
更新时间:2025-02-24 04:33:03


HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述操作
HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述操作
400OperationUnsupported.ServiceManagedOperation of %s is forbidden because this instance belongs to Service manager.不允许操作,该实例属于托管资源。诊断
400INSTANCE_HAS_INACTIVE_CHANGEInstance configuration is processing, and will be active in the next day.-诊断
400Duplicated.ClientTokenClientToken is duplicated.-诊断
400PAY.PAY_ORDER_FAILEDThe Account failed to pay order.-诊断
400PAY.INVALID_CREDIT_CARDThe Account Credit card is invalid.-诊断
400PAY.INSUFFICIENT_BALANCEThe Account Balance is insufficient.账号余额不足诊断
400PAY.REFUND_FAILEDThe Account failed to Refund.-诊断
400PAY.WITHHOLDING_AGREEMENT_ILLEGALThe Account withholding agreement is illegal.-诊断
400PAY.COUPON_NOT_EXISTThe Account coupon doesn't exist.-诊断
400PAY.STORED_CARD_NOT_EXISTThe Account stored card doesn't exist.-诊断
400PAY.ACCOUNT_BOOK_NOT_EXISTThe Account Book doesn't exist.-诊断
400PAY.TAX_CALC_FAILEDThe Account Tax failed to calculate.-诊断
400PAY.COUPON_NOT_MEET_CONSUMPTION_RULEThe Account coupon doesn't meet consumption rule.-诊断
400PAY.USER_DECLINEDThe Account declined to pay.-诊断
400PAY.INVALID_AMOUNTThe Account amount is invalid.-诊断
400PAY.AMOUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe Account amount limit exceeded.-诊断
400PAY.CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe Account Currency doesn't support.-诊断
400PAY.CURRENCY_INCONSISTENCYThe Account Currency is inconsistency.-诊断
400PAY.NO_CREDIT_CARDThe Account doesn't have Credit Card.-诊断
400PAY.GET_PAY_URL_ERRORThe Account failed to get Pay Url.-诊断
400PAY.PAYMENT_PARAMETER_INVALIDThe Account payment parameters are invalid.-诊断
400PAY.QUERY_QUOTA_BOOK_FAILEDThe Account failed to query quota book.-诊断
400PRODUCT.INSTANCE_RELEASEDThe Instance is released.-诊断
400PRODUCT.INSTANCE_TYPE_NOT_EXISTThe Instance type doesn't exist.-诊断
400PRODUCT.INSTANCE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe Instance type doesn't support.-诊断
400PRODUCT.NOT_AVAILABLE_IZThe Instance zone id doesn't support.-诊断
400PRODUCT.INSUFFICIENT_STOCKThe product stock is insufficient.-诊断
400PURCHASE.NO_VAILD_PURCHASEThe purchase is invalid.-诊断
400PURCHASE.PURCHASE_QUERY_FAILEDThe purchase failed to query.-诊断
400ORDER.ORDER_AMOUNT_ILLEGALThe order amount is illegal.-诊断
400ORDER.NOT_ENOUGH_ACTIVITY_STOCKThe order activity stock is not enough.-诊断
400ORDER.SYS_CONSTRAINT_INVALIDThe order system constraint is invalid.-诊断
400ORDER.QUANTITY_INVALIDThe order quantity is invalid.-诊断
400ORDER.PERIOD_INVALIDThe order period is invalid.-诊断
400ORDER.BID_USER_ORDER_FORBIDDENThe order of bid user is forbidden.-诊断
400ORDER.ACCOUNT_STATUS_ILLEGALThe order account status is illegal.-诊断
400ORDER.QUOTA_EXCEEDEDThe order quota exceeded.-诊断
400ORDER.OPENDThe account order is open to buy instance.-诊断
400ORDER.NO_REAL_NAME_AUTHENTICATIONThe account is not real name authentication.-诊断
400ORDER.ARREARAGEThe account is arrearage.-诊断
400ORDER.INSTANCE_HAS_INACTIVE_CHANGEThe instance has inactive change.-诊断
400ORDER.INST_HAS_UNSETTLED_BILLSThe instance has unsettled bills.-诊断
400ORDER.INST_HAS_UNPAID_ORDERThe instance has unpaid order.-诊断
400PRICE.PRICING_PLAN_NOT_FOUNDThe instance pricing plan is not found.-诊断
400OperationFailed.QueryPriceQuery price failed when create order.创建订单时查询价格失败。诊断
