Ganos表面模型支持以二进制的方式进行表达,保留数据精度且方便传输,称为Well-Known Binary(简称 WKB)。
表面模型通过将SFMesh对象序列化为二进制的方式进行表达。WKB支持两种二进制编码顺序(NDR或XDR),XDR编码为Big Endian,NDR编码为Little Endian。
Ganos表面模型中除了支持OGC Simple Feature模型外,还支持以下几何结构:
Uint1:8-bit (1byte)无符号整数。
Byte:8-bit (1 Byte) 有符号整数。
Uint16:16-bit (2 Byte) 无符号整数。
Uint32:32-bit (4 Byte) 无符号整数。
Float:32-bit (4 Byte) 浮点数,使用IEEE 754表示方法。
Double:64-bit (8 Byte) 浮点数,使用IEEE 754表示方法。
3D Mesh扩展了EWKB格式规范,增加了一些标志位定义。部分成员变量仅在设置了标志位的情况下具备。
// Basic Type definitions
// byte : 1 byte
// uint8: 1 byte
// uint16: 2 byte
// uint32 : 32 bit unsigned integer (4 bytes)
// float: single precison number (4 bytes)
// double : double precision number (8 bytes)
enum WKBByteOrder {
wkbXDR = 0, // Big Endian
wkbNDR = 1 // Little Endian
// point type
Point2D {
double x;
double y
Point3D {
double x;
double y,
double z
Point4D {
double x;
double y,
double z,
double m
Point {
Point2D point2d;
Point3D point3d;
Point4D point4d;
// LinearRing
LinearRing {
uint32 numPoints;
Point points[numPoints];
// Normal Point
NormalPoint {
float x;
float y;
float z;
NormalPointArray {
uint32 numPoints;
NormalPoint points[numPoints];
// Texcoord Point
TexcoordPoint {
float x;
float y;
TexcoordPointArray {
uint32 numPoints;
TexcoordPoint points[numPoints];
// String
uint32 stringLength;
byte string[stringLength];
// Var int
enum IntType {
Int8 =1;
Int16 =2;
Int32 = 4;
varint {
union {
uint8 uint8;
uint16 uint16;
uint32 uint32;
varintArray {
uint32 numInt;
byte intType; // WKBIntType
varint values[numInt];
WKBTriangleStrip {
byte byteOrder;
static uint32 wkbType = 20;
#define WKBZOFFSET 0x80000000
#define WKBMOFFSET 0x40000000
#define WKBSRIDFLAG 0x20000000
uint32 srid; /* if WKBSRIDFLAG */
uint32 numRings = 1;
LinearRing ring;
WKBTriangleFan {
byte byteOrder;
static uint32 wkbType = 21;
#define WKBZOFFSET 0x80000000
#define WKBMOFFSET 0x40000000
#define WKBSRIDFLAG 0x20000000
uint32 srid; /* if WKBSRIDFLAG */
uint32 numRings = 1;
LinearRing rings
WKBIndexsurface {
byte byteOrder;
static uint32 wkbType = 22;
#define WKBZOFFSET 0x80000000
#define WKBMOFFSET 0x40000000
#define WKBSRIDFLAG 0x20000000
uint32 srid; /* if WKBSRIDFLAG */
LinearRing ring;
varintArray VertexIndex;
varintArray VertexNum;
WKBGeometry {
Union {
WKBPoint point;
WKBLineString linestring;
WKBPolygon polygon;
WKBMultiPoint mpoint;
WKBMultiLineString mlinestring;
WKBMultiPolygon mpolygon;
WKBTriangleStrip strip;
WKBTriangleFan fan;
WKBIndexsurface indexsurface;
WKBGeometryCollection {
byte byte_order;
static uint32 wkbType = 7;
uint32 numGeometries;
WKBGeometry geometries[numGeometries];
enum wkbTFormat
wkbTFRaw = 0;
wkbTFJPG = 1;
wkbTFPNG = 2;
enum wkbTType
wkbTTFile = 1;
wkbTTDB =2;
wkbTTBytes = 3;
wkbTTWeb = 4;
WKBTexture {
byte byteOrder;
static byte version = 1;
byte compress = 0;
byte format; /* wkbTFormat */
static byte wrap = 0;
byte type; /* wkbTType */
byte depth; /* 1, 2, or 4 */
uint32 width;
uint32 height;
uint32 dataLength;
byte data[dataLength];
String name;
WKBMaterial {
byte byteOrder;
static byte version = 1;
uint1 type;
uint4 numTextures;
WKBTexture textures[numTextures];
WKBString name;
WKBString data;
byte byteOrder;
uint32 wkbType;
#define WKBZOFFSET 0x80000000
#define WKBMOFFSET 0x40000000
#define WKBSRIDFLAG 0x20000000
#define WKBGEOMFLAG0x04000000
