
This data source provides the Vpc Dhcp Options Sets of the current Alibaba Cloud user.

-> NOTE: Available in v1.134.0+.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

data "alicloud_vpc_dhcp_options_sets" "ids" {
  ids = ["example_value"]
output "vpc_dhcp_options_set_id_1" {
  value =

data "alicloud_vpc_dhcp_options_sets" "nameRegex" {
  name_regex = "^my-DhcpOptionsSet"
output "vpc_dhcp_options_set_id_2" {
  value =

data "alicloud_vpc_dhcp_options_sets" "dhcpOptionsSetName" {
  dhcp_options_set_name = "my-DhcpOptionsSet"
output "vpc_dhcp_options_set_id_3" {
  value =

data "alicloud_vpc_dhcp_options_sets" "domainName" {
  ids         = ["example_value"]
  domain_name = ""
output "vpc_dhcp_options_set_id_4" {
  value =

data "alicloud_vpc_dhcp_options_sets" "status" {
  ids    = ["example_value"]
  status = "Available"
output "vpc_dhcp_options_set_id_5" {
  value =

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • dhcp_options_set_name - (Optional, ForceNew) The name of the DHCP options set.The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length and can contain letters, Chinese characters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). It must start with a letter or a Chinese character.
  • domain_name - (Optional, ForceNew) The root domain, for example, After a DHCP options set is associated with a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network, the root domain in the DHCP options set is automatically synchronized to the ECS instances in the VPC network.
  • ids - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) A list of Dhcp Options Set IDs.
  • name_regex - (Optional, ForceNew) A regex string to filter results by Dhcp Options Set name.
  • status - (Optional, ForceNew) The status of the DHCP options set. Valid values: Available, InUse or Pending. Available: The DHCP options set is available for use. InUse: The DHCP options set is in use. Pending: The DHCP options set is being configured.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

Argument Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • names - A list of Dhcp Options Set names.
  • sets - A list of Vpc Dhcp Options Sets. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • dhcp_options_set_description - The description of the DHCP options set. The description must be 2 to 256 characters in length and cannot start with http:// or https://.
    • dhcp_options_set_id - The resource ID in terraform of Dhcp Options Set.
    • dhcp_options_set_name - The root domain, for example, After a DHCP options set is associated with a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network, the root domain in the DHCP options set is automatically synchronized to the ECS instances in the VPC network.
    • domain_name - The root domain, for example, After a DHCP options set is associated with a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network, the root domain in the DHCP options set is automatically synchronized to the ECS instances in the VPC network.
    • domain_name_servers - The DNS server IP addresses. Up to four DNS server IP addresses can be specified. IP addresses must be separated with commas (,).
    • id - The resource ID in terraform of Dhcp Options Set.
    • owner_id - The ID of the account to which the DHCP options set belongs.
    • status - The status of the DHCP options set. Valid values: Available, InUse or Pending. Available: The DHCP options set is available for use. InUse: The DHCP options set is in use. Pending: The DHCP options set is being configured.
    • associate_vpc_count - The Number of VPCs bound by the DHCP option set.