您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。
POST /organization/{organizationId}/pipelines/{pipelineId}/pipelineRuns/{pipelineRunId}/jobs/{jobId}/pass
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
organizationId | string | 是 | 企业标识,也称企业 id,字符串形式,可在云效访问链接中获取,如 https://devops.aliyun.com/organization/【OrganizationId】 | 5ebbc0228123212b59xxxxx |
pipelineId | long | 是 | 流水线 ID,可在流水线链接中获取,如 https://flow.aliyun.com/pipelines/【PipelineId】/current | 11222 |
pipelineRunId | long | 是 | 流水线运行实例 id | 1111 |
jobId | string | 是 | 任务 Id,可通过 API https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/460565.html 获取任务 Id | 111 |
"errorMessage": "\"\"",
"success": true,
"errorCode": "\"\""
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | InvalidCluster.NotFound | No cluster is available to generate the workspace. | 没有可用的集群,无法创建工作空间 |
400 | InvalidCodeUrl.NotSupportSVN | The parameter codeUrl is invalid. SVN is not supported. | 参数错误,不支持svn |
400 | InvalidParam.ParamNotPresent | The parameter is invalid. | 参数有误,请检查参数 |
400 | InvalidResource.NotFound | No resource is found. You cannot create the workspace. Please try again later. | 没有资源,无法创建工作空间,请稍后尝试 |
400 | InvalidResourceRole.NotFoun | The member role is invalid. | 无效的成员角色,请检查参数 |
400 | InvalidResourceRole.NotFound | The member role is invalid. | 无效的成员角色,请检查参数 |
400 | InvalidUser.NotFound | The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user. | 调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 |
400 | InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner | Resource owner cannot be deleted. | 无法删除资源owner |
400 | InvalidUser.ResourceMemberNotExists | The resource member does not exist. | 该资源成员不存在,请检查参数 |
400 | InvalidUser.UserNotInCurrentOrganization | The user is not in the organization. | 当前用户不在该企业中 |
400 | InvalidWorkspaceStatus.NotSuccess | The workspace status is invalid. You can only operate workspaces with the SUCCESS status. | 工作空间状态非法,只能操作状态是SUCCESS的工作空间 |
400 | InvalidWorkspaceTemplate.NotFound | The parameter workspaceTemplate is not found. | 技术栈(即空间模板)不存在 |
403 | Forbidden.AccessDenied | The user is not authorized to perform the operation. | 用户无权限执行相关操作 |
403 | Forbidden.UserNotAdminOrOwner | The current user is not an admin or owner in the organization and is not authorized to perform the operation. | 当前用户非该企业管理员或拥有者,无权进行操作。 |
403 | Forbidden.UserNotInCurrentOrganization | The user is not in the organization and is not authorized to perform the operation. | 当前用户不在该企业中,无权进行操作。 |
404 | InvalidOrganization.NotFound | The organization is not found. | 企业不存在,请检查企业ID是否正确 |
404 | InvalidPipeline.NotFound | The pipeline is not found. | 流水线不存在 |
404 | InvalidPipelineRun.NotFound | The pipeline execution instance is not found. | 流水线运行实例不存在 |
404 | InvalidUser.UserNotInCurrentOrganization | The current user is not in the organization and has no permission to operate. | 当前用户不在该企业中,无权进行操作。 |
404 | InvalidWorkspace.NotFound | The workspace is not found. | 工作空间不存在 |
变更时间 | 变更内容概要 | 操作 |
变更时间 | 变更内容概要 | 操作 |