错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
OverExportCount | OverExportCount | 最多支持导出500000张。 |
InvalidCallerTypeError | This access mode is not supported. | 不支持的访问方式。 |
Ambiguous | The input value is ambiguous. | 输入值存在歧义。 |
TagIdCanNotEmpty | The TagId must not be empty. | 标签ID不能为空。 |
IllegalRequest | The request parameter is invalid. | 非法的请求参数。 |
BusinessProcessError | A business processing exception occurred. | 业务处理异常。 |
InternalError | An internal error occurred. | 系统内部异常。 |
InvalidAliyunPK | AliyunPk is invalid. | 阿里云账号无效。 |
RuleMustBePositiveInteger | The valid values of Rule are positive integers and zero. | 达量停用策略数值,仅支持正整数和0。 |
RuleMaxValueLimit | The maximum value of Rule must be less than 9007199254740991. | 达量停用策略数值,必须小于9007199254740991。 |
CredentialInstanceNotExist | The credential instance does not exist. | 套餐凭证不存在。 |
DataTypeCanNotEmpty | Data type cannot be empty. | 流量类型不能为空。 |
IccidNotExist | IccId does not exist. | 卡号不存在。 |
DataLevelCanNotEmpty | Data level cannot be empty. | 充值类型为叠加包时,流量档位不能为空。 |
RPCInvokeError | An RPC invoking error occurred | RPC远程请求错误。 |
TimeFormatError | Time format error. | 请求参数时间格式错误。 |
BatchOperationFailed | An internal error occurred. Try again later. | 批量操作异常。 |
SignVerificationFailed | Sign verification failed. | 签名校验失败。 |
UploadFileBeyondLimit | The uploaded file exceeds the limit. | 上传文件超出限制。 |
InstanceIdCanNotEmpty | InstanceId cannot be empty. | 卡号不能为空。 |
UploadFileInvalidCard | Iccid is invalid. | 上传文件内有卡号不合法。 |
UploadFileDuplicateCard | Iccid is duplicated. | 上传文件内有重复卡号。 |
OssFileFormatError | The file format is invalid. | 文件格式错误。 |
OverExportCount | The number of cards owned by the user exceeds the limit. | 导出数量超出限制。 |
OverThreshold | The number of Trigger Condition Usage setting exceeds the limit. | 触发条件的用量设置超出限制。 |
OverRuleCount | The number of rules owned by the user exceeds the limit. | 规则超出限制。 |
ForceActivationSameFlowCard | Only cards in the same flow support forced activation. | 强制激活仅支持同档位的卡。 |
StartTimeLessEndTime | The StartTime must be earlier than the EndTime. | 起始时间必须小于结束时间。 |
IccidCanNotEmpty | Iccid cannot be empty. | 卡号不能为空。 |
RamActionPermissionDeny | You do not have the RAM permission. | 没有RAM权限。 |