400PRICE.TAXING_ERRORThe instance pricing tax is error.-诊断
400PRICE.INVALID_INQUIRY_PARAMETERThe instance pricing inquiry parameter is invalid.-诊断
400PRICE.INQUIRY_FAILEDThe instance pricing inquiry is failed.-诊断
400COMMODITY.INVALID_COMPONENTThe instance component is invalid.销售模块参数不满足约束检查诊断
400AUTH.RAM_AUTH_FAILEDThe ram authentication of sub-user is failed.-诊断
400RISK.RISK_CONTROL_REJECTIONThe Account is rejected by risk control system.-诊断
400CreateOrderFailedThe Account failed to create order.-诊断
400OrderFailedThe Account failed to create order.-诊断
400ARREARAGEThe Account has some ARREARAGE.-诊断
400INSUFFICIENT_BALANCEThe Account Balance is insufficient.-诊断
400NO_REAL_NAME_AUTHENTICATIONThe Account should be Real Name Authenticated.-诊断
400QUANTITY_INVALIDInstance num exceeded Quota.-诊断
400INVALID_COMPONENTThis Account can't buy such type instance.-诊断
400NOCARDUser Profile doesn't have card.-诊断
403MissingParameterThe input parameter OwnerId,OwnerAccount that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.-诊断
403Forbbiden.SubUserThe specified action is not available for you.您没有权限进行此操作。诊断
404Forbidden.InstanceNotFoundThe specified Instance is not found, so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断
404Forbidden.DiskNotFoundThe specified Disk is not found, so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断
404Forbidden.SecurityGroupNotFoundThe specified SecurityGroup is not found, so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断
404Forbidden.SnapshotNotFoundThe specified Snapshot is not found, so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断
404Forbidden.ImageNotFoundThe specified Image is not found, so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断
403Forbidden.RAMUser not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API doesn't support RAM.-诊断
403Forbedden.NotSupportRAMThis action does not support accessed by RAM mode.RAM用户不支持此操作。诊断
403Forbidden.RiskControlThis operation is forbidden by Aliyun RiskControl system.该操作被风险控制系统禁止。诊断
503ServiceUnavailableThe request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server.请求失败,因为临时服务器故障。诊断
400InsufficientBalanceYour account does not have enough balance.账户余额不足,请先充值再操作。诊断
400IdempotentParameterMismatchRequest uses a client token in a previous request but is not identical to that request.请求使用的client token不一致。诊断
403RealNameAuthenticationErrorYour account has not passed the real-name authentication yet.您的账号尚未进行实名认证,请您先对账号做实名认证后再操作。诊断
500InternalErrorThe request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure.内部错误诊断
404InvalidRegionId.NotFoundThe RegionId provided does not exist in our records.指定的RegionId不存在诊断
404ThrottlingRequest was denied due to request throttling.您这个时段的流量已经超限。如果不能满足现有业务要求可以提工单进行申请。诊断
409OperationConflictRequest was denied due to conflict with a previous request.请求冲突,请稍后重试。 诊断
403InvalidIdempotenceParameter.MismatchThe specified parameters are different from before.client token和之前的不同。诊断
403LastTokenProcessingThe last token request is processing.正在处理上一条令牌请求,请您稍后再试。诊断
400InvalidParameterThe specified parameter is not valid该参数值不合法。诊断
400MissingParameterMiss mandatory parameter.缺少必要参数,请您检查必填参数是否都已填后再进行操作。诊断
400InvalidAliuidUser Id is not valid.-诊断
409OperationConflictThe operation against this instance is too frequent, please try again later.对该实例的操作过于频繁,请稍后重试。诊断
