
- ThingAccessClient
此类由设备接入SDK提供,提供多个方法与Link IoT Edge交互,包括数据上行和数据下行。同时接受外部传入ThingAccessClientCallbacks类型回调函数,在收到Link IoT Edge的下行数据时调用回调接口。Connector架构中ThingAccessClientCallbacks的实现类是Connector类。
- Connector
Connector架构核心组件。对外,Connector组件提供connect和disconnect接口,并接受外部注入Thing接口。对内,Connector组件实现ThingAccessClientCallbacks接口,并在构建ThingAccessClient对象时传入,以建立与Link IoT Edge的连接,并在收到回调指令时转发指令到设备。
- Thing
- Entry
驱动程序主入口,将会获取驱动配置,初始Thing组件和Connector组件,最终调用Connector组件的connect方法连接设备和Link IoT Edge。也可调用disconnect方法断开设备与Link IoT Edge的连接。
Connector组件是Connector架构中最重要的组件,它通过组合的方式将设备抽象接口(Thing)和Link IoT Edge抽象接口(ThingAccessClient)关联起来,因此而得名Connector。

- 抽象模拟灯类。通过设置isOn属性的true和false来标识模拟灯的开和关。
/** * A virtual light which can be turned on or off by updating its * <code>isOn</code> property. */ class Light { constructor() { this._isOn = true; } get isOn() { return this._isOn; } set isOn(value) { return this._isOn = value; }
- 实现Connector。代码主要包含如下功能:
- 构造函数接收设备的配置参数和设备抽象对象,内部构造ThingAccessClient以便与Link IoT Edge交互。
- 实现ThingAccessClientCallbacks的3个回调方法,并在回调方法中调用设备对象接口与设备交互。
- 提供connect方法和disconnect方法。其中在connect方法里连接Link IoT Edge,在disconnect方法里断开设备与Link IoT Edge的连接。
/** * The class combines ThingAccessClient and the thing that connects * to Link IoT Edge. */ class Connector { constructor(config, light) { this.config = config; this.light = light; this._client = new ThingAccessClient(config, { setProperties: this._setProperties.bind(this), getProperties: this._getProperties.bind(this), callService: this._callService.bind(this), }); } /** * Connects to Link IoT Edge and publishes properties to it. */ connect() { registerAndOnlineWithBackOffRetry(this._client, 1) .then(() => { return new Promise(() => { // Publish properties to Link IoT Edge platform. const properties = { 'LightSwitch': this.light.isOn ? 1 : 0 }; this._client.reportProperties(properties); }); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err); return this._client.cleanup(); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err); }); } /** * Disconnects from Link IoT Edge and stops publishing properties to it. */ disconnect() { this._client.cleanup() .catch(err => { console.log(err); }); } _setProperties(properties) { console.log('Set properties %s to thing %s-%s', JSON.stringify(properties), this.config.productKey, this.config.deviceName); if ('LightSwitch' in properties) { var value = properties['LightSwitch']; var isOn = value === 1; if (this.light.isOn !== isOn) { // Report new property to Link IoT Edge if it changed. this.light.isOn = isOn; if (this._client) { properties = {'LightSwitch': value}; console.log(`Report properties: ${JSON.stringify(properties)}`); this._client.reportProperties(properties); } } return { code: RESULT_SUCCESS, message: 'success', }; } return { code: RESULT_FAILURE, message: 'The requested properties does not exist.', }; } _getProperties(keys) { console.log('Get properties %s from thing %s-%s', JSON.stringify(keys), this.config.productKey, this.config.deviceName); if (keys.includes('LightSwitch')) { return { code: RESULT_SUCCESS, message: 'success', params: { 'LightSwitch': this.light.isOn ? 1 : 0, } }; } return { code: RESULT_FAILURE, message: 'The requested properties does not exist.', } } _callService(name, args) { console.log('Call service %s with %s on thing %s-%s', JSON.stringify(name), JSON.stringify(args), this.config.productKey, this.config.deviceName); return { code: RESULT_FAILURE, message: 'The requested service does not exist.', }; } }
- 获取配置信息,并初始化Connector架构组件。
- 调用getConfig获取驱动配置。
- 调用getThingInfos获取设备信息及配置。
- 初始化Connector组件。
- 调用connect连接Link IoT Edge。
// Get the config which is auto-generated when devices are bound to this driver. getConfig() .then((config) => { // Get the device information from config, which contains product key, device // name, etc. of the device. const thingInfos = config.getThingInfos(); thingInfos.forEach((thingInfo) => { const light = new Light(); // The ThingInfo format is just right for connector config, pass it directly. const connector = new Connector(thingInfo, light); connector.connect(); }); });
