

Provides a CBWP Common Bandwidth Package Attachment resource.

-> NOTE: Terraform will auto build common bandwidth package attachment while it uses alicloud_common_bandwidth_package_attachment to build a common bandwidth package attachment resource.

For information about common bandwidth package and how to use it, see What is Common Bandwidth Package.

-> NOTE: From version 1.194.0, the resource can set the maximum bandwidth of an EIP that is associated with an EIP bandwidth plan by bandwidth_package_bandwidth. see how to use it.

For information about CBWP Common Bandwidth Package Attachment and how to use it, see What is Common Bandwidth Package Attachment.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.94.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

variable "name" {
  default = "terraform-example"

resource "alicloud_common_bandwidth_package" "default" {
  bandwidth            = 3
  internet_charge_type = "PayByTraffic"

resource "alicloud_eip_address" "default" {
  bandwidth            = "3"
  internet_charge_type = "PayByTraffic"

resource "alicloud_common_bandwidth_package_attachment" "default" {
  bandwidth_package_id        =
  instance_id                 =
  bandwidth_package_bandwidth = "2"
  ip_type                     = "EIP"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • bandwidth_package_bandwidth - (Optional, Computed) The maximum bandwidth for the EIP. This value cannot be larger than the maximum bandwidth of the Internet Shared Bandwidth instance. Unit: Mbit/s.

  • bandwidth_package_id - (Required, ForceNew) The ID of the Internet Shared Bandwidth instance.

  • cancel_common_bandwidth_package_ip_bandwidth - (Optional) Whether to cancel the maximum bandwidth configuration for the EIP. Default: false.

  • instance_id - (Required, ForceNew) The ID of the EIP that you want to query.

    You can specify up to 50 EIP IDs. Separate multiple IDs with commas (,).

-> NOTE: If both EipAddress and AllocationId are specified, you can specify up to 50 EIP IDs for AllocationId, and specify up to 50 EIPs for EipAddress.

  • ip_type - (Optional) The type of IP address. Set the value to EIP to associate EIPs with the Internet Shared Bandwidth instance.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the resource supplied above.The value is formulated as <bandwidth_package_id>:<instance_id>.
  • status - The status of the Internet Shared Bandwidth instance.


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when create the Common Bandwidth Package Attachment.
  • delete - (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when delete the Common Bandwidth Package Attachment.
  • update - (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when update the Common Bandwidth Package Attachment.


CBWP Common Bandwidth Package Attachment can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_common_bandwidth_package_attachment.example <bandwidth_package_id>:<instance_id>