



HTTP status code错误码错误信息操作
400EmptySpecified resource is empty.诊断
400FaceGroupDecFaceNumErrorThe number can't be decreased.诊断
403Forbidden.AccountInDebtThe specified Account is in debt. %s诊断
403Forbidden.AccountNotFoundThe specified Account does not exist. %s诊断
403Forbidden.RiskControlThis operation is forbidden by Alibaba Cloud RiskControl system. %s诊断
403Forbidden.ServiceRoleCannot access specified service role. %s诊断
400GroupNotEnoughFacesErrorThe group doesn't have enough face.诊断
400IdempotentTokenMismatchIdempotent token mismatch.诊断
500InternalErrorThe request processing has been failed due to some unknown error.诊断
400InvalidIdempotentTokenThe Idempotent tokenis not valid.诊断
404InvalidJobId.NotFoundSpecified job is not found.诊断
404InvalidTaskId.NotFoundSpecified task is not found.诊断
400InvalidJsonFormatThe request parameter has an invalid JSON format.诊断
400InvalidParameterThe parameter is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.ActionThe input parameter Action is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.CheckEmptyThe input parameter CheckEmpty is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.ClearIndexDataThe input parameter ClearIndexData is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.ConditionThe input parameter Condition is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.EndPageThe input parameter EndPage is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.EngineThe input parameter Engine is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.EnginesThe input parameter Engines is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.ExternalIdThe input parameter ExternalId is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.FaceIdThe input parameter FaceId is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.FaceIdMaxThe input parameter FaceIdMax is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.FaceIdMinThe input parameter FaceIdMin is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.FaceIdsThe input parameter FaceIds is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.FaceMarkerThe input parameter FaceMarker is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.ForceThe input parameter Force is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.ForceConvertThe input parameter ForceConvert is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.ImageSpecThe input parameter ImageSpec is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.IndexersThe input parameter Indexers is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.GroupIdThe input parameter GroupId is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.GroupNameThe input parameter GroupName is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.UserThe input parameter User is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.ImageIdThe input parameter ImageId is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.IsNullThe input parameter IsNull is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.JobIdThe input parameter JobId is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.LazyModeThe input parameter LazyMode is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.MarkerThe input parameter Marker is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.MaxKeysThe input parameter MaxKeys is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.MaxSheetColThe input parameter MaxSheetCol is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.MaxSheetRowThe input parameter MaxSheetRow is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.MaxSheetCountThe input parameter MaxSheetCount is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.NameThe input parameter Name is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.NeedTypesThe input parameter NeedTypes is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.NotifyEndpointThe input parameter NotifyEndpoint is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.NotifyTopicNameThe input parameter NotifyTopicName is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.TgtFilePrefixThe input parameter TgtFilePrefix is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.TgtFileSuffixThe input parameter TgtFileSuffix is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.TgtFilePagesThe input parameter TgtFilePages is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.OperationThe input parameter Operation is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.PJobIdThe input parameter PJobId is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.ProjectThe input parameter Project is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.ResourcesThe input parameter Resources is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.ReturnAttributeThe input parameter ReturnAttribute is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.SetIdThe input parameter SetId is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.SrcTypeThe input parameter SrcType is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.SrcUriThe input parameter SrcUri is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.SrcUrisThe input parameter SrcUris is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.JobsThe input parameter Jobs is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.StartPageThe input parameter StartPage is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.StyleThe input parameter Style is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.TgtTypeThe input parameter TgtType is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.TgtUriThe input parameter TgtUri is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.UpdateFaceIdMaxThe input parameter UpdateFaceIdMax is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.UpdateFaceIdMinThe input parameter UpdateFaceIdMin is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.UrlThe input parameter Url is not valid.诊断
