CreatePrePayOrder - 创建预付费实例

更新时间:2025-02-21 03:31:59



  • 请确保在使用该接口前,已充分了解预付费实例的收费方式和价格。更多信息,请参见计费说明

  • 使用该接口后,购买的预付费实例默认购买时长为一个月,并且默认开通了自动续费,自动续费周期为一个月。如果您需要修改自动续费周期或取消自动续费,您可以在阿里云控制台续费管理页面操作。更多信息,请参见设置自动续费


您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。



  • 操作:是指具体的权限点。
  • 访问级别:是指每个操作的访问级别,取值为写入(Write)、读取(Read)或列出(List)。
  • 资源类型:是指操作中支持授权的资源类型。具体说明如下:
    • 对于必选的资源类型,用前面加 * 表示。
    • 对于不支持资源级授权的操作,用全部资源表示。
  • 条件关键字:是指云产品自身定义的条件关键字。
  • 关联操作:是指成功执行操作所需要的其他权限。操作者必须同时具备关联操作的权限,操作才能成功。
  • alikafka:SpecType
  • alikafka:DeployModule



实例的地域 ID。



  • 0:高效云盘

  • 1:SSD

若创建 Confluent 系列实例,无需传该参数。



若创建 Confluent 系列实例,无需传该参数。


  • 分区数和 Topic 规格必须选填一个,建议您只填写分区数。

  • 分区数和 Topic 规格同时填写时,将会按照老的 Topic 售卖模型去校验分区数和 Topic 规格是否等价:如不等价将返回失败;如等价则按分区数进行购买。

  • 取值范围,请参见计费说明

若创建 Confluent 系列实例,无需传该参数。

Topic 的数量(不推荐)。

  • 分区数和 Topic 规格必须选填一个,建议您只填写分区数。

  • 分区数和 Topic 规格同时填写时,将会按照老的 Topic 售卖模型去校验分区数和 Topic 规格是否等价:如不等价将返回失败;如等价则按分区数进行购买。

  • 流量规格不同,默认值不同。超过默认值,需额外收费。

  • 取值范围,请参见计费说明

若创建 Confluent 系列实例,无需传该参数。


  • 4:公网/VPC 实例

  • 5:VPC 实例

若创建 Confluent 系列实例,则不支持选择部署类型,只允许传值为 5,请在购买后自行调整各组件是否开放公网。


  • 如果 DeployType4,则需填写。

  • 取值范围请参见按量计费

若创建 Confluent 系列实例,无需传该参数。


Kafka 版实例取值为:

  • normal:普通版(高写版)

  • professional:专业版(高写版)

  • professionalForHighRead:专业版(高读版)

Confluent 版实例取值为:

  • professional:专业版

  • enterprise:企业版




  • IoMaxIoMaxSpec 必须至少填写一个。同时填写时,以 IoMaxSpec 为准。建议您只填写 IoMaxSpec

  • 取值范围请参见计费说明

若创建 Confluent 系列实例,无需传该参数。


  • IoMaxIoMaxSpec 必须至少填写一个。同时填写时,以 IoMaxSpec 为准。建议您只填写 IoMaxSpec

  • 取值范围请参见计费说明

若创建 Confluent 系列实例,无需传该参数。

资源组 ID。

不设置时落在默认资源组里,可在资源组控制台查看资源组 ID。







  • N 为 1~20。

  • 如果为空,则匹配所有标签键。

  • 最多支持 128 个字符,不能以 aliyun 和 acs:开头,不能包含 http://或者 https://。



  • N 为 1~20。

  • 可以为空。

  • 最多支持 128 个字符,不能以 aliyun 和 acs:开头,不能包含 http://或者 https://。



  • 0:预付费

  • 4:Confluent 系列预付费


Confluent 组件相关配置。

创建 Confluent 系列实例时必传。

Kafka Broker CPU 核数。


Kafka Broker 磁盘容量。单位 GB。


Kafka Broker 副本数量。


ZooKeeper 组件 CPU 核数。


ZooKeeper 组件磁盘容量。单位 GB。


ZooKeeper 组件副本数量。


ControlCenter 组件 CPU 核数。


ControlCenter 组件磁盘容量。单位 GB。


ControlCenter 组件副本数量。


SchemaRegistry 组件 CPU 核数。


SchemaRegistry 组件副本数量。


Connect 组件 CPU 核数。


Connect 组件副本数量。


KsqlDB 组件 CPU 核数。


KsqlDB 组件磁盘容量。单位 GB。


KsqlDB 组件副本数量。


KafkaRestProxy 组件 CPU 核数。


KafkaRestProxy 组件副本数量。


购买时长。单位为月,默认为 1。取值:

  • Confluent 版实例:1 或 12
  • Kafka 版实例:1



返回码。返回 200 代表成功。



operation success.

