requestId=request_id, ErrorCode=InvalidArgument, ErrorMessage=Invalid argument
异常类型 | 异常信息 | 补充说明 |
异常类型 | 异常信息 | 补充说明 |
AccessDenied | Access Denied | 权限不足。 |
CorruptedDataStream | The data stream was corrupted, please try again later | 无。 |
DataUnderReplication | The specified table data is under replication and you cannot initiate upload or download at this time. Please try again later | 数据处于跨级群复制状态,无法操作。 |
DataVersionConflict | The specified table has been modified since the upload or download initiated and table data is being replicated at this time. Please initiate another download or upload later | 当前集群上的数据处于复制状态,无法进行数据操作,请稍后重试。 |
DataStoreError | DataStoreError | 存储错误。建议联系管理员。 |
FlowExceeded | Your flow quota is exceeded | 数据上传或下载超过流量限制。建议检查控制并发量。如果确实需要增加并发,请联系项目空间所有者或管理员评估流量压力。 |
InConsistentBlockList | The specified block list is not consistent with the uploaded block list on server side | 无。 |
IncompleteBody | You did not provide the number of bytes specified by the Content-Length HTTP header | 无。 |
InternalServerError | Service internal error, please try again later | 服务内部错误,建议重试或联系管理员。 |
InvalidArgument | Invalid argument | 参数不合法。 |
InvalidBlockID | The specified block id is not valid | 非法BlockID。 |
InvalidColumnSpec | The specified columns is not valid | 非法列名, 通常是下载指定列时列名错误。 |
InvalidRowRange | The specified row range is not valid | 指定行数不合法,通常是超出了数据最大行数或者为0,建议检查相关参数。 |
InvalidStatusChange | You cannot change the specified upload or download status | 无。 |
InvalidResourceSpec | InvalidResourceSpec | 通常为项目、表和分区信息与Session不一致。建议检查相关信息并重试。 |
InvalidURI | Couldn’t parse the specified URI | 无。 |
InvalidUriSpec | The specified uri spec is not valid | 无。 |
InvalidProjectTable | InvalidProjectTable | 项目或表名称不合法。建议检查相关名称。 |
InvalidPartitionSpec | InvalidPartitionSpec | 分区信息不合法。请检查分区信息。 |
MalformedDataStream | The data stream you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against schema | 数据格式错误,通常是网络断开导致。 |
MalformedHeaderValue | An HTTP header value was malformed | 无。 |
MalformedXML | The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against schema | 无。 |
MaxMessageLengthExceeded | Your request was too big | 无。 |
MethodNotAllowed | The specified method is not allowed against this resource | 方法不支持。通常是尝试导出视图时发生此错误,目前不支持视图导出。 |
MissingContentLength | You must provide the Content-Length HTTP header | 无。 |
MissingPartitionSpec | You need to specify a partitionspec along with the specified table | 缺失分区信息。分区表操作必须携带分区信息,建议补充分区信息。 |
MissingRequestBodyError | The request body is missing | 无。 |
MissingRequiredHeaderError | Your request was missing a required header | 无。 |
NoPermission | You do not have enough privilege to complete the specified operation | 无。 |
NoSuchData | The uploaded data within this uploaded no longer exists | 无。 |
NoSuchPartition | The specified partition does not exist | 指定的分区不存在。Tunnel命令不会创建分区,需要您自行创建分区后再上传下载。 |
NoSuchUpload | The specified upload id does not exist | 指定的Upload ID不存在。 |
NoSuchDownload | The specified download id does not exist | 指定的Download ID不存在。 |
NoSuchProject | The specified project name does not exist | 项目不存在,建议检查相关名称。 |
NoSuchTable | The specified table name does not exist | 表不存在,建议检查相关名称。 |
NoPermission | NoPermission | 权限不足通常原因是无相关权限或者设置了IP白名单。建议检查权限是否正确。 |
NotImplemented | A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented | 无。 |
ObjectModified | The specified object has been modified since the specified timestamp | 无。 |
RequestTimeOut | Your socket connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period | 无。 |
ServiceUnavailable | Service is temporarily unavailable, Please try again later | 无。 |
StatusConflict | You cannot complete the specified operation under the current upload or download status | Session过期或者已经提交,重新创建Session上传。 |
TableModified | The specified table has been modified since the download initiated. Try initiate another download | 表数据在上传下载期间被其他任务改动,建议重新创建Session重试。 |
Unauthorized | The request authorization header is invalid or missing | 通常是AccessID、AccessKey有误,或本地机器时间与服务端时间差距15分钟以上。 |
UnexpectedContent | This request does not support content | 无。 |
- 本页导读 (1)
- 错误信息格式
- 异常信息说明