












  • 管理者是合约的超级管理员,能够对管理者、操作者以及观察者进行添加、删除、查询操作。
  • 操作者可以查询操作者信息。
  • 观察者可以查询观察者信息。



  • 管理者:具有积分奖励、积分查询、积分转移、积分违规扣除、积分权益兑换等积分操作权限。
  • 操作者:操作者是由管理者设置的积分操作角色,该角色可以是具体的人员也可以是系统服务,具有积分奖励、积分转移、积分违规扣除、积分权益兑换等积分操作权限。
  • 观察者:观察者是由管理者设置的积分查询角色,该角色可以是具体的人员也可以是系统服务,具有积分查询的操作权限。
  • 市民:市民是住房租赁积分系统的用户,是住房租赁积分系统的实际权益对象。
    • 市民可以通过组织机构的租赁积分外部服务系统代理的观察者权限查看自己的积分状况。
    • 租赁积分外部服务系统会根据市民的合规表现,通过操作者的权限进行积分奖励或积分违规扣除。
    • 市民可以通过租赁积分外部服务系统代理的操作者权限进行积分权益兑换或积分转移操作。


















  1. pragma solidity ^0.4.20;
  2. contract LeasingScoreManager {
  3. identity[] adminList;
  4. identity[] observerList;
  5. identity[] calculatorList;
  6. //用于记录管理数组被置位元素
  7. uint adminDeled;
  8. uint observerDeled;
  9. uint calculatorDeled;
  10. mapping (bytes32 => uint) leasingScore;
  11. enum ScoreAction {
  12. //奖励积分, 因相关行为,进行积分奖励
  13. ActionAwardScore,
  14. //积分权益兑换,花费指定积分
  15. ActionExchangeScore,
  16. //扣除积分, 因违规等, 扣除积分
  17. ActionDeductScore,
  18. //查询积分
  19. ActionQueryScore
  20. //积分转移, 将积分转移到其他的合约。
  21. }
  22. enum UserRole {
  23. RoleAdmin, //管理员
  24. RoleCalculator, //积分操作员
  25. RoleObserver, //积分查看人员
  26. RolePlayer //积分参与者
  27. }
  28. //是否为有效的操作人
  29. event VALID(bool valid, UserRole role);
  30. //admin/observer/calculator 用户存在
  31. event USER_EXIST(bool exist, UserRole role);
  32. //积分事件
  33. event SCORE_OPERATOR(ScoreAction action, string describe);
  34. //积分操作错误
  35. event SCORE_ERROR(ScoreAction action, string describe);
  36. //积分权益通知
  37. event SCORE_EQUITY_NOTICE(string action, uint score, string describe);
  38. constructor() public {
  39. adminList.push(msg.sender);
  40. adminList.push(this);
  41. }
  42. function indexAdmin(identity admin) view returns (uint) {
  43. for (uint i = 0; i < adminList.length; i++) {
  44. if (adminList[i] == admin) {
  45. return i;
  46. }
  47. }
  48. return adminList.length;
  49. }
  50. function validAdmin(identity admin) view returns (bool) {
  51. return indexAdmin(admin) < adminList.length;
  52. }
  53. function indexCalculator(identity calculator) view returns (uint) {
  54. for (uint i = 0; i < calculatorList.length; i++) {
  55. if (calculatorList[i] == calculator) {
  56. return i;
  57. }
  58. }
  59. return calculatorList.length;
  60. }
  61. function validCalculator(identity calculator) view returns (bool) {
  62. return indexCalculator(calculator) < calculatorList.length;
  63. }
  64. function indexObserver(identity observer) view returns (uint) {
  65. for (uint i = 0; i < observerList.length; i++) {
  66. if (observerList[i] == observer) {
  67. return i;
  68. }
  69. }
  70. return observerList.length;
  71. }
  72. function validObserver(identity observer) view returns (bool) {
  73. return indexObserver(observer) < observerList.length;
  74. }
  75. modifier onlyAdmin {
  76. bool isValid = validAdmin(msg.sender);
  77. emit VALID(isValid, UserRole.RoleAdmin);
  78. require(isValid);
  79. _;
  80. }
  81. modifier onlyCalculatorOrAdmin {
  82. bool isValid = validAdmin(msg.sender);
  83. if(isValid) {
  84. emit VALID(isValid, UserRole.RoleAdmin);
  85. } else {
