

This data source provides the DBFS Instances of the current Alibaba Cloud user.

-> NOTE: Available in v1.136.0+.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

data "alicloud_dbfs_instances" "ids" {
  ids = ["example_id"]
output "dbfs_instance_id_1" {
  value =

data "alicloud_dbfs_instances" "nameRegex" {
  name_regex = "^my-Instance"
output "dbfs_instance_id_2" {
  value =

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • ids - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) A list of Instance IDs.
  • name_regex - (Optional, ForceNew) A regex string to filter results by Instance name.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).
  • status - (Optional, ForceNew) Database file system state. Valid values: attached, attaching, creating, deleted, deleting, detaching, resizing, snapshotting, unattached, upgrading.

Argument Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • names - A list of Instance names.
  • instances - A list of DBFS Instances. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • attach_node_number - the number of nodes of the Database file system.
    • category - The type of the Database file system. Valid values: standard.
    • create_time - The create time of the Database file system.
    • dbfs_cluster_id - The cluster ID of the Database file system.
    • ecs_list - The collection of ECS instances mounted to the Database file system.
      • ecs_id - The ID of the ECS instance.
    • enable_raid - Whether to create the Database file system in RAID way. Valid values : true anf false.
    • encryption - Whether to encrypt the Database file system. Valid values: true and false.
    • id - The ID of the Instance.
    • instance_id - The ID of the Database File System
    • instance_name - The name of the Database file system.
    • kms_key_id - The KMS key ID of the Database file system used. This parameter is valid When encryption parameter is set to true.
    • payment_type - Thr payment type of the Database file system. Valid value: PayAsYouGo.
    • performance_level - The performance level of the Database file system. Valid values: PL0, PL1, PL2, PL3.
    • raid_stripe_unit_number - The number of strip . When enable_raid parameter is set to true will transfer. This parameter is valid When enable_raid parameter is set to true.
    • size - The size Of the Database file system. Unit: GiB.
    • status - The status of the Database file system.
    • zone_id - The Zone ID of the Database file system.