Left join优化改写为Right join
Left join是实践中常用的一种表关联方式,由于Hash Join实现会以右表做Build,且left Join不会做左右表的重新排序,在右表数据量很大时会造成执行慢、消耗过多内存资源等多个问题。本文以具体示例介绍哪些场景下可以用right join替代left join。
AnalyticDB MySQL版默认使用Hash Join进行表关联。Hash Join在实现时会用右表构建哈希表,该过程会消耗大量资源,由于outer join(包括left join,right join)不同于inner join,从语义上不能交换左右表顺序,因此在右表数据量大的场景下,会出现执行慢、内存资源消耗大的情况,在极端场景下(右表数据量很大)还会影响集群的性能,或执行时直接报错Out of Memory Pool size pre cal。此时,可以使用本章节提供的优化方法来减少资源消耗。
通过修改SQL语句或者加Hint的方式,可以将left join调整为right join,原left join中的左表会变为右表来构建哈希表。这时如果右表过大也会对性能有影响,因此,建议在left join左表较小,右表较大的场景下进行优化。
较小、很大的概念是相对的,和关联列、集群资源等都有关系。在实践中,我们可以通过Explain analyze查看执行计划的相关参数,通过关注PeakMemory、WallTime等参数的变化来判断是否应该使用right join。
通常有以下两种方法可以把left join调整为right join:
a left join b on a.col1 = b.col2
改为b right join a on a.col1 = b.col2
。通过加hint指定优化器根据资源损耗把left join转为right join。这种用法中,优化器会根据左右表的估算大小来决定是否把left join转为right join。使用方法如下:
如下示例中,nation是一个25行的小表,customer是一个15000000行的大表,通过explain analyze
查看一条包含left join的SQL的执行计划。
explain analyze
nation t1
left JOIN customer t2 ON t1.n_nationkey = t2.c_nationkey
可以看到,进行join计算的stage2的计划如下。其中,Left Join这个算子中包含如下信息:
PeakMemory: 515MB (93.68%), WallTime: 4.34s (43.05%)
:PeakMemory的占比高达93.68%,可以判断left join为整个SQL的性能瓶颈。Left (probe) Input avg.: 0.52 rows;Right (build) Input avg.: 312500.00 rows
这种场景下,我们可以将left join转为right join,来优化这条SQL语句。
Fragment 2 [HASH]
Output: 48 rows (432B), PeakMemory: 516MB, WallTime: 6.52us, Input: 15000025 rows (200.27MB); per task: avg.: 2500004.17 std.dev.: 2410891.74
Output layout: [count_0_2]
Output partitioning: SINGLE []
│ Outputs: [count_0_2:bigint]
│ Estimates: {rows: ? (?)}
│ Output: 96 rows (864B), PeakMemory: 96B (0.00%), WallTime: 88.21ms (0.88%)
│ count_2 := count(*)
└─ LEFT Join[(`n_nationkey` = `c_nationkey`)][$hashvalue, $hashvalue_0_4]
│ Outputs: []
│ Estimates: {rows: 15000000 (0B)}
│ Output: 30000000 rows (200.27MB), PeakMemory: 515MB (93.68%), WallTime: 4.34s (43.05%)
│ Left (probe) Input avg.: 0.52 rows, Input std.dev.: 379.96%
│ Right (build) Input avg.: 312500.00 rows, Input std.dev.: 380.00%
│ Distribution: PARTITIONED
├─ RemoteSource[3]
│ Outputs: [n_nationkey:integer, $hashvalue:bigint]
│ Estimates:
│ Output: 25 rows (350B), PeakMemory: 64KB (0.01%), WallTime: 63.63us (0.00%)
│ Input avg.: 0.52 rows, Input std.dev.: 379.96%
└─ LocalExchange[HASH][$hashvalue_0_4] ("c_nationkey")
│ Outputs: [c_nationkey:integer, $hashvalue_0_4:bigint]
│ Estimates: {rows: 15000000 (57.22MB)}
│ Output: 30000000 rows (400.54MB), PeakMemory: 10MB (1.84%), WallTime: 1.81s (17.93%)
└─ RemoteSource[4]
Outputs: [c_nationkey:integer, $hashvalue_0_5:bigint]
Output: 15000000 rows (200.27MB), PeakMemory: 3MB (0.67%), WallTime: 191.32ms (1.90%)
Input avg.: 312500.00 rows, Input std.dev.: 380.00%
通过修改SQL的方式实现left join to right join:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customer t2 right JOIN nation t1 ON t1.n_nationkey = t2.c_nationkey
通过加Hint的方式实现left join to right join:
/*+O_CBO_RULE_SWAP_OUTER_JOIN=true*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nation t1 left JOIN customer t2 ON t1.n_nationkey = t2.c_nationkey
/*+LEFT_TO_RIGHT_ENABLED=true*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nation t1 left JOIN customer t2 ON t1.n_nationkey = t2.c_nationkey
上述任意一种SQL,执行explain analyze
后可以看到,在执行计划中,left Join变为了right Join,可以判断Hint是生效的。并且调整后PeakMemory的值为889 KB (3.31%),从515 MB下降到889 KB,已经不是计算热点。
Fragment 2 [HASH]
Output: 96 rows (864B), PeakMemory: 12MB, WallTime: 4.27us, Input: 15000025 rows (200.27MB); per task: avg.: 2500004.17 std.dev.: 2410891.74
Output layout: [count_0_2]
Output partitioning: SINGLE []
│ Outputs: [count_0_2:bigint]
│ Estimates: {rows: ? (?)}
│ Output: 192 rows (1.69kB), PeakMemory: 456B (0.00%), WallTime: 5.31ms (0.08%)
│ count_2 := count(*)
└─ RIGHT Join[(`c_nationkey` = `n_nationkey`)][$hashvalue, $hashvalue_0_4]
│ Outputs: []
│ Estimates: {rows: 15000000 (0B)}
│ Output: 15000025 rows (350B), PeakMemory: 889KB (3.31%), WallTime: 3.15s (48.66%)
│ Left (probe) Input avg.: 312500.00 rows, Input std.dev.: 380.00%
│ Right (build) Input avg.: 0.52 rows, Input std.dev.: 379.96%
│ Distribution: PARTITIONED
├─ RemoteSource[3]
│ Outputs: [c_nationkey:integer, $hashvalue:bigint]
│ Estimates:
│ Output: 15000000 rows (200.27MB), PeakMemory: 3MB (15.07%), WallTime: 634.81ms (9.81%)
│ Input avg.: 312500.00 rows, Input std.dev.: 380.00%
└─ LocalExchange[HASH][$hashvalue_0_4] ("n_nationkey")
│ Outputs: [n_nationkey:integer, $hashvalue_0_4:bigint]
│ Estimates: {rows: 25 (100B)}
│ Output: 50 rows (700B), PeakMemory: 461KB (1.71%), WallTime: 942.37us (0.01%)
└─ RemoteSource[4]
Outputs: [n_nationkey:integer, $hashvalue_0_5:bigint]
Output: 25 rows (350B), PeakMemory: 64KB (0.24%), WallTime: 76.34us (0.00%)
Input avg.: 0.52 rows, Input std.dev.: 379.96%
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