阿里云上的Salesforce Winter'25冬季增强版 - 新产品介绍

Analytics - 5 Additional Dynamic Dashboards(正式发布)

  • 描述:包含额外的 5 个动态仪表板。允许客户增加对动态仪表板的使用,并推广一套共享的关键绩效指标 (KPI)。每个额外的动态仪表板都允许客户以最小的管理负担衡量和管理其业务的另一个领域。

  • 用途:Salesforce 的不同版本都带有相同数量的动态仪表板。此 SKU增加了 5 个动态仪表板配额(将限制提高了 5 个)。

Lightning Platform Custom Object Pack - CN(正式发布)

  • 描述:适用于企业版 (CN EE),为 CN EE Org 增加了平台自定义对象的限额。

  • 用途:主要面向只需要在 Org 中支持最多 2000 个自定义对象的 EE Org User。

  • 注意:对于被 Contractual Limit 限制仅能使用 10 或 110 个自定义对象的 Platform User,此 SKU 可支持该类用户访问 2000 个自定义对象。

Loyalty Management Advanced - UE - CN(Pilot 发布)


Salesforce Loyalty Management 借助 Salesforce Platform的强大功能,让您可以创建统一的跨行业B2BB2C忠诚度计划,从而提高客户参与度与终身价值。通过等级、积分等多种会员权益方案,打造会员计划基础,有效管理会员并创造独特的会员体验。image.png










以下 Trailhead 模块提供了对 Salesforce 上 Loyalty Management 的基本理解

Scheduler(Pilot 发布)


Scheduler 有两个 SKU:

  • Salesforce Scheduler - CN

  • Salesforce Scheduler - Additional Appointments (1000/month) - CN

Lightning Scheduler 提供了精准的日程安排体验,简化客户预约流程,并通过安排与合适人员在特定时间和地点的预约,帮助用户利用每一个表达出的兴趣。

1) 安排客户与合适的资源在合适的时间和地点进行预约,以利用每一个表达出的兴趣并提供个性化的客户体验。

2) 将日程安排嵌入到标准 Salesforce 工作流程(例如线索和推荐、商机和个案管理)中,从而简化流程。

3) 通过报告、分析和智能洞察来获取预约的可见性,使我们的客户能够更有效地分配资源并更好地满足客户的需求。



Lightning Scheduler 仅在企业版和无限版中作为“附加”功能 SKU提供(请注意,该产品在各版本中的定价是相同的)。Lightning Scheduler 许可证(PSL)仅供需要安排日程预约的用户使用。用户必须先具备以下用户许可证之一:

  • Sales Cloud

  • Service Cloud

  • Sales & Service Cloud

  • Health Cloud

  • Communities (Customer Community, Login 和 Plus; Partner Community, Login 和 Plus)

    • Lightning Scheduler PSL 可以分配给 Communities 用户,这将允许 Communities 用户通过 Lightning Scheduler 安排预约。换句话说:Community 用户可作为可被安排的资源,但 Community 用户无法通过 Community 直接安排预约。

  • 请注意:Lightning Scheduler PSL 将不会作为 Salesforce Platform 许可证用户的附加组件提供。

谁需要 Lightning Scheduler 许可证?

Lightning Scheduler 许可证 (PSL) 仅供需要被安排预约的用户使用。代表他人安排预约但自身不需要被安排的用户(如Call Center Agents等),无需额外许可证即可使用 Lightning Scheduler。

Lightning Scheduler 服务于哪些业务场景?

Lightning Scheduler 可用于客户需要安排专业人员的业务场景(通常在专业人员所在地),例如银行的贷款专员、沙龙的发型师、诊所的医生等。此外,虚拟/远程会议也非常适合 Lightning Scheduler 的功能。


  • 8 小时的 Trailhead trail 课程,其中包含多个模块:使用 Salesforce Scheduler 预约,可帮助您了解如何设置和使用 Salesforce Scheduler 进行客户预约。

  • 另一个同样有用的 trail 课程:规划 Salesforce Scheduler 实施,可帮助您了解各个行业如何使用 Salesforce Scheduler,并探索其对象如何协同工作。

Analytics - 5 Additional Dynamic Dashboards(General Available)

  • Description: Includes an additional 5 Dynamic Dashboards. Allows customers to increase their use of dynamic dashboards and roll out a shared set of key performance indicators (KPI). Each additional Dynamic Dashboard lets a customer measure and manage an additional area of its business with minimal administrative burden.

