
更新时间:2025-03-02 15:38:59

Provides an OTS search index resource.

For information about OTS search index and how to use it, see Search index overview.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.187.0.

Example Usage

variable "name" {
  default = "tf-example"

resource "random_integer" "default" {
  min = 10000
  max = 99999

resource "alicloud_ots_instance" "default" {
  name        = "${}-${random_integer.default.result}"
  description =
  accessed_by = "Any"
  tags = {
    Created = "TF",
    For     = "example",

resource "alicloud_ots_table" "default" {
  instance_name =
  table_name    = "tf_example"
  time_to_live  = -1
  max_version   = 1
  enable_sse    = true
  sse_key_type  = "SSE_KMS_SERVICE"
  primary_key {
    name = "pk1"
    type = "Integer"
  primary_key {
    name = "pk2"
    type = "String"
  primary_key {
    name = "pk3"
    type = "Binary"

resource "alicloud_ots_search_index" "default" {
  instance_name =
  table_name    = alicloud_ots_table.default.table_name
  index_name    = "example_index"
  time_to_live  = -1
  schema {
    field_schema {
      field_name = "col1"
      field_type = "Text"
      is_array   = false
      index      = true
      analyzer   = "Split"
      store      = true
    field_schema {
      field_name          = "col2"
      field_type          = "Long"
      enable_sort_and_agg = true
    field_schema {
      field_name = "pk1"
      field_type = "Long"
    field_schema {
      field_name = "pk2"
      field_type = "Text"

    index_setting {
      routing_fields = ["pk1", "pk2"]

    index_sort {
      sorter {
        sorter_type = "PrimaryKeySort"
        order       = "Asc"
      sorter {
        sorter_type = "FieldSort"
        order       = "Desc"
        field_name  = "col2"
        mode        = "Max"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • instance_name - (Required, ForceNew) The name of the OTS instance in which table will located.
  • table_name - (Required, ForceNew) The name of the OTS table. If changed, a new table would be created.
  • index_name - (Required, ForceNew) The index name of the OTS Table. If changed, a new index would be created.
  • time_to_live - (Optional, ForceNew) The index type of the OTS Table. Specifies the retention period of data in the search index. Unit: seconds. Default value: -1. If the retention period exceeds the TTL value, OTS automatically deletes expired data.
  • schema - (Required, ForceNew) The schema of the search index. If changed, a new index would be created. See schema below.


The schema supports the following:

  • field_schema - (Required, ForceNew) A list of field schemas. See field_schema below.
  • index_setting - (Optional, ForceNew) The settings of the search index, including routingFields. See index_setting below.
  • index_sort - (Optional, ForceNew) The presorting settings of the search index, including sorters. If no value is specified for the indexSort parameter, field values are sorted by primary key by default. See index_sort below.


The field_schema supports the following:

  • field_name - (Required, ForceNew) Specifies the name of the field in the search index. The value is used as a column name. A field in a search index can be a primary key column or an attribute column.
  • field_type - (Required, ForceNew) Specifies the type of the field. Valid values: Text, Long, Double, Boolean, Keyword, Date, GeoPoint, Nested.
  • is_array - (Optional, ForceNew) Specifies whether the value is an array. Type: Boolean.
  • index - (Optional, ForceNew) Specifies whether to enable indexing for the column. Type: Boolean.
  • analyzer - (Optional, ForceNew) Specifies the type of the analyzer that you want to use. If fieldType is set to Text, you can configure this parameter. Otherwise, the default analyzer type single-word tokenization is used.
  • enable_sort_and_agg - (Optional, ForceNew) Specifies whether to enable sorting and aggregation. Type: Boolean. Sorting can be enabled only for fields for which enable_sort_and_agg is set to true.
  • store - (Optional, ForceNew) Specifies whether to store the value of the field in the search index. Type: Boolean. If you set store to true, you can read the value of the field from the search index without querying the data table. This improves query performance.


The index_setting supports the following:

  • routing_fields - (Optional, ForceNew) Specifies custom routing fields. You can specify some primary key columns as routing fields. Tablestore distributes data that is written to a search index across different partitions based on the specified routing fields. The data whose routing field values are the same is distributed to the same partition.


The index_sort supports the following:

  • sorter - (Required, ForceNew) Specifies the presorting method for the search index. PrimaryKeySort and FieldSort are supported. See sorter below.


The sorter supports the following:

  • sorter_type - (Optional, ForceNew) Data is sorted by Which fields or keys. valid values: PrimaryKeySort, FieldSort.
  • order - (Optional, ForceNew) The sort order. Data can be sorted in ascending(Asc) or descending(Desc) order. Default value: Asc.
  • field_name - (Optional, ForceNew) The name of the field that is used to sort data. only required if sorter_type is FieldSort.
  • mode - (Optional, ForceNew) The sorting method that is used when the field contains multiple values. valid values: Min, Max, Avg. only required if sorter_type is FieldSort.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • index_id - The index id of the search index which could not be changed.
  • create_time - The search index create time.
  • sync_phase - The search index sync phase. possible values: Full, Incr.
  • current_sync_timestamp - The timestamp for sync phase.


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 2 mins) Used when create the OTS search index.
  • delete - (Defaults to 2 mins) Used when delete the OTS search index.


OTS search index can be imported using id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_ots_search_index.index1 <instance_name>:<table_name>:<index_name>:<index_type>

  • 本页导读 (1)
  • Example Usage
  • Argument Reference
  • schema
  • schema-field_schema
  • schema-index_setting
  • schema-index_sort
  • schema-index_sort-sorter
  • Attributes Reference
  • Timeouts
  • Import