


POST /jobs

  "Name": "testJob",
  "Description": "BatchCompute demo job",
  "JobFailOnInstanceFail": true,
  "Priority": 1,
  "Type": "DAG",
  "AutoRelease": false,
  "Notification": {
        "Topic": {
            "Name": "test-topic",
            "Endpoint": "http://[UserId].mns.[Region].aliyuncs.com/",
            "Events": [
  "DAG": {
    "Dependencies": {},
    "Tasks": {
      "taskA": {
        "AutoCluster": {
          "Configs": {
            "Disks": {
              "DataDisk": {
                "MountPoint": "/home/mydisk/",
                "Size": 0,
                "Type": "ephemeral"
              "SystemDisk": {
                "Size": 40,
                "Type": "ephemeral"
            "Mounts": {
               "Entries": [
                       "Destination": "/home/admin/mount-dest",
                       "Source": "oss://your-bucket/mount-source",
                       "WriteSupport": false
                "Locale": "GBK",
                "Lock": false,
                "CacheSupport": true,
                "NAS": {
                    "AccessGroup": [
                    "FileSystem": [
                "OSS": {
                    "AccessKeyId": "",
                    "AccessKeySecret": "",
                    "AccessSecurityToken": ""
             "Networks": {
                 "Classic": {
                     "AllowIpAddress": [],
                     "AllowIpAddressEgress": [],
                     "AllowSecurityGroup": [],
                     "AllowSecurityGroupEgress": []
                 "VPC": {
                     "CidrBlock": ""
          "ECSImageId": "",
          "ImageId": "img-ubuntu",
          "InstanceType": "bcs.a2.large",
          "ResourceType": "OnDemand",
          "SpotStrategy": "SpotAsPriceGo",
          "SpotPriceLimit": 0.0,
          "UserData": {},
          "ReserveOnFail": false
        "ClusterId": "cls-6kir9pdp3lg6220g418002",
        "InputMapping": {
          "oss://bucket/tmp/": "/home/mount1/"
        "InstanceCount": 1,
        "LogMapping": {},
        "MaxRetryCount": 0,
        "OutputMapping": {
          "/home/mount1": "oss://bucket/tmp/"
        "Mounts": {
            "Entries": [
                    "Destination": "/home/admin/mount-dest",
                    "Source": "oss://your-bucket/mount-source",
                    "WriteSupport": false
            "Locale": "GBK",
            "Lock": false,
            "NAS": {
            "AccessGroup": [
            "FileSystem": [
            "OSS": {
                "AccessKeyId": "",
                "AccessKeySecret": "",
                "AccessSecurityToken": ""
        "Parameters": {
          "Command": {
            "CommandLine": "python worker.py",
            "EnvVars": {},
            "PackagePath": "oss://bucket/tests/worker.tar.gz"
          "InputMappingConfig": {
            "Locale": "GBK",
            "Lock": false
          "StderrRedirectPath": "oss://bucket/tests/logs/",
          "StdoutRedirectPath": "oss://bucket/tests/logs/"
        "Timeout": 172800,


Typestring目前仅支持有向无环图(directed acycline graph,DAG)形式描述任务。
CommandLinestring执行用户程序的命令。CommandLine不等同于SHELL,仅支持“解释器 + 脚本”方式,比如“python test.py”或“sh test.sh”
LocalestringOSS object挂载到本地时使用的字符集。可选范围包括GBK、GB2312-80、BIG5、ANSI、EUC-JP、EUC-TW、EUC-KR、SHIFT-JIS、KSC5601等。


SpotPriceLimitFloat实例的每小时最高价格(每个实例规格的价格而非每核小时的价格)。支持最大 3 位小数,SpotStrategy 为 SpotWithPriceLimit 生效。








