- 电商网站根据用户购买习惯,推荐商品。
- 音乐网站根据用户收听喜好,推荐音乐。
- 新闻网站根据用户浏览习惯,推荐新闻。
- 应用网站根据用户下载和使用应用习惯,推荐应用。
- 用户(uid)完整听完的歌曲(vid),该歌曲有对应的标签(tags),同时一个歌曲可以有多个标签,由此形成映射关系:
uid ->> tags ->> musics
- 根据用户每个tag下的歌曲数排行,得到tag热度:
tag(count distinct music) ...
- 统计前5个tag及权重:
tag1:40% tag2:20% tag3:15% tag4:15% tag5:10%
- 从tag标签的歌曲库中,排除用户听过的,然后根据这些歌曲的推荐权重(例如播放次数倒排),按比例推荐新的歌曲。
create table t_like(
uid int, -- 用户ID
tagid int, -- 歌曲标签ID
vid int, -- 歌曲ID
mod_time timestamp, -- 最后一次更新时间, 仅与上次时间超过1天时更新。
primary key (uid,tagid,vid)
insert into t_like values (:uid, :tagid, :vid, :mod_time)
on conflict (uid,tagid,vid) do update
set mod_time=excluded.mod_time
excluded.mod_time - t_like.mod_time > interval '1 day'
-- 统计最近1天的top 10的tag。
select tagid, count(*) from t_like
where uid=:uid
and now()-mod_time < interval '1 day'
group by tagid
order by count(*) desc limit 10;
vi test.sql
\set uid random(1,50000)
\set tagid random(1,5000)
\set vid random(1,10000000)
insert into t_like values (:uid, :tagid, :vid, now())
on conflict (uid,tagid,vid) do update
set mod_time=excluded.mod_time
excluded.mod_time - t_like.mod_time > interval '1 day';
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 32 -j 32 -T 240
transaction type: ./test.sql
scaling factor: 1
query mode: prepared
number of clients: 32
number of threads: 32
duration: 240 s
number of transactions actually processed: 80975327
latency average = 0.095 ms
latency stddev = 0.340 ms
tps = 337396.279382 (including connections establishing)
tps = 337406.018908 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
0.000 \set uid random(1,50000)
0.000 \set tagid random(1,5000)
0.000 \set vid random(1,10000000)
0.094 insert into t_like values (:uid, :tagid, :vid, now())
db1=# select tagid, count(*) from t_like
where uid=1
and now()-mod_time < interval '1 day'
group by tagid
order by count(*) desc limit 10;
tagid | count
2519 | 4
3049 | 4
3648 | 4
1777 | 3
1352 | 3
1491 | 3
1064 | 3
572 | 3
692 | 3
301 | 3
(10 rows)
Time: 3.947 ms
- 数据量小,使用近似hll hash聚集代替真实值。
- 查询效率高,支持索引,不需要计算,毫秒响应。
- 支持hash union、add等操作,适合滑窗计算,满足更多业务需求。
说明 hll插件使用方法请参见基数统计(hll)。
- 每个标签存储一个hll,hll里面存储的是该标签内用户完整听完的歌曲的ID hash值。
create table t_like ( uid int, tagid int, -- 标签 w1 hll, w1_mod_time timestamp, -- 周一听完的歌曲对应的vid构成的hash。 w2 hll, w2_mod_time timestamp, -- 周二听完的歌曲对应的vid构成的hash。 w3 hll, w3_mod_time timestamp, -- 周三听完的歌曲对应的vid构成的hash。 w4 hll, w4_mod_time timestamp, -- 周四听完的歌曲对应的vid构成的hash。 w5 hll, w5_mod_time timestamp, -- 周五听完的歌曲对应的vid构成的hash。 w6 hll, w6_mod_time timestamp, -- 周六听完的歌曲对应的vid构成的hash。 w7 hll, w7_mod_time timestamp, -- 周日听完的歌曲对应的vid构成的hash。 whole hll, -- 所有 primary key (uid,tagid) );
说明 w1~w7是根据业务设置的,如果业务只关心1天的数据,就只需要设置一个字段。 - 当用户听完一首歌, 把这个写入当前日期对应字段,当对应字段已经有value,并且最后修改时间不是今天时,覆盖该value,否则追加hash。使用的是
insert into on conflict
语法,示例如下:-- 设置观看历史行为hash。 insert into t_like ( uid, tagid, w5, w5_mod_time, whole ) values ( 1, -- uid 200, -- 标签ID hll_hash_integer(12346)||hll_empty(), -- 观看过的vid, 多个则继续。 now(), hll_hash_integer(12346)||hll_empty() -- 观看过的vid ) on conflict (uid,tagid) do update set w5= case when date(t_like.w5_mod_time) <> current_date then excluded.w5 else hll_union(coalesce(t_like.w5,hll_empty()), excluded.w5) end, w5_mod_time = excluded.w5_mod_time, whole = hll_union(coalesce(t_like.whole,hll_empty()), excluded.whole) where hll_union(coalesce(t_like.w5,hll_empty()), excluded.w5) <> coalesce(t_like.w5,hll_empty()) or hll_union(coalesce(t_like.whole,hll_empty()), excluded.whole) <> coalesce(t_like.whole,hll_empty()) ;
