
更新时间:2025-02-13 01:44:30


HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述操作
HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述操作
503algorithmErrorAn algorithm error occurred.识别服务异常,请稍后重试诊断
413exceededImageContentThe image content size exceeds the 10 MB limit.图像内容大小超过 10M诊断
400illegalCutTypeThe specified cutType is invalid.不支持的 cutType 参数诊断
400illegalImageContentThe corresponding image content is missing.缺少对应的图像内容,导致切图失败诊断
400illegalImageTypeThe specified imageType is invalid.不支持的 imageType 参数诊断
400IllegalImageUrlThe image URL is unavailable or has timed out.图片 URL 资源不可用或超时诊断
400illegalSignatureThe signature is incorrect.签名错误诊断
400illegalSubjectThe specified Subject is invalid.不支持的 subject(科目) 参数诊断
400invalidStsTokenThe STS token is invalid.STS token 错误诊断
400MissingImageUrlYou must specify image URL.图片URL为空诊断
401noPermissionYou are not authorized to perform this operation.子账号或角色未授权诊断
400notSafeImageUrlThe image URL is not safe.图片 URL 不安全诊断
401ocrServiceNotOpenYou have not activated the OCR service.OCR服务未开通诊断
400unmatchedImageTypeThe image type does not match the API operation.图像类型与API接口不匹配诊断
400unsupportedEncodeImageUrlThe image URL encoding cannot be parsed.图片 URL 编码无法解析诊断
415unsupportedImageFormatThe image format or content is not supported.图像内容错误或格式不支持诊断
400unsupportedLanguageThe language is not supported.不支持的 language 参数诊断
401OcrServiceExpiredThe OCR service has expired.OCR服务已经欠费过期诊断
400MissingLanguagesYou must specify Language.缺少 language 参数诊断
503AlgorithmTimeoutThe requested algorithm service is unavailable. Please try again with a smaller image.算法服务不可用,请尝试内容较少的图像。诊断
416illegalImageSizeThe image size must not be less than 5px or greater than 8192px.图像尺寸不合法诊断
400ExceededImageSizeThe image length*width must be less than 1024*1024.图像尺寸的长度*宽度必须小于等于1024*1024。诊断
400PaperCutEmptyImageThe image is empty. No paper is found in the image.在用于切题的图像中没有找到任何试卷,请检查图像。诊断
400ExceededFaceBackCountThe number of the front and back sides of the image exceeds the limit.图片正反面数量超过了限制诊断
400exceededImageUrlLengthThe image URL length exceeds 2048 characters.图片 URL 长度超过2048诊断
504ServiceTimeoutThe requested service is timed out.后端服务超时诊断
400imageUrlOrBodyEmptyThe image URL or body is empty.图片URLBODY为空诊断
400illegalApiNameThe input param api name is invalid.-诊断
400imageTimeOutGet image data time out.获取图片超时诊断
429Throttling.UserRequest was denied due to user flow control-诊断
400InvalidSignatureVerssionSpecified parameter SignatureVersion is not valid-诊断
400MissingAccessKeyIdAccessKeyId is mandatory for this action-诊断
400InvalidVersionSpecified parameter version is not valid-诊断
400SignatureNonceUsedSpecified signature nonce was used already-诊断
503ServiceUnavailableThe request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server-诊断
400SignatureDoesNotMatchSpecified signature is not matched with our calculation-诊断
400MissingImageTypeImageType is mandatory for this action-诊断
400MissingSignatureSignature is mandatory for this action-诊断
400deprecatedApiThe api is deprecated.API已经废弃,请使用新版本的API诊断
400convertPDFToImgErrorFailed to convert PDF file to image.pdf转图片失败诊断
413exceededPDFContentSize of PDF content has exceeded the 10M limit.PDF大小超过10M诊断
400illegalPDFContentCorresponding pdf content is missingPDF内容缺失或不是有效的PDF文件诊断
413exceededOFDContentSize of OFD content has exceeded the 10M limit.-诊断
400unsupportedOutputFormatOutput format is not supported.-诊断
400InvalidCountrySpecified parameter Country is not valid.不支持的国家。诊断
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