参数 | 指标 | 描述 |
参数 | 指标 | 描述 |
Number of currently active requests | hue_requests_active | 当前活跃请求数。 |
Number requests that resulted in an exception | hue_requests_exceptions | 当前异常请求数。 |
Number of queries | hue_queries_number | 查询数量总和。 |
The number of daemon threads | hue_threads_daemon | 常驻线程数量。 |
The total number of threads | hue_threads_total | 当前线程总数。 |
Total number of user accounts | hue_users | 用户总数。 |
Number of users that were active in the last hour | hue_users_active | 最近一小时活跃用户数。 |
Number of users that were active in the last hour | hue_users_active_total | 活跃用户总数。 |
1-Minute moving average rate | hue_requests_response_time_1m_rate | 最近一分钟请求响应时间平均值。 |
999th Percentile. This is computed over the past hour | hue_requests_response_time_999_percentile | 99%的请求响应时间。单位:秒。 |
15-Minute Rate | hue_requests_response_time_15m_rate | 最近15分钟请求响应速率。 |
99th Percentile. This is computed over the past hour | hue_requests_response_time_99_percentile | 99%的最近一小时请求响应时间。单位:秒。 |
50th Percentile. This is computed over the past hour | hue_requests_response_time_mean_rate | 50%的请求响应时间。 |
5-Minute Rate | hue_requests_response_time_5m_rate | 最近5分钟请求响应速率。 |
Max. This is computed over the lifetime of the process | hue_requests_response_time_max | 请求响应时间最大值。单位:秒。 |
Sum. This is computed over the lifetime of the process | hue_requests_response_time_sum | 请求响应时间总和。单位:秒。 |
Time Min. This is computed over the lifetime of the process | hue_requests_response_time_min | 请求响应时间最小值。单位:秒。 |
Count. This is computed over the lifetime of the process | hue_requests_response_time_count | 请求响应时间计数。 |
75th Percentile. This is computed over the past hour | hue_requests_response_time_75_percentile | 75%的请求响应时间。单位:秒。 |
50th Percentile. This is computed over the past hour | hue_requests_response_time_median | 请求响应时间中位数。单位:秒。 |
Standard Deviation. This is computed over the lifetime of the process | hue_requests_response_time_std_dev | 请求响应时间标准差。单位:秒。 |
95th Percentile. This is computed over the past hour | hue_requests_response_time_95_percentile | 95%的请求响应时间。单位:秒。 |
Average. This is computed over the lifetime of the process | hue_requests_response_time_avg | 请求响应时间均值。单位:秒。 |