本文补充介绍了 Assistant API 中可能产生的各种返回状态码以供参考。
Http返回码 | 错误代码 Code | 错误信息 Message (具体信息内容可能跟随场景有所变化) | 含义说明 |
Http返回码 | 错误代码 Code | 错误信息 Message (具体信息内容可能跟随场景有所变化) | 含义说明 |
400 | InvalidParameter | The messages information cannot be empty. | Message中内容不能为空 |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified run step does not exist. | 所查询的step 不存在 |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified run has been deleted or does not exist. | 所查询的run不存在 |
400 | InvalidParameter | 'The specified message file not exist.' | 指定的message文件不存在 |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified message has been deleted or does not exist. | 查询的message不存在 |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified thread has been deleted or does not exist. | Thread不存在 |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified assistant file has been deleted or does not exist. | 指定的AssistantFile不存在 |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified assistant has been deleted or does not exist. | 指定的Assistant不存在 |
400 | InvalidParameter | Order must be \'asc\' or \'desc\' | list时指定的order非法 |
400 | InvalidParameter | Limit must be between 1 and 100 | list时limit超出范围 |
400 | InvalidParameter | Invalid URL provided in your request. | 请求URL不正确 |
400 | InvalidParameter | API key or Uid is missing. Please provide a valid API key or Uid. | api-key或uid不正确 |