请求的 ID。




订单的 ID。





  "Code": 200,
  "Message": "operation success.",
  "RequestId": "06084011-E093-46F3-A51F-4B19A8AD****",
  "Success": true,
  "OrderId": "20497346575****"


HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述
HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述
400BIZ.LIMIT.PUBNETWORKEipMax is invalid.公网流量参数无效。
400BIZ_FIELD_CHECK_INVALID%s. Please check and try again later.参数错误。
400Order.Insufficient.balanceThe available gold is not enough, please recharge and try again.可用金不够, 请充值后重试。
400Order.Create.ErrorOrder creation failed, please submit a work order.创建订单失败,请提交工单。
400InvalidParameterThe %s parameter is invalid.参数%s校验不通过
400InvalidParameter.DataAlreadyExistThe data already exists for the %s parameter.%s参数对应的数据已存在
400InvalidParameter.FormatThe %s format is invalid.参数%s格式校验不通过
400InvalidParameter.NotSupportThe %s parameter is not supported.参数%s当前不支持
400InvalidParameter.RangeThe value of the %s parameter is not within the specified range.参数%s 应在 %s 与 %s 之间范围校验不通过。
400InvalidParameter.SizeThe size of the %s parameter is not within the specified range.参数%s长度校验不通过
400InvalidParameter.VersionNotSupportCurrent version does not support the %s parameter.当前版本不支持参数%s
400Instance.ExceedMaxLimitThe number of instances of a single account exceeds the limit. If you need to increase the limit, please submit a work order.单账号实例数量超限,如需要提升限额,请提交工单。
400Deploy.ResourceNotEnoughInsufficient resources, please submit work order.资源不足,请提交工单。
400Acl.AddSasl.ErrorFailed to add a user. Please refer to the document and try again. If in doubt, submit a work order.新增用户失败,请参考文档后重试,如有疑问,请提交工单。
400Acl.DelSasl.ErrorFailed to delete the user. Check the request parameters and try again.删除用户失败, 请检查请求参数后重试。
400Acl.Disable.ErrorThe Acl function is disabled. Enable it by referring to the documentation and try again.Acl 功能未开启,请参考文档开启后重试。
400Acl.DuplicatedAuth.ErrorThe authorization has already been granted, please do not repeat the authorization.已经授权过了,请不要重复授权。
400ADMIN_GET_BROKER_CONFIG_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.获取Broker配置失败。请联系管理员。
400ADMIN_UPDATE_BROKER_CONFIG_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.更新Broker配置失败。请联系管理员。
400ADMIN_UPDATE_SUB_PERM_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.更新订阅权限失败。请联系管理员。
400ADMIN_UPDATE_TOPIC_PERM_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.更新读写权限失败。请联系管理员。
400AgentBusinessErrorInternal error, please try again, if invalid, please submit the work order.内部错误,请重试,若无效请提交工单。
400AgentErrorA system exception occurred. Please submit a ticket.内部错误,请提交工单。
400AsyncTask.DeleteTopicTopic has not been deleted. Please try again later.Topic 还未删除完成。请稍后再试。
400AsyncTask.ExecuteTimeNotSupportThe async task is approaching its execution time and modification is not allowed.异步任务接近执行时间,不允许修改
400AsyncTask.ExecuteTimeNotSupportThe task cannot be modified because it is close to its execution time. Please adjust and try again.任务接近执行时间,不允许修改。请调整后重试。
400AsyncTask.IgnoredThe task is ignored.任务忽略执行。
400AsyncTask.NotMeetConditionThe task does not meet the user-defined conditions.任务不满足用户自定义条件。
400AsyncTask.RetryLaterTask Please try again later.任务请稍后重试。
400AsyncTask.TypeAlreadyExistThe task already exists.任务已经存在。
400AsyncTaskSlave.NotCompletedThe task is not completed. Please check and try again.任务未完成。请检查后重试。
400AUTH_CAL_SIGNATURE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.计算签名失败。
400AUTH_CSRF_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.该页面已过期。请刷新页面。
400AUTH_LOGIN_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.当前用户登录验证失败。请重新登录。
400AUTH_ONS_CHANNEL_INVALID%s. Please check and try again later.ONS Channel非法。请确认后再试。
400AUTH_PERMISSION_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.资源权限验证失败。请确认资源权限信息后再试。
400AUTH_REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWED%s. Please check and try again later.当前请求不允许访问,请勿再试。
400AUTH_RESOURCE_EMPOWER_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.授权资源检验失败。请确认资源所属信息后再试。
