
MissingParameterThe input parameter “parameter name” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter “Action or Version” is not valid.400
InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFoundThe Access Key ID provided does not exist in our records.404
IncompleteSignatureThe request signature does not conform to Aliyun standards.400
IllegalTimestampThe input parameter “Timestamp” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.400
InvalidOwnerIdThe specified OwnerId is not valid.400
InvalidOwnerAccountThe specified OwnerAccount is not valid.400
InvalidOwnerOwnerId and OwnerAccount can’t be used at one API access.400
ThrottlingRequest was denied due to request throttling.400
InvalidActionThe specified action is not valid.403
ActionUnauthorizedThe specified action is not available for you403
UnsupportedHTTPMethodThis http method not supported.403
UnsupportedParameterThe parameter ”<parameter name>” is not supported.400
Forbidden.ClusterNotFoundThe specified DB Cluster does not exist.404
Forbidden.RAMThe user is not authorized to operate the specified resource, or this operation does not support RAM.403
Forbidden.NotSupportRAMThis action does not support accessed by RAM mode.403
Forbidden.RiskControlThis operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.403
InsufficientBalanceYour account does not have enough balance.400
Forbidden.AuthenticationThis operation is forbidden by Aliyun Realname Authentication system.403
Invalid<parameter name>.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter “parameter name” is not valid.400
Invalid<parameter name>.MalformedThe specified parameter “parameter name n” is not valid.400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter “ parameter name n “ is not valid.400


InvalidRegionId.NotFoundThe DBClusterId provided does not exist in our records.404
InvalidSecurityIPs.DuplicateThe Security IP address is not in the available range or occupied.400
InvalidSecurityIPsLength.MalformedThe security IP address is beyond the available range or is already used.400
InvalidEngineVersionInRegion.NotAvailableThe EngineVersion in the Region is not available.403
InvaildEngineInRegion.NotAvailableThe Engine in the Region is not available.403
OperationDeniedThe resource is out of usage.403
RegionUnauthorizedThere is no authority to create Cluster in the specified region.403
QuotaExceeded.CreateDBClusterThe quota of create Cluster exceeds.403
InvalidDBClusterId.NotFoundThe specified DBClusterId does not exist.404
OperationDenied.DBClusterStatusThe operation is not permitted due to Cluster status.403
InvalidConnectionStringPrefix.DuplicateThe connection string is not in the available range or occupied.400
QuotaExceeded.SwitchTimeThe quota of switch time exceed.400
OperationDenied.LockModeThe operation is not permitted due to lock of Cluster.403
InvalidSecurityIps.DuplicateThe quota of security ip exceeds.400
OperationDenied.CurrentEngineVersionThe operation is not permitted due to specified current version .400
QuotaExceeded.DBNameThe quota of db exceeds.400
InvalidDBName.DuplicateThe specified DB name is invalid or already exists.400
InvalidParameter.KeywordThe specified DBName is a reserved keyword.400
OperationDenied.DBStatusThe status of the database does not support this operation.403
OperationDenied.DBClusterEngineThe operation is not permitted due to engine of Cluster.403
InvalidDBInfo.MalformedThe specified parameter “DBInfo” is not valid or db not exist.400
OperationDenied.RegionThe operation is not permitted due to different region.403
OperationDenied.EngineThe operation is not permitted due to different engine.403
InvalidTaskId.NotFoundThe ImportId provided does not exist in our records.400
OperationDenied.IncorrectTaskStatusThe operation is not permitted due to status of import.403
InvalidAccountName.keywordThe specified AccountName is a reserved keyword.400
InvalidAccountName.DuplicateThe specified AccountName already exists.400
QuotaExceeded.AccountNameThe quota of account exceeds.403
OperationDenied.AccountStatusThe status of the account does not support this operation.403
InvalidDBName.NotFoundThe specified database does not exist.404
OperationDenied.AccountTypeThe operation is not permitted due to type of account.403
OperationDenied.BackupJobExistsYou cannot perform this operation; a backup job exists.403
OperationDenied.NoDatabaseThe operation is not permitted due to no database.403
InvalidStartTimeAndEndTime.MalformedThe EndTime must be later than or equal to the StartTime.400
OperationDenied.BackupJobExistsYou cannot perform this operation; a backup job exists.403
InvalidBackupId.NotFoundThe BackupId provided does not exist in our records.404
OperationDenied.NotFoundBackupThe operation is not permitted due to no backup.403
OperationDenied.BackupStatusThe operation is not permitted due to type of backup.403
OperationDenied.BackupMethodThe operation is not permitted method of backup.403
Forbidden.AuthenticationThe operation is forbidden by Aliyun Realname Authentication System.403
IncorrecttVpcId.MismatchThe specified parameter “VpcId “ is not valid.400
IntranetNetTypeNotExistsCurrent DB Cluster net type does not support this operation.404
InvalidDBCluster.NotFoundThe DBClusterId provided does not exist in our records.403
InvalidConnectionString.Duplicate Specifiedconnection string or port want to be modified is the same with current net type.400
InvalidConnectionStringPrefix.DuplicatedThe specified connection string already exists.403
InvalidCurrentConnectionString.NotFoundSpecified current connection string doesn’t exist.400
InvalidDBClusterId.NotFoundThe specified DBClusterId does not exist.400
InvalidDBClusterNetType.NotFoundThe Specified DB Cluster net type is not found.404
InvalidEngineVersion.MalformedThe specified parameter “EngineVersion” is not valid.400
InvalidClusterNetworkType.ValueNotSupportedThe specified parameter “ClusterNetworkType” is not valid.400
InvalidPort.MalformedSpecified port is not valid.400
InvalidPrivateIpAddress.DuplicatedSpecified private IP address is duplicated.400
InvalidPrivateIpAddress.MismatchSpecified private IP address is not in the CIDR block of virtual switch.400
InvalidVPCId.NotFoundThe specified connection string or port does not match the current network type.400
InvalidVSwitchId.MismatchSpecified Cluster and virtual switch are not in the same zone.400
InvalidVSwitchId.NotFoundSpecified virtual switch is not found in specified VPC.400
NetTypeExistsSpecified net type already existed.400
NetTypeExistsSpecified public net type already existed.403
OperationDenied.DBClusterNetTypeThe network type of the specified Cluster does not support this operation.403
OperationDenied.LockModeThe Cluster is locked.403
OperationDeniedThe requested resource is sold out in the specified zone; try other types of resources or other regions and zones.403
OperationDeniedThe vpc cloudClusterIp is use, please check params.406
OperationDeniedThe vpc service is error, please check params.400
PublicConnectionExistsPublicConnection exists.403
IncorrectDBClusterStateCurrentDB Cluster state does not support this operation.403
IncorrectDBClusterLockModeCurrentDB Cluster lock mode does not support this operation.400
EngineVersionNotSupportedEngineVersion specified cannot be replicate with the source DB Cluster.400
EngineNotSupportedEngine specified cannot be supported the operation..400