400 | Instance.Expired | Your instance has expired. | 您的购买实例已经过期。 |
400 | Instance.Not.Exist | The specified instance does not exist. | 暂未匹配到您的购买实例。 |
400 | Access.Forbidden | Access forbidden. Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation. | - |
400 | Invalid.Organization | The specified organizational unit does not exist. | 该组织不存在。 |
400 | User.Not.In.Organization | The specified user is not in the organizational unit. | 该用户不在组织中。 |
400 | Report.NotExist.Error | This work does not exist. It may have been deleted. Work ID is %s. | 作品不存在,可能已经被删除。作品ID:%s。 |
400 | Workspace.Not.Exist | The group workspace does not exist. | 群空间不存在。 |
400 | Workspace.NotIn.Organization | The workspace is not owned by the organization. | 空间不在组织内。 |
400 | System.Param.Empty | You must specify the %s parameter. | 参数%s不能为空。 |
400 | Workspace.Share.Forbidden | Content in the current group workspace cannot be shared. | 当前群空间设置了禁止分享。 |
400 | Invalid.User.Organization | The user is not in your organization. | 该用户不在您的组织中。 |
400 | UserInfo.Error | The personal information is invalid. | 个人信息不合法。 |
400 | Workspace.OutsideShare.Forbidden | Content in the current group workspace cannot be shared with another organization. | 当前群空间设置了禁止组织外分享。 |
400 | Usergroup.Not.Exist | The user group does not exist. | 用户组不存在。 |
400 | UserGroup.NotIn.Organization | The user group is not in the current organization. | 用户组不在当前组织内。 |
400 | Invalid.Param.Error | The parameter is invalid. | 无效参数。 |
400 | Internal.System.Error | An internal system error occurred. | 系统内部异常。 |
400 | Share.ExpireDate.Error | The expire date is illegal. | 设置的过期时间不合法。 |
400 | Invalid.Parameter | An error occurred while verifying parameters. | 参数验证失败。 |
400 | Invalid.Parameter.Error | The parameter is invalid:%s. | 无效参数%s。 |
400 | Invalid.User.Admin | You are not an administrator of this organization. | 没有权限,您不是组织管理员。 |
400 | ApiUser.Not.Exists | The specified user does not exist. | 用户不存在。 |
400 | User.Not.WorkspaceAdmin | Only administrators of the group workspace can perform this operation. | 没有权限,您不是该群空间的管理员。 |
400 | Application.Object.NotExist | The object you are operating does not exist or has been deleted. | 操作组件不存在或已被删除。 |
400 | Not.ApiCall.AuthUser | You are not an administrator or API call auth user of this organization. | 非组织管理员或API调用授权用户。 |