400AUTH_SERVICE_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.当前用户未开通MQ服务。请先开通MQ服务,谢谢。
400AUTH_SIGNATURE_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.资源请求认证失败。请确认AccessKeyIdAccessKeySecret后再试。
400AUTH_SYSTEM_PERMISSION_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.创建系统资源权限验证失败。
400AUTH_TOPIC_CREATE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.您没有创建TopicConsumer Group的权限,请联系主账号授权。
400AUTH_USER_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.用户或者应用信息认证失败。
400AUTH_USER_IN_BLACK_LIST%s. Please check and try again later.您的请求已被拒绝,请勿再试。
400BIZ.GET.TOPIC.STATUS.ERRORAccessKeyId is required to get topic status.获取GetTopicStatus 必须使用AccessKeyId
400BIZ.INSTANCE.NOT.FOUND%s. Please check and try again later.访问实例 id 资源不存在
400BIZ.INSTANCE.STATUS.ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.当前实例状态不支持该操作。
400BIZ.TagResource.NotSupported%s. Please check and try again later.资源不支持Tag操作。
400BIZ_ACL_NOT_ENABLED%s. Please check and try again later.未开启ACL功能
400BIZ_AONE_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.您指定的应用名称在Aone系统中不存在。请确认后再重试。
400BIZ_BROADCASTING_PULL_UNSUPPORT%s. Please check and try again later.PullConsumer或者广播消息订阅不支持消费进度查询。
400BIZ_BROKER_NOT_FOUND%s. Please check and try again later.服务器节点信息不存在。
400BIZ_CAN_NOT_ENABLE_ACL%s. Please check and try again later.无法开启ACL,请确认ACL开启条件
400BIZ_CLUSTER_IS_EMPTY%s. Please check and try again later.您指定的集群信息不存在。请确认或联系管理员。
400BIZ_CONSUMER_GROUP_ACTIVE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.当前Consumer Group存在活跃Consumer,请消费后再重置。
400BIZ_CONSUMER_ID_BELONG_TO_OTHER_USER%s. Please check and try again later. 您指定的Consumer ID已被占用,请您更换Consumer ID。
400BIZ_CONSUMER_NEVER_RUNNING%s. Please check and try again later.您指定的消费者 ID 不存在或从未订阅过消息,无法查看消费者的状态。
400BIZ_CONSUMER_NOT_ONLINE%s. Please check and try again later.当前消费者ID未在线。
400BIZ_CREATE_ORDER_CONFIG_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.创建顺序消息配置失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_CREATE_PUBLISH_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.创建生产者失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_CREATE_SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.创建Consumer ID失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_CREATE_TOPIC_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.创建Topic失败。
400BIZ_CREATE_TOPIC_NUM_LESS_THAN_BEFORE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.分区数不能小于曾经配置过的分区数
400BIZ_DELETE_ORDER_CONFIG_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.删除顺序消息配置失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.删除Consumer ID失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_DELETE_TOPIC_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.删除Topic失败。
400BIZ_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.下载消息失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_FIND_CONSUMER_GROUP_INFO_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.查询Consumer Group失败。
400BIZ_GET_APPKEY_LIST_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.获取当前ISV下的应用列表失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_GET_CLUSTER_INFO_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.查询集群信息失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_GET_CONSUMER_CONNECTION_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.查询消费者连接失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_GET_CONSUMER_RUNNING_INFO_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.获取Consumer ID运行状态信息失败。请确认订阅组是否在线。
