我们的产品目标,是在合规的情况下让阿里云上的 Salesforce 与全球其他地方的 Salesforce 尽可能保持一致。本文档是对当前时间点产品差异化的描述,并将不断迭代更新。
阿里云上的 Salesforce 目前提供三个版本:CN Unlimited Edition(CN无限版,简称为CN UE)、CN Enterprise Edition(CN企业版,简称为CN EE) 和 CN Developer Edition(CN研发版,简称CN DE)。其中,CN无限版广泛应用于各行业客户的业务与生产,涵盖销售、服务及其结合的三大核心云模块,为企业提供全面的客户关系管理工具,CN企业版专为中国市场量身定制,以更具竞争力的价格和功能,满足复杂业务的需求,CN研发版则为阿里云上的 Salesforce ISV 合作伙伴提供研发测试租户环境。CN版本具有与全球版相同的限额(如存储和 API等),但一些限制传输或需要额外网络设计和连接的功能,默认关闭。此外,部分功能取决于产品路线图,可能会在未来版本中推出。与全球其他地区的 Salesforce CRM 一样,阿里云上的 Salesforce CRM 也遵循每年三次的主要发布时间表。
阿里云上的Salesforce CRM Spring'25春季版发布说明
本文是对阿里云上的Salesforce 核心 CRM Spring'25 春季版的更新总结,与中国以外版本的公开更新公告进行对比。
对于Salesforce整体,常规增强功能部分适用于阿里云上的Salesforce,但Einstein Search、Salesforce Data Pipelines、Salesforce Archive 、Trust Site Enhancements 以及所有 Einstein 相关更新均不适用。
我们在 Spring'25春季版中:
1)正式发布了 Salesforce Scheduler;
2)并以邀测形式提供 Loyalty Management 的预览发布(暂不提供产品支持)。
Salesforce Scheduler - CN |
Salesforce Scheduler - Additional Appointments (1000/month) - CN |
Additional 20 Objects for Customer Community - CN |
Additional 20 Objects for Customer Community Plus - CN |
Additional 20 Objects for Partner Community - CN |
Additional 20 Objects for Partner Relationship Management - CN |
Public Communities Page Views (1 million/month) - CN |
Salesforce Integration User License - CN |
Unlimited Apps Pack - CN |
Unlimited Platform Subscription - CN |
发布说明部分 | 针对阿里云上的Salesforce 的评论与说明 | 说明 |
发布说明部分 | 针对阿里云上的Salesforce 的评论与说明 | 说明 |
Trailblazer Community、Feedback Forms 和 X 均不适用于阿里云上的Salesforce。 | 本发布说明对增强功能和新功能进行了简短描述。包括设置信息、入门技巧,以确保您持续取得成功的最佳实践。 | |
| 阅读发布说明是发布准备中的重要一步。这些资源可帮助您和您的用户为即将发布的版本内容做好准备,我们会在整个发布过程中添加新资源,敬请关注。 | |
在当前的发布说明中,月度更新说明针对的是 Einstein 功能,该功能目前不适用于阿里云的Salesforce。 | 对于某些产品,Salesforce 会以超过每年三次的频率发布功能和相关增强能力。您可以在最多每月一次的发布说明中了解新增功能并阅读有关这些功能的更多信息。 | |
常规增强功能部分适用于阿里云上的Salesforce,但Einstein Search、Salesforce Data Pipelines、Salesforce Archive 、Trust Site Enhancements 等所有 Einstein 相关更新均不适用,以及其他在本文档中提及的差异点。 | 请查阅发布说明中的最新内容。 | |
CRM Analytics 和 Classic UI 在阿里云上的Salesforce 不可用。 | Spring'25春季版的某些功能在发布上线后会立即对所有用户生效。请考虑提前将这些更改告知您的用户,以便他们做好准备。其它功能需要管理员直接操作,用户才能使用新功能。 | |
Lightning Experience 支持的浏览器和对设备要求是相同的。 | 根据您使用的是 Salesforce Classic 还是 Lightning Experience,Salesforce 支持的浏览器版本会有所不同。 | |
常规增强功能和 Lightning Console 适用于阿里云上的Salesforce。 Salesforce Lightning Design System Version 2(SLDS V2)已启用常规增强功能,且处于公开测试阶段。客户可以通过联系阿里云产品技术支持服务来请求在其实例中启用 SLDS V2。 Salesforce Scheduler 付款集成、Einstein Search、Salesforce Data Pipelines 不适用于阿里云上的Salesforce。 | 了解对您使用 Salesforce 的整体体验具有影响力的新功能和增强功能。 | |
| Salesforce 定期提供版本更新,以改进我们产品的性能、逻辑、安全性和可用性。“版本更新”页面提供了一个更新列表,这些更新可能是您的组织启用所需的功能。某些版本更新会影响现有的自定义内容。 | |
