {
    required string checkpoint = 1;
    required int64 sequence_number = 2;

message CheckpointRequest {
    required string tunnel_id = 1;
    required string client_id = 2;
    required string channel_id = 3;
    required string checkpoint = 4;
    required int64 sequence_number = 5;

message CheckpointResponse {

message ReadRecordsRequest {
    required string tunnel_id = 1;
    required string client_id = 2;
    required string channel_id = 3;
    required string token = 4;

enum ActionType {
    PUT_ROW = 1;
    UPDATE_ROW = 2;
    DELETE_ROW = 3;

message Record {
    required ActionType action_type = 1;
    required bytes record = 2;
    optional bytes origin_record = 3;

message ReadRecordsResponse {
    repeated Record records = 1;
    required string next_token = 2;
    optional bool may_more_record = 3;

message Token {
    required int64 version = 1;
    required bytes content = 2;

message TokenContent {
    optional bytes primary_key = 1;
    optional string iterator = 2;
    optional int64 timestamp = 3;

message TokenContentV2 {
    optional bytes primary_key = 1;
    optional string iterator = 2;
    optional int64 timestamp = 3;
    optional int64 total_count = 4;

enum StartOffsetFlag {
    LATEST = 0;
    EARLIEST = 1;

message StreamTunnelConfig {
    optional StartOffsetFlag flag = 1;
    optional uint64 startOffset = 2;
    optional uint64 endOffset = 3;


syntax = "proto2";

package com.alicloud.openservices.tablestore.core.protocol.timeseries;

import "ots_internal_api.proto";

message TimeseriesTableOptions {
  optional int32 time_to_live = 1;

message TimeseriesMetaOptions {
  optional bool allow_update_attributes = 1;
  optional int32 meta_time_to_live = 2;

message TimeseriesTableMeta {
  required string table_name = 1;
  optional TimeseriesTableOptions table_options = 2;
  optional string status = 3;
  optional TimeseriesMetaOptions meta_options = 4;
  repeated string timeseries_key_schema = 5;
  repeated PrimaryKeySchema field_primary_key_schema = 6;
  optional bool disable_hash_partition_key = 7;
  optional bool disable_timeseries_meta_index = 8;

message LastpointIndexMetaForCreate {
  required string index_table_name = 1;

message CreateTimeseriesTableRequest {
  required TimeseriesTableMeta table_meta = 1;
  repeated TimeseriesAnalyticalStore analytical_stores = 3;
  optional bool enable_analytical_store = 4;
  repeated LastpointIndexMetaForCreate lastpoint_index_metas = 5;

message CreateTimeseriesTableResponse {

message ListTimeseriesTableRequest {

message ListTimeseriesTableResponse {
  repeated TimeseriesTableMeta table_metas = 1;

message DeleteTimeseriesTableRequest {
  required string table_name = 1;

message DeleteTimeseriesTableResponse {

message UpdateTimeseriesTableRequest {
  required string table_name = 1;
  optional TimeseriesTableOptions table_options = 2;
  optional TimeseriesMetaOptions meta_options = 3;

message UpdateTimeseriesTableResponse {

message DescribeTimeseriesTableRequest {
  required string table_name = 1;

message DescribeTimeseriesTableResponse {
  required TimeseriesTableMeta table_meta = 1;
  repeated TimeseriesAnalyticalStore analytical_stores = 2;
  repeated TimeseriesLastpointIndex lastpoint_indexes = 3;

enum MetaQueryConditionType {

message MetaQueryCondition {
  required MetaQueryConditionType type = 1;
  required bytes proto_data = 2;

enum MetaQueryCompositeOperator {
  OP_AND = 1;
  OP_OR = 2;
  OP_NOT = 3;

message MetaQueryCompositeCondition {
  required MetaQueryCompositeOperator op = 1;
  repeated MetaQueryCondition sub_conditions = 2;

enum MetaQuerySingleOperator {
  OP_EQUAL = 1;
  OP_PREFIX = 6;

message MetaQueryMeasurementCondition {
  required MetaQuerySingleOperator op = 1;
  required string value = 2;

message MetaQuerySourceCondition {
  required MetaQuerySingleOperator op = 1;
  required string value = 2;

message MetaQueryTagCondition {
  required MetaQuerySingleOperator op = 1;
  required string tag_name = 2;
  required string value = 3;

message MetaQueryAttributeCondition {
  required MetaQuerySingleOperator op = 1;
  required string attr_name = 2;
  required string value = 3;

message MetaQueryUpdateTimeCondition {
  required MetaQuerySingleOperator op = 1;
  required int64 value = 2;

message TimeseriesTag {
  required string name = 1;
  required string value = 2;

message TimeseriesKey {
  optional string measurement = 1;
  optional string source = 2;
  optional string tags = 3;
  repeated TimeseriesTag tag_list = 4;

message TimeseriesMeta {
  required TimeseriesKey time_series_key = 1;
  optional string attributes = 2;
  optional int64 update_time = 3;

message QueryTimeseriesMetaRequest {
  required string table_name = 1;
  optional MetaQueryCondition condition = 2;
  optional bool get_total_hit = 3;
  optional bytes token = 4;
  optional int32 limit = 5;
  optional int64 supported_table_version = 6;

message QueryTimeseriesMetaResponse {
  repeated TimeseriesMeta timeseries_metas = 1;
  optional int64 total_hit = 2;
  optional bytes next_token = 3;