400BIZ_GET_CONSUME_ACCUMULATE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.查询消息堆积失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_GET_CONSUME_STATUS_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.查询消费者状态失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_GET_TOPIC_ROUTE_INFO_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.获取Topic路由信息失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_GET_TOPIC_STATUS_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.查询Topic状态失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_ALREADY_EXISTS%s. Please check and try again later.实例已存在。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_BASIC_INFO_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.实例信息有误。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_CREATE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.创建实例失败。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_CREATE_ORDER_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.创建购买实例订单失败。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_DELETE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.删除实例失败。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_LOCATION_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.实例regionId有误。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND%s. Please check and try again later.实例不存在。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_ONLY_PROFESSIONAL_SUPPORT%s. Please check and try again later.非专业版不支持此功能。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_OWNER_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.实例不属于该用户。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_PAIDTYPE_NOT_SUPPORT%s. Please check and try again later.实例不支持该类型支付方式。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_PERMISSION_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.实例权限校验失败。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_REFUND_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.实例退款失败。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_RELEASE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.实例释放失败。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_RELEASE_EXIST_CONSUMER_GROUP_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.该实例存在consumer group,无法释放。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_RELEASE_EXIST_TOPIC_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.该实例存在topic,无法释放。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_RELEASE_LESSHOUR_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.实例需要创建满1小时后才能释放。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_STATUS_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.实例状态不正确。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_UPDATE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.更新实例失败。
400BIZ_INSTANCE_UPGRADE_ORDER_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.创建升级实例订单失败。
400BIZ_MESSAGE_TRACK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.查询消息轨迹失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_NO_MESSAGE%s. Please check and try again later.消息不存在。
400BIZ_PRODUCER_ID_BELONG_TO_OTHER_USER%s. Please check and try again later.您指定的ProducerId已被占用,请您更换ProducerId。
400BIZ_PUBLISHER_EXISTED%s. Please check and try again later.您请求创建的Topic已有生产者,请确认。
400BIZ_PUBLISH_INFO_NOT_FOUND%s. Please check and try again later.生产者信息不存在。请确认后再重试。
400BIZ_PUSH_MESSAGE_TO_CONSUMER_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.验证消费失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_QUERY_CONSUME_TIMESPAN_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.查询消费者时间范围失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_QUERY_MESSAGE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.消息查询失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_RESET_OFFSET_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.消费进度重置失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_SASL_USER_NOT_EXIST%s. Please check and try again later.指定用户不存在
400BIZ_SASL_USER_NUM_EXCEED%s. Please check and try again later.SASL用户数超限
400BIZ_SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.发送消息失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_SLR_CREATE_NO_PERMISSION%s. Please check and try again later.当前用户没有创建SLR权限
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_ALREADY_EXISTS%s. Please check and try again later.Consumer Group已经存在,请尝试创建其它名称的Consumer Group。
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.Consumer Group创建失败。
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_DELETE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.Consumer Group删除失败。
