名称 | 示例值 | 位置 | 类型 | 是否必选 | 描述 |
Action | GetCateChEcom | body | string | 是 | 固定值,不要省略 |
ServiceCode | alinlp | body | string | 是 | 固定值,不要省略 |
Text | 58包邮!优衣库回馈活动:仅3000套! 东西好不好收到摸一摸手感才知道,大公司出品,品质一流,只有一年一次内部特供款才享受此价格,活动仅限七天! 现回馈活动力度超前给力! 面料:一级优等品贡棉 130g磨毛 尺寸:被套200*230 床单230*250 枕套48*74*2只 每套重4.5斤! | body | string | 是 | 中文电商商品标题 最大长度不超过800字 |
ImageUrl | https://example.aliyundoc.com/20200530/i1590816112_2841_0.jpg | body | string | 否 | 中文电商商品图片 1. 压缩图500x500可以降低RT而且不影响性能; 2. ImageUrl可以为空,ImageUrl不存在会返回单独文本预测的结果 |
参数名 | 示例值 | 参数描述 |
tracerId | 6038368d47195915eff81a8f49ae0b45 | 唯一请求id,排查问题的依据 |
data |
HttpCode | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | UserStatusInvalid | The user status is invalid. | 用户状态无效,请检查账户是否欠费和有未支付的账单 |
400 | BasicServiceNotActivated | The NLP API (Version : base) service has not been activated. Please click the url to confirm the activation status:https://common-buy.aliyun.com/?commodityCode=nlp_alinlpBasePost_public_cn#/buy | NLP API(基础版)服务未开通,请点击链接确认开通状态:https://common-buy.aliyun.com/?commodityCode=nlp_alinlpBasePost_public_cn#/buy |
400 | AdvancedServiceNotActivated | The NLP API (Version : advanced) service has not been activated. Please click the url to confirm the activation status:https://common-buy.aliyun.com/?commodityCode=nlp_alinlpAdvancedPost_public_cn#/buy | NLP API(高级版)服务未开通,请点击链接确认开通状态:https://common-buy.aliyun.com/?commodityCode=nlp_alinlpAdvancedPost_public_cn#/buy |
400 | IndustryServiceNotActivated | The NLP API (Version : industry) service has not been activated. Please click the url to confirm the activation status:https://common-buy.aliyun.com/?commodityCode=nlp_alinlpIndustryPost_public_cn#/buy | NLP API(行业应用版)服务未开通,请点击链接确认开通状态:https://common-buy.aliyun.com/?commodityCode=nlp_alinlpIndustryPost_public_cn#/buy |
401 | InvalidParameter | The parameter is invalid. | 参数无效,请检查入参 |
403 | Forbidden.NoAuth | You are not authorized to operate on the specified resource. Please click the URL for help information:https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/177209.html | 您的账号无权限操作指定的资源,请点击URL以获取帮助信息:为RAM子用户授权 |
405 | TextLimitExceeded | The maximum length of the text is exceeded. | 文本长度超过限制 |
406 | TextCodingError | An encoding error occurred to the input text. | 输入文本编码错误 |
410 | FrameworkError | Framework internal server error. | 框架错误 |
411 | FrameworkApiError | Framework API error. | 框架API错误 |
412 | FrameworkFormatError | Framework request format error. | 框架请求格式错误 |
413 | FrameworkReturnError | Framework return type format error. | 框架返回格式错误 |
429 | Throttling.User | Flow control has been triggered. | 超过了每秒最大查询数(QPS),请单击URL以获取帮助信息:QPS增量服务定价(限时低价) |
500 | InternalError | A server error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later or contact customer support. | 处理您的请求时发生服务错误,请稍后再试或联系客户支持。 |