说明 实际业务中也可以批量合并更新,针对单个用户的单个标签聚合更新,使用hll union降低更新率。 - 查询uid 1最近2天的top 10标签,示例如下:
select tagid, hll_cardinality( hll_union(coalesce(w4,hll_empty()), coalesce(w5,hll_empty())) ) as vids from t_like where uid = 1 order by 2 desc limit 10; tagid | vids -------+------ 200 | 2 (1 row)
- 创建索引,示例如下:
create index idx_t_like_1 on t_like (uid, hll_cardinality( hll_union(coalesce(w4,hll_empty()), coalesce(w5,hll_empty())) ));
- 查看执行计划,示例如下:
postgres=# explain select tagid, hll_cardinality( hll_union(coalesce(w4,hll_empty()), coalesce(w5,hll_empty())) ) as vids from t_like where uid = 1 order by 2 desc limit 10; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=0.11..0.15 rows=1 width=12) -> Index Scan Backward using idx_t_like_1 on t_like (cost=0.11..0.15 rows=1 width=12) Index Cond: (uid = 1) (3 rows)
- 写入几千万数据,进行压力测试,示例如下:
vi test.sql \set uid random(1,50000) \set tagid random(1,5000) \set vid random(1,10000000) insert into t_like ( uid, tagid, w5, w5_mod_time, whole ) values ( :uid, :tagid, hll_hash_integer(:vid)||hll_empty(), now(), hll_hash_integer(:vid)||hll_empty() ) on conflict (uid,tagid) do update set w5= case when date(t_like.w5_mod_time) <> current_date then excluded.w5 else hll_union(coalesce(t_like.w5,hll_empty()), excluded.w5) end, w5_mod_time = excluded.w5_mod_time, whole = hll_union(coalesce(t_like.whole,hll_empty()), excluded.whole) where hll_union(coalesce(t_like.w5,hll_empty()), excluded.w5) <> coalesce(t_like.w5,hll_empty()) or hll_union(coalesce(t_like.whole,hll_empty()), excluded.whole) <> coalesce(t_like.whole,hll_empty()) ; pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -c 32 -j 32 -T 120 -f ./test.sql
transaction type: ./test.sql scaling factor: 1 query mode: prepared number of clients: 32 number of threads: 32 duration: 120 s number of transactions actually processed: 24636321 latency average = 0.156 ms latency stddev = 0.339 ms tps = 205301.110313 (including connections establishing) tps = 205354.851711 (excluding connections establishing) statement latencies in milliseconds: 0.001 \set uid random(1,5000000) 0.001 \set tagid random(1,5000) 0.000 \set vid random(1,10000000) 0.154 insert into t_like (
- 查询某个uid的标签热度排序,示例如下:
postgres=# select tagid, hll_cardinality( hll_union(coalesce(w4,hll_empty()), coalesce(w5,hll_empty())) ) as vids from t_like where uid = 1 order by 2 desc limit 10; tagid | vids -------+------ 200 | 2 1413 | 1 1996 | 1 2642 | 1 3664 | 1 4340 | 1 (6 rows) Time: 0.688 ms
说明 响应时间为0.688毫秒。
- 判断一个歌曲ID(vid)是否在这个hash里面,不精确操作。示例如下:
postgres=# select whole || hll_hash_integer(1) = whole from t_like where uid=1 and tagid=200; -- 返回false表示不包含vid:1。 ?column? ---------- f (1 row) postgres=# select whole || hll_hash_integer(12345) = whole from t_like where uid=1 and tagid=200; -- 返回true表示包含vid:12345。 ?column? ---------- t (1 row)
- 判断一个歌曲ID(vid)是否在这个hash里面,精确操作。建表语句示例如下:
create table t_like_lossless ( uid int, vid int, primary key (uid,vid) );
说明 primary key查询速度非常快。