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_EXISTED%s. Please check and try again later.您请求创建的消费者信息已存在,请确认。
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUND%s. Please check and try again later.Consumer Group不存在。
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_PERMISSION_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.Consumer Group校验失败。
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.获取Consumer Group状态失败。
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_TOO_MUCH%s. Please check and try again later.Consumer Group数量超出限制。
400BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.Consumer Group更新失败
400BIZ_TAG_DUPLICATE_TAG_KEY%s. Please check and try again later.Tag Key重复
400BIZ_TAG_ONLY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_HAS_PERMISSION%s. Please check and try again later.只有服务账号有权限操作系统Tag
400BIZ_TAG_REQUEST_RESOURCE_NUM_EXCEED%s. Please check and try again later.每次请求资源数超限
400BIZ_TAG_REQUEST_TAG_NUM_EXCEED%s. Please check and try again later.每次请求Tag数超限
400BIZ_TAG_RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST%s. Please check and try again later.Resource不存在
400BIZ_TAG_RESOURCE_NUM_EXCEED%s. Please check and try again later.Tag绑定资源数超限
400BIZ_TAG_TAGKEY_NOT_VALID%s. Please check and try again later.Tag Key格式不正确
400BIZ_TAG_TAGVALUE_NOT_VALID%s. Please check and try again later.Tag Value格式不正确
400BIZ_TAG_TAG_NUM_EXCEED%s. Please check and try again later.资源绑定Tag数超限
400BIZ_TIME_SPAN_EMPTY%s. Please check and try again later.该消费者ID订阅的Topic未有消息写入,无需重置。
400BIZ_TOPIC_ALREADY_EXISTS%s. Please check and try again later.Topic已经存在,请尝试创建其它名称的Topic。
400BIZ_TOPIC_COMPACT_TOPIC_NOT_SUPPORT%s. Please check and try again later.不支持创建compact topic。
400BIZ_TOPIC_CREATE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.Topic创建失败。
400BIZ_TOPIC_CREATE_INTERNAL_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.topic不能以“__”开头。
400BIZ_TOPIC_DELETE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.Topic删除失败。
400BIZ_TOPIC_EXISTED%s. Please check and try again later.您指定的Topic已存在。
400BIZ_TOPIC_LOCAL_TOPIC_NOT_SUPPORT%s. Please check and try again later.不支持创建local topic。
400BIZ_TOPIC_NOT_FOUND%s. Please check and try again later.Topic不存在。
400BIZ_TOPIC_OFFSET_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.查询位点错误。
400BIZ_TOPIC_PARTITION_ADD_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.新增分区失败。
400BIZ_TOPIC_PARTITION_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.Partition不存在。
400BIZ_TOPIC_PARTITION_NUM_EXCEED%s. Please check and try again later.分区数已超过限制。
400BIZ_TOPIC_STATUS_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.Topic状态获取失败。
400BIZ_TOPIC_TOO_MUCH%s. Please check and try again later.Topic数量超出限制。
400BIZ_TOPIC_UPDATE_CONFIG_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.更新topic config失败。
400BIZ_TOPIC_UPDATE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.Topic更新失败。
400BIZ_UPDATE_ACL_FAILED%s. Please check and try again later.修改ACL失败,请稍后再试
400BIZ_UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.更新消费者ID失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_UPDATE_TOPIC_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.更新Topic失败。请稍后再试。
400BIZ_UPDATE_TOPIC_PERM_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.更新topicperm信息失败
400DataExceedMaxLimitThe maximum number of %s is exceeded.%s数量超限
400DB.Update.FailedFailed to update data, please try again, if invalid, please submit a work order.更新数据失败,请重试,若无效请提交工单。
400Deploy.Callback.IllegalMessage data does not match, please submit work order.消息数据不匹配,请提交工单。
400Deploy.NotRetriableErrorDeployment error, please submit work order.部署错误,请提交工单。
400Deploy.RetriableErrorA retry error occurred during deployment. If the retry still fails, submit a work order.部署发生可重试错误,若重试仍然失败,请提交工单。
400DeployErrorDeployment error, please try again, if invalid, please submit a work order.部署错误,请重试,若无效请提交工单。
400DeployPreCheckErrorDeployment pre-check failed. Please submit work order.部署预检查失败,请重试,若重试仍然失败,请提交工单。
