

HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述操作
400QuotaNotEnoughQuota not enough in this zone.此区域的配额不足。诊断
400MissingParameterSpecified parameter is missing.缺少指定的参数。诊断
403MissingParameterThe input parameter OwnerId,OwnerAccount that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.操作失败,必传参数 OwnerId 与 OwnerAccount 未传。诊断
403Forbidden.SubUserThe specified action is not available for you.操作失败,权限不足。请更换高权限账户或申请权限。诊断
403Forbidden.RAMUser not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API doesn't support RAM.-诊断
403Forbidden.NotSupportRAMThis action does not support accessed by RAM mode.操作失败,此操作不支持通过 RAM 模式访问。诊断
403Forbidden.RiskControlThis operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.阿里云风控系统禁止此操作。诊断
503ServiceUnavailableThe request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server.由于服务器临时故障,请求失败。诊断
400InsufficientBalanceYour account does not have enough balance.当前账户余额不足,请充值。诊断
400IdempotentParameterMismatchRequest uses a client token in a previous request but is not identical to that request.操作失败,令牌不满足当前的请求操作。诊断
403RealNameAuthenticationErrorYour account has not passed the real-name authentication yet.当前的账号尚未通过实名认证。诊断
500InternalErrorThe request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure.由于某些未知错误、异常或失败,请求处理失败。诊断
404Forbidden.ClusterNotFoundThe specified cluster is not found, so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断
404InvalidDBClusterId.NotFoundThe DBInstanceId provided does not exist in our records.当前的记录中不存在提供的DBClusterId。诊断
404InvalidRegionId.NotFoundThe RegionId provided does not exist in our records.当前的记录中不存在提供的RegionId。诊断
404InvalidZoneId.NotFoundThe ZoneId provided does not exist in our records.当前的记录中不存在ZoneId。诊断
404InvalidStatus.NotFoundThe Status provided does not exist in our records.当前的记录中不存在提供的状态。诊断
404InvalidClusterId.NotFoundThe ClusterId provided does not exist in our records.当前的记录中不存在提供的DBClusterId。诊断
400QuotaExceed.PostpayClusterLiving postpay clusters quota exceeded.-诊断
403Forbidden.NotAdminUserUser not authorized to operate on the specified API as you are not the administrator.操作失败,仅管理员有权限操作该API。诊断
403Forbidden.NotInvitedUserUser not in the invitation list.用户不在邀请列表中。诊断
400ServiceNotSupportedThe specified service is not supported.不支持指定的服务。诊断
403OperationDenied.DBClusterStatusThe operation is not permitted due to status of cluster.PolarDB集群当前状态下不允许执行该操作。诊断
403OperationDenied.DBNodeTypeThe operation is not permitted due to type of node.操作失败,节点类型不允许此操作。诊断
403OperationDenied.LockModeThe operation is not permitted due to lock of cluster.PolarDB集群当前锁定状态下不允许执行该操作。诊断
400InvalidPreferredBackupPeriod.MalformedThe specified parameter PreferredBackupPeriod is not valid.操作失败,数据备份周期(PreferredBackupPeriod)无效。诊断
400InvalidPreferredBackupTime.MalformedThe specified parameter PreferredBackupTime is not valid.操作失败,执行自动备份的时间段( PreferredBackupTime)无效。诊断
403BackupTimesExceededExceeding the daily backup times of this DB cluster.-诊断
403BackupJobExistsA backup job already exists in the specified DB cluster.指定数据库集群中,已存在备份任务,请使用已存在的备份或者删除已有备份重新进行备份作业。诊断
404InvalidBackupSetID.NotFoundSpecified backup set ID does not exist.操作失败,指定的备份集ID不存在。诊断
403IncorrectBackupSetStateCurrent backup set state does not support operations.操作失败,当前备份集状态不支持操作。诊断
403BackupSetDeleteNotSupportCurrent backup set dose not support delete operation.操作失败,当前自动备份集不支持删除操作。诊断
400InvalidStartTime.FormatSpecified start time is not valid.操作失败,指定的开始时间无效。诊断
400InvalidParameterCombinationThe end time must be greater than the start time.结束时间必须大于开始时间诊断
400InvalidEndTime.FormatSpecified end time is not valid.指定的结束时间无效。诊断
404Forbidden.DBNodeClassThe DB cluster provided does not support MPP due to node class.-诊断
404Forbidden.DBNodeNumberThe DB cluster provided does not support MPP due to the readonly node number.-诊断
403OperationDenied.LossDasServiceLinkedRoleThe operation is not permitted due to loss das service linked role.启用存储空间自动扩展前请先创建 DAS 服务关联角色。诊断
403InsufficientResourceCapacityThe resource is out of usage, Please replace with another available zone.节点规格在该可用区资源不足,请更换其他可用区。诊断