401CrossBorderErrorThe specified routerInterface connection is crossBorder.-诊断
400OperationFailed.LastTokenProcessingThe last token request is processing.-诊断
400OperationFailed.ThrottlingThe operation is too frequent, please try again later-诊断
400DryRunOperationRequest validation has been passed with DryRun flag set.DryRun校验通过。诊断
500CreateOrderFailed.UseCouponThe Account failed to create order with coupon.-诊断
500CreateOrderFailed.UseStoreCardThe Account failed to create order with store card.-诊断
503SOCKET_TIMEOUT_ERRORjava.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out-诊断
403Forbidden.OperateShareResourceOperate share resource is forbidden.-诊断
400CreateOrderFailedThe Account Balance is insufficient.-诊断
400OperationUnsupported.AdvancedFeatureAdvanced features of the vpc is unsupported.不支持该高级特性。诊断
400OperationFailed.ThrottlingThe operation is too frequent, please try again later.-诊断
400IllegalParam.NextTokenThe specified param nextToken is illegal.-诊断
400OperationFailed.PreEnvThis user is forbidden to operate in pre environment.-诊断
400OperationFailed.EndpointThe specified RegionId is unavailable for this endpoint.-诊断
400SystemBusySystem is busy, please try again later.-诊断
400ExclusiveParamThe param of %s and %s are mutually exclusive.-诊断
400ResourceAlreadyExistThe specified resource of %s is already exist.-诊断
400InvalidOperation.DomainNameThe specified domain name can't operate this region.-诊断
400OperationFailed.TokenInvalidCreate order failed, because the token is invalid创建订单失败,因为token无效诊断
400OperationFailed.QuotaNotEnoughYour quota is insufficient. Please contact your channel partner to increase your quota.-诊断
400OperationFailed.AliGroupUserCanNotBuyInnerCommodityThis product has no group cloud product label, and users within the group are not allowed to purchase.-诊断
400IllegalParam.ResourceGroupIdThe param of ResourceGroupId is illegal.-诊断
400OperationFailed.BasicInfoUncompletedYour information is incomplete. Complete your information before the operation.您的基本信息尚未完成,请先完成信息填写。诊断
400OrderFailed.ConcurrentOperateFailed to create the order due to concurrent operations.创建订单失败,因为并发操作。诊断
400Price.SystemErrorPrice query failed.-诊断
400CashBookInsufficientNo payment method is specified for your account or prepayment balance is insufficient.账户没有设置支付方式或预留金额不足.诊断
400OrderErrorThe Account failed to create order.-诊断
400UnsupportedRegionThe feature is not supported in the region.-诊断
400OperationFailed.RiskControlRisk control check failed.我们检测到您的付款方式存在安全风险。请通过电子邮件或控制台消息中的链接继续验证,并在验证后重新提交订单。诊断
400InvalidTagKeyThe tag keys are not valid.无效的标签索引诊断
400InvalidTagValueThe tag values are not valid.无效的标签值诊断
400QuotaExceeded.TagNumCustom Tags quota exceededquota超限诊断
400Forbidden.TagKeysThe request does not allow operate this tagkeys该请求不允许操作此 tagkey诊断
400Forbidden.TagKey.DuplicatedThe specified tag key already exists.标签资源重复诊断
400SizeLimitExceeded.TagNumThe maximum number of tags is exceeded.标签数量超限诊断
400MissingParameter.TagKeyThe input parameter TagKey that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.缺少参数TagKey诊断
400MissingParameter.TagValueThe input parameter TagValue that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.缺少参数TagValue诊断
400InvalidStatus.NatGatewaynat gateway status is incorrect.nat网关状态不正确。诊断