Lightning Reports and Dashboards 适用于阿里云上的Salesforce。 | Analytics 的增强功能包括 Lightning reports and dashboards、Data Cloud reports and dashboards、CRM Analytics、Intelligent apps 和 Tableau 的新增和更新功能。 | |
本节不适用于阿里云上的Salesforce。 | Commerce 通过简化的产品导入和配置、商店品牌化和翻译功能,让您的商店更快地启动和运行。通过引人入胜的商店页面、灵活的搜索选项和改进的结账流程,提高客户的转化率并提升购物体验。使用易于配置的促销和优惠券、可自定义的消息以及新的 Orders Dashboard 帮助您分析和适应客户趋势,让客户不断回流。 | |
“General Setup”(常规设置)中的代理快捷操作不适用于阿里云上的Salesforce。 | 通过列表视图和相关列表的增强功能,使您能够按多列排序,轻松管理角色和权限集,更高效地工作。 可通过摘要管理权限集组中所包含的权限集。 | |
本节不适用于阿里云上的Salesforce。 | 使用 Data Cloud 采集、协调、统一和分析流式数据和批量数据。然后使用这些数据在 Customer 360 应用程序及其他程序解锁有意义的智能体验。 | |
AppExchange Partners 和 Event Bus不适用于阿里云上的Salesforce。 | 无论您是使用 Lightning 组件、Visualforce、Apex 还是结合您喜欢的编程语言使用 Salesforce API,这些增强功能都可以帮助您开发出色的应用程序、集成和软件包,以便转售给其他组织。 | |
本节不适用于阿里云上的Salesforce。 | 使用预测性和生成式AI,增强您的员工效率。 | |
除了 Mobile Publisher (Mobile for Experience Cloud)外,该部分应该适用于阿里云上的Salesforce。 | 增强型 LWR 站点现已正式发布。 您可以创建增强型 LWR 站点和 CMS 工作区,或将现有站点升级到增强型框架。您还可以自定义站点 URL,移除末尾的 /s 。在安全性更新方面,您可以在内容安全提供程序处于严格模式时使用受信任的站点,切换到 Salesforce CDN 的单域证书,并享受身份验证体验的改进。您还可以将您的 Aura 记录组件升级到 LWR 框架,以获得更出色的性能和样式,并通过将 LWR 站点中的文件链接到 Salesforce,在应用程序之间提供无缝体验。 | |
本节不适用于阿里云上的Salesforce。 | 查看 Field Service 的最新功能,帮助你的团队提升绩效和客户服务。 | |
本节不适用于阿里云上的Salesforce。 |
| |
阿里云上的 Salesforce 仅支持 Industries Common Features、Health Cloud 和 Loyalty Management。 | Salesforce 推出了一系列增强功能,以简化各行业的运营并提高生产力。
| |
这些功能在中国不可用。 | Salesforce 提供三种营销产品:Account Engagement(原名 Pardot)、Engagement(原名 Marketing Cloud)以及 Marketing Cloud Growth and Advanced 版本。 | |
此版本说明概述不涉及 Mulesoft。 | 使用 MuleSoft Anypoint Platform 产品套件,连接和集成企业中的应用程序、系统和数据。 您可以通过点击而非代码来构建和自动化流程,从而简化操作。您还可以设计、开发、管理和共享 API 和集成应用程序,并将其托管在云端或本地。 | |
| ||
OmniStudio Designer 将在 patch 版本中提供给 Health Cloud,预览 Sandbox 尚不可用。 | 我们对 Omnistudio 进行了更新,采用了 Salesforce Lightning Design System 2 (SLDS 2) 模板,为您带来焕然一新的用户界面。现在,Experience Cloud 中的访客用户默认启用 OmniAnalytics 功能。您可以访问客户保存的会话信息,在您的站点上创建更具上下文关联的沟通。除了提升易用性之外,我们还进行了一些翻译、辅助功能、安全性和部署方面的更新。 | |
Salesforce Contracts 与 Office365 的文档生成功能在阿里云上的Salesforce 不可用。 |
| |
Agentforce for Sales、Sales Cloud Go、Einstein Conversation Insights、Sales Engagement、Salesforce Inbox 和 Sales Cloud Everywhere 在阿里云上的Salesforce均不可用。 |
| |
Salesforce CMS 暂不适用于阿里云上的Salesforce。 | 您可以使用内容分类法对 CMS 内容进行分类,然后标记内容以创建动态集合,克隆内容并将其保存到共享工作区,您还可以将任何 CMS 工作区中的内容交付到任何公共或受限频道,并从增强型 CMS 工作区中移除更多类型的频道。 | |
MuleSoft Composer for Salesforce 在阿里云上的Salesforce 不可用。MuleSoft for Flow 尚未在阿里云上的Salesforce 进行验证。 | 您可以使用 Flow Builder 和 Flow Orchestration 构建智能工作流,使用自动化审批构建审批流程,您还可以使用 Flow Integration 集成任何系统。 | |
