您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
RegionId | string | 是 | 地域 ID,可调用 DescribeRegions 查询。 | cn-hangzhou |
Capacity | long | 否 | 使用实例的存储容量指定规格,单位为 MB。本参数仅查询 Redis 社区版经典部署模式的实例,推荐您使用 InstanceClass 参数精确地指定一个规格。 说明
指定 InstanceClass 参数后,无需再指定本参数。
| 1024 |
InstanceClass | string | 否 | 使用 InstanceClass 编码指定实例规格。InstanceClass 查询步骤:
| redis.master.small.default |
OrderType | string | 是 | 订单类型,取值:
| BUY |
ZoneId | string | 否 | 可用区 ID,可调用 DescribeZones 查询。 | cn-hangzhou-e |
ChargeType | string | 否 | 付费类型,取值:
| PostPaid |
NodeType | string | 否 | 节点类型,取值:
Period | long | 否 | 包年包月时长,单位为月。取值范围:1~9、12、24、36。 | 3 |
Quantity | long | 否 | 购买实例的数量,取值范围:1~30,默认值为 1。 | 1 |
InstanceId | string | 否 | 实例 ID。 说明
当 OrderType 为 UPGRADE 或 RENEW 时必传。
| r-bp1zxszhcgatnx**** |
Instances | string | 否 | 当您需要查询云原生版读写分离架构、Tair ESSD 型实例或多个不同规格的实例时,需要传入本参数,为 JSON 格式字符串,更多信息请参见下方的Instances 参数补充说明。 | [{"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou","ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b","ShardClass": "tair.scm.with.proxy.standard.2m.8d","ShardCount": "3","Period": "1","Quantity": "1"}] |
BusinessInfo | string | 否 | 活动 ID、业务信息等扩展信息。 | 000000000000 |
CouponNo | string | 否 | 优惠码,默认值:youhuiquan_promotion_option_id_for_blank,表示无优惠码。 | youhuiquan_promotion_option_id_for_blank |
ForceUpgrade | boolean | 否 | 是否强制变配,取值:
| true |
OrderParamOut | string | 否 | 是否返回订单参数,可选值:
| true |
ShardCount | integer | 否 | 云原生集群实例中的数据分片节点的数量。 | 2 |
Instances 参数补充说明
以下说明仅适用于 DescribePrice 接口 Instances 参数的补充说明,不适用于其它接口。
名称 | 类型 | 是否必选 | 示例值 | 描述 |
RegionId | String | 是 | cn-hangzhou | 地域 ID。 |
InstanceId | String | 否 | r-7xv4s7q131smyx**** | 实例 ID,当 OrderType 为 UPGRADE 或 RENEW 时必传。 |
InstanceClass | String | 是 | redis.master.small.default | 经典版实例的实例规格,请参见规格查询导航。 |
ShardClass | String | 是 | tair.rdb.2g | 云原生版实例的实例规格,请参见规格查询导航。 本参数和 InstanceClass 两者中必须传入一项。 |
IzNo | String | 否 | cn-hangzhou-b | 可用区 ID。 |
NodeType | String | 否 | MASTER_SLAVE | 节点类型,取值:
Period | Long | 否 | 1 | 包年包月时长,单位为月。取值范围:1~9、12、24、36。 |
Quantity | String | 否 | 1 | 购买实例的数量,取值范围:1~30。默认值:1。 |
VPCId | String | 否 | vpc-bp1nme44gek34slfc**** | VPC ID。 |
VSwitchId | String | 否 | vsw-bp1e7clcw529l773d**** | 虚拟交换机 ID。 |
AutoPay | String | 否 | true | 是否自动付款,取值:
InstanceName | String | 否 | test_123 | 实例名称。 |
ShardCount | String | 否 | 2 | 分片节点数,默认为 1,查询标准架构、读写分离架构实例时无需传入该参数。本参数仅适用于查询云原生版集群架构实例,您可以通过该参数实现自定义分片数量。 |
ReadOnlyCount | Integer | 否 | 2 | 总只读节点数量,本参数仅适用于创建云原生版读写分离架构实例。 |
StorageType | String | 否 | essd_pl2 | Tair ESSD 磁盘型的存储类型,取值为essd_pl0、essd_pl1、essd_pl2和essd_pl3,在指定本参数时,您还需同时指定Capacity为自定义磁盘容量。更多信息请参见磁盘型实例规格。 |
Capacity | Long | 否 | 512000 | Tair ESSD 磁盘型的磁盘容量,单位:MB。 |
查询新购 Tair 云原生版集群架构的示例(该场景无需传入 Instances 参数):
{ "RegionId": "cn-hangzhou", "InstanceClass": "tair.rdb.with.proxy.2g", "OrderType": "BUY", "ChargeType": "PrePaid", "Period": 1, "ShardCount": 3 }
查询新购 Tair ESSD 磁盘型自定义存储类型的示例:
{ "RegionId": "cn-hangzhou", "OrderType": "BUY", "ChargeType": "PostPaid", "Instances": "[{"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou","ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-h", "ShardClass": "tair.essd.standard.2xlarge", "ShardCount": "1","Capacity": "512000","StorageType": "essd_pl2"}]", }
查询新购 Tair 云原生版读写分离架构的示例:
{ "RegionId": "cn-hangzhou", "InstanceClass": "tair.rdb.with.proxy.2g", "OrderType": "BUY", "ChargeType": "PrePaid", "Period": 1, "Instances": "[{"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou","ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b","ShardClass":"tair.rdb.with.proxy.2g","ReadOnlyCount":"2"}]" }
{ "RegionId": "cn-hangzhou", "OrderType": "BUY", "ChargeType": "PrePaid", "Period": 1, "Instances": "[{"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou","ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b","InstanceClass": "redis.master.small.default"}{"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou","ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b","InstanceClass": "redis.amber.logic.sharding.1g.2db.0rodb.6proxy.multithread"}{"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou","ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b","ShardClass":"tair.rdb.with.proxy.2g","ShardCount":"3"}]" }
