- 预留实例券支持手动续费和自动续费两种续费方式,详细信息请参见预留实例券续费说明。
- 您可以调用 DescribeReservedInstances 查询已购买的预留实例券。
- 该接口支持开启自动续费,但不支持取消自动续费,您可以通过 ModifyReservedInstanceAutoRenewAttribute 取消自动续费。
您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。
- 操作:是指具体的权限点。
- 访问级别:是指每个操作的访问级别,取值为写入(Write)、读取(Read)或列出(List)。
- 资源类型:是指操作中支持授权的资源类型。具体说明如下:
- 对于必选的资源类型,用前面加 * 表示。
- 对于不支持资源级授权的操作,用
- 条件关键字:是指云产品自身定义的条件关键字。
- 关联操作:是指成功执行操作所需要的其他权限。操作者必须同时具备关联操作的权限,操作才能成功。
操作 | 访问级别 | 资源类型 | 条件关键字 | 关联操作 |
操作 | 访问级别 | 资源类型 | 条件关键字 | 关联操作 |
ecs:RenewReservedInstances | create | *ReservedInstance acs:ecs:{#regionId}:{#accountId}:reservedinstance/{#ReservedInstanceId} |
| 无 |
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
ReservedInstanceId | array | 否 | 预留实例券 ID。 | |
string | 否 | 预留实例券 ID。您可以调用 DescribeReservedInstances 查看已购买的预留实例券。 单次续费的预留实例券数量最多不超过 10 个。 | ecsri-2ze53qonjqxg7r**** | |
RegionId | string | 否 | 预留实例券所属的地域 ID。 您可以调用 DescribeRegions 获取最新的阿里云地域列表。 | cn-hangzhou |
Period | integer | 否 | 购买预留实例券的时长。
默认值:1。 | 1 |
PeriodUnit | string | 否 | 购买预留实例券的时长单位。 取值范围:Year、Month。 默认值:Month。 | Year |
ClientToken | string | 否 | 保证请求幂等性。从您的客户端生成一个参数值,确保不同请求间该参数值唯一。ClientToken 只支持 ASCII 字符,且不能超过 64 个字符。更多信息,请参见如何保证幂等性。 | 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 |
AutoRenew | boolean | 否 | 是否要自动续费。
默认值:false。 | true |
AutoRenewPeriod | integer | 否 | 每次自动续费的时长,单位为月。当参数 AutoRenew 取值为 true 时,该参数才生效。
| 1 |
"RequestId": "8C314443-AF0D-4766-9562-C83B7F1****",
"ReservedInstanceIdSets": {
"ReservedInstanceId": [
"OrderId": "2023912123****"
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | InvalidInstanceType.ValueUnauthorized | The specified InstanceType is not authorized. | 指定的实例规格未授权使用。 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Conflict | The specified region and cluster do not match. | 指定的地域与指定的集群不匹配。 |
400 | InvalidTagKey.Malformed | The specified Tag.n.Key is not valid. | 指定的标签键参数有误。 |
400 | InvalidPeriodUnit.ValueNotSupported | The specified parameter PeriodUnit is not valid. | 参数 PeriodUnit 无效。 |
400 | InvalidTagValue.Malformed | The specified Tag.n.Value is not valid. | 指定的标签值参数有误。 |
400 | InvalidChargeType.ValueNotSupported | ChargeType is not valid. | 该计费方式不支持,请您重新选择计费方式。 |
400 | OperationDenied | The specified InstanceType or Zone is not authorized for current user. | - |
400 | InvalidPeriod | The specified Period or PeriodUnit is not correct. | - |
400 | MissingParameter.ReservedInstanceIds | The specified ReservedInstanceIds does not exist. | - |
400 | InvalidParameter.PeriodUnit | The specified PeriodUnit is invalid. | 指定的PeriodUnit无效 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Period | The specified Period is invalid. | - |
400 | InvalidParameter.ReservedInstanceIds | The specified ReservedInstanceIds is invalid. | - |
400 | InvalidPeriod.ExceededMaximumExpiration | The specified renewal period cannot exceed the maximum expiration date. We recommend you try shortening the renewal period at next attempt. | - |
403 | OperationDenied.NoStock | The requested resource is sold out in the specified zone; try other types of resources or other regions and zones. | 库存不足。 |
403 | OperationDenied | Sales of this resource are temporarily suspended in the specified region; please try again later. | 指定的地域暂时关闭了此资源的售卖,请稍后重试。 |
403 | NodeControllerUnavailable | The Node Controller is temporarily unavailable. | 节点控制器暂不可用。 |
403 | OperationDenied | The resource is out of usage. | 资源库存不足。 |
403 | InvalidParameter.ResourceOwnerAccount | ResourceOwnerAccount is Invalid. | 指定的 ResourceOwnerAccount 不合法。 |