400DeployPreCheckErrorDeployment pre-check failed: %s.部署预检查失败:%s
400DeployType.NotSupportdeployType is not supported. Refer to the document and retry. If in doubt, submit a work order.不支持的 deployType,请参考文档后重试,如有疑问,请提交工单。
400FlowControlRequest was denied due to flow control.资源被限流, 请稍后重试
400GET.CONSUMER.MISSING.ACCESS.KEY.IDAccessKeyId is required to get consumer group info.获取Consumer Group信息必须使用AccessKeyId
400Group.ActiveGroup is active and cannot perform this operation.Group正处于活跃中,不能进行该操作。
400Group.ActiveThe group is currently active and cannot perform this operation.Group正处于活跃中,不能进行该操作
400Instance.CaclulateChange.timeExample Failed to obtain the expected change time. Please try again later.实例获取预期变更时间失败,请稍后重试。
400Instance.Change.NotAllowedThis instance does not allow change operations.该实例不允许变更操作。
400Instance.Change.NotAllowedThis instance does not allow deployment operations.该实例不允许变更操作
400Instance.InsertComponent.failFailed to insert the instance component, please try again later.插入实例组件失败,请稍后重试。
400Instance.ResourceNotSufficientInsufficient resources, unable to operate, please submit a work order.资源不足,无法操作,请提交工单。
400Instance.ResourceNotSufficientInsufficient resources, unable to proceed with the operation.资源不足,无法操作
400Instance.StatusNotRunningThe instance is not running and cannot operate this function. Please try again later.实例不是运行中状态,无法操作该功能,请稍后重试。
400Instance.StatusNotRunningThe instance status is not running.实例状态不在运行中
400Instance.UpdateComponent.failFailed to update the instance component, please try again later.更新实例组件失败,请稍后重试。
400Instance.UpgradeService.versionUpgrade version failed, please try again later.升级版本失败,请稍后重试。
400InstanceStatus.Change.NotAllowedThere was an error in the instance status switch verification. Please try again. If you have any questions, please submit the work order.实例状态切换校验出错,请重试,如有疑问,请提交工单。
400InstanceStatus.NotAllowedThe current status of the instance cannot be changed. This function cannot be performed. Please try again later.实例当前状态不允许变更,无法操作该功能,请稍后重试。
400InstanceStatus.NotReleasedThe instance is not in the released state and cannot perform this function. Please try again later.实例不是已释放状态,无法操作该功能,请稍后重试。
400InstanceStatus.NotWaitChangeThe instance is not waiting for change status, cannot operate this function, please try again later.实例不是等待变更状态,无法操作该功能,请稍后重试。
400InstanceStatus.NotWaitDeployThis function cannot be performed because the instance is not in the state to be deployed. Please try again later.实例不是待部署状态,无法操作该功能,请稍后重试。
400InstanceStatus.ReleasedThe instance has been released.实例已释放。
400InstanceStatus.StoppedInstance stopped serving.实例已停服。
400InvalidParameter.DataNotChangeThere is no change in the parameters. Please adjust and try again.参数没有任何变化,请调整后重试。
400InvalidParameter.OtherParamParameter %s is incorrect because %s.参数 %s 错误因为 %s.
400Ldap.CreateAdminErrorAdministrative accounts cannot be added or modified.管理账号不能被新增或者修改。
400Ldap.DeleteAdminErrorThe management account cannot be deleted.管理账号不能被删除。
400Manager.configRuleExistErrorManager an existing configuration rule is inserted, adjust and try again.Manager 插入了存在的配置规则,请调整后重试。
400Manager.configRuleNotExistErrorManager a configuration rule that does not exist is changed, please adjust it and try again.Manager 变更了不存在的配置规则,请调整后重试。
400Manager.NotCommitManager operation is not submitted, please adjust and try again.Manager 操作未提交,请调整后重试。
400Manager.recoverTaskNotFoundManager the resumed scheduling task does not exist, please adjust and try again.Manager 恢复的调度任务不存在,请调整后重试。
400Manager.recoverTaskNotMatchThe id of the restored scheduling task does not match that of the instance.Manager 恢复的调度任务与实例 ID 不匹配,请调整后重试。
400Manager.scheduledTaskStatusErrorManager the status of the asynchronous task fails to be changed, check whether the source status is consistent with the current status, and then try again.Manager 变更异步任务状态失败,请检查源状态与当前状态是否一致,调整后重试。
400Manager.scheduledTaskStatusNotSupportThe manager operation task status is unknown.Manager 操作任务状态未知。