400IdempotentTokenMismatchSpecified idempotent token mismatch.说明该token已经被使用过,并且该请求参数与之前的请求不一样。
400InvalidJsonFormatThe request body has an invalid json format.请求body是一个非法的JSON格式。
400InvalidHttpBodySpecified parameter HttpBody is not valid. Its type must be object.http body必须是一个object。
400MissingNameName is mandatory for this action.缺少Name参数。
400InvalidNameSpecified parameter Name is not valid. Its type must be string.Name必须是一个string。
400InvalidNameSpecified parameter Name is not valid. Its length must be in [1, 64].Name的长度必须在164之间。
400InvalidNameSpecified parameter Name is not valid. It must only contain characters within [a-zA-Z0-9_-], and must not start with [0-9].Name中只能包括字母数字和_-,但不能以数字开头。
400InvalidDescriptionSpecified parameter Description is not valid. Its type must be string.Description必须是一个string。
400InvalidDescriptionSpecified parameter Description is not valid. Its length must be in [0, 1024].Description的长度必须在01024之间。
400InvalidPrioritySpecified parameter Priority is not valid. Its type must be integer.Priority必须是一个integer。
400InvalidPrioritySpecified parameter Priority is not valid. It must be in [0, 1000].Priority的大小必须在01000之间。
400InvalidJobFailOnInstanceFailSpecified parameter JobFailOnInstanceFail is not valid. Its type must be boolean.JobFailOnInstanceFail必须是一个布尔类型。
400MissingTypeType is mandatory for this action.缺少Type参数。
400InvalidTypeSpecified parameter Type is not valid.Type参数取值不合法。
400MissingDAGDAG is mandatory for this action.缺少DAG参数。
400InvalidDAGSpecified parameter DAG is not valid. Its type must be object.DAG必须是一个object。
400MissingTasksTasks is mandatory for this action.缺少Tasks参数。
400InvalidTasksSpecified parameter Tasks is not valid. Its type must be object.Tasks必须是一个object。
400InvalidTasksSpecified parameter Tasks is not valid. Its size must be in [1, 16].UserData的大小必须在116之间。
400InvalidTasks.{key}Specified parameter Tasks.{key} is not valid. Its length must be in [1, 64].Tasks.{key}的大小必须在164之间。
400InvalidTasks.{key}Specified parameter Tasks.{key} is not valid. It must only contain characters within [a-zA-Z0-9_-], and must not start with [0-9]..Tasks.{key}中只能包括字母数字和_-,但不能以数字开头。
403QuotaExhausted.MaxJobCountThe MaxJobCount ({value}) quota is exhausted.Job数量不能超过{value}。
403QuotaExhausted.MaxJobTaskCountThe MaxJobTaskCount ({value}) quota is exhausted.一个Job中的Task的数量不能超过{value}。
403QuotaExhausted.MaxTaskInstanceCountThe MaxTaskInstanceCount ({value}) quota is exhausted.一个TaskInstanceCount不能超过{value}。
403QuotaExhausted.MaxInstanceTimeoutThe MaxInstanceTimeout ({value}) quota is exhausted.一个InstanceTimeout不能超过{value}。
400MissingParametersParameters is mandatory for this action.缺少Parameters参数。
400InvalidParametersSpecified parameter Parameters is not valid. Its type must be object.Parameters必须是一个object。
400MissingCommandCommand is mandatory for this action.缺少Command参数。
400InvalidCommandSpecified parameter Command is not valid. Its type must be object.Command必须是一个object。
400MissingCommandLineCommandLine is mandatory for this action.缺少CommandLine参数。
400InvalidCommandLineSpecified parameter CommandLine is not valid. Its type must be string.CommandLine必须是一个string。
400InvalidCommandLineSpecified parameter CommandLine is not valid. Its length must be in [0, 1024].CommandLine的长度必须在01024之间。
400InvalidPackagePathSpecified parameter PackagePath is not valid. Its type must be string.PackagePath必须是一个string。