本节不适用于阿里云上的Salesforce。 | 使用 Slack 和 Salesforce 协同工作,随时随地与客户联系、跟踪进度、无缝协作并实现团队成功。 | |
| |
Agentforce for Service Cloud、Einstein for Service、Service Data Kit、Service Insights、Channels、Routing 和Customer Experience Intelligence 在阿里云上的Salesforce 均不可用。 | 现在您可以一键获取 Case Resolution 协助(已正式发布),监控 Agentforce 服务代理与客户之间的实时对话,还可以将 Knowledge 与 Data Cloud 集成。 | |
本节不适用于阿里云上的Salesforce。 | 为您的企业、员工和设施做好准备,并使用 Work.com 中的应用程序和服务应对重大事件。 | |
本节不适用于阿里云上的Salesforce。 | 获取有关这些新功能的最新信息。 | |
阿里云上的Salesforce 的所有法律文档均来自阿里云法律团队,并不包含在这些链接中。 | 我们对 Salesforce 法律文档进行了季度的更新。 |
Important Notice
Our product goal is to keep Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud be identical to rest of the world when compliance permits, this document is a description of the current point in time and will evolve in the future.
Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud offers three editions: CN Unlimited Edition (CN UE), CN Enterprise Edition (CN EE), and CN Developer Edition (CN DE). CN Unlimited Edition is widely used across various industries for business and production, covering the three core cloud modules of sales and service, along with their integration, thus providing enterprises with comprehensive customer relationship management tools. CN Enterprise Edition is tailored specifically for the Chinese market, offering more competitive pricing and features to meet the needs of complex businesses. CN Developer Edition provides a development and testing environment for ISV partners of Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud. CN editions has the same limits as Salesforce global versions (such as storage and API etc.), some features that are restricted from transfer, or require additional network design and connections are turned off by default. Some features are subject to our product roadmap and will be made available in future releases. Like Salesforce CRM in other global regions, Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud follows same 3 times per year major release schedule.
Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud CRM Spring'25 Release Notes
This is a review of the features for the Spring 25 Release of Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud, in comparison to the public release notes for the versions outside of China.
For Salesforce Overall, General Enhancements are partially applicable to Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud, but Einstein Search, Salesforce Data Pipelines, Salesforce Archive, Trust Site Enhancements and all Einstein related updates are not applicable to Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud.
