您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
WorkspaceId | string | 是 | 工作空间 ID。 | 95296e95-ca89-4c7d-8af9-dedf0ad0**** |
UserId | string | 是 | 待删除的用户 ID。此处的用户 ID 为 Quick BI 的 UserID,而非阿里云的 UID。 | de4bc5f9429141cc8091cdd1c15b**** |
"RequestId": "DC4E1E63-B337-44F8-8C22-6F00DF67E2C3",
"Result": true,
"Success": true
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | Instance.Expired | Your instance has expired. | 您的购买实例已经过期。 |
400 | Instance.Not.Exist | The specified instance does not exist. | 暂未匹配到您的购买实例。 |
400 | Access.Forbidden | Access forbidden. Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation. | - |
400 | Invalid.Organization | The specified organizational unit does not exist. | 该组织不存在。 |
400 | User.Not.In.Organization | The specified user is not in the organizational unit. | 该用户不在组织中。 |
400 | System.Param.Empty | You must specify the %s parameter. | 参数%s不能为空。 |
400 | Workspace.NotIn.Organization | The workspace is not owned by the organization. | 空间不在组织内。 |
400 | Workspace.Not.Exist | The group workspace does not exist. | 群空间不存在。 |
400 | User.Not.WorkspaceAdmin | Only administrators of the group workspace can perform this operation. | 没有权限,您不是该群空间的管理员。 |
400 | Workspace.Type.Error | The type of group workspace is invalid. | 无效的群空间类型。 |
400 | CanNot.Remove.WorkspaceOwner | You cannot remove the group workspace owner from the group. | 不能将群空间拥有者剔除出群。 |
400 | User.NotIn.Workspace | The user is not a member of the group workspace. | 该用户不在群空间中。 |
400 | Cannot.TransferTo.Owner | You cannot transfer an item to its current owner. | 不能转让给所属者。 |
400 | Works.Transfer.Error | You are not authorized to transfer this item. | 转让失败,您没有相应权限。 |
400 | Transfer.TargetUser.NotExist | The new owner does not exist. Please ensure that the target user has logged on to the system. | 转让目标用户不存在,请确保目标用户登录过当前系统。 |
400 | PersonalWorkspace.NotSupport.AllTransfer | Personal workspaces cannot be transferred. | 个人空间不支持一键转让。 |
400 | Internal.System.Error | An internal system error occurred. | 系统内部异常。 |