  • Purpose: Salesforce editions come with a fixed number of dynamic dashboards. This SKU adds an additional 5 dynamic dashboards to the allocation (it raises the limit by 5). 

Lightning Platform Custom Object Pack - CN(General Available)

  • Description: Available with CN Enterprise Edition(CN EE). This product provides CN UE custom object platform limits to CN EE Orgs.

  • Purpose: Mainly, for customers in EE orgs that only need to support up to 2000 custom objects in the org.

  • Note: It has been used to enable Platform users who were contractually limited to 10 or 110 custom objects to access 2000 custom objects.

Loyalty Management Advanced - UE - CN(Pilot)


Salesforce Loyalty Management enables you to use the power of the Salesforce Platform to create unified, cross-industry B2B and B2C loyalty programs that increase customer engagement and lifetime value. Lay the program foundation using tiers, currencies, and more while managing membership and creating unique member experiences.image.png

Member Management

Managing members involves enrolling them in loyalty programs, keeping their details up to date, and other tasks. You can enroll individual and corporate members in your loyalty programs. You can also create a group and add members to the group so that they can pool their points to one account. Finally, you can record details of a member’s activities and the points earned or burned from those activities in transaction journals.

Program Setup

Design, organize, and customize different aspects of the loyalty programs. Create a loyalty program with tier groups, tiers, currencies, attributes, and widgets. Give customers more choice by incorporating partners in your loyalty program ecosystem. With partners, customers can earn or redeem points when they purchase a partner’s products or services.

Loyalty Experiences

Associate member benefits with a loyalty program tier to keep customers hooked to your program. When a loyalty program member reaches the tier, the benefits are automatically assigned to the member.

Reward customers for their activities with vouchers that offer discounts on a product or service or a free product or service.

Assign member badges to recognize member milestones or other specific activities.

Technical Readiness

These Trailhead modules provide a basic understanding of Loyalty Management on Salesforce:



There are two SKUs for Scheduler:

  • Salesforce Scheduler - CN

  • Salesforce Scheduler - Additional Appointments (1000/month) - CN

Lightning Scheduler provides a precision scheduling experience that streamlines customer appointment booking and helps users capitalize on every expressed interest by booking appointments with the right person, at a specific time and place.

1) Book customer appointments with the right resource at the right time and at the right location to capitalize on every expressed interest and personalize customer experiences.

2) Streamline processes with scheduling embedded into standard Salesforce workflows such as leads and referrals, opportunities, and case management.

3) Gain visibility into appointments through reporting, analytics, and intelligent insights, enabling our customers to assign resources more efficiently and better address their customers' needs.


How will Scheduler be licensed? Who Needs the License?

Lightning Scheduler will be available in Enterprise and Unlimited editions only as an 'add-on' feature SKU to the following products (note that pricing is fixed across editions). Lightning Scheduler licenses (PSLs) are needed only for Users that need to be scheduled for appointments. The user must, as a pre-requisite, have one of the following user licenses:

  • Sales Cloud

  • Service Cloud

  • Sales & Service Cloud

  • Health Cloud

  • Communities (Customer Community, Login and Plus; Partner Community, Login and Plus)

    • Lightning Scheduler PSL can be assigned to a Communities user. This will allow communities users to be scheduled using Lightning Scheduler. In other words: A Community user can be scheduled as a schedule-able resource, HOWEVER a Community user can not schedule an appointment via a Community.

  • NOTE: Lightning Scheduler PSL will NOT be available as an add-on for Salesforce Platform license users.

Who needs the Lightning Scheduler license?

Lightning Scheduler licenses (PSLs) are needed only for Users that need to be scheduled for appointments. Users, who schedule on behalf of others, but do not need to be scheduled themselves (e.g. Call Center Agents, etc), do not require any additional licenses to use Lightning Scheduler.

What use cases does Lightning Scheduler serve?

Lightning Scheduler supports use cases in which the customer aligns a professional, typically at the professional's location; examples include a loan officer at a bank, a hair stylist at the salon, a doctor at a medical practice, and many others. Additionally, virtual/remote meetings are also a great fit for Lightning Scheduler's capabilities.

Technical Readiness