400InvalidPackagePathSpecified parameter PackagePath is not valid. Its length must be in [0, 1024].PackagePath的长度必须在01024之间。
400InvalidPackagePathSpecified parameter PackagePath is not valid. OSS path must start with ‘oss://‘, must end with ‘/‘ if it is a folder, and must not end with ‘/‘ if it is a file.PackagePath必须是一个合法的OSS路径。
400InvalidEnvVarsSpecified parameter EnvVars is not valid. Its type must be object.EnvVars必须是一个object。
400InvalidEnvVarsSpecified parameter EnvVars is not valid. Its size must be in [0, 64].EnvVars的大小必须在064之间。
400InvalidEnvVars.{key}Specified parameter EnvVars.{key} is not valid. Its length must be in [1, 128].EnvVars.{key}的大小必须在1128之间。
400InvalidEnvVars.{key}.valueSpecified parameter EnvVars.{key}.value is not valid. Its type must be string.EnvVars.{key}对应的Value必须是一个string。
400InvalidEnvVars.{key}.valueSpecified parameter EnvVars.{key}.value is not valid. Its length must be in [0, 1024].EnvVars.{key}对应的value的长度必须在01024之间。
400InvalidInputMappingConfigSpecified parameter InputMappingConfig is not valid. Its type must be object.InputMappingConfig必须是一个object。
400InvalidLocaleSpecified parameter Locale is not valid.Locale参数取值不合法。
400InvalidLockSpecified parameter Lock is not valid. Its type must be boolean.Lock必须是一个布尔类型。
400InvalidStdoutRedirectPathSpecified parameter StdoutRedirectPath is not valid. Its type must be string.StdoutRedirectPath必须是一个string。
400InvalidStdoutRedirectPathSpecified parameter StdoutRedirectPath is not valid. Its length must be in [0, 1024].StdoutRedirectPath的长度必须在01024之间。
400InvalidStdoutRedirectPathSpecified parameter StdoutRedirectPath is not valid. OSS path must start with ‘oss://‘, must end with ‘/‘ if it is a folder, and must not end with ‘/‘ if it is a file.StdoutRedirectPath必须是一个合法的OSS路径。
400InvalidStderrRedirectPathSpecified parameter StderrRedirectPath is not valid. Its type must be string.StderrRedirectPath必须是一个string。
400InvalidStderrRedirectPathSpecified parameter StderrRedirectPath is not valid. Its length must be in [0, 1024].StderrRedirectPath的长度必须在01024之间。
400InvalidStderrRedirectPathSpecified parameter StderrRedirectPath is not valid. OSS path must start with ‘oss://‘, must end with ‘/‘ if it is a folder, and must not end with ‘/‘ if it is a file.StderrRedirectPath必须是一个合法的OSS路径。
400InvalidInputMappingSpecified parameter InputMapping is not valid. Its type must be object.InputMapping必须是一个object。
400InvalidInputMappingSpecified parameter InputMapping is not valid. Its size must be in [0, 16].InputMappingKey的个数必须在016之间。
400InvalidInputMapping.{key}Specified parameter InputMapping.{key} is not valid. Its length must be in [1, 1024].InputMapping.{key}的大小必须在11024之间。
400InvalidInputMapping.{key}Specified parameter InputMapping.{key} is not valid. OSS path must start with ‘oss://‘, must end with ‘/‘ if it is a folder, and must not end with ‘/‘ if it is a file.InputMapping.{key}必须是一个合法的OSS路径。
400InvalidInputMapping.{key}.valueSpecified parameter InputMapping.{key}.value is not valid. Its type must be string.InputMapping.{key}对应的Value必须是一个string。
400InvalidInputMapping.{key}.valueSpecified parameter InputMapping.{key}.value is not valid. Its length must be in [0, 1024].InputMapping.{key}对应的value的长度必须在01024之间。
400InvalidInputMapping.{key}.valueSpecified parameter InputMapping.{key}.value is not valid. Local path must be an absolute path on linux, and an drive letter on windows.InputMapping.{key}对应的value必须是一个合法的本地路径。