  86. isValid = validCalculator(msg.sender);
  87. emit VALID(isValid, UserRole.RoleCalculator);
  88. }
  89. require(isValid);
  90. _;
  91. }
  92. modifier onlyObserverOrAdmin {
  93. bool isValid = validAdmin(msg.sender);
  94. if(isValid) {
  95. emit VALID(isValid, UserRole.RoleAdmin);
  96. } else {
  97. isValid = validObserver(msg.sender);
  98. emit VALID(isValid, UserRole.RoleObserver);
  99. }
  100. require(isValid);
  101. _;
  102. }
  103. function addAdmin(identity admin) public onlyAdmin {
  104. bool isExist = validAdmin(admin);
  105. emit USER_EXIST(isExist, UserRole.RoleAdmin);
  106. require(!isExist);
  107. if(adminDeled > 0) {
  108. uint deled = 1;
  109. for (uint i = 0; i < adminList.length; i++) {
  110. if(deled&adminDeled != 0) {
  111. adminList[i] = admin;
  112. adminDeled ^= deled;
  113. break;
  114. }
  115. deled <<= 1;
  116. }
  117. } else {
  118. adminList.push(admin);
  119. }
  120. }
  121. function removeAdmin(identity admin) public onlyAdmin {
  122. uint index = indexAdmin(admin);
  123. bool isValid = index != adminList.length;
  124. emit USER_EXIST(isValid, UserRole.RoleAdmin);
  125. require(isValid);
  126. delete adminList[index];
  127. adminDeled ^= 1 << index;
  128. }
  129. function queryAdmins() view public onlyAdmin returns (identity[]) {
  130. return adminList;
  131. }
  132. function addCalculator(identity calculator) public onlyAdmin {
  133. bool isExist = validCalculator(calculator);
  134. emit USER_EXIST(isExist, UserRole.RoleCalculator);
  135. require(!isExist);
  136. if(calculatorDeled > 0) {
  137. uint deled = 1;
  138. for (uint i = 0; i < calculatorList.length; i++) {
  139. if(deled&calculatorDeled != 0) {
  140. calculatorList[i] = calculator;
  141. calculatorDeled ^= deled;
  142. break;
  143. }
  144. deled <<= 1;
  145. }
  146. } else {
  147. calculatorList.push(calculator);
  148. }
  149. }
  150. function removeCalculator(identity calculator) public onlyAdmin {
  151. uint index = indexCalculator(calculator);
  152. bool isValid = index < calculatorList.length;
  153. emit USER_EXIST(isValid, UserRole.RoleCalculator);
  154. require(isValid);
  155. delete calculatorList[index];
  156. calculatorDeled ^= 1 << index;
  157. }
  158. function queryCalculators() view public onlyCalculatorOrAdmin returns (identity[]) {
  159. return calculatorList;
  160. }
  161. function addObserver(identity observer) public onlyAdmin {
  162. bool isExist = validObserver(observer);
  163. emit USER_EXIST(isExist, UserRole.RoleObserver);
  164. require(!isExist);
  165. if(observerDeled > 0) {
  166. uint deled = 1;
  167. for (uint i = 0; i < observerList.length; i++) {
  168. if(deled&observerDeled != 0) {
  169. observerList[i] = observer;
  170. observerDeled ^= deled;
  171. break;
  172. }
  173. deled <<= 1;
  174. }
  175. } else {
  176. observerList.push(observer);
  177. }
  178. }
  179. function removeObserver(identity observer) public onlyAdmin {
  180. uint index = indexCalculator(observer);
  181. bool isValid = index < observerList.length;
  182. emit USER_EXIST(isValid, UserRole.RoleObserver);
