- 常见退信报错和解决方法
- 阿里邮箱网页端发信常见报错
- 如何配置域名的SPF解析以避免退信
- 因未配置SPF、DKIM、DMARC等邮箱协议导致的退信
- 收到系统退信地址的退信邮件
- 退信提示:发件人地址错误
- 退信提示:您的邮箱账号被管理员设置为禁止向外域发信,导致邮件被系统退回
- 退信提示:该邮件未通过审核
- 退信提示:454 Transient reject by behaviour spam
- 退信提示:554 Reject by behaviour spam
- 退信提示:spamed by local spam engine
- 发信报错:发送频率过高或其他未知错误,请您稍后再试
- 退信提示:Frequency of sending is controlled
- 退信提示:too frequently sending
- 退信提示:the mta server of ... reply
- 因空间满导致阿里邮箱无法接收邮件的处理方法
- 退信提示:550 mailbox is full
- 退信提示:526 Authentication failure
- 退信提示:501 "MAIL FROM" is non-local account
- 退信提示:502 Mailfrom account is a local account
- 退信提示:503 RCPT account isn't a local account
- 退信提示:554 reject by content spam
- 退信提示:542 This account isn't allowed to receive email
- 退信提示:552 Message size exceeds fixed limit/Message too large
- 退信提示:552 Error: content rejected/553 Mail data refused