400MissingParameterThe %s parameter is required.参数%s缺失
400NotSupportThe current operation is not supported, please check and try again later.不支持当前操作,请检查并稍后再试。
400NotSupport.DataStatusCurrent status %s does not support this operation.当前数据状态%s不支持该操作
400NotSupport.DataStatusThe current %s's data status does not support this operation.当前数据状态%s不支持该操作
400ONS.LOGIN.CHECK.ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.您的登录已过期,请重新登录
400ONS_INIT_ENV_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.环境信息初始化错误。请联系系统管理员。
400ONS_INTERNAL_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.网络连接失败。请联系系统管理员。
400ONS_INVOKE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.API调用失败。请联系系统管理员。
400ONS_LOGIN_CHECK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.您的登录已过期。请重新登录。
400ONS_SERVICE_UNSUPPORTED%s. Please check and try again later.该请求暂不支持。请联系系统管理员。
400ONS_SYSTEM_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.系统处理错误。请联系系统管理员。
400ONS_SYSTEM_FLOW_CONTROL%s. Please check and try again later.当前请求数量过多,请稍后再试。
400Oss.NotFoundFailed to download message, please try again later.下载消息失败,请稍后重试。
400Oss.PublishFailedFailed to download message, please try again later.下载消息失败,请稍后重试。
400RAM.USER.NOT.FOUND.BY.ACCESSKEYThe specified access key is not found.AccessKeyId 不存在
400RAM_CREATE_RESOURCE_OWNER_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.创建资源所属信息失败。请稍后再试。
400RAM_CREATE_RESOURCE_PERMISSION_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.创建资源权限信息失败。请稍后再试。
400RAM_DELETE_RESOURCE_OWNER_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.删除资源所属信息失败。请稍后再试。
400RAM_DELETE_RESOURCE_PERMISSION_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.删除资源权限信息失败。请稍后再试。
400RAM_GET_USER_BY_AK_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.获取用户AccessKey信息失败。请稍后再试。
400RAM_USER_NOT_FOUND_BY_ACCESSKEY%s. Please check and try again later.用户信息不存在。请确认AccessKey。
400ScheduledTask.AlreadyHasSameTaskTypehas same task waiting for schedule.有相同任务正在等待调度,请稍后重试。
400ScheduledTask.ExecuteTimeGapTooShortexecute time gap too close to an existed task.执行时间间隔与已存在的任务过于接近,请调整后重试。
400ServerlessPlan.InstanceNotMatchThe timing policy execution plan does not match the instance ID.定时策略执行计划与实例 ID 不匹配。
400ServerlessPlan.IntervalInvalidIf a periodic policy execution plan is smaller than the target size, delete it.存在小于目的规格的定时策略执行计划,请删除。
400ServerlessPlan.IntervalInvalidThe schedule policy execution plan range has duplicates or intervals smaller than the execution interval.定时策略执行计划区间存在重复或者小于执行间隔
400ServerlessPlan.IntervalInvalidThe timing policy execution plan interval is repeated or smaller than the execution interval.定时策略执行计划区间存在重复或者小于执行间隔。
400ServerlessPlan.NameExistThe name of the periodic policy execution plan is the same. Please modify the name and try again.定时策略执行计划名称重复,请修改后重试。
400ServerlessPlan.NotSupport.EnabledRuleExistIf a periodic policy is in effect, it does not support the current operation. Set all periodic policies to invalid.存在生效中的定时策略,不支持当前操作,请先全部置为不生效。
400ServerlessPlan.NotSupport.StatusEnabledA periodic policy can be deleted only after it is disabled.定时策略需要先关闭才能删除。
400ServerlessPlan.TaskStatusNotSupportA periodic policy task cannot be modified or cancelled when it is being executed or when a single execution is completed.定时策略任务在执行中或单次执行完成,不支持修改或取消。
400ServerlessPlan.TaskStatusNotSupportThe scheduled policy task is currently executing or has been completed, and cannot be modified or canceled.定时策略任务在执行中或单次执行完成,不支持修改或取消
400Sls.Query.ErrorData query failed. Please try again later.数据查询失败,请稍后重试。
400Sts.NotFoundUnable to find the whitelist information, please try again later, if in doubt, please submit the work order.查找不到白名单信息,请稍后重试,如有疑问,请提交工单。
400Topic.DownloadMessageFailFailed to download message, please try again later.下载消息失败,请稍后重试。
400Topic.ExistThe topic already exists.Topic已存在
400Topic.NotFoundThe Topic does not exist. Please check and try again.Topic 不存在,请检查后重试。
400Topic.QueryMessageFailFailed to query the message, please try again later.查询消息失败,请稍后重试。