Spring'25 Product Update
In the Spring 25 release:
1). Salesforce Scheduler is officially released.
2). Loyalty Management is in limited preview by invitation only (the features are currently being tested and do not have production support).
Key Products for Spring'25
Salesforce Scheduler - CN |
Salesforce Scheduler - Additional Appointments (1000/month) - CN |
Additional 20 Objects for Customer Community - CN |
Additional 20 Objects for Customer Community Plus - CN |
Additional 20 Objects for Partner Community - CN |
Additional 20 Objects for Partner Relationship Management - CN |
Public Communities Page Views (1 million/month) - CN |
Salesforce Integration User License - CN |
Unlimited Apps Pack - CN |
Unlimited Platform Subscription - CN |
Release Notes Overview
Release Notes Section | Comments and Notes for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud | Description |
Release Notes Section | Comments and Notes for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud | Description |
Trailblazer Community, Feedback Forms, and X do not apply to Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud. | The release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of enhancements and new features. We include setup information, tips to help you get started, and best practices to ensure your continued success. | |
Release Dates are not identical for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud. Salesforce Certifications do not cover the differences for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud. Release Readiness Essentials: Some of this information may be similar, but the materials are not designed for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud. Dates can and will vary, and the tools and calculators will not work for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud instances. | Reading the release notes is a great step in preparing for the release. These other resources help get you and your users ready for what’s coming your way. We add resources throughout the release when they become available, so check back often. | |
In the current release notes, the monthly updates are for Einstein features that are not present for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud. | For some products, Salesforce releases features and enhancements more frequently than three times per year. Find out what's new and read more about these features, as often as monthly, in the seasonal release notes. | |
General Enhancements are partially applicable to Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud, but Einstein Search, Salesforce Data Pipelines, Salesforce Archive, Trust Site Enhancements and all Einstein related updates are not applicable to Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud, along with other differences mentioned in this document. | Read about changes to the release notes, with the most recent changes first. | |
CRM Analytics and the Classic UI are not enabled for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud. | Some features in Spring'25 affect all users immediately after the release goes live. Consider communicating these changes to your users beforehand so that they’re prepared. Other features require direct action by an administrator before users can benefit from the new functionality. | |
Supported Browsers and Devices for Lightning Experience is the same. | Supported browsers for Salesforce vary depending on whether you use Salesforce Classic or Lightning Experience. | |
General Enhancements and Lightning Console is applicable. Within General Enhancements, Salesforce Lightning Design System Version 2 (SLDS V2) is available in open beta. Customers may request SLDS V2 to be enabled in their instances by contacting product technical support service on Alibaba Cloud. Salesforce Scheduler payments integration is not applicable. Einstein Search doesn't apply. Salesforce Data Pipelines doesn't apply. | Learn about new features and enhancements that affect your Salesforce experience overall. | |
Allow the Required Domain for Maps and Location Services: Google Maps and Location Services aren't supported. Prepare for Upcoming Restrictions on Salesforce Cookie Use: The setup domain is different for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud (https://{DOMAIN}.setup.sfcrmproducts.cn, where {DOMAIN} is your My Domain setting). | Salesforce periodically provides release updates that improve the performance, logic, security, and usability of our products. The Release Updates page provides a list of updates that can be necessary for your organization to enable. Some release updates affect existing customizations. | |
Lightning Reports and Dashboards apply to Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud. | Analytics enhancements include new and updated features for Lightning reports and dashboards, Data Cloud reports and dashboards, CRM Analytics, Intelligent apps, and Tableau. | |
This section does not apply to Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud. | Get your store up and running faster with simplified product import and configuration, store branding, and translation features. Boost conversions and elevate the shopping experience with engaging store pages, flexible search options, and an improved checkout flow. Keep customers coming back with easy-to-configure promotions and coupons, customizable messages, and the new Orders Dashboard that helps you analyze and adapt to customer trends. | |