- 抽象模拟光照度传感器类。此处模拟光照度传感器有外部监听时会自动运行,在重置外部监听后会停止运行。
/** * A virtual light sensor which starts to publish illuminance between 100 * and 600 with 100 delta changes once someone listen to it. */ class LightSensor { constructor() { this._illuminance = 200; this._delta = 100; } get illuminance() { return this._illuminance; } // Start to work. start() { if (this._clearInterval) { this._clearInterval(); } console.log('Starting light sensor...'); const timeout = setInterval(() => { // Update illuminance and delta. let delta = this._delta; let illuminance = this._illuminance; if (illuminance >= 600 || illuminance <= 100) { delta = -delta; } illuminance += delta; this._delta = delta; this._illuminance = illuminance; if (this._listener) { this._listener({ properties: { illuminance, } }); } }, 2000); this._clearInterval = () => { clearInterval(timeout); this._clearInterval = undefined; }; return this._clearInterval; } stop() { console.log('Stopping light sensor ...'); if (this._clearInterval) { this._clearInterval(); } } listen(callback) { if (callback) { this._listener = callback; // Start to work when some one listen to this. this.start(); } else { this._listener = undefined; this.stop(); } } }
- 实现Connector。
- 构造函数接收设备的配置参数和设备抽象对象,内部构造ThingAccessClient以便与Link IoT Edge交互。
- 实现ThingAccessClientCallbacks的3个回调方法,并在回调方法中调用设备对象接口与设备交互。
- 提供connect方法和disconnect方法。其中在connect方法里连接Link IoT Edge,在disconnect方法里断开设备与Link IoT Edge的连接。
/** * The class combines ThingAccessClient and the thing that connects to Link IoT Edge. */ class Connector { constructor(config, lightSensor) { this.config = config; this.lightSensor = lightSensor; this._client = new ThingAccessClient(config, { setProperties: this._setProperties.bind(this), getProperties: this._getProperties.bind(this), callService: this._callService.bind(this), }); } /** * Connects to Link IoT Edge and publishes properties to it. */ connect() { registerAndOnlineWithBackOffRetry(this._client, 1) .then(() => { return new Promise(() => { // Running..., listen to sensor, and report to Link IoT Edge. this.lightSensor.listen((data) => { const properties = {'MeasuredIlluminance': data.properties.illuminance}; console.log(`Report properties: ${JSON.stringify(properties)}`); this._client.reportProperties(properties); }); }); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err); return this._client.cleanup(); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err); }); } /** * Disconnects from Link IoT Edge. */ disconnect() { // Clean the listener. this.lightSensor.listen(undefined); this._client.cleanup() .catch(err => { console.log(err); }); } _setProperties(properties) { console.log('Set properties %s to thing %s-%s', JSON.stringify(properties), this.config.productKey, this.config.deviceName); return { code: RESULT_FAILURE, message: 'The property is read-only.', }; } _getProperties(keys) { console.log('Get properties %s from thing %s-%s', JSON.stringify(keys), this.config.productKey, this.config.deviceName); if (keys.includes('MeasuredIlluminance')) { return { code: RESULT_SUCCESS, message: 'success', params: { 'MeasuredIlluminance': this.lightSensor.illuminance, } }; } return { code: RESULT_FAILURE, message: 'The requested properties does not exist.', } } _callService(name, args) { console.log('Call service %s with %s on thing %s-%s', JSON.stringify(name), JSON.stringify(args), this.config.productKey, this.config.deviceName); return { code: RESULT_FAILURE, message: 'The requested service does not exist.', }; } }
- 获取配置信息,并初始化Connector架构组件。
- 调用getConfig获取驱动配置。
- 调用getThingInfos获取设备信息及配置。
- 初始化Connector组件。
- 调用connect连接Link IoT Edge。
// Get the config which is auto-generated when devices are bound to this driver. getConfig() .then((config) => { // Get the device information from config, which contains product key, device // name, etc. of the device. const thingInfos = config.getThingInfos(); thingInfos.forEach((thingInfo) => { const lightSensor = new LightSensor(); // The ThingInfo format is just right for connector config, pass it directly. const connector = new Connector(thingInfo, lightSensor); connector.connect(); }); });