您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
SiteId | long | 是 | 站点 ID,可通过调用 ListSites 接口获取。 | 123456**** |
WaitingRoomEventId | long | 否 | 等候室事件 ID,可通过调用 ListWaitingRoomEvents 接口获取 | 89677721098**** |
Enable | string | 否 | 启用状态。取值:
| on |
Name | string | 否 | 等待室的事件名称。 | 测试事件2 |
TotalActiveUsers | string | 否 | 活跃用户总数。 | 200 |
NewUsersPerMinute | string | 否 | 每分钟新用户数。 | 300 |
SessionDuration | string | 否 | 用户会话持续时间(分钟)。 | 5 |
DisableSessionRenewalEnable | string | 否 | 禁用会话续订。取值:
| off |
QueuingMethod | string | 否 | 排队方式。取值:
| fifo |
QueuingStatusCode | string | 否 | 等候室状态码。取值:
| 200 |
JsonResponseEnable | string | 否 | JSON 响应开关。取值:
| off |
Description | string | 否 | 等候室描述。 | http://yywyyw.com |
WaitingRoomType | string | 否 | 等候室类型。支持以下类型:
| custom |
CustomPageHtml | string | 否 | 用户自定义等候室页面内容,当等候室类型为自定义类型时,需要传入。传入的内容需要经过 base64 编码。 | SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ= |
StartTime | string | 否 | 事件开始时间的时间戳。 | 1719763200 |
EndTime | string | 否 | 事件结束时间的时间戳。 | 1719849600 |
PreQueueEnable | string | 否 | 预排队开关。
| on |
PreQueueStartTime | string | 否 | 预排队开始时间。 | 1719763200 |
RandomPreQueueEnable | string | 否 | 随机排队开关。
| on |
Language | string | 否 | 默认语言设置。取值包括:
| enus |
"RequestId": "0195619f-eab3-4a66-ac00-ed53d913e72e"
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | CompileRuleError | Rule compilation failed, please check the rule information passed in to ensure that the rule is written according to the syntax described in the document. | 规则编译失败,请检查传入的规则配置,请参考接口文档中描述的规则配置格式。 |
400 | SiteConfigLengthExceedLimit | The overall configuration size of the site exceeds the limit, and the total size of all functional configurations of the site cannot exceed 512K. | 站点功能配置大小超出限制,总大小不能超过512K。 |
400 | ConfigConflicts | Configuration conflicts, usually when multiple configurations are configured under the same function of the same site, such as duplicate rule names between multiple configurations. | 参数唯一性校验失败,请检查重复的参数值。 |
400 | RuleRegexQuotaCheckFailed | When configuring rules, rules with regular expressions are not allowed in this plan. Please check the relevant documentation of the plan or upgrade the plan. | 当前套餐不支持配置带有正则的规则引擎,请查看套餐描述,并升级您的套餐。 |
400 | NestedRuleQuotaCheckFailed | The nesting level of rules allowed by the plan failed to be verified. Please modify the nesting level of rules or upgrade the plan. | 规则内嵌子条件数量超过套餐上限,请查看套餐描述,并升级您的套餐。 |
400 | ArgQuotaCheckFailed | The passed-in parameter value failed to verify the validity of the plan. Please check the plan document to obtain the range of parameters that can be configured for the site plan. | 当前套餐不支持配置受限参数,请检查输入的参数。 |
400 | ServiceInvokeFailed | The call to the internal service failed. The engineer is resolving the problem. Please wait a moment before trying, or contact customer service for details. | 调用服务失败,请稍后重试或联系客服咨询详情。 |
400 | FunctionConflict | The feature configuration conflicts. Sites with version management enabled cannot configure this feature. | 当前配置的功能与其它功能存在冲突,如需要配置请先删除冲突的功能配置。 |
400 | InternalException | Failed to call the service. Try again later or contact technical support. | 调用服务失败,请稍后重试或联系客服咨询详情。 |
400 | InvalidParameter.ArgName | Invalid ArgName. Check your website configuration parameters and make sure that they match the supported features and parameter names listed in the official documentation. | 传入的ArgName无效,请检查您提供的站点配置参数,确保它们与官方文档中列出的支持功能及参数名称相匹配。 |
400 | InvalidParameter.ArgValue | Invalid parameter value. Check whether the value format and length meet the requirements. | 参数值无效,请检查输入是否符合规定格式及长度限制。 |
400 | InstanceNotExist | The instance does not exist. Check whether the specified instance ID is correct or whether the instance belongs to your account. | 实例不存在,请检查提供的实例ID是否正确或该实例是否属于您的账户。 |
400 | LockFailed | The system is handling requests you previously submitted. Try again later. | 您有其他请求正在处理中,请稍后再进行重试。 |
400 | InvalidConfigId | The input configuration ID: ConfigId it does not exist, query the existing configuration and its valid ConfigId through the ListSiteFunction. | 传入的ConfigId不存在。 |
400 | WaitingRoomEventNotExist | The waiting room event that you want to modify does not exist. Specify a valid one. | 您要修改的等候室事件不存在,请检查并传入正确的等候室事件。 |
404 | SiteNotFound | The website does not exist or does not belong to you. | 站点不存在,或者不属于你。 |
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2024-09-18 | OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 | 查看变更详情 |