  183. require(isValid);
  184. delete observerList[index];
  185. observerDeled ^= 1 << index;
  186. }
  187. function queryObservers() view public onlyObserverOrAdmin returns (identity[]) {
  188. return observerList;
  189. }
  190. function checkScoreEquity(uint balance, uint score) {
  191. uint total = balance + score;
  192. if(total >= 100 && balance < 100) {
  193. emit SCORE_EQUITY_NOTICE("RentConcessions", total, "Citizens enjoy a 90% discount on rental housing");
  194. }
  195. if(total >= 200 && balance < 200) {
  196. emit SCORE_EQUITY_NOTICE("RentConcessions_1", total, "Citizens enjoy a 80% discount on rental housing");
  197. }
  198. if(total >= 300 && balance < 300) {
  199. emit SCORE_EQUITY_NOTICE("PurchaseDiscount", total, "Citizens enjoy a 90% discount on purchase housing");
  200. }
  201. }
  202. //积分奖励
  203. function awardScore(bytes32 player, uint score, string describe) public onlyCalculatorOrAdmin {
  204. uint balance = leasingScore[player];
  205. leasingScore[player] = balance + score;
  206. emit SCORE_OPERATOR(ScoreAction.ActionAwardScore, describe);
  207. checkScoreEquity(balance, score);
  208. }
  209. //积分权级兑换,为消费者主动意愿,若不够花,则不扣除积分,且发送失败事件。
  210. function exchangeScore(bytes32 player, uint score, string describe) public onlyCalculatorOrAdmin returns (bool) {
  211. emit SCORE_OPERATOR(ScoreAction.ActionExchangeScore, describe);
  212. if(leasingScore[player] >= score) {
  213. leasingScore[player] -= score;
  214. return true;
  215. }
  216. emit SCORE_ERROR(ScoreAction.ActionExchangeScore, "Score not enough to exchange");
  217. return false;
  218. }
  219. //积分扣除,为消费者被动意愿,进行强制积分扣除,若积分不够,则清零,且发送失败时间
  220. function deductScore(bytes32 player, uint score, string describe) public onlyCalculatorOrAdmin {
  221. emit SCORE_OPERATOR(ScoreAction.ActionDeductScore, describe);
  222. uint balance = leasingScore[player];
  223. if(balance >= score) {
  224. leasingScore[player] -= score;
  225. } else {
  226. if(balance != 0) {
  227. leasingScore[player] = 0;
  228. }
  229. emit SCORE_ERROR(ScoreAction.ActionDeductScore, "Score not enough to deduct");
  230. }
  231. }
  232. //积分查询
  233. function queryScore(bytes32 player, string describe) view public onlyObserverOrAdmin returns (uint) {
  234. emit SCORE_OPERATOR(ScoreAction.ActionQueryScore, describe);
  235. return leasingScore[player];
  236. }
  237. //拼接字符串
  238. function stringAdd(string a, string b) returns(string){
  239. bytes memory _a = bytes(a);
  240. bytes memory _b = bytes(b);
  241. bytes memory res = new bytes(_a.length + _b.length);
  242. for(uint i = 0;i < _a.length;i++)
  243. res[i] = _a[i];
  244. for(uint j = 0;j < _b.length;j++)
  245. res[_a.length+j] = _b[j];
  246. return string(res);
  247. }
  248. //积分转移,将积分从一个一个合约转移到另一个合约
  249. function transferScore(bytes32 player, uint score, LeasingScoreManager toContract, string describe) public onlyCalculatorOrAdmin {
  250. //判断积分是否够用并扣除
  251. describe = stringAdd("Transfer score: ", describe);
  252. require(exchangeScore(player, score, describe));
  253. toContract.awardScore(player, score, describe);
  254. }
  255. }