

HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述操作
400ActionNotAvailableThe action is not avaliable.-诊断
400InvalidMonitorItem.NotSameThe selected list contains different monitoring items. Please select the subscription items of the same monitoring item.列表中包含不同的监控项,请选择相同监控项诊断
400InvalidPparameter.TooMuchEither DeviceId or ExcludeDeviceId must be specified.-诊断
400InvalidScheme.NotEnableThe scheme is not enabled.方案未启用诊断
400InvalidScheme.StepNotAvailableSome steps of the scheme are unavailable.方案存在不可用步骤诊断
403NoAccess.BuiltIn%sThe built in configuration does not permit the operation.内置配置不允许操作诊断