404InvalidProject.NotFoundSpecified project is not found.诊断
400InvalidQueryStringThe query string is not valid.诊断
400InvalidResource.AlreadyExistingSpecified resource already exists.诊断
404InvalidResource.NotFoundSpecified resource is not found.诊断
404InvalidSet.NotFoundSpecified set is not found.诊断
404InvalidVersion.NotFoundSpecified version is not found.诊断
404InvalidParameter.ImageOne or more image is not vaild.诊断
400MethodNotAllowedThe request http method is not supported for this resource.诊断
400MissingParameterThe parameter is missing.诊断
400MissingParameter.JactionThe input parameter Action that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.诊断
400MissingParameter.JobIdThe input parameter JobId that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.诊断
400MissingParameter.JobThe input parameter Job that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.诊断
400MissingParameter.PJobIdThe input parameter PJobId that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.诊断
400MissingParameter.ProjectThe input parameter Project that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.诊断
400MissingParameter.SetIdThe input parameter SetId that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.诊断
400MissingParameter.SrcTypeThe input parameter SrcType that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.诊断
400MissingParameter.SrcUriThe input parameter SrcUri that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.诊断
400MissingParameter.SrcUrisThe input parameter SrcUris that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.诊断
400MissingParameter.JobsThe input parameter Jobs that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.诊断
400MissingParameter.StyleThe input parameter Style that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.诊断
400MissingParameter.TagNameThe input parameter TagName that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.诊断
400NotEmptySpecified resource is not empty.诊断
400OSSAccessErrorOSS access error.诊断
400QuotaExhaustedThe quota is exhausted.诊断
400QuotaExhausted.FaceThe quota face is exhausted.诊断
400QuotaExhausted.ImageThe quota image is exhausted.诊断
500ServiceUnavailableThe request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server.诊断
500ServiceUnavailable.RegionMaintainingSystem maintenance is in progress on the selected region, please wait a few minutes before trying again.诊断
400StateConflictUser operation is not valid.诊断
400STSAccessErrorSTS access error.诊断
400UnknownErrorThe request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure.诊断
400UnsupportedParameterThe specified parameter is not supported.诊断
400InvalidParameter.TypeThe input parameter Type is not valid.诊断
400InvalidParameter.NewGroupIdThe input parameter NewGroupId is not valid.诊断
403ProjectForbiddenThis Project is not allowed to operate on the specified API.诊断
408ExecutionTimeoutRequest timed out. %s诊断
403AccountNotFoundThe specified account does not exist. %s诊断
403AccountInDebtThe specified account is in debt. %s诊断
403RiskControlThis operation is forbidden by Alibaba Cloud RiskControl system. %s诊断
403ForbiddenUser not authorized to operate on the specified APIs. %s诊断
400StateConflictUser operation is not valid. %s诊断
408TimeoutRequest timed out. %s诊断
500InternalErrorThe request has been failed due to some unknown error. %s诊断
405HTTPMethodNotAllowedThe request http method is not supported for this resource. %s诊断
503ServiceUnavailableThe request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. %s诊断
503ServiceUnavailable.RegionMaintainingSystem maintenance is in progress on the selected region. %s诊断
400STSAccessErrorSTS access error. %s诊断
400OSSAccessErrorOSS access error. %s诊断
403ThrottlingThe request project is blocked due to throttling control. %s诊断
200NoErrorRequest success. %s诊断
200EmptyResultRequest success, however, the result is empty. %s诊断
400FaceGroupNotEnoughFacesErrorThe group doesn't have enough face. %s诊断
403Forbidden.ProjectTypeThis project is not allowed to operate on the specified API. %s诊断
400Idempotent.ProcessingThe request is on processing, however the result is not available at this moment, you may try it again in a short while. %s诊断
400Idempotent.NotMatchThe IdempotentToken has been used, however, the request parameters are not as same as last request. You may generate a new IdempotentToken and try again.诊断
400DecodeBlindWatermarkFailedCannot decode blind watermark. %s诊断
400EncodeBlindWatermarkFailedCannot encode blind watermark. %s诊断