400Topic.SendFailTopic failed to send a message. Please try again later.Topic 发送消息失败,请稍后重试。
400Topic.StatusNotRunningThe Topic status is not in the service and cannot be operated. Please try again later. If in doubt, please submit the work order.Topic 状态不在服务中,无法进行操作,请稍后重试,如有疑问请提交工单。
400Topic.StatusNotRunningThe topic status is not running.Topic状态不在服务中
400TopicStatus.NotAllowedThe current status of the Topic cannot be changed.Topic 当前状态不允许变更。
400VPC_ASSUMEROLE_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.您还未授权。
400VPC_VSW_ZONE_MAPPING_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.VswitchSecurityGroup校验失败
400WHITE.DELETE.ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.删除时,允许的IP地址只能有一个。
400WHITE.IP.ALREADY.EXISTS.ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.输入的IP已经存在,请检查。
400WHITE.IP.ILLEGAL.ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.所允许的IP不合法。
400WHITE.IPLIST.OVERLONG.ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.所有IP列表长度过长,最大长度200。
400WHITE.OVER.LENGTH.ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.允许的IP超过长度,最大长度为10。
400WHITE.PARAM.ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.参数不合法。
400Order.InstHasUnpaidOrderThere is an unpaid order for the resource you selected, please pay or void it before placing the order.您选择的资源存在未支付订单,请支付或作废后再下单!
400Topic.RebalanceOperationForbiddenThis operation is not allowed during instance drainage. Please try again after the drainage is completed.实例引流期间不允许该操作,请引流完成后重试。
403NoPermissionNo permissions.没有权限
403AUTH_RESOURCE_OWNER_ERROR%s. Please check and try again later.资源所属验证失败。请确认资源所属信息后再试。
404InvalidParameter.DataNotFoundNo data found for the %s parameter.参数%s查找不到数据
404AsyncTaskGroup.NotFoundThe task group does not exist. Please check and try again.任务分组不存在。请检查后重试。
404AsyncTaskHandler.NotFoundThe task does not exist. Please check and try again.任务不存在。请检查后重试。
404AsyncTaskType.NotFoundThe task type does not exist. Please check and try again.任务类型不存在。请检查后重试。
404Group.NotFoundGroupId does not exist. Please check and try again.GroupId 不存在,请检查后重试。
404Group.NotFoundNo group found for the %s parameter.GroupId不存在
404Instance.NotFoundNo instance found for the %s parameter.实例不存在
404Instance.NotFoundThe instance does not exist. Please verify the entry and try again.实例不存在,请核实入参后重试。
404InstanceAgent.NotFoundInstance does not exist. Please check the entry and try again.Instance 不存在,请核实入参后重试。
404InvalidData.FieldsIncompleteData is incomplete, %s data is missing, please check and try again later.数据不完整,%s 数据缺失,请检查并稍后再试。
404Topic.NotFoundNo topic found for the %s parameter.Topic不存在
404VpcVSwitch.NotFoundThe private network and switch do not exist. Please refer to the document and try again. If in doubt, submit a work order.专有网络和交换机不存在,请参考文档后重试,如有疑问,请提交工单。
500RemoteCallErrorAn internal service invocation error occurred. Please try again later.远程调用错误
500InternalUnknownCodeErrorInternal error, please try again, if still failed, please submit a work order to contact us.内部错误,请重试,若是仍失败请提交工单联系我们。
500InternalUnknownCodeErrorInternal error, please try again. If it still fails, please submit a work order and contact us.内部错误,请重试,若仍然失败请提交工单联系我们。
500GET.CONSUMER.PROGRESS.ERRORAn instance status error occurred.实例状态异常,请稍后重试
500INTERNAL.ERRORAn internal error occurred. Please try again later.请求超时。请稍后重试。
500InternalErrorA system exception occurred. Please submit a ticket.内部错误
500InternalErrorAn internal error occurred. Please try again later.请求超时。请稍后重试。
500ONS.GET.ALLOWEDIP.INTERNAL.ERRORThe request for obtaining the IP address whitelist timed out. Please try again later.获取IP白名单请求超时。请稍后重试。
500ONS.INTERNAL.ERRORAn internal error occurred. Please try again later.网络请求超时。请稍后重试。
500ONS.UPDATE.ALLOWEDIP.INTERNAL.ERRORThe request for changing the IP address whitelist timed out. Please try again later.变更IP白名单请求超时。请稍后重试。
500RmqClusterEmptyA system exception occurred. Please submit a ticket.内部错误,请提交工单。



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