查询续费 Tair 云原生版集群架构的示例(该场景无需传入 Instances 参数):
{ "RegionId": "cn-hangzhou", "InstanceClass": "tair.rdb.with.proxy.1g", "OrderType": "RENEW", "ChargeType": "PrePaid", "Period": 12, "InstanceId": "r-d7****l3v0xmorw1xp", "ShardCount": 3 }
"OrderParams": "String",
"RequestId": "3A40BE4E-1890-4972-889C-FEFA37663635",
"Order": {
"OriginalAmount": "0.21",
"HandlingFeeAmount": "0.1",
"Currency": "CNY",
"DiscountAmount": "0.21",
"TradeAmount": "10",
"Coupons": {
"Coupon": [
"IsSelected": "true",
"CouponNo": "youhuiquan_promotion_option_id_for_blank",
"Name": "test",
"Description": "coupondemo"
"RuleIds": {
"RuleId": [
"ShowDiscountInfo": true,
"DepreciateInfo": {
"ListPrice": 0,
"OriginalStandAmount": 0,
"CheapStandAmount": 0,
"CheapRate": 0,
"Differential": 0,
"DifferentialName": "XXXXX",
"MonthPrice": 0,
"IsContractActivity": false,
"IsShow": true,
"ContractActivity": {
"FinalPromFee": 0,
"FinalFee": 0,
"ProdFee": 0,
"ActivityId": 0,
"OptionCode": "",
"ActivityName": "合同优惠_整单_xxx折",
"OptionIds": {
"OptionId": [
"StandDiscountPrice": 0,
"IsContractActivity": true,
"StandPrice": 0,
"Code": "\"\"\n",
"Message": "\"\""
"Rules": {
"Rule": [
"RuleDescId": 1111111111,
"Title": "test",
"Name": "test"
"SubOrders": {
"SubOrder": [
"OriginalAmount": "0.21",
"InstanceId": "r-bp1xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"DiscountAmount": "0.21",
"TradeAmount": "10",
"RuleIds": {
"RuleId": [
"RuleId: 1111111111"
"OptionalPromotions": {
"OptionalPromotion": [
"Selected": false,
"CouponNo": "default",
"Name": "",
"Description": "",
"Show": true,
"ActivityExtInfo": {
"test": "test",
"test2": 1
"OptionCode": "",
"PromotionName": "",
"PromotionOptionNo": "",
"CanPromFee": ""
"DepreciateInfo": {
"ListPrice": 0,
"OriginalStandAmount": 0,
"CheapStandAmount": 0,
"CheapRate": 0,
"Differential": 0,
"DifferentialName": "",
"MonthPrice": 0,
"IsContractActivity": true,
"ContractActivity": {
"FinalPromFee": 0,
"FinalFee": 0,
"ProdFee": 0,
"ActivityId": 0,
"OptionCode": "",
"ActivityName": "",
"OptionIds": {
"OptionId": [
"StartTime": ""
"StandDiscountPrice": 0,
"IsContractActivity": true,
"StandPrice": 0,
"ModuleInstance": {
"ModuleInstance": [
"ModuleCode": "",
"ModuleId": "",
"StandPrice": 0,
"PricingModule": true,
"ModuleName": "",
"DiscountFee": 0,
"TotalProductFee": 0,
"NeedOrderPay": true,
"PayFee": 0,
"ModuleAttrs": {
"moduleAttr": [
"Type": 0,
"Value": "",
"Code": "",
"Name": ""
"ContractActivity": true,
"DepreciateInfo": {
"ListPrice": 0,
"OriginalStandAmount": 0,
"CheapStandAmount": 0,
"CheapRate": 0,
"Differential": 0,
"DifferentialName": "",
"MonthPrice": 0,
"IsContractActivity": true,
"IsShow": true,
"StartTime": ""
"PromDetailList": {
"PromDetail": [
"PromotionName": "",
"PromotionId": 0,
"FinalPromFee": 0,
"OptionCode": "",
"PromType": "",
"ActivityExtInfo": {
"test": "test",
"test2": 1
"DerivedPromType": "",
"PromotionCode": ""
"ContractActivity": true
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | MissingParameter | Period is mandatory for this action. | - |
400 | MissingParameter | InstanceId is mandatory for this action. | - |
400 | InvalidInstances.Format | The Specified parameter Instances is not valid. | 传入的Instances参数是无效的 |
400 | AlreadyHadTemporaryBandwidth | This instance have already had temporary bandwidth, please modify instance spec first. | - |
变更时间 | 变更内容概要 | 操作 |
2024-07-31 | OpenAPI 错误码发生变更、OpenAPI 入参发生变更 | 查看变更详情 |
2024-04-10 | OpenAPI 错误码发生变更、OpenAPI 返回结构发生变更 | 查看变更详情 |
2024-04-07 | OpenAPI 错误码发生变更、OpenAPI 返回结构发生变更 | 查看变更详情 |
2024-03-26 | OpenAPI 错误码发生变更、OpenAPI 返回结构发生变更 | 查看变更详情 |
2024-02-28 | OpenAPI 错误码发生变更、OpenAPI 返回结构发生变更 | 查看变更详情 |
2023-09-18 | OpenAPI 错误码发生变更、OpenAPI 返回结构发生变更 | 查看变更详情 |