The agent quick actions in General Setup does not apply. | Sort by multiple columns, easily manage roles and permission sets, and work more efficiently thanks to enhancements to list views and related lists. Manage included permission sets in permission set groups via summaries. | |
This section does not apply. | Ingest, harmonize, unify, and analyze streaming and batch data with Data Cloud. Then use that data to unlock meaningful and intelligent experiences across Customer 360 applications and beyond. | |
AppExchange Partners and Event Bus do not apply. | Whether you're using Lightning components, Visualforce, Apex, or Salesforce APIs with your favorite programming language, these enhancements help you develop amazing applications, integrations, and packages for resale to other organizations. | |
This section does not apply. | Supercharge your workforce efficiency with predictive and generative AI. | |
The section should apply, except for Mobile Publisher (Mobile for Experience Cloud). | Enhanced LWR sites are now generally available. Create enhanced LWR sites and CMS workspaces, or upgrade existing sites to the enhanced framework. You can also customize your site URLs to remove the /s at the end. In security updates, use trusted sites while the content security provider is in strict mode, switch to single domain certificates for Salesforce CDN, and enjoy improvements to the identity experience. Upgrade your Aura record components to the LWR framework to see improved performance and style, and provide a seamless experience between apps by linking files from your LWR site to Salesforce. | |
This section does not apply. | See what's new in Field Service to help your team deliver on performance and customer service. | |
This section does not apply. | Hyperforce is now available in more regions, including Israel and Osaka, Japan, expanding global data residency options. Hyperforce Assistant's instructions for automated pre-upgrade checks are clearer. Access to Hyperforce outbound IP addresses has been made more convenient. Hyperforce Premium products offer new capabilities. Out of Region Disaster Recovery provides additional data protection and business continuity. The Scale Test feature allows for high-traffic scenario simulations in sandbox environments. The Swiss Operating Zone offers a new avenue to address Swiss data residency requirements. | |
Only Industries Common Features, Health Cloud, and Loyalty Management are present for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud. | Salesforce introduces a range of enhancements to streamline operations and improve productivity across industries. Einstein Generative AI simplifies daily tasks across various sectors, including clean energy program suggestions in Energy and Utilities Cloud and benefit applicant household overviews in Public Sector Solutions. Asset Management helps streamline inventory processes and orchestrate real-time actions on assets. Automotive Cloud simplifies vehicle appraisals and loan negotiations, while Consumer Goods Cloud enhances field operations with advanced geofencing and VS Code-based app customization. Financial Services Cloud brings significant enhancements to business relationship plans, portfolio management, and wealth management, and Global Promotions Management introduces coupon codes and milestone-based promotions. Health Cloud improves financial management, scheduling, provider searches, and request processing, and Life Sciences Cloud streamlines pharmacy benefits verification and enrollments in financial assistance programs. Manufacturing Cloud enhances run-rate business with revenue management features, while Net Zero Cloud aligns disclosures and compliance workflows with CSRD guidelines. Salesforce for Education drives student engagement with Agentforce. We also bring exciting changes in Insurance, Media Cloud, Nonprofit Cloud, Communications Cloud, and other industry-specific features. | |
These features are not present in China. | Salesforce offers three marketing products: Account Engagement (formerly known as Pardot), Engagement (formerly known as Marketing Cloud), and Marketing Cloud Growth and Advanced editions. | |
Mulesoft is not addressed for this release notes overview. | Use the MuleSoft Anypoint Platform suite of products to connect and integrate apps, systems, and data across your enterprise. Streamline operations by building and automating processes with clicks instead of code. You can design, develop, govern, and share APIs and integration apps and host them in the cloud or on-premises. | |
Mobile publisher and Mobile Offline are not available in Alibaba Cloud. Therefore Biometric and Validate Mobile Lighting web components with ESLint Rules are not relevant. The Mobile App is only available in the Apple China App Store for iOS, and will only connect to Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud tenants. | ||