403 | Zone.NotOpen | The specified zone is not granted to you to buy resources yet. | 用户未被授权购买指定的可用区的资源。 |
403 | Zone.NotOnSale | The specified zone is not available for purchase. | 指定可用区已经售罄,请您更换实例规格或者更换地域创建。 |
403 | Account.Arrearage | Your account has been in arrears. | 账户余额不足,请先充值再操作。 |
403 | InvalidReservedInstanceName.Malformed | The specified parameter ReservedInstanceName is invalid. | - |
403 | InvalidParameter.Scope | The specified parameter 'Scope' is invalid. | - |
403 | InvalidReservedInstanceStatus.ValueNotSupported | ReservedInstance status is not supported. | - |
403 | InvalidReservedInstanceOfferingType.ValueNotSupported | The OfferingType is not supported. | - |
403 | InvalidReservedInstanceOfferingClass.ValueNotSupported | The OfferingClass is not supported. | - |
403 | MissingParameter.ZoneId | The specified zoneId should be not empty. | - |
403 | MissingParameter.InstanceType | The instanceType should be not empty. | - |
403 | MissingParameter.ReservedInstanceId | The ids of reservedInstance can not be empty. | - |
403 | MissingParameter.ReservedInstanceConfiguration | The configurations of reservedInstance can not be empty. | - |
403 | InvalidParameter.SplitOrMerge | The Many-to-many of modification is not supported. | - |
403 | MissingParameter.InstanceTypeAndAmountBothEmpty | The instanceType and amount can not be both empty. | - |
403 | InvalidReservedInstancePlatform.ValueNotSupported | The Platform is not supported. | - |
403 | InvalidParameter.ReservedInstanceName | The reservedInstanceName is invalid. | reservedInstanceName字段值不合法 |
403 | InvalidReservedInstanceZone.ValueNotSupported | The zoneId is not exist. | - |
403 | InvalidParameter.ValueNotSupported | The instanceTypeFamily of the instance to be changed must be consistent. | - |
403 | InvalidParameter.ValueNotSupported | The expiration time of the instance to be changed must be consistent. | - |
403 | InvalidParameter.ValueNotSupported | The factor of instanceType is not equal. | - |
403 | InvalidParameter.ValueNotSupported | The offeringClass of instance is not same. | - |
403 | InvalidParameter.ValueNotSupported | The offeringType of instance is not same. | - |
403 | IncorrectInstanceStatus | The status of specified reservedInstance must be active. | 预留实例券状态不正确导致续费失败 |
403 | IncorrectInstanceStatus | The current status of the resource does not support this operation. | 该资源目前的状态不支持此操作。 |
403 | InvalidPlatform.ValueNotSupported | The platform of reservedInstance is invalid. | - |
403 | InvalidScope.ValueNotSupported | The scope of reservedInstance is invalid, The valid value is Zone or Region. | - |
403 | InvalidConfiguration.ValueNotSupported | The modification Configuration should not be empty. | - |
403 | InvalidZoneId.ValueNotSupported | The specified zoneId should be same. | - |
403 | InvalidParameter | The parameter is invalid.Please check it. | - |
403 | InvalidInstanceAmount.ValueNotSupported | The instanceAmount is invalid. | - |
403 | OperationDenied.OnlyModifyName | It is not allowed to modify the ReservedInstanceName only. | 不允许只修改预留实例券的名称。 |
403 | InvalidReservedInstanceId.NotFound | The specified parameter ReservedInstanceId is invalid. | - |
403 | ChargeTypeViolation | The operation is not permitted due to charge type of the instance. | 付费方式不支持该操作,请您检查实例的付费类型是否与该操作冲突。 |
404 | InvalidZoneId.NotFound | The ZoneId provided does not exist in our records. | 指定的可用区 ID 不存在。 |
404 | InvalidZoneId.NotFound | The specified ZoneId does not exist. | 指定的可用区 ID 不存在。 |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. | 内部错误,请重试。 |