Provides a GPDB Backup Policy resource. Describe the instance backup strategy.
For information about GPDB Backup Policy and how to use it, see What is Backup Policy.
-> NOTE: Available since v1.211.0.
Example Usage
Basic Usage
variable "name" {
default = "terraform-example"
provider "alicloud" {
region = "cn-hangzhou"
data "alicloud_gpdb_zones" "default" {}
data "alicloud_vpcs" "default" {
name_regex = "^default-NODELETING$"
data "alicloud_vswitches" "default" {
vpc_id = data.alicloud_vpcs.default.ids.0
zone_id = data.alicloud_gpdb_zones.default.ids.0
resource "alicloud_vswitch" "vswitch" {
count = length(data.alicloud_vswitches.default.ids) > 0 ? 0 : 1
vpc_id = data.alicloud_vpcs.default.ids.0
cidr_block = cidrsubnet(data.alicloud_vpcs.default.vpcs[0].cidr_block, 8, 8)
zone_id = data.alicloud_gpdb_zones.default.ids.0
vswitch_name =
locals {
vswitch_id = length(data.alicloud_vswitches.default.ids) > 0 ? data.alicloud_vswitches.default.ids[0] : concat(alicloud_vswitch.vswitch.*.id, [""])[0]
resource "alicloud_gpdb_instance" "default" {
db_instance_category = "HighAvailability"
db_instance_class = ""
db_instance_mode = "StorageElastic"
description =
engine = "gpdb"
engine_version = "6.0"
zone_id = data.alicloud_gpdb_zones.default.ids.0
instance_network_type = "VPC"
instance_spec = "2C16G"
payment_type = "PayAsYouGo"
seg_storage_type = "cloud_essd"
seg_node_num = 4
storage_size = 50
vpc_id = data.alicloud_vpcs.default.ids.0
vswitch_id = local.vswitch_id
ip_whitelist {
security_ip_list = ""
tags = {
Created = "TF"
For = "acceptance test"
resource "alicloud_gpdb_backup_policy" "default" {
db_instance_id =
recovery_point_period = "1"
enable_recovery_point = "true"
preferred_backup_period = "Wednesday"
preferred_backup_time = "15:00Z-16:00Z"
backup_retention_period = "7"
Deleting alicloud_gpdb_backup_policy
or removing it from your configuration
Terraform cannot destroy resource alicloud_gpdb_backup_policy
. Terraform will remove this resource from the state file, however resources may remain.
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Optional) Data backup retention days.db_instance_id
- (Required, ForceNew) The instance ID. -> NOTE: You can call the [DescribeDBInstances](~~ 86911 ~~) operation to view the details of all AnalyticDB PostgreSQL instances in the target region, including the instance ID.enable_recovery_point
- (Optional) Whether to enable automatic recovery points. Value Description:- true: enabled.
- false: Closed.
- (Required) Data backup cycle. Separate multiple values with commas (,). Value Description:- Monday: Monday.
- Tuesday: Tuesday.
- Wednesday: Wednesday.
- Thursday: Thursday.
- Friday: Friday.
- Saturday: Saturday.
- Sunday: Sunday.
- (Required) Data backup time. Format: HH:mmZ-HH:mmZ(UTC time).recovery_point_period
- (Optional) Recovery point frequency. Value Description:- 1: Hourly.
- 2: Every two hours.
- 4: Every four hours.
- 8: Every eight hours.
Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The ID of the resource supplied above.
The timeouts
block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:
- (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when create the Backup Policy.update
- (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when update the Backup Policy.
GPDB Backup Policy can be imported using the id, e.g.
$ terraform import alicloud_gpdb_backup_policy.example <id>