400InvalidOutputMappingSpecified parameter OutputMapping is not valid. Its type must be object.OutputMapping必须是一个object。
400InvalidOutputMappingSpecified parameter OutputMapping is not valid. Its size must be in [0, 16].OutputMappingKey的个数必须在016之间。
400InvalidOutputMapping.{key}Specified parameter OutputMapping.{key} is not valid. Its length must be in [1, 1024].OutputMapping.{key}的大小必须在11024之间。
400InvalidOutputMapping.{key}Specified parameter OutputMapping.{key} is not valid. Local path must be an absolute path.OutputMapping.{key}必须是一个合法的本地路径。
400InvalidOutputMapping.{key}.valueSpecified parameter OutputMapping.{key}.value is not valid. Its type must be string.OutputMapping.{key}对应的Value必须是一个string
400InvalidOutputMapping.{key}.valueSpecified parameter OutputMapping.{key}.value is not valid. Its length must be in [0, 1024].OutputMapping.{key}对应的value的长度必须在01024之间。
400InvalidOutputMapping.{key}.valueSpecified parameter OutputMapping.{key}.value is not valid. OSS path must start with ‘oss://‘, must end with ‘/‘ if it is a folder, and must not end with ‘/‘ if it is a file.OutputMapping.{key}对应的value的大小必须在11024之间。
400InvalidLogMappingSpecified parameter LogMapping is not valid. Its type must be object.LogMapping必须是一个object。
400InvalidLogMappingSpecified parameter LogMapping is not valid. Its size must be in [0, 16].LogMappingKey的个数必须在016之间。
400InvalidLogMapping.{key}Specified parameter LogMapping.{key} is not valid. Its length must be in [1, 1024].LogMapping.{key}的大小必须在11024之间。
400InvalidLogMapping.{key}Specified parameter LogMapping.{key} is not valid. Local path must be an absolute path.LogMapping.{key}必须是一个合法的本地路径。
400InvalidLogMapping.{key}.valueSpecified parameter LogMapping.{key}.value is not valid. Its type must be string.LogMapping.{key}对应的Value必须是一个string。
400InvalidLogMapping.{key}.valueSpecified parameter LogMapping.{key}.value is not valid. Its length must be in [0, 1024].LogMapping.{key}对应的value的长度必须在01024之间。
400InvalidLogMapping.{key}.valueSpecified parameter LogMapping.{key}.value is not valid. OSS path must start with ‘oss://‘, must end with ‘/‘ if it is a folder, and must not end with ‘/‘ if it is a file.LogMapping.{key}对应的value的大小必须在11024之间。
400InvalidTimeoutSpecified parameter Timeout is not valid. Its type must be integer.Timeout必须是一个integer。
400MissingInstanceCountInstanceCount is mandatory for this action.缺少InstanceCount参数。
400InvalidInstanceCountSpecified parameter InstanceCount is not valid. Its type must be integer.InstanceCount必须是一个integer。
400InvalidMaxRetryCountSpecified parameter MaxRetryCount is not valid. Its type must be integer.MaxRetryCount必须是一个integer。
400MissingClusterIdClusterId is mandatory for this action.缺少ClusterId参数。
400InvalidClusterIdSpecified parameter ClusterId is not valid. Its type must be string.ClusterId必须是一个string。
400InvalidClusterIdSpecified parameter ClusterId is not valid. Its length must be in [1, 64].ClusterId的长度必须在164之间。
400InvalidClusterIdSpecified parameter ClusterId is not valid. It must only contain characters within [a-zA-Z0-9_-], and must not start with [0-9].ClusterId中只能包括字母数字和_-,但不能以数字开头。
400InvalidDependenciesSpecified parameter Dependencies is not valid. Its type must be object.Dependencies必须是一个object。
400InvalidDependencies.{key}.valueSpecified parameter Dependencies.{key}.value is not valid. Its type must be array.Dependencies.{key}对应的Value必须是一个array。
400Invalid{Parameter}Specified parameter {Parameter} is not valid.{Parameter}参数不合法。