OmniStudio Designer will be available for Health Cloud in a patch release, and is not yet available for preview Sandboxes. | Use Omnistudio with the Salesforce Lightning Design System 2 (SLDS 2) template for a refreshed user interface. OmniAnalytics is now enabled for guest users on Experience Cloud by default. Access customers' saved session information to create context-driven communications on your sites. In addition to improving usability, we made a few translation, accessibility, security, and deployment updates. | |
Salesforce Contracts document generation with Office365 is not available. | Quickly create products by using Deep Clone. Speed up product discovery through faceted search and partial indexing. Improve Salesforce Pricing by using tools for accurate discounts, troubleshooting, pricing recipes, and optimal strategies. Save and reuse configurations. Use streamlined rules and dynamic configurations to design bundles faster. Support large, complex deals through robust quoting, ordering, contracting, and approvals. Manage usage-based products through usage modeling, rate management, and consumption tracking. Integrate Microsoft 365 with Salesforce Contracts to streamline reviews, configure file formats, enhance workflows, and extract data from images by using multimodal processing. With Dynamic Revenue Orchestrator, streamline order processing, automate tasks, track fulfillment changes, and manage ramp deal orders. Customize and optimize billing by using flexible invoice schedules, PDF generation, error reduction, multi-currency support, and automated journal entries. | |
Agentforce for Sales, Sales Cloud Go, Einstein Conversation Insights, Sales Engagement, and Salesforce Inbox are not available. Sales Cloud Everywhere is not supported for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud. | Boost your sales teams' results with new features across Sales Cloud. Help your account teams collaborate, strategize, and succeed with more efficiency and accountability with enhancements to Account Plans. Manually upload video recordings to Einstein Conversation Insights to get key insights and action items for meetings from external sources. Forecast your consumption-based business. Customize the mobile app with Mobile Builder for Seller-Focused Experience. And plan quotas that reflect ramp-up time and seasonal sales patterns in Quota Planning. | |
Salesforce CMS is not currently supported. | Classify CMS content with content taxonomy, then tag content to create dynamic collections. Clone content and save it to a shared workspace. Deliver content from any CMS workspace to any public or restricted channel, and remove more types of channels from enhanced CMS workspaces. | |
MuleSoft Composer for Salesforce is not available for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud. MuleSoft for Flow has not been validated for use on Alibaba Cloud. | Compose intelligent workflows with Flow Builder and Flow Orchestration. Build approval orchestrations with automated approvals. Integrate across any system with Flow Integration. | |
This section does not apply. | Use Slack and Salesforce together to connect with customers, track progress, collaborate seamlessly, and deliver team success from anywhere. | |
Log In with Email button on login.salesforce.com does not apply. Privacy Center, Policy Center, and Security Center are not available for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud. Cache-only keys for Platform Encryption are not available for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud. | Log in to Salesforce with your email address with the Log In with Email button on login.salesforce.com. Deliver convenient login experiences with headless user discovery. Use an external client apps to configure Salesforce as a SAML single sign-on identity provider. Use external auth identity providers to centralize your OAuth configurations for outbound callouts under named credentials. Define more HTTP status codes to refresh access tokens. Monitor details of Transaction Security Policy triggering events, and keep tabs on key certificate information. Monitor transactional database tenant secrets. To adopt the latest content security policy directives via a new release update, update your trusted URLs. A release update ends redirections for legacy host names in production and demo orgs, and another. | |
Agentforce for Service Cloud, Einstein for Service, Service Data Kit, Service Insights, Channels, Routing, and Customer Experience Intelligence are not available. | Get Case Resolution Assistance at the Click of a Button (Generally Available). Monitor Real-time Conversations Between Agentforce Service Agents and Customers. Integrate Knowledge with Data Cloud. | |
This section does not apply. | Prepare your business, employees, and facilities. Respond to major events with the apps and services in Work.com. | |
This section does not apply. | Get the latest information on these new features. | |
All Legal Documentation for Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud comes from the Alibaba Cloud legal team, and is not included in these links. | We made seasonal updates to Salesforce Legal Documents. |
- 本页导读 (0)
- 重要提示
- 阿里云上的Salesforce CRM Spring'25春季版发布说明
- Spring'25春季版产品更新
- 发布说明概述
- Important Notice
- Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud CRM Spring'25 Release Notes
- Spring'25 Product Update
- Release Notes Overview