参数 | 指标 | 描述 |
Total memory | impala_memory_total_used | 已使用内存。单位:Byte。 |
Total bytes of memory mappings in this process (the virtual memory size) | impala_memory_mapped_bytes | 进程中内存映射的总字节数(虚拟内存大小)。单位:Byte。 |
Resident set size (RSS) of this process, including TCMalloc, buffer pool and Jvm | impala_memory_rss | 进程的常驻集大小(RSS),包括TCMalloc、缓冲池和JVM。单位:Byte。 说明 由于SLS时序库的限制,如果同一小时内监控曲线出现跳变,属于正常现象。详情请参见已写入时序数据,使用PromQL为什么查不到数据?。 |
The number of assignments | impala_simple_scheduler_assignments_total | 作业数。 |
Number of assignments operating on local data | impala_simple_scheduler_local_assignments_total | 本地作业数。 |
Number of senders waiting for receiving fragment to initialize | impala_senders_blocked_on_recvr_creation | 等待接收片段初始化的发送者数量。 |
Total number of senders that have been blocked waiting for receiving fragment to initialize | impala_total_senders_blocked_on_recvr_creation | 已被阻止等待接收片段初始化的发件人总数。 |
Total number of senders that timed-out waiting for receiving fragment to initialize | impala_total_senders_timedout_waiting_for_recvr_creation | 超时等待接收片段初始化的发送者总数。 |
Total number of backends registered with the statestore | impala_cluster_membership_backends_total | 向statestore注册的后端总数。 |
Total number of executor groups that have at least one executor | impala_cluster_membership_executor_groups_total | 至少有一个执行程序的执行程序组总数。 |
Total number of executor groups that are in a healthy state, that is, have at least the configured minimum number of executors to be considered for admission | impala_cluster_membership_executor_groups_total_healthy | 处于健康状态的执行器组总数,即至少具有配置的最小执行器数量以考虑准入。 |
Memtracker ControlService Current Usage Bytes | impala_mem_tracker_ControlService_current_usage_bytes | Memtracker ControlService当前使用字节数。单位:Byte。 |
Memtracker ControlService Peak Usage Bytes | impala_mem_tracker_ControlService_peak_usage_bytes | Memtracker ControlService峰值使用字节数。单位:Byte。 |
Memtracker DataStreamService Current Usage Bytes | impala_mem_tracker_DataStreamService_current_usage_bytes | Memtracker DataStreamService当前使用字节数。单位:Byte。 |
Memtracker DataStreamService Peak Usage Bytes | impala_mem_tracker_DataStreamService_peak_usage_bytes | Memtracker DataStreamService峰值使用字节数。单位:Byte。 |
Service ControlService: Total number of incoming RPCs that were rejected due to overflow of the service queue | impala_rpc_impala_ControlService_rpcs_queue_overflow | Service ControlService:由于服务队列溢出而被拒绝的传入RPC总数。 |
Service DataStreamService: Total number of incoming RPCs that were rejected due to overflow of the service queue | impala_rpc_impala_DataStreamService_rpcs_queue_overflow | Service DataStreamService:由于服务队列溢出而被拒绝的传入RPC总数。 |
The total number of queries that executed on this backend over the life of the process | impala_impala_server_backend_num_queries_executed | 在进程的生命周期内在后端执行的查询总数。 |
The number of queries currently executing on this backend | impala_impala_server_backend_num_queries_executing | 当前在后端上执行的查询数。 |
The total number of hedged reads attempted over the life of the process | impala_impala_server_hedged_read_ops | 在进程生命周期内尝试的对冲读取总数。 |
The total number of times hedged reads were faster than regular read operations | impala_impala_server_hedged_read_ops_win | 对冲读取比常规读取操作快的总次数。 |
The number of HDFS files currently open for writing | impala_impala_server_num_files_open_for_insert | 当前为写入而打开的HDFS文件数。 |
The total number of query fragments processed over the life of the process | impala_impala_server_num_fragments | 在进程生命周期内处理的查询片段总数。 |
The number of query fragment instances currently executing | impala_impala_server_num_fragments_in_flight | 当前正在执行的查询片段实例的数量。 |
The number of open Beeswax sessions | impala_impala_server_num_open_beeswax_sessions | 打开Beeswax会话的数量。 |
The number of open HiveServer2 sessions | impala_impala_server_num_open_hiveserver2_sessions | 打开的HiveServer2会话数。 |
The total number of queries processed over the life of the process | impala_impala_server_num_queries | 在进程生命周期内处理的查询总数。 |
Number of queries expired due to inactivity | impala_impala_server_num_queries_expired | 由于不活动而过期的查询数。 |
The total number of queries registered on this Impala server instance. Includes queries that are in flight and waiting to be closed | impala_impala_server_num_queries_registered | 在Impala服务器实例上注册的查询总数。包括正在进行中并等待关闭的查询。 |
Number of queries for which any operator spilled | impala_impala_server_num_queries_spilled | 任何运算符溢出的查询数。 |
Number of sessions expired due to inactivity | impala_impala_server_num_sessions_expired | 由于不活动而过期的会话数。 |
The total number of scan ranges read over the life of the process that did not have volume metadata | impala_impala_server_scan_ranges_num_missing_volume_id | 在没有卷元数据的进程生命周期内读取的扫描范围总数。 |
The total number of scan ranges read over the life of the process | impala_impala_server_scan_ranges_total | 在进程生命周期内读取的扫描范围总数。 |
Distribution of DDL operation latencies P50 | impala_impala_server_ddl_durations_ms_50th | 50%的DDL操作时延分布。单位:毫秒。 |
Distribution of DDL operation latencies P75 | impala_impala_server_ddl_durations_ms_75th | 75%的DDL操作时延分布。单位:毫秒。 |
Distribution of DDL operation latencies P90 | impala_impala_server_ddl_durations_ms_90th | 90%的DDL操作时延分布。单位:毫秒。 |
Distribution of DDL operation latencies P95 | impala_impala_server_ddl_durations_ms_95th | 95%的DDL操作时延分布。单位:毫秒。 |
Distribution of DDL operation latencies P99 | impala_impala_server_ddl_durations_ms_99_9th | 99%的DDL操作时延分布。单位:毫秒。 |
Distribution of query latencies P50 | impala_impala_server_query_durations_ms_50th | 50%的查询延迟分布。单位:毫秒。 |
Distribution of query latencies P75 | impala_impala_server_query_durations_ms_75th | 75%的查询延迟分布。单位:毫秒。 |
Distribution of query latencies P90 | impala_impala_server_query_durations_ms_90th | 90%的查询延迟分布。单位:毫秒。 |
Distribution of query latencies P95 | impala_impala_server_query_durations_ms_95th | 95%的查询延迟分布。单位:毫秒。 |
Distribution of query latencies P99 | impala_impala_server_query_durations_ms_99_9th | 99%的查询延迟分布。单位:毫秒。 |
Cluster in flight queries | impala_num_in_flight_queries | 集群正在in fight状态的查询数。 |
Cluster executing queries | impala_num_executing_queries | 当前executing的查询数。 |
Cluster waiting queries | impala_num_waiting_queries | 当前waiting的查询数。 |