#define WKBNORMALFLAG 0x02000000
#define WKBTEXCOORDFLAG0x01000000
#define WKBREFFLAG 0x00400000
#define WKBSOLIDFLAG 0x00200000
uint32 srid; /* if WKBSRIDFLAG */
WKBGeometryCollection patches; /* If WKBGEOMFLAG */
uint32 numNormalPointArray; /* If WKBNORMALFLAG */
NormalPointArray normalPoints[numNormalPointArray]; /* If WKBNORMALFLAG */
uint32 numTexcoordPointArray; /* If WKBTEXCOORDFLAG */
TexcoordPointArray texcoordPoints[numTexcoordPointArray]; /* If WKBTEXCOORDFLAG */
String path; /* If WKBREFFLAG */ byte byteOrder;
uint32 wkbType;
#define WKBZOFFSET 0x80000000
#define WKBMOFFSET 0x40000000
#define WKBSRIDFLAG 0x20000000
#define WKBGEOMFLAG0x04000000
#define WKBNORMALFLAG 0x02000000
#define WKBTEXCOORDFLAG0x01000000
#define WKBREFFLAG 0x00400000
#define WKBSOLIDFLAG 0x00200000
uint32 srid; /* if WKBSRIDFLAG */
WKBGeometryCollection patches; /* If WKBGEOMFLAG */
uint32 numNormalPointArray; /* If WKBNORMALFLAG */
NormalPointArray normalPoints[numNormalPointArray]; /* If WKBNORMALFLAG */
uint32 numTexcoordPointArray; /* If WKBTEXCOORDFLAG */
TexcoordPointArray texcoordPoints[numTexcoordPointArray]; /* If WKBTEXCOORDFLAG */
String path; /* If WKBREFFLAG */
WKBMatrix {
double matrix[12];
uint8 flags;
#define WKBPRIMITIVEFLAG 0x01u<<0
#define WKBMATRIXFLAG 0x01u<<2
#define WKBIDFLAG 0x01u<<3
uint32 primitive; /* if WKBPRIMITIVEFLAG */
varintArray children; /* if not WKBPRIMITIVEFLAG */
WKBMatrix matrix; /* if WKBMATRIXFLAG */
uint32 id; /* if WKBIDFLAG */
WKBPrimitive {
uint8 flags;
uint8 reserved;
uint16 materialId;
uint32 index;
byte byteOrder;
static byte magic = 'M'
static byte version = 1;
uint16 flags;
#define WKBMESHZFLAG 0x0001u /* have z */
#define WKBMESHMFLAG 0x0001u<<1 /* have M */
#define WKBMESHREFFLAG 0x0001u<<4 /* is ref */
#define WKBMESHGEOMFLAG 0x0001u<<5 /* have meshgeom */
#define WKBMESHMESHFLAG 0x0001u<<6 /* have mesh */
#define WKBMESHTEXTUREFLAG 0x0001u<<7 /* have texture */
#define WKBMESHMATERIALFLAG 0x0001u<<8 /* have material */
#define WKBMESHLODFLAG 0x0001u<<9 /* have lod */
#define WKBMESHSRIDFLAG 0x0001u<<11 /* have srid */
#define WKBMESHUSERFLAG 0x0001u<<12 /* have user data */
#define WKBMESHBINFLAG 0x0001u<<13 /* have bin data */
#define WKBMESHEXFLAG 0x0001u<<14 /* have exflags */
#define WKBMESHSYSFLAG 0x0001u<<15 /* have system data */
uint32 exflags; /* if WKBMESHEXFLAG */
uint32 srid; /* if WKBMESHSRIDFLAG */
uint16 lod; /* if WKBMESHLODFLAG */
uint32 root; /* If not WKBMESHREFFLAG */
uint32 numMeshgeom; /* If WKBMESHGEOMFLAG */
WKBMeshgeom meshgeoms[numMeshgeom];/* If WKBMESHGEOMFLAG */
uint32 numSFMesh; /* if WKBMESHMESHFLAG */
WKBSFMesh sfmesh[numSFMesh]; /* if WKBMESHMESHFLAG */
uint32 numTexture; /* If WKBMESHTEXTUREFLAG */
WKBTexture textures[numTexture]; /* WKBMESHTEXTUREFLAG */
uint32 numNode; /* If not WKBMESHREFFLAG */
WKBNode nodes[numNode];/* If not WKBMESHREFFLAG */
uint32 numPrimitives;/* If not WKBMESHREFFLAG */
WKBPrimitive primitives[numPrimitives];/* If not WKBMESHREFFLAG */
String path; /* if WKBMESHREFFLAG */
String userdata; /* if WKBMESHUSERFLAG */
String bindata; /* if WKBMESHBINFLAG */
String sysdata; /* if WKBMESHSYSFLAG */
- 本页导读 (1)
- 概述
- 几何结构
- 数值定义
- 规范
- 定义
- 通用定义
- 几何类型扩展
- GeometryCollection
- Texture
- Material
- Meshgeom
- SFMesh