400IncorrectStatus.EipAddressThe status of the EIP is incorrect.EIP的状态不正确。诊断
400PAY.QueryParentRelationshipFailedLx failed to query the current user hosting relationship.凌霄查询当前用户托管关系失败。诊断
400Mismatch.IpAndBandwidthPackageThe IP does not match the bandwidth package and is not in the specified bandwidth package.Ip和带宽包不匹配,不在指定带宽包中。诊断
400InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFoundSpecified access key is not found.未找到指定的access key诊断
400IllegalParam.NameThe param of Name [%s] is illegal.参数 Name 不合法,请根据请求参数规定重新输入。诊断
400OperationFailed.QueryOrderErrorFailed to query order, error calling trade application.查询订单失败,调用trade应用出错。诊断
400IllegalParam.ZonesThe values of Zones [%s] are invalid.参数Zones非法诊断
400IpInstanceId.AlreadyOutsideBandwidthPackageThe eip instance is already outside bandwidth package.eip实例已经不在带宽包内。诊断
400UnsupportedFeature.NatBandWidthPackageThe feature of NatBandWidthPackage is not supported.不支持创建Nat带宽包。诊断
400Forbidden.MultiDirectEipNo permission to bind multi direct eip.没有权限绑定多直通eip。诊断
400OperationUnsupported.NATGWBONDINGENIOperation is unsupported because the specified network interface is created with enhanced NAT gateway.操作失败因为绑定的ENI实例是增强型NAT网关创建产生。诊断
400OperationDenied.CloudBoxResourceExistThe operation is not allowed because there are resources related to the cloud box in VPC.指定操作被禁止,因为VPC中存在云盒相关的资源。诊断
400IllegalParam.BandwidthIllegal Param of Bandwidth.Bandwidth参数不合法诊断
400ORDER.QUANTITY_INVALIDUser quota has exceeded the limit.您当前保有的EIP数量已达上限,可前往配额管理提升EIP数量配额诊断
400OperationFailed.NoPaymentMethodNo payment method is specified for your account.账户中没有有效的支付方式。诊断
400OperationFailed.ContainForbiddenLabelThere is a label that prohibits ordering, please contact your distributor for processing.存在禁止下单的标签,请联系您的分销商处理。诊断
400OperationFailed.ResourceUidNotExistThe operation is failed because of the resource uid does not exist.由于资源uid不存在,操作失败。诊断
400OperationFailed.RegionDissolvedThe operation failed because the region is dissolved.客户您好,阿里云计划对当前地域进行优化调整,该区域云服务将停止运营,为确保您的业务连续性及数据迁移工作的平稳过渡,您目前无法操作新购等类型的订单,感谢理解与支持。诊断
404InvalidInstance.NotFoundThe specified Instance does not exist in the specified region.指定的实例在当前地域不存在诊断
400OperationFailed.ExceedPurchaseLimitYou have reached the limit of purchase quantity.您已达到最大购买量。诊断
400OperationFailed.SaleValidateValidate sale condition with subArticle failed.使用子项目验证销售条件失败。诊断
400Mismatch.IpAndIspThe specified IP address does not match the ISP.申请指定IP失败,ISPIP参数不匹配.诊断
400OperationFailed.IpIsLockedThe operation is failed because of ip is locked.申请失败,IP已经被锁定诊断
400MissingParam.NameYou must specify Name.实例名缺失。诊断
400IllegalParam.IpAddressThe specified IpAddress is illegal.指定的IpAddress不合法诊断
400Order.NoRealNameAuthenticationReal-name verification has not been completed for the account.您尚未进行实名认证,请前往账号中心完成实名认证。诊断
400OperationDenied.AccountTypeRestrictedThe operation is denied because your account type is not supported.您的账户类型不支持此次交易诊断
400MissingParam.DescriptionYou must specify Description.实例的描述是必要的。诊断
400QuotaExceed.MultiBindedEipThe number of multi binded eip is over limit.可以绑定的多直通模式eip数目超过限制。诊断
400ResourceNotFound.NetworkInterfaceThe specified resource of %s is not found.指定的NetworkInterface %s 不存在诊断
400OperationDenied.IpBelongToOtherUserThe operation is not allowed because of ip belong to other user.申请失败,该IP归属其他用户诊断
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