enum RowsSerializeType {

message TimeseriesRows {
  required RowsSerializeType type = 1;
  required bytes rows_data = 2;
  optional int32 flatbuffer_crc32c = 3;

enum MetaUpdateMode {

message PutTimeseriesDataRequest {
  required string table_name = 1;
  required TimeseriesRows rows_data = 2;
  optional MetaUpdateMode meta_update_mode = 3;
  optional int64 supported_table_version = 4;

message FailedRowInfo {
  required int32 row_index = 1;
  optional string error_code = 2;
  optional string error_message = 3;

message MetaUpdateStatus {
  repeated uint32 row_ids = 1;
  repeated uint32 meta_update_times = 2;

message PutTimeseriesDataResponse {
  repeated FailedRowInfo failed_rows = 1;
  optional MetaUpdateStatus meta_update_status = 2;

message TimeseriesFieldsToGet {
  optional string name = 1;
  optional int32 type = 2;

message GetTimeseriesDataRequest {
  required string table_name = 1;
  required TimeseriesKey time_series_key = 2;
  optional int64 begin_time = 3;
  optional int64 end_time = 4;
  optional int64 specific_time = 5;
  optional bytes token = 6;
  optional int32 limit = 7;
  optional bool backward = 8;
  repeated TimeseriesFieldsToGet fields_to_get = 9;
  optional int64 supported_table_version = 10;

message GetTimeseriesDataResponse {
  required bytes rows_data = 1;
  optional bytes next_token = 2;

message UpdateTimeseriesMetaRequest {
  required string table_name = 1;
  repeated TimeseriesMeta timeseries_meta = 2;
  optional int64 supported_table_version = 3;

message UpdateTimeseriesMetaResponse {
  repeated FailedRowInfo failed_rows = 1;

message DeleteTimeseriesMetaRequest {
  required string table_name = 1;
  repeated TimeseriesKey timeseries_key = 2;
  optional int64 supported_table_version = 3;

message DeleteTimeseriesMetaResponse {
  repeated FailedRowInfo failed_rows = 1;

message SplitTimeseriesScanTaskRequest {
  required string table_name = 1;
  optional string measurement_name = 2;
  required int32 split_count_hint = 3;

message SplitTimeseriesScanTaskResponse {
  repeated bytes split_infos = 1;

message ScanTimeseriesDataRequest {
  required string table_name = 1;
  optional bytes split_info = 2;
  optional int64 start_time_us = 3;
  optional int64 end_time_us = 4;
  repeated TimeseriesFieldsToGet fields_to_get = 5;
  optional int32 limit = 6;
  optional RowsSerializeType data_serialize_type = 7;
  optional bytes token = 8;
  optional int64 supported_table_version = 9;

message ScanTimeseriesDataResponse {
  optional RowsSerializeType data_serialize_type = 1;
  required bytes data = 2;
  optional bytes next_token = 3;

message TimeseriesAnalyticalStore {
  optional string store_name = 1;	      // 存储名称
  optional int32 time_to_live = 2;    // 存储数据TTL
  optional AnalyticalStoreSyncType sync_option = 3;	// 全量或者增量构建

enum AnalyticalStoreSyncType {
  SYNC_TYPE_FULL = 1;	// 全量构建
  SYNC_TYPE_INCR = 2;	// 增量构建

message AnalyticalStoreSyncStat {
  optional AnalyticalStoreSyncType sync_phase = 1;				// 构建状态
  optional int64 current_sync_timestamp = 2;// 最新同步时间

message AnalyticalStoreStorageSize {
  optional int64 size = 1;			// 分析存储占用存储大小
  optional int64 timestamp = 2;	// 统计时间

message CreateTimeseriesAnalyticalStoreRequest {
  required string table_name = 1;
  optional TimeseriesAnalyticalStore analytical_store = 2;	// 需要创建的时序分析存储

message CreateTimeseriesAnalyticalStoreResponse {}

message DeleteTimeseriesAnalyticalStoreRequest {
  required string table_name = 1;
  required string store_name = 2;
  optional bool drop_mapping_table = 3;

message DeleteTimeseriesAnalyticalStoreResponse {}

message DescribeTimeseriesAnalyticalStoreRequest {
  required string table_name = 1;
  required string store_name = 2;

message DescribeTimeseriesAnalyticalStoreResponse {
  optional TimeseriesAnalyticalStore analytical_store = 1;
  optional AnalyticalStoreSyncStat sync_stat = 2;
  optional AnalyticalStoreStorageSize storage_size = 3;

message UpdateTimeseriesAnalyticalStoreRequest {
  required string table_name = 1;
  required TimeseriesAnalyticalStore analytical_store = 2;

message UpdateTimeseriesAnalyticalStoreResponse {}

message TimeseriesLastpointIndex {
  optional string index_table_name = 1;

message CreateTimeseriesLastpointIndexRequest {
  required string main_table_name = 1;
  required string index_table_name = 2;
  optional bool include_base_data = 3;
  optional bool create_on_wide_column_table = 4;
  repeated string index_primary_key_names = 5;

message CreateTimeseriesLastpointIndexResponse {

message DeleteTimeseriesLastpointIndexRequest {
  required string main_table_name = 1;
  required string index_table_name = 2;

message DeleteTimeseriesLastpointIndexResponse {
  • 本页导读 (1)
  • ots_internal_api.proto
  • ots_filter.proto
  • search.proto
  • tunnel_service.proto
  • timeseries.proto